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being In roughly the same area I can confirm it’s not cold. I can also confirm she didn’t fart. I’d have smelled her cheese powered guff from here 🤣
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Why would you buy your kids snuggle hoods, when you have a whole load of them in your "stock room" that you have already bought?
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Here we go again poor Isla left at home with dad whilst Sarah takes the other girls to see nanarrr and go shopping poor child is dragged around ikea whilst the others are having fun makes me so sad 😞 please don’t tell us you were going to get Isla a 4-5 snuggle hood 🤦‍♀️
when you getting Jace a bed and let him grow up I just don’t get it at all he’s in bed when away but cot at home nothing like confusing a child 🤦‍♀️
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Both their insta accounts have gone down by 1k 😊

Even isabelles has gone down by 1k
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Just before the trip in the tin can of nightmares Issy wanted a haircut. They‘ve been back for weeks, Sarah has wasted oodles of pounds on crap but there’s been no visit to a hairdresser for Issy. She only needs dropping off and picking up, no one needs to stay with her. Her hair is in desperate need of a trim. It’s not fair that the poor girl has to wait over a year between cuts.

In Sunday’s vlog Lazy said Jace was having a pyjama day and would have clean ones on after his bath that night. Funny how he still had the same pyjamas on in todays vlog and Creepy had the Friday 13th t-shirt on that he’d had on the day before too. The whole family must really stink. I don’t know any grown man who goes to bed without showering or without having one in the morning, but he does. Filthy pig.

They‘ve gone on a little holiday for the rest of this week apparently. I hope they’re not in the van, or caravan, because it’s blowing a massive gale so it wouldn’t be fair on the children.
Also at the start of the vlog they filmed on Sunday, Sarah said about Jason having paint on his fingers and his ear. She said they'd had a fun time with crafts - she later on opened brand new paint pots for an activity.

At the end of tonights shit show (filmed on Monday) he still had the paint on his ear.

The paint looked awfully like the 'chaaaa coal' colour they painted the wall - so I can only assume that Jason, the golden boy was near it on Saturday when Twatman was left in charge of 4 kids while Lazy went to sit on her arse (all be it, on a different chair than usual, in the cinema).

So, Jason didn't see any bath on Saturday, Sunday or Monday!!

What must they all smell like? At this stage they obviously smell worse than they look.
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I thought they had a gate that they apparently were always loosing the key fob for, so how did the Amazon delivery driver get to the door to be banging on it? I suppose as they have hundreds of Amazon deliveries per day, he's probably got his own key.

Now Lazy has her Molly Mae hair styler, she'll think she a beauty expert, so her next Sarah Says will probably be a get ready with me with a good old Q and A.
He'll of jumped over the 3ft wall next to the 6ft gate 😂😂
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Just shows you can have all the money in the world to buy all the gear but literally have no idea when it comes to styling. The playroom looks like a chav discovered scandiborn, which is basically what happened 😂
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I'm actually confused. She said they were up super early because the delivery man called at 7.55am. This surely can't be classed as super early when they have an almost 4 year old and a 1 year old. Most children that age would be up, fed, washed and dressed and ready for the day by that time. It's bonkers to me that they class this as super early.
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If I was those kids, I'd be craving a lazy cosy Christmas at home. Half the fun of Christmas is the build up. Go ice skating, Christmas shopping, wrapping presents with a Christmas film on, have a Christmas film night, drinking hot chocolate, decorating the tree. Nah, let's all 7 of us cram into a miserable cold van and go travelling again for the millionth time this year.
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Lazy starts the vlog. It’s a rainy day. Isla has been doing globalisation work for school today. Lazy has been going through it with her. She has finished Tat and Me work, done emails and cleaned the playroom. There is a huge amount of floor loungers and bean bags. Mila plays with the toy kitchen. Jace plays with the alphabet letters. He hasn’t learnt to wipe his nose with a tissue yet so just does it with his sleeve. They’re putting some of the toys in the garage and will do a toy rotation. Lazy doesn’t like the ‘look what we made’ sign. Creepstopher is off to the DIY store. Prinny has a vet appointment later. They didn’t realise how sore it was until the vet played around with it and she yelped. She has a sore bit on one of her nails and the vet said to keep an eye on it. Lazy doesn’t feel like it’s getting better so she has an appointment at 3pm.

Lazy and Creepstopher need to decide something. They have made a decision about the wall in the kitchen. Creepstopher isn’t a professional so they need something they can handle. He gets upset and screeches that he built the van. They’re not doing the media wall anymore because Creepstopher thought they were building a frame around the wall and putting wooden slats on it. They’re going to wooden slat the wall floor to ceiling. Jace and Mila starts screeching from the playroom. Lazy says they’re arguing but to me it sounded like Mila was crying so brat boy was probably bullying her again. She goes in there and films Mila playing with one of the toys. Creepstopher wanted to keep the wall white and paint the slats charcoal grey but Lazy isn’t feeling the envisionment. White and grey is plentyfold in the kitchen. Her vision is to paint the wall dark charcoal grey and have the wooden slats a warm wooden colour. It won’t look too bad with the light behind.

