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There’s a pic of his hands in the coffin and you can see the decay in his nails. I’m sorry for her loss but this is too much. This is private for the family to see only. When my dad died I chose not to see him as I needed to remember him as he was. I know everyone is different but to take pics is on another level.
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message to sarah..

you had a go fund Me made up to cover Daves funeral costs, went on beg for baby stuff , but your quite happy to say your going on a 10 day holiday to wales in july, florida October, butlins december ( although you mucked it up you had money to pay) and Disney land Paris January. Where's all this money coming from? Don't have money for car repairs, or baby bits or a funeral but have endless monet for holidays. I'd say your taking piss.... stop asking for money if you have money yourself.
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Every picture and video she is posting is to promote the go fund me and increase traffic to her page.

I have never seen anyone share a go fund me that was made for them to help with a funeral more than once if at all.

My relative requested that no one came to see him in a funeral home as he wanted to be remembered as they last saw him.

I wasn't a fan of Dave but this poor bloke has no say in what happens after his death. He has been robbed of his dignity .

It's absolutely unhinged isn't it . There should be a law to prevent people from filming people who are unconscious and recieving treatment.

She has shared the go fund me 9 times so far . Hash tagging it all sorts .
All about money . She has more than enough for a funeral .
All the hashtags on her posts is another thing 🤯. Things like "alifewithoutdaddy" etc. surely hashtags are just to attract more followers 🤯
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Shazza D

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This vlog is worth a watch to see what Sarah is View attachment 2934657like, who would rant on the internet like this about their child
I actually cried tears for this woman, to lose her husband and then have to give birth, she’s lost every ounce of sympathy from me, and the fact she’s pally again with Sarah ingham again says it all! Chavs liking chavs! That man should have been laid to rest weeks ago, but she’s spinning it out to see what she can get, nasty woman and i feel for those poor kids
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She's definitely hoping to go to Orlando off the back of all this. The giveaway to me is that Sarah's the one promoting the GFM when usually it's just friends or family. I don't doubt she's grieving but I don't think that precludes her from trying to profit off the situation.
The go fund me went up for the funeral before Dave died.
That tells you Orlando was in the plan.
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That photo is beyond words. Even with embalming putting a baby on a 2 week old body isn’t the best infection wise let alone anything else.
I wasn’t 23 months when dad died my brother 3 1/2 and baby born 2 weeks after. Mum made sure we grew up with pictures of dad on the walls - wedding, christening, holiday - (she didn’t take any down) so we knew who our dad was and that he loved us and watching from heaven. Yes we missed him especially at key milestones but excepted it. No way even if my brother had been born before the funeral would mum of got photos together. mum didn’t move onto another man. Mum knew my brother was the last (originally plan was for 4 if possible) so she had the most of our family. 2 months after dad died mum had difficult decisions but only decision to go and stay in hospital with my younger bro whilst he battled for his life after respiratory arrest for 2 months. We stayed with grandparents with cousins visiting but we’re taken to see mum especially as he improved. When we saw her we were the focus my grandma or nurse took over my brother. We grew up close especially my older bro and I. When he was home the love was shared.
The kids old enough to understand need love and support. School gives structure and support but they need their mum it’s shouldn’t all be baby and dead dad. The sooner the funeral can happen the better then hopefully Sarah starts parenting all the younger kids and supporting the slightly older.
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Referring to his "parts" and making him complete makes him sound like a jigsaw puzzle or like refurbishing an old car.

I appreciate the practicalities of the situation but I just don't know how she can talk about him like that. If it was my loved one, I certainly wouldn't be elaborating on such details like that.

The poor kids don't need to know about that stuff. It'll already be distressing enough for them to think about what is happening to his body (and they definitely will think about it 😔) and what the PM actually entails, without her openly discussing it on social media as well.

The whole thing is just ghastly.
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Betty Bujo

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I hope that all these other vlogging channels who may (to be fair, they're probably not) be questioning Sarah's choices, think about consent within their families. Just like a two year old shitting his pants (on a kitchen island, thinking of you Inghams) on a vlog, a dead Dave can't consent to his intimate, vulnerable moments being used for content. They put it online with one click and it's there, forever - dead or alive. I noticed that Dave over the last few years appeared in very little social media, which must've, quite rightly, have been his choice. Yet now, when he has no say, he's plastered all over it. It's very Black Mirror.
Black Mirror! That's a fantastic observation, it's exactly what it's like. She has become so far removed from reality that this is normal behaviour to her.
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bit ironic really. He put his kids online without their consent and now it’s happened to him
Very ironic.

