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They slept in that van last night 😡 we are in the South & woke up to snow & below freezing temps - they have a home & even a caravan which is properly insulated & much better for this weather but instead he wanted to take his death trap toy on a trip. I love when Sarah captions something because usually she’s trying to justify something! They’ll be expecting people to watch these vlogs where they are choosing to put themselves in this situation when there are lots of people who are having to live like that without adequate heating etc through no fault of their own. It takes the piss big time & dread to think what else is coming up over the next fortnight because this won’t be the only trip they make.

This must have popped up on hers as well because she’s only gone & added several product pics to her stories with (I’m guessing) their affiliate links!

Just when you think they cannot stoop any lower - this morning she’s posting offering to help some people out then in the same day trying to line their own pockets further 😡
Couldn’t agree more. That poor kid is bundled up under blankets with what looks like an outside coat on. Who puts their toddler through that when they have a lovely warm bed in a house? Selfish bastards, that’s who
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Lets see what Ponce and Princess Delonge have been up to today. No PR consultant would allow their client to post a thumbnail like that. It screams 'my final days before heading to prison'. I bet their air bnb house was warm and cosy, not a cold empty shell like the manor.

The Inghams are up and out early this morning because the family that owns it have recommended they do a few things in the local area such as a walk on the local beach and there is a cafe that serves breakfast until 10:30am. Of course. They’d only get up early to stuff their faces. Lazy has found a green hair clip to match her green jumper and says she just needs lights now.

Lazy welcomes us to Mawgan Porth Beach. The sand is covered in ice but the kids are still running around on it. They just watched a group of 6-8 adults surfing in the water in this weather. It will be good for their minds, bodies and souls. She screeches at Jace to tells him not to go in the water. Lazy cannot imagine surfing. Creepstopher and Isabelle are deciding which house to buy. They argue with Lazy whether the houses in the distance are one house or not. Jace finds a clue aka a dog paw print. He thinks it’s from a monster. He rules out dog and decides to follow the prints. Screeching as he finds another print. Lazy says it may be a sea monster. A dog comes over and Esme strokes it. Lazy tells us Jace has found more “shushpicious” prints, this time of boots.

Mila wants to go for a swim. Creepstopher is holding her. He then takes the camera and tells us this is one of the nicest beaches he’s ever seen. The cliffs are dramatic and he loves dramatic cliff action. He forgot to bring his drone. The water is too active to cross over and explore the caves.

Lazy cannot see herself in the viewfinder as it is so sunny. Isabelle and Esme have been having a discussion, Lazy is on Isabelle’s side and is sure 99.9% of people watching will be too. They’ve been talking about the way to wear tights and socks. Isabelle would put the tights on then socks. Esme would put her tights on top of the socks in case they fall down. Arguing and screeching. Lazy shows us the cute cafes, restaurants and pubs. There is slush on the path.

Creepstopher and the girls have gone to wash their hands. Lazy feels like she has scammed the restaurant. Their clock says 10am but it’s 10:45am and they only serve breakfast until 10:30am. She whispers so she doesn’t risk losing her precious cooked breakfast. She asks for a high chair. Lazy double checks what time they serve breakfast until and is told 11:30am as it’s the weekend. She tells them about the clock. Mila is scared by a barking dog.

Shot of the coffees. Lazy loves the coffee biscuits but Mila took hers so she’s having Creepstopher’s. He tries to protest but quickly backs down. Esme wonders what the thing on her plate is and Lazy informs her it’s a biscuit. Jace is upset he doesn’t get a coffee. Shot of the breakfast. Time to head back to the house. They have a late checkout because Lazy hates getting up and rushing out. They have washed all the clothes they have worn to save on carrying dirty clothes. They have washed the pram hoods as well. They sure are taking advantage of that free electricity. I bet those hoods haven’t been washed since they bought the pram.

The Ingham are at the house. It’s been a busy couple of hours and is 1:05pm. Lazy has washed her hair and doesn’t think she’s done her parting right. Lazy checks that every room is clear. Esme and Isla’s isn’t. They got new black fluffy socks from Primark and there is black fluff all over the carpet. It does not want to be hoovered up. Creepstopher wants a shark hoover at home. Time to say goodbye to the beautiful air bnb. It’s 3:30pm and I’m sure they’ve outstayed their welcome way past late checkout.

There is a big journey ahead. Driving footage. Lazy cackles at the petrol price as Creepstopher tops up. It stops at 72 litres and £131. He says he hates England. More driving.

