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C'est moi

VIP Member
So tattle called it. Percy is unwell. I wish him no ill and a good recovery. I haven't watched the flog. Don't think I really need too. Fanny is spinning a line. She's lying to her fans. What those lies are only time will tell however don't be surprised if patroen day is called off. The plus point is... Percy is back in South Africa near his family and in a comfortable dry, warm place. His family will ensure that he gets the help and care he needs. And out of her clutches.

This proves that fanny is predictable. We saw this as a scenario. Ugly on the inside. And it's beginning to spread to the outside. Just despicable.
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Imperious Me

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Jared, the Woodland Sprite, is also at la Lande.
So that's, Jared, Stuart, Marie......

On another note, I wonder what's so troubling about his future and what this "new direction" is? Since it's just his partner who's working full time at a real job, I wonder if he got transferred somewhere?

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These people who flit through life wondering why they're so aimless (Jared, Marie,) Get a freakin' job, pay some bills, you'll soon feel grounded... being useless and dependent is your problem..
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I can't find this video either in our Patreon Wiki or on YT
I've got it in my archive... If @KiKiGee or other sleuthy tartlets can't find it... I'll ask the genie to make it available ;)

Curiously, I checked the wiki - The old Patreon video of Tour Nic & Marie's Cottage has been removed... I do wonder why?
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
this could invite all kind of unwelcome attention from the the various sort of inspections.
well I think she has to inform people. I also think they all need to be tested just as a safety measure as the bacteria can lie dormant. They have done so much air travel and that is a breeding ground to spread infection. All they need to do is contact all the air lines where Percy has travelled, hotels he has stayed etc. Gerry definitely needs to be tested. Channel 4 crews also need to be told. The chateau Love lady should also get tested as she has had some health issues.
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Panic not all- Percy is in hopsital in SA as he has TB of the throat- Patreon day in ongoing and they have checked everyone living in the Dump is vaccinated. After Streph birthday they will go to SA to visit.

My grandpa has TB interestingly in the 1930's and had one lobe of his lung removed - Hope percy recovers well
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Lady Lindy

Chatty Member
What on earth is TB of the throat? He looks frail i
Had to google, hope he recovers as well. Family health scare as clickbaut is a new low
I hope he recovers too, but there are obviously other underlying issues and he is very frail.
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Razzle Dazzle

Active member
On the recent CD, I purposely counted how many times Fanny tucked her hair behind her left ear....16 times in approximately 10 minutes of featured vlog. If I remember (and I could be wrong) it has been noted here that she does this when she is not being truthful.
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I am sure MariA will find some way to incorporate the peacock poo into her platting of lunch service. Although if I remember correctly they didn't have much of a lunch last year - salad with a rolled piece of ham or something? That's so LaLande.
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People with infectious or potentially infectious TB should postpone all travel by commercial air transportation of any flight duration until they become non infectious... I presume as the UK doctor believed it to be cancer was the reason he gave permission for Percy to fly to SA, if he had known it was TB he would not have given the ok. I did wonder also about the time span involved for the results of a biopsy...if it was via the NHS then it is probaby correct but surely they have the funding to go private, where I am again assuming that there is a fast track service? Does any one know if that would be the case? I am also assuming that he had not told his sons of his condition as it was not until he was in SA having tests and biopsy that they suggested testing for throat TB.... or did they suspect and want him home regardless of the risks to others?
Or they just want you to believe he didn’t know and that’s why she told such a detailed story. Usually the truth doesn’t take fifteen minutes to tell. Liars add all kinds of extra details, usually, when they are lying.
I’d also like to just point out that Isabelle living in SA with not a huge support system at her age is just nuts. I’m currently helping to care for my 75 year old aunt and 80 year old uncle. My mother passed away last year at 77. Trying to support people in that stage of their lives is difficult when you’re twenty minutes away, let alone thousands of miles away. Isabelle needs to get her plans together, and her daughter needs to get hers together as well. It’s stupid to be flying all over the world when you’re that fragile.
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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
I hope he recovers too, but there are obviously other underlying issues and he is very frail.
Fanny is such a liar. How she has been encouraging Percy for tests etc. I’m quite sure his children who are medics will be looking out for their own father,
All Fanny is worried about is herself managing
Patreon day.
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And do people in Uk who are being treated for cancer of the throat actually have Tb of the throat/ Scarey thought!
It appears that this is commonly initially misdiagnosed globally, especially in low incidence areas.

Laryngeal tuberculosis often presents as a tumorous mass that may initially be mistaken for cancer. As laryngeal tuberculosis is usually highly infectious, this poses a risk to the patient as well as his/her contacts including healthcare providers. (National Library of medicine, Netherlands)

Routine BCG vaccine is no longer offered to children in secondary schools in the UK. It was replaced in 2005 with a targeted programme for babies, children and young adults at higher risk of TB. This is because TB rates in this country are very low in the general population.
In a growing number of European countries, BCG vaccination has been discontinued or has been limited to children 'at risk', such as those born in or originating from countries with high prevalence. Additionally, BCG revaccination has been progressively abandoned.

