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no doubt this will be great for views and subs.

how old is Percy? At times seeing him doing some of the work around there I really questioned what was going on as he appeared more and more frail. Living in that damp place with all those stairs....agree stay in SA and if Isabelle wants to be with him it is there. Also I was shocked to see him flying off to SA on his own for some "business" and I said to this guy not retired?
I think he's 203.
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
What are they going to show of .......

Tacksy Fare’s apartment
Wonder if Gerry has yet woken up to the fact that he is never going to get his retirement apartment. So much gratitude for all the holidays he took her on and for indulging the little madam when she was growing up!
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Have I got this right? Percy flew to England and was told he had cancer of the throat and that he would have to wait two to four weeks for radiotherapy to start. So he flew to S Africa, where he could start radiotherapy for throat cancer earlier. Then, when he arrived in SA for tests, his son asked for him to be tested for TB of the throat - and they did and it was. So the question is (are there any medics here?) would Percy have been given radiotherapy for cancer he did not have if he had stayed in the UK? And what would have been the result of that?
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shatcho shiek

VIP Member
I'm hoping that the weather on Patreon day will be like the storm that Dan showed in his yurt vlog. Driving rain straight into the open barn they dined in last year.

What's the point of patron day this year I'd like it to pour down 😎 theres so much unfinished and unsafe zones to tour a garden that's not mature plants and not flowering this time of year plus not allowed to photo graph the channel 4 s allegedly finished project for 2023. All that's left for patron day is peacock poo lunch in the wood shed.
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New member
I enjoy and wear expensive things, and surround myself with nice things, for which I do not get charity (other people) to pay. If the bitch can afford Chanel, why are other people paying to restore her house?
🧵If the bitch can afford Chanel, why are other people paying to restore her house?
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All Patreon Day guests today and tomorrow will receive…

The chatelaine has agreed to attend any funerals resulting from TB spread at the chateau today and tomorrow on the condition that she can film and monetize it. Patrons have signed a waiver and their cause of death will be listed as complications from ectopic pregnancy.

Patrons wishing to be buried next to the pea chick can pay a one time donation of 250K Euros. For an additional 100K Euros the Gay Twank will personally dig the grave and a coffin will be made from recycled Amazon and EBay boxes.
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On Repeat

VIP Member
You've done it again, genius. Thank you.
The chapel garden/ forest edge before they ransacked it.
🤷‍♀️An improvement now?Definitely not. The soft lead up to the forest has been decimated for ever. That stupid Andy Pandy garden is incongruous and out of scale in area and height . Perhaps on patron day they could just dig holes and put their money in some?
The whole environment has been destroyed on the instructions of Stephanie Jarvis. Some trees did need to be thinned due to age and safety, but the "creation" of an artificial, ridiculous "cottage garden" in a park is absurd. Stephanie Jarvis is a city girl who is way out of her depth living in the country. She is doing exactly what a whole lot of urbanites do when they move to the country- bulldoze and destroy. The forest area and walks on her property to the stream are incredibly valuable- she is an absolute fool to destroy the natural beauty.

With the chapel nonsense, has it ever been discussed on camera the cost benefit of dismantling the chapel and re-building? It would be the same chapel but on solid foundations, same lead light windows, same interiors except for the paintings which would need re-doing. If she is gung-ho to destroy the natural environment why not destroy the chapel and re-build?
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Yes, very staged. She went to the bookshelf and immediately pulled the books even though they were on different shelves. It looks like she's got plenty of reading material to peruse as she plays at being worried sick.
Through much of the vlog, she kept clutching at her throat and chest. And I kept thinking how badly staged managed it all was. Soft lighting, yes. A flattering filter, yes. Pastel coloured sweater, yes. No bulging tits, yes. But gosh wait! Where we're the pearls? Not a pearl to be seen! That's unheard of! Pearls would have lent authenticity and in situations such as this; they are so mandatory as to be practically traditional.
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Lady Pinkadella