After battling through thick fog the Inghams have parked up. It went down to -3° and the 5 and a half hour journey took them 9 hours. Although they did stop to go to the shops and a services. So it must be half midnight at least. The plan was to get there and bunk down as they have to be up early. What they’re doing is mega. It’s raining snow outside so they might wake up buried. Quick shot of the weather station. Creepstopher will put the diesel heater on low and get lots of Tat and Me blankets out. It’s going to be very cosy and fun winter van life. They’re up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and it will be insane.

End of vlog


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Creepstopher asks what on Earth has happened in the living room overnight. Snowbelle shitpants and Snowflake Snarkable are hanging by the feet from the light shade in the living room and tinsel is dangling from it too and attached to a gonk. Creepstopher can’t do an American accent. Lazy has given him her illness. He has managed to re-pierce his nose himself. It fell out a couple of days ago and he couldn’t get it back in. His eyes watered but he didn’t cry.

Jace is screeching. Lazy asks Mila if she wants to play in the garden. Jace holds Mila’s hand and they step into the garden together. They’re burning off energy. Close up of Mila’s shoes. Jace kicks a football to her. A cat walks along the garden fence and Lazy asks Jace what animal it is. Lazy explains to him they balance with their tail. Mila takes the ball to Jace.

Mila walks around the house eating a nectarine. Lazy tells her she needs to go and get in the van. Jace is taking the football with him to play with it on the beach. He asks if it will be a sand or pebble beach. She says it’s sand. Lazy wanted to watch movies all day but that wouldn’t be good vlog content. She got earmuffs from Primark yesterday and she hasn’t had them since she was 10. They have booked tickets to the Eden Pr-oh-ject. They didn’t get around to it last time and now there’s a Christmas experience. They’ve booked ice skating too. They’re doing it tomorrow. They’re off to Newquay town, 20 minutes away.

Cackling at road closures. Driving. Lazy tells us every corner they turn has a pretty cove. Creepstopher wants to move to Cornwall. He thinks they can get a beach front. Lazy would love to live by the sea. They’re only half an hour from the sea but it’s nowhere near as pretty. Everyone on Lazy’s Facebook has been telling her to wrap up warm but Lazy isn’t wearing a coat and is not cold. They drove past Newquay Airport. When they came here a couple of summers ago Lazy couldn’t do much as she was knocked up and about to shoot Mila out of her baby canon. She can understand why everyone wants to come back.

The Inghams have arrived at Fistral “fist-trowel” Beach. Creepstopher will lynch her if she says it wrong. She thinks he said “fis-trowel”. He’s getting gimbal shots of the van. Shots of the van. Mila is asleep. They passed five beaches on the way and the local hotel reminds Lazy of the one on The Witches. She’s sure they’ve been somewhere recently where it was filmed. Probably Granny Groomer’s house. Lazy googles and finds out it is the hotel. Lazy feels like they last came here a couple of months ago. She goes and tells Babe. Babe doesn’t like the movie so couldn’t give a shit. Jace has brought the weetabix lorry from the house. Lazy tells him they can’t lose it so has to leave it in the van. He clutches it. Lazy says he can take the ball instead. Doesn’t that belong to the house as well? Shot of the hotel.

Lazy and the kids walk down to the beach. Beach footage. Drone shots. Suddenly it begins to get dark. It looks like there is a thunderstorm coming. They’re living their best lives. Isabelle is taking pictures. Creepstopher is playing football with Jace and Mila and wondering why he isn’t captain of the England team. Jace runs for the ball and falls over. Lazy shows us the terrifying clouds. Screeching from Jace about Creepstopher doing a massive kick. He picks up Mila, runs over to the ball, kicks it and almost breaks the camera. Esme struggles to kick the ball. Jace is living his best life. They just realised they came here before but entered the beach further down via a path next to the golf course. Isla has stolen some shells from the beach. Lazy loves collecting trinkets. They collect them for their memory boxes, including tube tickets. Isla says Isabelle and Esme have their tickets from the Maldives in their boxes, Isabelle has her pen licence from school and her hockey gloves. The girls keep everything. It’s really nice but everyone takes the mick out of them doing so. Isla has her braids from Blackpool in 2021. They’re off to Newquay town.

Lazy films the dark clouds. They’re back in the van. The wind has picked up. It looks terrifying. Creepstopher takes a wrong turn. Lazy loves Cornwall. They pass an old hut and she zooms in on the information sign. It’s called The Huer’s Hut and is grade 2 listed. She films more beaches and says it’s pretty. Driving time lapse.

