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Stans: "Ginn you have such great skin!"
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Yes, please, keep licking your dirty fingers while you talk about how you hate thick meat.
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This woman is all of us. She could probably smell Ginn from 20 feet away.
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"We don't eat indoors except when we do and we continue to sit indoors after we've finished eating to yap about our food."

Noticed they haven't showed what they've gotten for J$'s meal the last couple of vlogs. Also he was completely ignored at lunch (at least even with Stanny there, they bug him with pointless questions and fake laughter). You could tell post-ride everything was catered around Ginn to coddle her. Dim just films Ginn eating and Ginn experiencing the diabetes waffle and he lets her yap and yap and yap and yap.

Hey J$, get used to your egg donor being an emotional vacuum that sucks up all the air in the room because of her unresolved issues while you get ignored. There was basically no reason for J$ and Lyn to come to Epcot with them except that Ginn wanted her BFF there and also so she could use her to go on the ride twice.
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Chatty Member
I posted this in the Michael and Dave Kay thread, but it is equally applicable here too:

I find it so hypocritical that bloggers, who are so quick to offer "constructive criticism" to Disney are also quick to delete comments and ban people who do the same to them.

My fever dream is that Disney would ban them in the same manner they ban their critics.
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I think the ONLY reason they will not put the little guy in day care is because they are just too fucking lazy - getting up in the morning to take him, getting there ON TIME, picking him up - would interfere with sleeping, eating, edibles, eating, snacking, sleeping, eating.

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And here is the second indoor meal with Chris and Charmaine, and Tim shows them sitting there waiting at the table, waving. Charmaine is at the window AND TIM'S MOM IS LATER SEATED NEXT TO CHARMAINE. 🚩☣🚫
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carrying over from the previous thread, and i hate to ~clarify shit for the trackers but the whole jojo siwa thing was definitely just tim being his take on facetious - press photos of jojo on the ride came out and when someone asked about it, his tone/context was definitely hehe won’t it be funny if i say she ~took our spot~ which was really just a lame excuse for their not being invited in an attempt at relevant humor

edited to add: and obviously the stans fucking ate it up and took him on his word which is pathetic and hilarious
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I don’t think the issue is whether J is in daycare - I don’t think that matters much. I think the issue is that he is seemingly isolated from other children and is not learning to interact with them or develop age appropriate social skills.
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Regarding the "my sister was bitten in daycare" (for some reason I want to say it like "the dingo ate my baby")- she really wants us to believe she would remember something like that when she can't even remember her own son's date of birth or that she went on a cruise when she was a teenager, or what ports they JUST visited?

Would be funny if her sister heard about this and was like, "uh, that never happened you freaking weirdo."

Regarding punctuality (or lack of), I bet Ginn doesn't ever use the alarm function on her phone. She probably just relies on Dim to wake her up on days that require her to actually get out of bed before noon. It would be far too proactive of her to set a couple of different alarms. I remember seeing her wearing an Apple Watch in an older vlog (like circa 2016 or 2017) which surprised me, because I don't think I've seen her wear a watch at all in the last few years. Time doesn't matter when you have no responsibilities I guess.
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I think during their next live we should all keep asking about the blueberries. This would infuriate Timmy but make me so so happy. How awful are you ( we can all answer that pretty easily) when you make it a point to mention how much your son looooooves blueberries and then you don’t buy any. When my children were small fruit was so important in their diet. They are adults now and still enjoy it. So jackpot will grow up liking beige food and uncrustables because of 2 lazy selfish a holes. How this makes me mad as a parent. Please don’t have another one.
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How this dress should fit .... and Greasy Spice uber squeezed into it... I think some kind of lubricant was involved to get it on.
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It's WAY too short because it's WAY too small.
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As a former DC employee, her stories were killing me. First of all, having him kick and thrash all around like that in the reef is so rude. Lifeguards ask that you try to swim with your arms if you can, not encouraging kicking all around when you could kick a stingray or a fish. Kids will be kids of course, and some people are not skilled enough swimmers for this, but with how many times they have been there they should no better and try to show him just swimming with his arms.

Not surprising they got another #hosted there though. It costcs DC almost nothing to bring them in, give her a drink package and comp them a cabana. DC is so vile in their upper management, it makes sense they support the Trackers. Almost all of the employees themselves are so great though. And I know they hate seeing the Trackers there 😂 I heard from one of their prior cabana hosts that they are nightmares. Especially back when Tim was drinking too.

Surprised her *anxiety* hasn't stopped her from doing the Seaventure. I actually do suffer from anxiety and it took me awhile to feel comfortable enough to try it once and while it was so cool, I was definitely feeling anxious from the moment the helmet went off to when it came off. Considering she seems to have so VERY many triggers, I'm surprised she can do this 🙄

At least they put a puddle jumper on the kid, majority of lifeguard rescues are because idiot parents think their kids can handle the river and as soon as it drops off sure enough they aren't as strong of swimmers as they thought.

