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Chatty Member
So from what I'm getting is Esme and Isla were left alone to work independently (as normal) while lazy collected leaves to do yet another activity with golden boy. I'm sorry, but what... Every day it's yet another activity for Jace, yet he seems to learn nothing. Most 3-4 year olds are recognising simple words, especially their name, can count, can recognise colours, numbers, shapes. Jace lacks these simple abilities unless his mother prompts him. So these activities are a waste of time. She complains of mom guilt, she does nothing with those girls unless it involves going shopping. Esme made her costume herself, no help from mother dearest, why bless her she needs a costume, it's not as if she has friends who are going to invite her to a party. What happened to Lottie? When do you see her sit down and interact with Isla over something that interests the child, spend an hour with the child find her a hobby, an interest, or you know do some real school work with her. What about Mila, why not do some learning activities with her, why is it always Jace.

It's like Jace has become the poster child of the Ingham's, he can do no wrong. Mila bullies him. You hear a scuffle in the background, then it's an argument between them, I'm sorry, but how does a 16 month old argue, it's Jace bullying/taking whatever off the baby. He's not a likeable child, due to Sarah's favouritism of him. He would be due to start school this coming September, can you imagine that. His first day, his hair in bunches/a French plait someone or another child commenting on the little girl. It's a wonder she's not sending him, just so she can get her soap box out and spout how, everyone either loved him and commented on kind, loving, intelligent, so far ahead he is, he jumping a few classes due to her super duper home schooling. Or how everyone is ignorant and boys can have long hair, in bunches with pink bows, carry pink sparkly bags and everyone is jealous because Jace was so very much cleaverer than their child, their just haters. See Sarah you're missing out not sending clever boy to school.

Sarah, Chris you need to remember you have 5 children in your care, Chris in your case if rumors are correct you might actually have 6 you need to act as if you have those 5, not just Jace. If you're insistent on homeschooling, start doing it correctly. There is no way they are learning adequately in an hour, they need to be doing a school day, 5-6 hrs worth of work, proper lessons, not BBC bite size or whatever drivel you're getting them to copy. You've basically failed your eldest, buck up Esme might yet be able to pass a couple of GCSEs. Stop wasting your time on Jace, get him into a nursery, he might learn a few useful things, like how to share, how to be nice to others, how to be quiet. Hopefully he'll meet his match, the child that won't stand for his crap, his constant snatching. Mila might enjoy a couple of hour respite from his constant bullying.

Most of all learn how to treat all your children as equals. That they're all loved and valued the same.
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Sarah’s hair 😂😂😂😂

Wait why have they waited until now to take the tv off the wall 🥴 surely it would have made sense to take the tv off when painting initially. They really just don’t have any brain cells . Not a single one shared between them all
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hunny they don’t even go to school nevermind. ART COLLEGE

i actually find it mind boggling that the beginning of the vlog lazy said they’re having a cosy morning????

what on earth is cosy about virtually no furniture and plain white walls?
Looks about as cosy as turning up to the hospital waiting room, where you'd think "at least it's not busy and I can find a seat facing the tv showing the crappy NHS advice ads but I wish someone would keep these kids away from me"
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She buys stuff like that writing tablet and Kindi Kids dolls for the nice big boxes to bulk out the shrinking present mountain. Think the tablet was only a tenner? Anything Isla would actually like that only costs a tenner is going to be too small to have any impact on the size of the mountain.
Yep it's all about the size of the present pile, with no thought about what the gifts are and if the children will like them.

Do you know what would really bulk out the size of a present pile. Gifts from family and the children's friends.

Oh wait...

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I think she does activities with Jace as he is at her educational level she doesn’t wanna touch the other kids for fear of looking illiterate.
Jace is pre school he really doesn’t need an education at this point it it’s the older kids that need activities that are age appropriate.
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I really like the wooden wall look that they are going to try and achieve but in a house with that aesthetic. Sarah, rosabelle manor is full of fake marble, mirrored console tables and tack galore. It’s going to look out of place and stupid. Much like Chris with his outfits and the green beanie he throws on.
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It makes me so sad when she lies about Mila & Jace’s sizes and puts them in clothes too small. 1. SURLEY that’s abuse? Or at least neglect. 2. My middle child is very small for her age, she’s just turned 4, and can still fit into 18-24 month clothing comfortably. She’s under loads of people at the hospital & has tests all the time. No-one knows why she’s so small. It does upset me & it does worry me. I have no idea why Lazy wants her children to be tiny!!!! It’s not fun and cute Lazy, it’s worrying and full of hospital visits when you’re telling the TRUTH.
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First time writer because I’m furious. Chris is dressed in BLACKFACE. It doesn’t matter that it’s a bag, but it’s blackface. There has been a trend around the US as well of dressing like a prisoner and painting their faces. It is well known that black people are more likely to be arrested. Get this pervert racist off the internet.
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Yep 😏 Screams attention seeking because you just know they are going to get ‘girl’ comments when out and about with hair like that. He has no idea the poor kid - he’d look very sweet with a decent cut as well, nothing wrong with longer hair but when there are clear signs of stress on his hair the kindest thing would be to get it chopped :(
Does Lazy realise she’s making Jace look like this? Or was she inspired when she looked in the mirror


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They have a massive double garage which they could easy make into a bit of a tool shed and DIY area, why the hell is he outside cutting the wood up - proper idiot.

Also that playroom has had more makeovers than I've had hot dinners
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Chatty Member
Might as well rename the channel Sarah Shops.

'Hart broken 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 i ordered from the ifam store and haven’t received it and when I e maild the ifam store they said they are sending a replacement one and that’s not come my order number is 1542 . And I also asked for a refund as I know it won’t come and I have hand no reply .'

Another happy customer in the comments.
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Was intending to buy these for my team, not now. It would also appear that according to this family promotion, Air Up recommend passing the spout between multiple family members, is this correct?
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Lazy saying they have family chats round the dinner table. The families that do that will have busy lives to talk about not ones that live in each others pockets. What are the Minghams going to talk about, paint colours, nappies, dolls and whether to have tea or coffee?
She also said they all spend all their time in the kitchen area while panning round an empty room.
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I noticed tonight that Isla was hugged etc more than she has been in months,getting called sweetheart,darling held around and listened to.
It’s only because she reads on here and notices all the comments that has been said about the way she treats poor little Isla
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But this is the issue and the Inghams know it , doesn’t matter what is done or said after the fact , they have their free holidays , scrounged for gifted clothes , toys etc already so any complaints ( though worth doing ) are not going to effect them. 😒 They have found a way of making sure that they are as unaffected as possible by their reputations , relying on the fact that most companies do not do their due diligence when choosing their ‘ influencers ‘ so Inghams continue to benefit and will do until some big changes are made. Which I’d guess will be the beginning of never. It’s so disheartening hearing about / seeing people like them prosper whilst genuine good people are not even able to pay their bills at the moment for basic necessities. Heart breaking actually.


Please don’t mistake my words though , I applaud anyone who takes time to try to enlighten these lazy companies.
I think quite a few of us on here have often remarked that outside of Tattle and the deluded ifam, the Inghams are not actually well known despite how famous they claim to be. Companies see the stats of “family vloggers with 1.3m subscribers” and don’t appear to research much/any further. Its been suggested that using “Sarah Ingham“ in the thread titles would help in any quick Google search a company might do if they’re approaching companies in her name only. I love the witty thread titles but I do think it’s this is a good idea. Anything that contributes to stopping them being rewarded is surely one of the points of these threads.
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