I suspect that as usual, Fanny is putting her own spin on this and especially on the timeline. I think Percy was showing signs of this before leaving SA and his sons may have already ben aware that this could have been cancer/TB.
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Margo Polo

VIP Member
Oh my goodness I am in shock with the location of the patrons reception. The terrible tables and chairs used to serve the patrons luncheon. If it was a luncheon, was it? Maybe she just served cheap drinks. I don‘t remember ever seeing the video of the patron day if there was one and I missed the absurdity of that reception facility completely. I just can not believe she set tables in the stables, on that stone floor, with those school chairs… It is so repugnant. Those were mostly old ladies, with sandals, maybe some with hills, they could have fallen, twisted ankles or worse. She hasn’t got a clue about hospitality or good services… they pay her a fortune a month and she can not show some appreciation by preparing something pretty. Rent a nice tent, lights, tables and comfortable chairs, and please order a proper cake or two… everything is so miserable, poorly prepared and ugly. I can not imagine the reason why a patron would like to set feet in that dump.
If it was me, I would have used two months worth of Patron funds to have tents, lovely table and chairs. Use the fine China, lots of flowers, a beautiful spread of veggies, salads, prime rib, chicken and fish. Lots of French deserts and a nice goodie bag for everyone. ( would include hand made tote bag, honey from the land, jam, some cards that Andi made, tea, and a roll of wrapping paper that was made from her dads art. ) If my Patrons invested in me, I would give them a wonderful day. Maybe I would get Maria to play some classical music as well. I would also get my staff to go around to all the tables making sure their wine was topped up. For those that could not make it, I would mail out the tote bags with the cards and paper and a hand written note thanking them.
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A few weeks ago, TL opened the doors to our chateau chat, letting in a bunch of newbies. What happened to all those new faces?
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Since Fanny always seems to want the guests to know that meals come from the garden, Maria should serve Thor to the patron guests for Patron days. Fanny won't miss them, and everyone will be glad that they won't have peacock shit all over their cars. It's a win-win!
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But it wasn't diagnosed in France, so who does the reporting? I think this one is a lost cause because no Doctor saw him in France and allegedly the UK doctors did not also Diagnose TB so the only ones that will report as the Doctors in South Africa- if they are mandated to do so. Hopefully Percy wore a good mask on his travels and flights, especially since he also has asthma. I do believe long exposure is more likely to infect a person. Some people are carriers and they don't know it because they are not sick. LIke with everything else now days, don't get in peoples faces, wash your hands and get good sleep and eat good foods to keep your immune system healthy, if one can.
I am letting the very good observation that Jarvis lets viewers believe it's cancer for the first long part of the vlog (1000 pardons, I have forgotten which of you geniuses noted this) percolate.
I think it's a huge tell.
Of what, might require me to view the evidence. 😷 (Srsly, thinking about TB ulcers' appearance was less onerous.)
Do you think Jarvis knows she has no obligation to inform every contact in France and the shitoo?
Is it possible she thinks the video meets some ill-defined legal obligation to do so? (If he was diagnosed with cancer in the UK, is there still no obligation to inform contacts in the UK that he in fact was infectious with TB?)
I am operating from the assumption it is possible that the whole cancer misdiagnosis story is a lie, to get them off the hook for letting Percy parade around the world spraying TB germs. It is a silver bullet for that crime.
But the story, as all of you with cancer diagnostics knowledge have carefully pointed out, is full of shit.
To me, that suggests shit at the origin of the story, magnified by Isabelle and Stephanie's telling -- if they did not in fact fabricate it.
And grossly, grossly monetized, as @ComtesseRose points out, in Stephanie's ghastly cycle of crying on camera for money. Perhaps the drama alone was Stephanie's reason for dwelling on the cancer diagnosis for so long in the vlog. Even worse.
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not sure if anyone remembers me, I didn't write much ... anyway ... I'm back.
Diesel :)
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Hedda Hopper

VIP Member
He’s been sick since Egypt??? Did he get it from the camel? Why did SJ say “Percy’s son” & not my step-brother?
I would have also referred to him as "Percy's son" in her situation. It's not like she grew up with him and Izzy and Percy married very late in life. I refer to my stepson as "my husband's son" quite often for the same reasons. He doesn't feel like a son to me because I didn't raise him.
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
It's true that anyone else's bad news is like a gift to Fanny. She has hardly any vlog content these days; no renovations at all are going on and the cast of chateau characters is boring, so if there's a relationship break up, or a serious illness, or the death of an animal, or even a human being, it's all fodder for Madame and her vlogs. She milks it as much as she can, giving extensive coverage of unnecessary private details, and puts on her pathetic performance, trying to show sadness and sympathy. As long, of course, it is not something personal about her, then, it's taboo, unless someone else reveals it, as Channel 4 did about her and PJ. Then, she throws them under a bus and blames them for giving her secrets away.
She is an extremely nasty individual; no one would want her in their circle in case she uses them in this way, and that's why she has no real friends.
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Frankly, IMO, SJ shouldn't have divulged such a private matter on YouTube! Now the whole chateauverse knows of poor old Percy's illness.
That was an all-time low, even for her! If anything, she could have just informed her patrons of Percy's illness when they found out. Why did she wait for so long before she divulged it? Perhaps because she has absolutely nothing of interest to vlog about, and she knows that people are sick and tired of hearing about guest dinners, PhiPhi's tacky table setting, the garden, the lake, the chapel, and the grand salon.

What she did was just another case of "Maybe you can make that news work for you, darling!"

Shame on you, SJ!

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Well she can't keep her trap shut about anyones private business. She didn't need to go into details which were all arse about face anyway. All she had to say was that they had returned to SA due to illness and it was not her place to divulge but that Percy and her Mother would explain in due course. Yet again another money making vlog out of someone's misfortune.

I honestly wonder how many of the patreons will have their chequebooks at the ready to give a 'little extra' donation as a get well gesture.
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