Well-known member
5 hours ago Marie posted on Instagram how peacefull life is at Lalande and now the vlog is about an emotional rollercoaster ride and the hospital. Didn't Marie get the memo again?
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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
He didn't know he had TB they said he thought it was cancer he only found out it was TB back in South Africa. If he had known it was TB he wouldn't have been allowed to travel
According to the chief medical officer herself aka Fanny,Percy flew Sunday and the very next day was in hospital having a biopsy...? And immediately in isolation...Fanny pretends to get confused about flight days time lines but has an uncanny ability to know every author on her bookshelf that had TB...
Fanny has lied too many times. Another is Mummy and Percy are eating upstairs as we eat late , yet they can travel endlessly .They knew... Fanny filmed Percy in layers of clothing as he was so cold and teased him. In uk the headboard scene Fanny films earlier this year when Percy is already ill, the fact that Mummy has a heated electric blanket that only operates her side. As Percy was already ailing and Fanny is Soo concerned why do we never see her making nourishing food etc. Instead we see Percy with a suitcase on his lap in the back of a car for miles.
I do not buy her story AT all.
I'm sure the ENT specialist if he existed would be interested by this vlog along with the airline. Percy's children wanted him back on their watch and Fanny with her demanding film schedule made this difficult. If it was my awkward Father in law I would say listen I'm flying back with you. Lets make time for family holiday there etc. Fanny comes first...
Ps Hope your garden is looking good! So much rain . Phlox and clematis have been amazing in my garden!
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Fanny and her library.. pretentious non? BOOKSHELF is what it is Fanny…..
Showing off about her recent wiki search on authors who had TB.

Why not quote Shakespeare’ TB or not TB , that is the question…….

Stephanie you are knowingly sheltering information about a deadly disease. Daily Mail anyone?

No part of that rushing to hospital vlog reassured us that the correct authorities and individuals will be informed. Telling us that should have been the headline ,not that the good news it’s not cancer.

As several wise owls here have pointed out, that recent vlog was a cover up and catalogue of controversy .
🧵TB or not TB that’s NOT the question, it’s won’t you be a patron?
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Congratulations @Patriciarella & @TorontoGWM for naming the thread.

Most Liked Posts from the previous thread

Marquis de Potpourri

VIP Member

Monday at 7:24 AM
Hello TL aunties and uncles!❤
Baby Potpourri wishes to say HI from the nice big crochet blankie his Texas nanna made for him!
He had a little photoshoot at Central Park near the Alice in Wonderland Statue today after brunch.
He was such a good boy today for not pooping until we got back home!:poop:
His grandpa is still not convinced that he needs a set of fine China, but he is bound to inherit the family ritual Kiddush cup and plate! :D
Thanks for all your warm and positive thoughts.

bb cp1.jpg

Sorry for the derail. Thanks for the new thread, Auntie @ComtesseRose! Now back to Lalande!

VIP Member

Monday at 3:00 PM

😡 No, Caroline Gooder, Stephanie’s primary business isn’t the B&B. She collects more money, by far, from Patreon for the Association…which is supposed to be dedicated to the restoration of the farmhouse. $34,000 per month…Tax free money. That’s why people keep asking about the renovations!!!

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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member

Monday at 1:00 PM
2 hours ago
So is there any renovations/work going on at the chateau? Im missing that footage in the vlogs lately, its always just about dinners :(

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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member

Monday at 9:15 AM
vlog comments:

1 hour ago
Once upon a time there was a Philip. He loved coq. Now he loves what he can get…
2 hours ago
For the love of God, please, NO Barbie themes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't anyone have an original thought in their heads!!
5 hours ago
Is Amaury ok? We haven’t seen him for a while. Worried
5 hours ago
Living with and in lovliness is what Stephenie's life is all about. I am so glad she shares it with the rest of us.--- Having watched all her videos minus the Patreon ones, I feel like I'm taking a Master's Class in French Culture, History and Decorative Arts. Also, love her recent venture with Oliver, "Travels with my Friend" . Love learning things about Venice and the rest of Italy. Living a life with lovliness is what we should all strive for.
6 hours ago
The Barbie Dream House Bedroom is the bedroom that Dan stayed in while he was living there and still has nightmares about