Creepstopher opens the door of the air bnb. He films everyone sat on the sofa as music plays. They’re watching Elf. Dinner is finished. Best times ever. Creepstopher shows us the moon. There’s a huge cold spell over the UK and you can see everything in the sky. They cancelled the trip to Newquay as it started to rain heavily and came back for Elf. The girls have been watching Wednesday. It’s 9:30pm. They’re about to have a Twinnings herbal sleep tea. The tea is beautiful. Isabelle says Creepstopher is sweet as he has to talk for hours ending the vlog. Something mega is planned for tomorrow. Jace has been so hyper today. No different to any other day then.

End of vlog

If you move to Cornwall please choose this one. Sincerely, the people of the UK.

Where are you Jane? Your poor baby boy feels desperately unwell and needs your tuna sandwiches and some bitty. Come quick, its an emergency.


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Footage of the elves and Christmas countdowns being changed. They drive to Disney. Footage of scanning their passes and the park. Creepstopher welcomes us to Disney Studios and says happy birthday to the gorgeous wife he is constantly cheating on. She has been waiting to be 37 for ages. She’s excited to turn 40 and wants to go to New York at Christmas for that birthday. I’m sure NYPD will want a word when they find out he is there as the age of consent is 17 in New York. Creepstopher says his 40th is first. They’re doing as many rides as possible before going over to the Disney park and meeting friends. Lazy says they don’t have long because they’ve had a slow morning and it’s 1pm. You either get there for magic hours at 8am, take it easy and get there in the afternoon or you’re hardcore and do the whole thing. Or you get up at a reasonably normal time i.e. 7/8am and make the most of your day. Creepstopher says hitting the parks at lunchtime is fine. Isla wants to go on Crush’s “Crushin” Coaster but the queue is too long so they tell her she can’t. Anything Isla wants = “No”. anything Jace wants = “Yes. You’re such a clleeeeeeeeeveeeeeet booooooooy. Would you like a Nobel Peace Prize as well?”. It’s never less than an hour and always madness. Isla asks if she’s done it before and Creepstopher thinks she has. Lazy spots something for Jace to do.

Jace has been so excited about this Cars ride. Screeching. The queue took 25 minutes. Isla says she and Esme are going on the front and Lazy and Jace are going in the front of their car so they can have a race. Jace starts screeching and chooses the red car but someone else gets there first. They get in the green car. She asks if he can drive fast. I’m not sure whether or not someone missed out on a ride because there are two seats in the front and two at the back but Jace is sat alone at the front with Lazy alone in the seat behind him. She pretends to be scared and sets him off screaming.

Jace kisses Lazy. She asks who that is over there and it’s Buzz. They queued for Buzz but he went for a break, the attendant said he wouldn’t be out for 20 minutes and Woody came out after that time. Jace wanted to meet Buzz so they left the queue. They’re at Slinky Dog. Lazy is gutted as she has dropped her phone and smashed the screen. The protective case broke too. Squealing at Mila. Creepstopher sits next to Mila and Lazy. Isabelle and Esme are with Jace. Esme seems more preoccupied with her phone. Screaming from Jace as the ride starts. Woohooing from Creepstopher. Mila has a gold bar to eat but no one has cleaned off the fluff stuck to the corner of her mouth. She gives no reaction to the ride. Jace runs screeching to Rex.

The Inghams are heading to Tower of Terror. RC Racer has an hour long queue but they only have an hour. Walking.

The Inghams are now in the Disneyland Park. They were going to go to Buzz Lightyear as Jace is asleep. When they got there everyone was waiting for a parade. They decided why not as Lazy gets to rest her trotters whilst she sits on the wall. Jace can stand on the wall. They’re at the parade exit. Acoustic version of Auld Lang Syne to footage of the parade. Isla screeches as someone waves at her. A duck blows her a kiss.

Isla excitedly says she got a wave from Mickey, three high fives, Snow White said she liked their bows (Lazy says someone else did too but she can’t remember who), Cinderella waved at her and Tinkerbell drew a heart in the air. Time to head to Buzz. They’re seeing a Christmas show soon too. Jace cries because he thought Buzz would be in the parade. Creepstopher says his little sweetheart missed it all as she is asleep.

It’s an hour and 10 minutes before they meet their friends next door at the indoor theatre place. Buzz has a 45 minute wait so they’re hitting it up to blast aliens. Lazy has gone to get hot chocolates. The Buzz ride breaks down when they’re in the queue. Jace fell asleep on Isabelle. Creepstopher calls him a scammer when he says he didn’t. The queue gets going again and Creepstopher is thrilled. Jace jumps excitedly and screams at the life size Buzz model. Creepstopher knew he would react so the camera was ready. Screeching on the ride. Isla screams as she beats Isabelle’s score.

