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Active member
Just seen Michelle’s latest purchase. (No offence to anyone that has one) but an overpriced tote bag. Unless it’s fake those things cost near on a grand. What is a unemployed women living in a council house doing spending that much on a handbag.
I’m sorry but I don’t get it?? That would have
cost her atleast 2 months worth of pip.
If they can afford all the things they buy (aka money on the side) then they shouldn’t be in affordable housing and need reporting.
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Chatty Member
The gofundme hasn’t gained anything more for a good day or so now. Time to knock the begging on the head and be thankful for what they’ve received now. It’s disturbing how much she’s pushing it. Surely 2 weeks down the line the funeral should be arranged and pretty much ready to go ahead by now? Time to lay him to rest now and think of the children who are having to deal with seeing these disturbing images put out there for anyone and everyone to see. No one needs to see him on his death bed or after death like she’s doing. There isn’t even a trigger warning! You’d understand if she was doing it to raise some kind of awareness but it’s for her own greed to try and get sympathy and more money in the pot.
The photos have haunted me . I wish I hadn't of looked at them tbh.
The kids are going to have PTSD from this . I can't get the image out of my head and he doesn't mean anything to me.
All because she wants more money I will never be convinced otherwise!
Is she for real🙄


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Tilly Kister

VIP Member
That 19000 is probably the price without flights!! Hotel at Disney..park tix and dining plan for 10 would come to that before flights..which would add another 5 grand at the very least!.. never mind spending money. Does Sarah realise that even with dining plan you have to leave 18 percent tip on every table service meal? For 10 people that is seriously not cheap!
If I had £19,000 to spend on a holiday the last place in the frigging world I'd go to is bloody Disneyland.

You could take your kids to see the pyramids, you could show them Pompeii, they could see every actual castle in Europe. They could travel through the US seeing the Grand Canyon, the Rockies, the glories of New England.

But no drag them to a theme park filled with plastic replicas to queue for hours for a Harry Potter ride in a place which is infamous for underpaying & overworking their staff. So they demand that the guests who've already shelled out thousands can supplement the incomes of those exploited workers by compulsory and frankly excessive tipping.

No thanks.
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Everything is always someone else’s fault
I think we could all see Dave wasn’t a healthy bloke at all. Not saying “oh that’s all right then” but seriously, his lifestyle probably didn’t help. So agree with you, people like this always blame others instead of thinking what they can take responsibility for.
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People are clearly asking about the funeral because she keeps sharing that go fund me to pay for it ?! What does she expect !
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I dont think hes taking advantage at all. Its pure respect when staying in someone elses property tp clean and put away after yourself. Plus with all those children im sure they did nose bag at his private belongings. Instead of once again running to social media sort it privately. No excuse to leave it even if it was only little bit untidy. Why should someone come in cleaning up because they cant be bothered. Once again using dave as an excuse . Sarah dave has passed you went away to grieve i get that but not excuse for not tidying up. Come on.
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She has put a post on her FB that she has been stopped by police for having no MOT.
But she told the police the car was fixed and collected last night and the car was being MOT'd today. 🤷‍♀️
She was so rude on the post ! So entitled just because you chose to have a brood of kids doesn’t mean you should be treated specially. Just bury your husband and F off!!
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Tilly Kister

VIP Member
All forms of sympathy & copmpassion I had for this bitch are gone. You were all correct when you said she was repugnant.

This vlog title - "Our Adventure Grieving on Blackpool Peri" could have been a skit on Not the Nine O'Clock News ffs.

Pier you halfwit- for a fkn start!!

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Chatty Member
I know exactly what you mean. I've tried to navigate this whole debacle very carefully, so as not to see things that I can't unsee, which definitely should come with a warning and spoilers IMHO. Like you, I am not personally connected to this man at all but I have one of those minds that retains disturbing images and replays them, so it bothers me. I cannot imagine how this man's poor children will manage with this being thrust upon them, to be replayed in their minds forevermore.

My Mum died unexpectedly and suddenly, many years ago (at a similar age to Dave R). All of my adult life I have struggled with the idea that I might've coped with the bereavement better if I had seen my Mum after she had passed away.

The last time any of her children saw her she was gravely ill in hospital. We weren't asked if we wanted to visit her after she'd died. It wasn't ever mentioned. At the time I was young, naive and completely in shock and it didn't really occur to me that that might even be a thing.