I’m finally watching her instastories.

Ginn: “J$, what do you think of the stingrays?”
J$: Barely even grunts in response.
Ginn fake laughs and says he said “yeah”. No he didn’t.

Then the sing-songy bitch is pretending their kid has any swimming skills. she instructs him to show off his swimming and he barely kicks. She tells him to float on his back and he doesn’t even attempt it. Yeah, great progress you’re making there, Slackers. Tick tick, you’ve only got just about half a year to meet your NYE goal of putting him in swim class! (Let’s face it they’ll never meet their goal of putting him in the other classes they mentioned while they inhaled grapes - dance classes, instruments, hanging out with other kids in play groups…). Kind of pathetic at this point to be 2 adults without jobs but able to afford concierge, who have their own pool, and the kid still hasn’t attended any swimming classes.

Dim, pull your fucking shorts up.
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She definitely needs therapy. She sounds like she's died and been revived. She's talking about this ride like she's completely utterly obsessed with it. I think she's just obsessed with finally feeling something euphoric in her life even though she pretends her life is hunky dory. The way she's talking about this ride, I've never heard her express that much emotion and feeling toward Dim or J$.
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They complain the photo package is expensive. Which is funny considering how much they paid for the whole cruise.

When did Ginn even go on Mission Breakout? (She was saying Cosmic Rewind is better). She was pregnant the time before last that they went to Disneyland, and this last time around, they barely did anything in California Adventure (stop verbally calling it "DCA" Dim).
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Jenn is so stuffed up. Good Lord. Her nose is totally plugged with snot, you can hear it so clearly..
She needs Stanny to use J$'s snot sucker on her. She can't even be bothered to blow her own nose.

Okay guyzzz, here we go with the gluttony for the day:
J$s breakfast (Dim says he's going to probably end up eating most of J$'s breakfast):
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Dim's breakfast:
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Ginn's breakfast (she already devoured half her omelet, and she sounded really proud of herself for creating her own ham and cheese croissant sandwich):
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Not gonna bother with the Remy brunch stuff, but Dim thought he sounded so fancy for bragging about the sparkling water he paid way too much money for. It's just fucking water Dim. He'd probably buy Gucci water if they sold it.

Ginn can't stop herself from being a disgusting POS and keeps doing the teeth-picking-with-her-tongue thing as usual:
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We are all Dim's mom as Ginn fake laughs her way through her champagne guzzling while totally not listening to the sommelier as he explains her drinks because she can't be bothered to listen to someone with an accent:
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Then they had ice cream after brunch.

At dinner Ginn says, "we will eat less food tomorrow." Sure, Ginn.

Ginn enjoying her escargot (one of her three appetizers):
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J$ stole asparagus from Ginn's plate (see, give the kid veggies you assholes!!!!!)

Ginn has to finger Dim's dad's plate to show off his plate. Get your nasty fingers off his plate you bitch.

Of course the bitch has to get dessert so her lard bags can continue expanding (and she makes sure to point out J$ took her chocolate):
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GET A FUCKING NEW DRESS ALREADY. It's disgusting. Poor Dim's dad, having to sit next to her. She looks 6 months pregnant with all the food she's jammed down her face this day.
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I'm actually a little happy to know there are so many people who have lost a parent here. I say this because I also lost my mother, suddenly, at 21. Our world dropped out from under us. She didn't see me married or have children, she only saw me get one of my degrees...and in my personal life most still have those support systems intact. So, I definitely commiserate.

And no, I won't be uploading about it. 🙄
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Lmao. So Dim's parents bought a Groupon to go to Ireland while they were engaged and since it was supposed to be a family trip they just decided to get married there??? This has to be a joke.
Lol you think thats a joke. These are the morons that actually got married at Universal studios but showed up without a plan and thought they were going to be married on the hulk coaster. After being told they couldn't do that and being denied their first 3 or 4 spots they finally ended up just getting married on the bridge to hogwarts. It was later they got married again on that trip with his parents.
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The damage they are doing to the Buddy is insane. This is my theory on why they wont send him to a daycare/preschool/playgroup/etc:
1. They’d have to be ON TIME…something that is clearly too hard for them.
2. They wouldn’t be able to get the money shots if they went and filmed while he was at a school.
3. They wouldn’t be able to film inside the school due to privacy.
4. Jenn would have some fake anxiety induced meltdown about being away from him. And she might have to sit in the front seat.
5. Tim is too controlling and wouldn’t tolerate someone else making a decision.
6. They absolutely do not want to hear that the miracle child is lagging behind on so many levels.
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