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Also she has an EU passport, not like she needs to go somewhere with a digital nomad visa, she could go and live and work in any EU country
Me and my fellow German Germans are already trembling with joy and excitement 🤐
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The whole ~nature gorl~ thing is so irritating. I don't think she does anything that's particularly outdoorsy and she doesn't show that much more interest in nature compared to the average person yet she makes it into an entire personality trait. I'm not trying to ~gatekeep nature~ or anything but the way she waxes lyrical about it, you'd assume she would be going on hikes and doing trips to forests/mountains/coasts beyond the city. But instead her stories are like "guys it feels so good to be back in nature" and the picture is her sitting in a manicured park in the middle of a city.

Don't get me wrong, I love parks and they have their place and sometimes it's the only green space you can get, but I find it weird when Jade talks about the importance of reconnecting with nature and the "nature" is a artificial urban park that's mostly devoid of nature anyway...
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Her latest insta post pissed me off so much I had to find her thread again. It reeks of privilege. ‘The world will wait’?? Some people have rent to pay and food to buy because they don’t have rich parents who are happy to put them up back home for free while they ‘find’ themselves again.

I submitted my grad dissertation and then started my new job two days later. I had bills to pay. I didn’t have the luxury of taking time to rest or chill or save money. Fuck off Jade.


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I can’t imagine much worse than coming home after being at work all day and then being forced to have ‘deep chats’ with Jade. That or being filmed (respectfully, ofc …) Nope, nope, nope. And then can you imagine when the family visit, and dad’s trying to shill you Juiceplus, mum’s trying to get you to do Zumba or whatever the hell it is she does, and Folk’s there offering you ‘his wood’. Dear sweet baby Jesus.
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“also the language Afrikaans is so similar to Dutch wow”

really Jade??… might as well have said “the language Italian is sooo similar to Latin wow!!” for all the linguistic expertise that gave us 😬
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Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 1.40.14 PM.png

Ah yes, I broke up with my ex and "my brother reported to me that he bumped into him crying on the street 😄 "

Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 1.43.59 PM.png

"I am still in my death phase"
Congratulations Jade, you're a victim!! I also don't understand why she also blew up moving to London to such an extent. This is from the same girl who bragged about "living in multiple countries" but now London is too big and scary for widdle Jwade? "My parents helped me move, then left, and I was alone." Yea, most of us experienced that at 18 when we went to uni lol.

Maybe if she had the traditional 9-5 job that she loves throwing under the bus, she wouldn't have all this time to stir in her feelings and blow them up so much. Hell, if I had that much free time I wouldn't know where to go except my own head.

Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 1.57.31 PM.png

But then being in her head isn't fun either (I wonder why lol, the cognitive dissonance is pretty spectacular).

God, what a casually magical mess

I swear if my ex ever uploaded and monetized content about our breakup I would be so, so disgusted. But also relieved we are separated because WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT except someone with the most questionable morals??
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Also she has an EU passport, not like she needs to go somewhere with a digital nomad visa, she could go and live and work in any EU country
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So Jades moving to Lisbon for the rest of the year and had to throw in that she knows a little bit of Portuguese from her many Brazilian friends but then acknowledges it's Brazilian Portuguese and not the same. Girl we know you can't speak the language either way 😭
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So Jade has just had "the toughest week last week" and she felt like "the roots of her life have crumbled". What happened you may ask? Her flight got delayed and she had food poisoning. That's all. There's people dying Kim.
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I hate that she tried to frame her going to coachella as the universe's plan for her.... what so the universe sends bombs to children in Gaza but sends her to Coachella? Great universe... she is so privileged and tone deaf it's crazy, hoping the universe has a really big shock in store for her one day because she sorely needs it
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Watched the whole video because I've been travelling and already finished my audiobook. Also because I'm a masochist. So here are some takeaways I remember:

- Jade hoping a "gorgeous black woman with these braids would come down and sit next to me and tell me her story, but she walked straight past me!!". Please, she probably sensed your desperation a mile away. Also, "tell me her story"? Not everyone trauma dumps all their stuff on a stranger who's just gonna appropriate it to seem more woke and politically aware. Jade also reminds me of the type to say "chocolatey skin" or "caramel skin" when describing WOC and think it's a compliment.
- She locked most of her belongings away because she's a MINIMALIST QUEEN but realized she needed an umbrella because it was raining and had an electric toothbrush that needed charing lol
- She judges a subscriber who also went on the trip because she went home early (it's supposed to be 10 days) and implies that she's "weak"
- She meditated with ants crawling all over her because it's supposed to IDK either
- She reminds us that nature is therapeutic and that curiosity is a good trait to have. In other words, water is wet.
- She was super grateful for and smiling at the people who worked there, cooked for them, cleaned for them...(anyone watch The Help or Little Fires Everywhere?). She mentions that part like we are supposed to applaud her for doing a decent, human thing.
- She talked to a woman who looked stern but found out she was actually nice!!
- She realized that she needed a job that was primarily centred around HELPING PEOPLE. I think she should help herself first, but hey ho 🤷‍♀️