As I've got older, I've grappled with the idea that seeing her body might've helped with accepting the situation, giving some closure by seeing for myself that she really was gone, not least of all because it happened so suddenly.

Whenever I think of my Mum though, straight away my mind goes to her lying in ICU. Before I remember her as she was, when vibrant and so full of life, my mind pictures how she looked near the end, in a coma, hooked up to machines. This is the reason that I now feel fortunate that I never saw her after she died, because I just know for sure that those memories would forever haunt me.

On a personal note, if one positive thing has come out of this awful situation with the R Family, it's the sensible discussion it's prompted here. I'm grateful to my fellow Tattlers for sharing their own personal opinions and experiences on this subject (here and on the Ingham Family thread) which has unexpectedly helped me to overcome my own feelings of regret.

For so long I resented the fact that I wasn't really given the opportunity (to see my mum) but I now know that it would've done me more harm than good and I've finally come to terms with that decision being made for me. In my family's case though, it would've been a completely respectful and dignified affair, shortly after death, but even so, it still wouldn't have been right for me to see. I understand that everyone is different but I think it's potentially more problematic (emotionally) to see what you can't later unsee, rather than to not see it at all in the first place.

I just can't comprehend how the Ravenscrofts are being allowed to carry on as they are. As time rolls on, it just gets more and more grotesque. Regardless of anyone's opinions about whether or not children should see their loved ones after death, as a general rule, this case here is just shockingly over the top and extreme. I find it very disturbing.
I watched my dad take his final breath and I almost watched his soul leave his body.
What was left was just a shell and I chose not to see him in the funeral home.
I get comfort and feel close to him knowing I am a good person that he brought up and I can see him in my own eyes and that of my children.
Always remember them as they were healthy vibrant and happy xxx♥😊
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Rosie Tatler

VIP Member
I bugs me when people are begging for funeral costs - no life insurance / bring a relative back home from a foreign holiday - no travel insurance / house on fire no house insurance

That is what insurance is for it is a basic adulting cost of life , they be wailing and moaning about their lot with two full sleeves of tattoos and designer gear on . I have no problem with anyone having that kind of stuff after you have provided properly for yourself and your family

You just know theres going to be balloons , massive fireworks and sky lanterns at the funeral , doing their bit for nature and livestock!
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Chatty Member
I'd be inclined to agree with you there! Actually so would he probably, hence giving himself the "Angry Manc" nickname.

I've seen/heard bits and pieces of them over the years, mainly due to them being associated with the Inghams. I've never been a fan but obviously wouldn't wish any of this on the family and Dave certainly doesn't deserve such an undignified end to his life.

This whole macabre circus situation is so fucked up. I'm just glad that other people feel the same way because, in today's world, social media has a lot to answer for and the thought of this kind of stuff being accepted as normal or OK is beyond depressing.

This is exactly why I needed to start a thread . I needed to know that this is not normal behaviour.
I imagine their are family members and friends thinking the same as well .
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Never heard of this channel before but those photos are awful, especially if he had taken a step back from social media and now she’s plastering his dead body everywhere? Really horrible. I feel very sorry for the little kids involved.
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If they had stayed with a reputable company they would have had to many occupants
What owner leaves food in the fridge and contents under the bed when they are hiring out caravan
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Well-known member
I have only just come across this family from the ingham threads. From what I gather the mum has endured serious childhood abuse. This imo would lead her to have a higher propensity to compartmentalise her grief from the shock of losing a partner so young, and unexpectedly, to literally giving birth days later. Her hormones will be all over the place, she has a big family and having to plan a funeral would affect anyone. She has not yet accepted Dave is dead and is never coming back, I feel so sad for her.

I find it very unhealthy that she is hanging on to Daves corpse for views, it's totally fucked up and she needs help, seriously needs it. Her family around her seem emotionally unintelligent and young , her older daughter seems to be at the helm. The Disney stuff is her happy place, she can wish herself there and in her mind Dave is still there with her. The reality is going to hit once she either manages to go there without Dave (obvs) or she is financially unable to make it happen.

Personally, I think it's a bad idea for her to go to Disney until she has processed her loss, dealt with the financial aspects of her family, claiming the benefits she is entitled to, such as widows benefit etc.

I can see a future for her, she is quite a tough cookie imo. I wish she would stop this pipe dream of Dave and hers to be like the Inghams.
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