The Inghams were supposed to be meeting their friends at the Christmas show but they’re not coming now as they’re on the Indiana Jones ride. They’re meeting them in an hour at the next showing and in the meantime are doing the Star Wars Ride. Lazy asks for a parent switch as Creepstopher forgot to do it with the Buzz ride. Lazy brags that she gets to do the ride twice as she can come on again with Creepstopher. They’ve never had to queue this far along.

Lazy shows Creepstopher the parent switch and says it’s what a good wife does. He takes the camera. The parents are let loose and it’s a dangerous time. Creepstopher is giddy and asks Lazy if she got the French or English version. She got French and thinks there should be a sign as it ruins the experience. Ah, the old “there was no sign” excuse has been dragged out again. In the summer they ask who is French and who is English and go with the majority. I should point out now that there are English subtitles onscreen. Creepstopher obviously can’t read as he says he can can never understand what the story is about.

Footage of Mila watching the Christmas show as Lazy squeals at her in her vomit inducing baby voice. I’ve no idea whether you’re allowed to film the show or not but Creepstopher does and I’m sure blocks the view of people behind him. Isla waves at the characters and obviously doesn’t understand that they won’t wave at her in the middle of a dance. Christine squeals at Mila.

Lazy cackles at Jace, who wants to go on an adventure. In the next shot they’re having dinner. Lazy confirms they met the Radfords as they’ve received 8 million messages asking if they know they’re there. She has been speaking to Sue and arranging a meet up for 4/5 years. They’ve obviously been a avoiding the Inghams then but couldn’t this time as they’re in the same place. They were meant to meet them in Edinburgh but didn’t. Jace loved playing with the Radford children. The Inghams have a dinner reservation at Sequoia Lodge at the Hunter’s Grill. Lazy shows us her plate and everyone else’s. She got Mila’s plate first so she could taste it. Jace wants tomatoes. Later he eats a pear but has a plate of desserts in front of him. The girls stroke his hair like he’s a lost dog waiting for a home. Cackling at Mila and her dirty high chair.

The Inghams head back through the park. If you asked Lazy what her Christmas dream is she’ll say something that isn’t allowed. His Christmas dream is walking through the Disney Village with his mulled wine like he is now. Screeching as Lazy cheerses him. He loved the buffet and they have another tomorrow. The food is good but 45€ for over 11s and 25€ for 3-11s. Esme will be 11 this week and Jace will be 2. They can’t get away with it with Isabelle though. They’re walking back to the van so they can kick it. There is a mad day planned for tomorrow. Lazy loves so many people wishing her happy birthday.

End of vlog

Noel Radford and Chris Ingham. Two child predators meet at last. I cannot believe how young poor Sue looks in this photo. She is supposed to be 14 years and two months old but looks about Isla's age but with makeup on. Makes me feel very sick. What 17 year old Noel did was rape; Sue was 13 and unable unable to consent due to her age. Laws are the law for a reason and the police would do good to convict Noel for his historic crimes. Everyone in Sue's life has failed her, most of all her parents for not protecting her. I could go on for hours but will stop here as this isn't the Radford thread.

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Neck lace

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For this week's Memory Monday, we remember the words of an ex work colleague of Creepy's. The lady worked with Creepy for four years and during those years, he never once mentioned the existence of Sarah or Isabelle. He said that he had children but only showed pictures of Esme and Isla. The colleague said that she had seen Creepy try it on with many of her colleagues.

The second memory is where Creepy alledgedly sent a message to an Ifam who was a minor. He really shouldn't have been calling a minor "gorgeous" 🤢.

The third memory is when Creepy wrote something rather creepy on a post that Sarah posted when she was a lot younger.


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Sarah's Instagram, video of the family skating and Chris is holding hands with Isabelle :sick:o_O Dirty bastard. Not holding hands with any of the other kids
Who even at 17 holds their dads hand let alone their step dad 🤢
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🎵 I can have girls leggings on
I can have my daughters hoodie on
But even with nothing onn onn
I made u puke
I made u puke 🎵
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“I thought Mila was going to slip out hahaha”. No fucking shit Sherlock. She’s a year old, she should have been next to you and being held. You absolute moron. Instead she’s sat next to the 10 year old. There really are no words.

So Sarah has a long puffer coat and Ugg boots and the three oldest have short jackets and crappy trainers which offer no warmth. I can’t even fathom taking my kids out in cold weather without suitable shoes and clothing. I really hope their jackets offer more warmth than they look like they do. Stop with the constant hauls of the cheapest fast fashion and buy them some quality items that will last until their next growth spurt.