There’s not a lot Lazy can do until Bodge the Builder is back. He sent her a photo of the paint and moaned about the £26 price of wood. They need 50 slats. He went to look at other slats and they were £12.99, Lazy was shocked. Lazy is building a Mammtoyz learning tower, which she wishes she’d had for the girls. She can imagine using it so much. Will be in the garage in a week. Jace always wants to help in the kitchen. Lazy loves things where you only need an Allen key. She might buy another one for Mila as she’s always trying to help, and it will be annoying to keep changing around. They will be able to do things together at the kitchen side. She wishes she’d done it sooner. It was gifted but Lazy will buy the second one.

Lazy has been taping off the wall and skirting board but is wondering if the “skating board” needs to be painted as well. She’s trying to envision it. They’re planning on buying an ikea unit for under the tv to cover up the electrics box for the underfloor heating. Lazy will keep the skirting board white for now. Painting timelapse. Lazy is nervous as it looks bluey grey. The wet paint is green like her clothes. Creepstopher is at the vets so she can’t tell him. Lazy thought she’d hate the paint colour but she likes it. She’s getting a chair to do the top of the wall.

Jace is happy in his learning tower. He ate his lunch in it and don’t want to sit-down. Lazy tells “cheeeeeeeky woman” Mila it’s not for her. Lazy loves the paint and can imagine some plants in the corner. Lazy and Creepstopher argue about the colour of the paint. Lazy is sad they’re covering the wall with the slats but they didn’t want the white background. Lazy wants the charcoal grey to go further into the kitchen. She’s shocked it’s dark outside.

Dinner means family chat time around the table and Lazy wouldn’t change it for the world. She’s ending the vlog because they’ve filmed loads today. They’ve left the tape on the wall and Lazy is giving it another coat later before bed. Creepstopher managed to get £7 slats of wood. They will varnish the wood so it looks rich. Lazy wants to leave a section of the charcoal colour either side. There will be LED lights behind and a plant beneath the TV. Creepstopher doesn’t think it will look right.

End of vlog

Toad arse.

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Any dog that randomly ran into their house would soon run out again, with prinny, the noise of them all, Chris in general, the smell, Jace attacking everything in sight.

Reminds me of when my younger brother was a kid and I walked into the kitchen to see him sat with a rabbit. He said he found it in the kitchen. I asked why the door had even been left open and he said "well maybe it opened the door itself?" They are about as believable as he was. It was a genuinely lost rabbit, he just found it in next doors garden and took it home. There may have been a lost dog, but they took it home to vlog and created a more interesting story.
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Sarah says in her new video that Jace is 4 in March, maybe an apropriate christmas present for an almost 4 year old would be his own bed ! Maybe it's a good job he's not at school if the other children found out he's still in a cot.
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Keeping the children isolated isn't even just about what people might say to them anymore. At Jace's age no one at school would have heard of him or understand anything about Chris. But they have gotten themselves into such a mess with pretending to home school that the only way for them to continue is to keep lying, hide and run away frequently. It's not going to work forever, even if they have managed to avoid anyone in authority caring about the mess they made with Isabelle's GCSE years they have at least 17 years more to go, more as they will likely have another baby.

It's not just school. It shows with their reluctance to get medical treatment for the children and when they have to, there is always some fault with the professionals involved so they can try to discredit their opinion just in case it gets taken any further. They are very quick to point out that they don't agree with the doctor/midwife/nurse, who clearly didn't know what they were doing so why listen to them about anything else. Hair cuts hardly happen and must be supervised by Sarah. They stopped going to the dentist they were already registered at their old address long before they moved and now have the convenient excuse of saying they can't find one. Dance classes and a playgroup she was forced to go to, and then they will avoid anything else until made to go again to keep social services off their back. If Jace went to nursery he would be able to talk freely to staff, they would notice how often he didn't attend, they would notice that he hasn't had a bath for 6 months.

The major problem with this plan of hiding away is that to make it all possible they have to film it all and put on youtube, therefore showing people exactly how it's gone wrong.
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It’s Belton Road on the way out of their village towards Belton. They are becoming very complacent - regardless of being known to the public, anything at all could happen to those girls. A road in the middle of the country with easy access to a motorway as well - doesn’t bare to think about & that goes for any child.
Considering they have stalkers 🙄 yes very complacent.

Happy Sunday

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