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Chatty Member
She needs to learn to internalise her thoughts. We all have weird intrusive thoughts from time to time it seems like she acts on them and publicises them constantly which makes her look like a fucking crazy person. Like yeah I'd be interested in having a threesome one day but no one needs to know that stop put it on your fucking instagram story.
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nature GORL is at it again, casually mentioning to book flights.
1 month later - guyyys I wanna work in the climate change sector and pretend to help when all I do is makes things worse and individuals totally don't help the case, it's all about the rich BP CEO!!!
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View attachment 2719490

Poor thing finds flat hunting in London stressful and made a YouTube short about it to make people feel sorry for her.
It is stressful but she'd probably find it far less stressful if she didn't have insane standards that no flat will ever meet. My boyfriend was pretty easy going about finding a flat in London and in a week of applying to loads, he'd found one that worked for him. His only need was to be close to a tube stop on a certain line so he could get to work, not needing the flatmates to be out of their own home so he can film himself gurning and talking about how he's going to revolutionise education.
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To add to the vision board Lock Screen - some of them are fake AI images of her, look at the one on the bottom right 😭😭
I work in the education sector and I fear working with people like her. There's so many people who think they're gods gift to people when they do fuck all, meanwhile the actual hardworking and impactful people are working so hard in areas like widening participation and stuff to no recognition.
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I feel like Jade being fluent in Dutch as a child is a massive lie lol, I don't remember her ever saying that before, she's always said she regrets that she wasn't raised bilingual. I don't see how it's possible to be fluent in a language as a child and then lose it completely, especially if one of your parents is a native speaker...I think Jade might be stretching the meaning of the word fluent lol
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This is the girl who broke lockdown and travelled between countries in the middle of a pandemic to get some dick. She doesn't really do ethical as much as she pretends to.
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Chatty Member
“Been in the uk with work”
No jade, you live in the uk, you were back during an extended holiday
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Tube Girl went viral last month for dancing on London Underground trains

But of course Jade has to jump on the trend just to emphasise she lives somewhere rural and, once again, isn't like the other girls
I’m so confused at that tiktok and the whole ‘smol town gorl’ thing overall because Maidenhead is on the Elizabeth tube line and is one of the most affluent London commuter towns😭


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I love how the comments under her post call her out and Jade is like "Yes I know about all these problems!! In my new video, I'm actually talking about these concerns and now I'm moving to Lisbon anyways, hope that helps!! <3"
New member but RAN to this page to say this! How can a person claim to be concerned about these socio/economic problems, acknowledge that her actions are a direct cause of them and then go... yeah lol I'm going anyway. Please, fulfil your destiny with your back pocket full of savings while actively shitting on the hardworking people of another country who are struggling to get by. So cultured of you, Jade.
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I think it’s Method cleaning products - she showed herself dabbing ineffectually at stuff in the flat with a cloth and some Mehod spray. Method lost their eco-credentials a long time ago but they‘ve lost my custom over this one.
Oh how odd! Why would a cleaning product company be sending influencers to Coachella? I don't understand the world of influencing at all :ROFLMAO:
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I missed the part where she says ideally they would be out of the house all day so she could be alone 💀 🤣
"I want to move into your flat with you but you'll be yeeted out of your own place all day as I'm a boss bitch and need my space for casual magic"

Red flag, much?
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Also, I imagine your new housemate being a vlogger would be a hard no for most people (at least it would be for me). I couldn’t stand someone filming around the house and potentially being in the background. And even if I wasn’t in the background I still feel like someone filming the common areas and posting it online feels like an invasion of privacy!
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Her new video... just yikes.

Firstly, that call with her friend. Sounded like every phone call with Jade is like a therapy session and must exhausting for her, asking how many breakdowns she had. Also the friend kind of ego boosted Jade by saying shed 'never wish her situation on anyone'... when moving and breakups are like the most common experiences everyone has been through.
She cries an inordinate amount. I know she's all about honesty but its uncomfortable just watching her sob and look silly every 5 seconds. Her betterhelp therapist sounds useless, bc she's clearly getting worse in terms of mental health.
And lastly her sitting and 'feeling' every single change in emotion is damaging her. It's like one tiny thing will trigger a whole breakdown for her and its silly for how emotionally intelligent she claims she is. Sometimes you need to suck it up, and keep it moving. She might realise people in her life leaving or becoming distant bc its not their responsibility to deal with her erratic mood changes and sensitivity.
I know this sounds harsh but she's quote 'growing up' and becoming a professional in London, but acting so childish.
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Hey guys, I'm a long time lurker who has watched Jade since her school days. I don't like posting but I've had various frustrations watching Jade's more recent videos and really wanted to give my opinion, and I also think it might be helpful to others.