3 hours ago
I believe Ma4ie W. Is sleeping in the pink toilet bedroom.
6 hours ago
The Barbie movie has been rejected here in Texas! We realize it is packed with propaganda! We are mothers and grandmothers who are standing guard! Americans are finally waking up to the Godless Marxists!
7 hours ago
As I sit here watching this Barbie theme video I am now restoring 2 vintage bubble cut Barbies. I am a Barbie collector and it brings me great joy because the restorations let me express my creative side, while the collecting is healing my childhood of some past upset. I do take in orphaned Barbies so they have a loving and caring home!
8 hours ago
Cut down on the wine purchases and buy some new dining chairs -- those are hideous and grubby looking!


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Marquis de Potpourri

VIP Member

Monday at 7:12 PM
Just Grift Wood said:
2 hours ago
So is there any renovations/work going on at the chateau? Im missing that footage in the vlogs lately, its always just about dinners :(
It's frustrating to read comments like this from people who don't understand the seasonal rhythms at Chateau de Lalande! :mad:
I'm glad Caroline Gooder stepped in to say something! Dielemon, educate yourself about SJ's schedule!

Spring - spring cleaning, Easter party, travel to Venice, travel some more, walk around the garden, make money off of Patreon.

Summer - buy more garbage to replace everything thrown out during spring cleaning; walk around the garden, make money off of Patreon, make money out of B&B and overpriced dinners. Make more money from patrons on Patreon Days!

Fall - celebrate PhiPhi's birthday, make Amory pretend he's working on something, make money from Patreon, and spend money on travels, spend more money on plants.

Winter - parties....parties....make money, spend money. South Africa.

KyBourbon said:
Is she just a terrible project manager? Terrible planner? Misappropriated the money?
Seriously, how does SJ justify receiving $36,000 monthly with no work going on? Even Amory's salary is questionable at this point if he gets paid doing nothing. How many times are they going to paint Bon Maman's bathroom just to prove they're working on something?

Last edited: Monday at 7:24 PM
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Something about our Wiki
Happy Tattling.
It's 1AM where I am, sue me for being a bit lazy 🤷‍♀️
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View attachment 2358346

I can see why support squrriel was so pleased to meet her the first time on vlog without filters itsض quite shocking. She's really turned into aged withered beyond years woman and he seen a very vain hedonistic old woman who would be easier to pick up and hes basically a hobosexually . Dan's right it's more like 50 or 60s. Twenty one years difference come on..
I hope the Patrons remember to tell her that SHE'S the fairest of them all.
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Brenda Thunderball.jpg

I wonder if Donegal has an aquarium where she could perform her drag show?

If not, would the château étang be big enough for her and Canadian Cara?
Cara's Bidet-min.png
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God forbid the chapel and lake restorers and the heating installers get TB and cause work to be delayed for a year or 2 or 5! 😆
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Active member
What on earth is TB of the throat? He looks frail i
Panic not all- Percy is in hopsital in SA as he has TB of the throat- Patreon day in ongoing and they have checked everyone living in the Dump is vaccinated. After Streph birthday they will go to SA to visit.

My grandpa has TB interestingly in the 1930's and had one lobe of his lung removed - Hope percy recovers well
Had to google, hope he recovers as well. Family health scare as clickbaut is a new low
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Well-known member is all strange....but seriously giving someone a cancer diagnosis and wait for radio therapy ...just imagine the torture that they all went thru.
I was just reading about how high the incidence of TB is in South Africa. Again just asking a few questions about travel in the last year could have given the UK docs a clue. If they could have taken Percy in for radio therapy immediately he would have started that treatment. This is such a lesson to get second opinions on everything.
I’m sorry but it is highly unlikely this actually occurred as per the explanation from Fanny. The biopsy would have been absolutely mandatory prior to any treatment. The doc was most likely simply adding Percy to the waiting list in the event of anything serious. She has shamefully twisted what was potentially an intelligent medical decision in to some story this was not!!! Watch ur mouth Fanny! Dangerous ignorant woman.
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