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I still say her taking photos of the paramedics working on Dave is weird, the hospital must think so to, it’s like she was doing it so she could accuse them of doing something wrong, your husband is lying on your living room floor fighting for his life surrounded by his kids and you are stood at the back taking photos, something very very off about that
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Chatty Member
Same thing happened to Dave’s brother a year ago apparently and he survived because he got to the hospital quicker. She Wants to find out if he would’ve survived if the ambulance had got to him sooner. She’s posted on YT about it.
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In her latest vlog she writes on there about all the money trouble they went through.
Of course they did, they had way too many children, neither of them had proper jobs and they prioritised home decor and Botox.
I swear these ‘struggling’ families spend more money on home decor and beauty treatments in one year then I’ve spent in the last 10 years on the same things.
Maybe if they’d cut down on those things they could have done the things she’s trying to do now (with the go fund me) when Dave was actually alive.
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Who in their right mind is going to donate to a GFM for a funeral when the dead man's wife is off having botox and going on multiple holidays, does she think everyone is as stupid as her? I'd be asking for money back if I donated and seen that nonsense.
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The family seem very chaotic. I was shocked to hear Dave had died.
I think there is an older daughter who Sarah cut out of her life possibly Chelsea 🤔 it’s all in their vlogs. Her sister was abused by their father and had a baby the boy very sadly died from leukaemia he wasn’t very old maybe ten at the most. Her sister had a couple of her children taken into foster care at birth and Sarah was helping her to get them back but I don’t think she speaks to the sister now it was possibly drugs related.
They seem to move house a lot and fall out with landlords. It didn’t seem like either of them had a proper job (not one that would fund 10 or 11 kids anyway) he had a studio where he 3d printed things from Star Wars and she used to do baby photoshoots and sell baby tutus online.
The photos of Dave in the bed etc are incredibly strange. She had shared the go fund me so many times it was set up before he even passed away.
There is probably so much more that I can’t remember at the moment but I’ve wanted there to be a thread for so long ! So thank you
Sounds like “dysfunctional” doesn’t even come close with that lot!
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Is it just me that wouldn't even contemplate the idea of going away if my husband had died and was yet to have a funeral
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Telly Fanatic

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Why on earth is it the ambulance folks fault he had a bleed in the brain..

Dave was bloated out, he certainly didn't look in the best of shape.
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Dave in his coffin with the kids looking at him, you can see all of him, I’ve never seen anybody post photos like this
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They are off to Blackpool again, what the F is going on, it can only be the go fund money she is spending and she is really splashing out, I’d be fuming if I’d donated for the funeral then see her on video with all her purchases and holidays, the Botox and hair extensions are beyond shocking, I’d have thought nothing would have been seen of this family until at least Dave had had his funeral, quietly getting on with their mourning in private, WTF it couldn’t be more opposite
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I can understand why Sarah is doing this..planning Disney puts her in a dream world and stops her thinking about her reality..she wants hope and a dream ..but it's delusional now..and not fair to have those kids thinking they are going
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I thought the funeral was about April 19th? That's when she was asking for buffet recommendations and around that time was asking for black clothes/shoes for a kid?
I think it must have gone ahead then…but how long can she keep avoiding talking about it?!

Someone book Sheridan Smith, there’s going to be a Channel 5 drama made about this
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Chatty Member
Jump leads? Go to Halfords or look on Amazon. Seriously, not everything has to be begged for.
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
When is the poor man going to be laid to rest.
are they waiting for go fund me to reach 10k.
that isn’t going to happen
I read in another thread where a scrounger started a GFM for IVF with her unemployed boyfriend (Fayjay), and the GFM don't release the money until you hit your target amount.

This is like a real life horror film with all these pics...she's sick in the head sharing them for likes,

why do strangers need to see dead Dave
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Same thing happened to Dave’s brother a year ago apparently and he survived because he got to the hospital quicker. She Wants to find out if he would’ve survived if the ambulance had got to him sooner. She’s posted on YT about it.
His brother had the same thing ! And they still didn’t take out life insurance for their 10 children? Absolutely bonkers!
Hope she takes some out on herself now because her breathing is terrible she needs to get that checked out asap
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It's beyond charity fraud at this point. If she really has concealed the funeral so she can push the go fund me more for money for tat and holidays..that is truly shocking. She doesn't even mention the funeral anymore..I think she had it weeks ago and no one attended..she got the cheap funded (free) cremation that no-one can attend. For all we know the kids might not even be aware.
Speaking of those always found this odd. Mrs R (not Sarah) stated on a live stream on 20th April that they have had the funeral already. Maybe just assuming but seemed specific
Plus their son posted asking for shoes and a tie on 13th April. I’m sure they’ve already had it


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