It was an hour video. I think she more than enough made up for her 10 days of silence.
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She said "you realise people in Uganda and India are people like you"
I've never travelled and it didn't take me spewing thousands of tonnes of carbon to realise that. Why does she literally sound so dumb with everything she says?
The new tiktok also didn't hit the spot she thought it would 😂😂😂
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I've just caught up with Jade for the first time in months, and I cannot get my head around just how disingenuous, hypocritical and fake she really is.

To get the Portugal Digital Nomad VISA, you need to show proof of income and a bank statement with at least €36,480 (about £32,000). She wants us to genuinely believe that someone with £32k to her name can't afford the Eurostar? Yeah, it's less convenient and more expensive than flying, but air travel is arguably the biggest contributor to the climate crisis. If she cared, she'd make the sacrifice, but no let's only point the finger at the corporations because she's "nature gorl" who loves parks and offsets her flights.

Don't get me started on the Lisbon move either. Again, she's effectively saying it's not her fault, because the government have created the VISA. Know this might sound like a novel concept, but you could just, not go? Just because it's there, doesn't mean you need to use it.

I can relate to post-uni struggles. I loved my time at uni and when I left in July, leaving my friends and that part of my life behind was tough. But as soon as I moved back home, I spent everyday looking for a job so I could support myself. She acts as if she's had the toughest time when effectively all she's done is have a 2 month holiday at home, with zero financial struggles or pressures of looking for grad jobs. I wish I could have spent post-uni life meditating, taking myself on dates and uploading TikTok's.

Can't believe I used to enjoy her content. Minerva got the worse out of her. She's a tone deaf, performative activist.
Wow, thanks for checking that. She's 23 and got a visa requires you to have a €3,040 monthly salary and at least €36,480 in your bank account, and has the cheek to tell people there's nothing stopping you from getting a visa. Where's the self awareness?! People her age don't have that kind of money.
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This is why I think she’s going to end up in an MLM company or start her own. The app was a tester for what she was going to be like post uni. She’ll have something launches post Christmas I think
Is it just me or does it seem like most of the studytubers from the jade, ruby, holly, jack, etc. cohort have no real passion or goals in life besides collecting accolades?
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What a joke of a response.“Not my fault the government decided to create the digital nomad visa”, ok? So don’t use it then?
She’s an EU citizen with a dutch passport isn’t she? If she wanted to move to portugal then she could get residency there with that, that way she’d be paying the rate of tax as locals.
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I don’t feel sorry for her. Maybe that cruel of me, who knows? But the reality of the industry she is in is that people are free to comment on her content. It's not always going to be people who like her or agree with her. If you don't want strangers on the internet criticising your content, don't go into a job in content creation.
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'Slow travel' hhahah. Nothing about Jade's approach to travel strikes me as in-keeping with slow travel or living. View attachment 2530797

"I didn't realise the extent of the issue". Did Minerva not teach their students how to google or read the papers. Did none of the comments on her previous video and IG posts not sink in?

(and she absolutely has not worked hard!)
'Keen to learn how foreigners can be more mindful'...maybe listen to all the Portuguese people who expressed to you that you shouldn't be moving there because 'digital nomads' are wrecking things for them?
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Ugh I’m annoyed by her Instagram stories. She’s having a rant about how the queer running club she joined was “full of white men” and she was the only female.

Jade, you’ve come in to a safe, queer, space and jumped straight to assumptions about people. Queer spaces are for people of all genders. Simply because you went in and it didn’t meet your expectations of what it would look like. There’s no need to shit all over it.

There are many femme specific queer running clubs in London. But why not be more positive rather than making this a “pick me” moment? Share that you’ve joined a club, but it wasn’t what you were looking for, ask for recommendation or see if anyone wants to come and join you. Rather than turning this into some “I’m such a strong female for sticking with this” narrative. 🙄
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