I guess this is probably another one of those situations where legislation hasn't kept up with social media habits in this digital age - the way our lives play out online with so much being shared with the world.

Are the boundaries of decency really shifting or are people just getting away with things because they're going unchallenged? Presumably a newspaper or news media channel wouldn't dream of publishing these images so why do these online SM platforms allow it?
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how would Dave have felt about being shared online dead, like a prize clown, for likes
He would absolutely hate it . Also if he saw behaviour like this he would have called it out.
I'm sorry but she is absolutely doing this to boost the go fund me. Doing it for sympathy . Absolutely disgusting . What an actual scumbag .
Do what you wanna do in private but give the poor bloke some fucking dignity.
Poor kids man .
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I know exactly what you mean. I've tried to navigate this whole debacle very carefully, so as not to see things that I can't unsee, which definitely should come with a warning and spoilers IMHO. Like you, I am not personally connected to this man at all but I have one of those minds that retains disturbing images and replays them, so it bothers me. I cannot imagine how this man's poor children will manage with this being thrust upon them, to be replayed in their minds forevermore.

My Mum died unexpectedly and suddenly, many years ago (at a similar age to Dave R). All of my adult life I have struggled with the idea that I might've coped with the bereavement better if I had seen my Mum after she had passed away.

The last time any of her children saw her she was gravely ill in hospital. We weren't asked if we wanted to visit her after she'd died. It wasn't ever mentioned. At the time I was young, naive and completely in shock and it didn't really occur to me that that might even be a thing.

As I've got older, I've grappled with the idea that seeing her body might've helped with accepting the situation, giving some closure by seeing for myself that she really was gone, not least of all because it happened so suddenly.

Whenever I think of my Mum though, straight away my mind goes to her lying in ICU. Before I remember her as she was, when vibrant and so full of life, my mind pictures how she looked near the end, in a coma, hooked up to machines. This is the reason that I now feel fortunate that I never saw her after she died, because I just know for sure that those memories would forever haunt me.

On a personal note, if one positive thing has come out of this awful situation with the R Family, it's the sensible discussion it's prompted here. I'm grateful to my fellow Tattlers for sharing their own personal opinions and experiences on this subject (here and on the Ingham Family thread) which has unexpectedly helped me to overcome my own feelings of regret.

For so long I resented the fact that I wasn't really given the opportunity (to see my mum) but I now know that it would've done me more harm than good and I've finally come to terms with that decision being made for me. In my family's case though, it would've been a completely respectful and dignified affair, shortly after death, but even so, it still wouldn't have been right for me to see. I understand that everyone is different but I think it's potentially more problematic (emotionally) to see what you can't later unsee, rather than to not see it at all in the first place.

I just can't comprehend how the Ravenscrofts are being allowed to carry on as they are. As time rolls on, it just gets more and more grotesque. Regardless of anyone's opinions about whether or not children should see their loved ones after death, as a general rule, this case here is just shockingly over the top and extreme. I find it very disturbing.
I lost my dad years ago at the end of my teens. I still remember the day when I went in to see him in the funeral home. I ran out in hysterics saying that wasn’t him - was a very weird thing that his hair had been combed over the wrong way and I think that triggered some shock. I went back in and we sorted that and it looked more like him and I relaxed. Not once could I touch him though but I touched his suit we had him dressed in and that was enough for me. I’m glad I got to say goodbye, due to the circumstances of his death I had last seen him the morning of his death when I’d left to go to work that morning so I needed to say goodbye. It’s such an individual thing though - I wouldn’t want my children to witness that sort of thing though because it really does stay with you forever. Not once did any one of us want to take any photos though, I couldn’t think of anything more intrusive than that.
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I maybe very wrong and I apologise if I am. I've just watched michelle Rees live about sarah, I've never seen her before and I don't want to watch her again but I actually think she could be genuinely right that she didn't request to follow and Sarah is out to get as much attention as possible. I think sarah has alot to deal with and has lost the plot. Even if michelle did request all sarah had to do was ignore and block. How does she find time to grieve, look after so many children and be on social media the amount she is. She mentioned sarah ingham blocking sarah R did sarah really reach out and then block her. All these women need to get a life away from social media. I couldn't imagine having bitch fights over YouTube. Sad
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She didn’t clean up after herself and left litter.

Fair enough really - she’s swearing at him in messages and threatening him as a you tuber so embrassing 🥴
Hasn't she got video evidence of how clean she left the caravan? She seems to film everything else including her husbands death and then his adorned corpse.
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