Mila’s cheeks look like they should have a barrier cream applied, it looks like they have wind burn. The fact that Mila has one of the Baby and Me monstrosities over her winter suit tells me that the suit is not suitable for the weather they are experiencing. They should have bought her toddler Uggs. My kids can wear them during a Brisbane winter and that’s like your fucking British summertime. Scumbags.

Poor Isla was so excited talking about the parade and Sarah couldn’t give a shit, asking Isabelle if she enjoyed it and interrupting to tell everyone how much the toddler loved it. Maybe she’s very demanding when the camera isn’t rolling.

Jace looks like a girl who’s wearing his big brothers hand me downs. I have no issue with long hair on boys but his is so whispy and dry, it just needs to be cut off. it’s constantly in his face, he doesn’t need it getting in his eyes with his sight issues either.

Isla doesn’t know her tens of thousands. That is shocking.

Go Isabelle, tell her how it is - “no one cares”!!! Stop gas lighting your kids. Build them up, don’t humiliate them.

The baby is happily watching the show and the stupid woman keeps bothering her and everyone around them. Know when to shut up and have some respect for the people around you trying to watch the show. “What is ittttt, is it a duck”? Shut upppppp.

The sheer amount of crap they feed that baby is disgusting. She has chocolate all over her, and Sarah says she needs a bath tonight. She needs a bath every night! Baby lead weaning is great, I did it with both of mine. But, there’s a time and a place for messy eating and that’s at home, not at a restaurant where you smear crap everywhere that, no doubt, someone else has to clean up. They never give her a plate which I find quite disgusting. It’s all part of learning with baby led weaning, helps them to understand where food belongs.

Why wouldn’t they go into Paris to a restaurant for dinner to experience some amazing food? €45 for sloppy buffet food or a restaurant for fresh French quisine? I know which I would choose. Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with buffet food sometimes too, but they are ‘travelling’ so much with so much opportunity to expose the kids to so much including great food.

The Radford’s must have insisted they don’t film. It definitely sounds like they’ve grudgingly met up. Scared of having their channel cancelled like this lot of sleezy frauds.
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I arrive at DLP tomorrow. My eyes will be peeled looking for them, phone camera at the ready. I’ll play it by ear to how I react if I see them. Obviously they will have the kids with them so I’ll have to very subtle.
Omg. They are in front of me on the card ride. Add more
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Lazy saying she gets to go on the ride twice due to parent swap. I would have thought the point of parent swap is the parents actually swap, not one parent goes on with the chuldrun and then goes on a second time with the other parent and leaves all the chuldrun alone.
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I don’t agree with fat shaming sarah on these threads. I don’t think she’s that big and there’s nothing wrong with being over a size 16. I am probably Sarah's size if not bigger and reading people call her a fatty or like “look at the size of her” is not very nice 🥲 I hope people are saying it because she photoshops everything and not being that they’re actually being horrible about her weight. Same with Isla, she is just a child.

I do agree that they need to scrub up. Everything’s probably put on credit cards, sarah likes shopping for the boriontent so chooses poorer quality clothes so she can shop more and more 

It's because she sees herself as an "influencer" and has young, vulnerable fans believing every word she says.

She says that she is a size 16 and that they always eat healthily/ skip breakfast and lunch (depending on the lie she's telling that day), despite showing on the vlogs that it isn't true. She posts heavily filtered photos and videos on Instagram with the #nofilter. She posts motivational posts about loving your body while photoshopping her own pictures and lying about her size. This is why people call her out. It's not fat shaming, it's liar shaming.
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From " im never eating meat again" to finishing a huge burger just for a free milkshake 🤮
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Theyve been sleeping in the van .pic of Mila in bed.
That`s disgusting! Ok ,Sarah and Chris ,if you both choose to leave the warmth of your house ,your own bed(s) and space etc ,that`s up to you ,but just DO NOT inflict the misery ,discomfort and freezing temps on your poor children! There is nothing ,i repeat NOTHING desirable or exciting about moving from one place to another ,being squashed in with your siblings in conditions such as we have right now.You truly have to be the most selfish couple i`ve ever had the misfortune to come across!
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About my size 22-24, she had to sit in the back of the ride like me. Yes, i know I’m huge but i’m clean and dress for my age.
Difference is you’re not lying to people about your size, she’s unfortunately an Influencer to young girls, what she does by slimming herself down in photos and always filtering them is harmful, like being a plus size is something to be ashamed of.
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