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New member
It’s one thing Sarah posting this stuff, no one can understand what she is going through but does she not have parents or other family looking out for her and also Dave’s family telling her it’s not appropriate to be posting the photos?
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It definitely makes you think about why she took that photo of the paramedics working on Dave, nobody does that
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It’s the fact she’s trying to make out that they’re charging a bereaved woman to take the dead persons flight seat off when they’re not… they’re having to change it to another adult place as what they have booked needs two adults. Unfortunate, but not like what she is describing
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It’s very disturbing the need to share him publicly like she is. No one needs to see him like that except for the family in private. How can she think that’s acceptable to share such personal photos like she is especially when it involves her children. The photo of the baby led on him wasn’t very nice & this one is no better.

I hope that all these other vlogging channels who may (to be fair, they're probably not) be questioning Sarah's choices, think about consent within their families. Just like a two year old shitting his pants (on a kitchen island, thinking of you Inghams) on a vlog, a dead Dave can't consent to his intimate, vulnerable moments being used for content. They put it online with one click and it's there, forever - dead or alive. I noticed that Dave over the last few years appeared in very little social media, which must've, quite rightly, have been his choice. Yet now, when he has no say, he's plastered all over it. It's very Black Mirror.
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Now that she has realised she can't afford Orlando she has lots of spare go fund me cash to spend. I doubt that money was ever going to the funeral. Dave's probably going to have a pauper funeral on the quiet. If he hasn't already.
She keeps justifying things by saying oh Dave really wanted me to buy a new fridge..hoover..freezer..pram..this top for venellope. Iam starting to think she is a bit of a storyteller.
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I think it's a bit more than a distraction. I foresee a massive breakdown.
I thought this too. I think that her behaviour might change a bit after the funeral, with that being a catalyst and the enormity of the situation hits her and it all becomes real. I think that she is trying to function by being practical and is obviously focusing on money and material things rather than dealing with emotions.
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Chatty Member
I think she comes across as greedy as 5k is more than enough for a funeral.
The fact that they are quibbling about paying for a buffet tells me this.monwy isnt being spent on a funeral.
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Imagine fabricating stories to demand a post mortem so she can potentially go for compo! Leave it be Sarah I’m sure all was done that possibly could have been! If you love dead dave as much as you profess 20x a day then lay him to rest, let the kids have closure, this is borderline cruelty now!
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From that email they have booked a and hotel. They will have paid a small deposit.. possibly only 200 pounds. And then have to pay circa 10 grand by 8 weeks before..and that's without the 7 grand tickets would cost for the parks.
They won't go..they just keep changing this booking every yr to keep the dream alive
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Betty Bujo

Chatty Member
Jeeezus fkin wept! A vlog already? Sarah is in denial! She has to be. No way would I be that upbeat.
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Oh god there is another picture on FB - I’m sure I can see a Father Christmas on him so be prepared for vlogmas……. Fucking hell what ever next - I lived through loss at 45 and not once did I pick up a camera/phone and not once did I drape stuff all over him
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i cannot understand a family of that size not having life insurance.
Indeed. Everyone should have insurance in place, to lessen the burden on loved ones. Unfortunately death is inevitable and incurs expense.

What happened to this family should serve as a lesson to all, although I get the impression that many people seem to expect others to bail them out rather than doing their best to help themselves first.

I probably sound very judgemental. I honestly don't begrudge crowdfunding for those who really need it, in exceptional circumstances, but the thought of people abusing and exploiting the charity of others (especially the kindness of strangers) really grates on me.

Generally-speaking I see so many Gofundme requests for funeral costs - seems to be quite the done thing these days. As a result, I'm guessing that less people are making donations to registered charities (in memory of those who've died), if they've already contributed to the funeral costs.

Maybe it's a cultural thing but I just don't get the whole thing about giving someone "the send off they deserve", if it means that the loved ones left behind will be left crippled by the expense (or as in this case, if it means getting others to pay for it). I just don't see the correlation between the size or level of 'elaborateness' of a funeral and how that reflects on the person who died and how well they were thought of or how respectful their family is etc. I just don't get it.

I certainly don't want any fancy bells and whistles and couldn't think of anything worse than leaving my loved ones with the financial stress of it all.
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I can't help but feel that letting go of the Disney dream is going to be a part of grieving for Dave for both her and the kids and will probably take time. I don't think she's some evil grifter looking to defraud GoFundMe for Botox and Disney, but possibly just misguided to plan a trip they couldn't afford anyway and now she can't disappoint all those kids at an awful point in their lives.

Family vloggers deserve the harshest judgement but I find her videos particularly uncomfortable. None of this stuff should be on the internet. It's such a vulnerable time for the whole family, particularly her being 3 months post-partum, and it's just a horror show.
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I didn't watch many of their vlogs but from what I have seen, they tried to live in a dream world where they didn't have to work but could plan all the holidays they wanted and talk about living wherever they wanted whilst renting and having more children that they didn't have space or money for.

They weren't making much from youtube or social media and the begging for money has reflected that low view count because they didn't have many fans that would donate to start with. They weren't making much money from anything else either.

Now she's still all about the short term gains with go fund me, selling off stuff, compensation. Just to fund another holiday and be back where she started.
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I just did a price check on a Disney holiday..I picked Feb next yr as a cheaper time. For 2 adults and 7 being 2 and one an infant. It comes to £23000 for two weeks hotel ..park tickets. Of course this wasnt the value hotels as can't seem to get a price for them . Tbh I don't think 9 of them will fit into 2 Disney rooms at the values..I think they would need 3 rooms. The price I got was for a 2 bed villa at Saratoga springs..a Disney resort. This sleeps exactly 9.
Oh ok they would fit into 2 value rooms as one child under 3 can not count towards occupancy.
Just managed a price for a value resort. Art of animation.
9 of them in 2 rooms tickets. £16800. That's without any food or spends which would set them back at the very least another 2 grand for 9 of them..more like 4 grand if eating in Disney parks.
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Well-known member
Still going 🙄. No one has donated since 4 days ago. Surely that’s a sign to even the dumbest people that it’s ran it’s time and to close it down and be thankful for what they’ve already been given??


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Just watched her vlog.People who donated are going to be asking when the funeral is.One min she’s moaning about no money but then she’s out having Botox etc.People are going to question her about it.I don’t believe for a min she’s not touched the money in the go fund me.And she’s still leaving it up and asking people to share it.She needs to be happy on what’s been donated and thank people and take it down now.
It’s actually quite shocking what’s been going on, she’s been spend happy for weeks, having holidays & Botox, who does that waiting on a funeral, it’s very hard to believe that funeral hasn’t happened, definitely something fishy going on somewhere
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