Jade does not seem mentally well at all. I've sensed it since towards the end of her final year of Minerva - her moods have seemed erratic since around that time (I swear she used to like see a sunset and then just start crying? Or at least things similar to that would occur) and they look like they're getting much worse since she graduated. I know other people in the thread have been saying the same thing, that she needs more stability and to see a proper therapist etc, but I wanted to give my take by building on my personal experience.

Like Jade, when I first started getting mood swings I would have periods where I'd want to cry with delight at the universe and how beautiful I found it all... then within a day I'd completely crash and cry tears of misery. She exhibited this exact behaviour a few videos ago in one of her London vlogs. Like Jade, I used to think it was part and parcel of being a woman and having a menstrual cycle - Jade is often talking about what stage of her cycle she is in and how that is affecting her mind and body. I erroneously thought that having severe mood swings was a normal thing to experience as your cycle occurs, and various GPs perpetuated this belief by ignoring my mentions of mood swings and passing them off as a normal PMS symptom.

However, the severity of my mood swings increased to the point where my ability to work and maintain healthy relationships was being affected. I would have very dark thoughts some hours, followed by a period of stability, followed by hours of mania where my ego would balloon (sound familiar?). I thought I was just a very emotional person and by watching influencers INCLUDING JADE, I thought if I just meditated better, or practised more mindfulness, I would be able to get a grip. And so for years I battled with debilitating mental illness, dismissing it as me just being quirky/different and blaming myself for not being able to just "be mentally healthy". It took years of seeing therapists and counsellors until one kind GP (I will always be thankful for him for saving my life) actually stopped me when I told him I was having mood swings and asked me to explain more, and he referred me to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with a form of bipolar disorder. Since then I have been taking medication that has completely transformed my life and given me so much clarity of thought.

What points am I trying to make here?
1. Of course it is never a good idea to armchair diagnose influencers through what we see on a screen, but the evidence is pointing towards Jade needing a real intervention. I don't like the girl but I wouldn't wish mental illness on her. Jade should see a GP if she is struggling with her mood.
2. Severe mood swings are not normal and I sure as hell hope she doesn't influence people into thinking it's normal. For a suspected mental illness you should see a GP or doctor, NOT just a therapist or counsellor. Therapists cannot prescribe you medication or diagnose you, and sometimes medication is what you need to get your life on track. You cannot casual magic your way through a real mental illness, whether that is bipolar, an eating disorder, anxiety, etc. You cannot always BetterHelp your way to good mental health.
3. Jade NEEDS TO STOP making videos in which she acts like a therapist. I think Jade has crossed too far over the boundary in some of her latest videos. She doesn't explicitly pretend that she is a qualified therapist, but the tone in which she speaks down to her audience, the way she advises about healing your inner child and how to take care of your feelings... she is acting like a therapist. People watching her videos could definitely be fooled into thinking that she is highly knowledgeable about mental health, but she is not. Influencers have a duty to make disclaimers that if people are suffering from real mental illness, they should be seeing a doctor. Far too often I've seen mental illness being mistaken for mental health, and have seen ideas of mindfulness and meditation being promoted without such a disclaimer. It's what caused me to suffer for years longer than I had to.

I hope by writing this post I can undo some of the damage Jade may have done by influencing her followers to "casual magic" their way to good mental health. For some people that is enough, but for many it is incorrect and potentially dangerous.

TLDR Jade should see a doctor if her mood swings are as bad as she portrays. And she and other influencers have a responsibility to tell the public that if they think they are suffering from mental illness they should see a doctor, rather simply pushing meditation, mindfulness and journalling.
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The whole “this problem has been caused by a visa created by the government, not me” just sounds like a very unconvincing excuse to try persuade others (and maybe herself) that it’s not her fault if the problem exists… girl, don’t play both sides. You know you’re part of the problem: either you care and don’t go, or go and don’t care. Coming up with these frail excuses is just silly imo
The raindrop never feels responsible for the flood.
Sick of influencers honestly.
She pretends to care about climate change and then jets off.
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