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If this was just posted (I'm blocked) it would tie in with Selmar deleting his accounts... That link to Tatyana's FB doesn't work either... Perhaps Fanny has been working on a truce, she won't sue him for defamation if he removes himself/her too from social media... and Fanny/Brenda are working together....
I’ve seen Selmar’s FB post stating that he was hacked and also heard that he was hacked from several of my secret world of chateaux contacts. Nothing more to it.🕺❤
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View attachment 2367292
Chatelaine de Shopping can afford to buy this f’ing 7K Euro purse but
Has to beg
And grift to finance her
Nebulous renovation plans. The
Evil narcissist of
LiarLand can’t see how bad this looks!
The laptop case in her hand appears to be from Goyard, a French luxury brand.

It’s mind boggling how she doesn’t feel like she should contribute a cent to the renovations of her home.

The woman has multiple gardeners, cleaners, and a private chef, while pleading poverty. If she and that “boyfriend” of hers did much of it themselves, she would have much more money to spend on renovations of her home that she pretends to care so much about.

Her patron page ought to be renamed to “Patron page to support Stephanie Jarvis lifestyle”
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I just went over to the Brenda's Facebook page to see if there were any Patron pictures and saw a rather large post from Brenda where she says she's explaining and answering questions she's received.

22. For me personally, I would tackle the main building 1st, roof, windows, heating, dry lining etc. A room at a time until every room was finished. Then I would do the terrace, followed by the chapel & my very last priority would be the lake. I could live without a jaunt on a boat....but not with a cold home. But, everyone is different, we all have our own ideas & thoughts about how we would do something....& we all think our idea is better.....but is it really....probably not.
Notice how Brenda, at the very end of her long diatribe, throws in her personal opinion about what order the work should be done. I think she added that part to show everyone she’s not Stephanie’s lackey. You see? Brenda has an opinion, too! Then, her last sentence is self deprecating. Actually, she says, her idea is probably not better. 🙁 In the end, Stephanie really knows best. Brenda is deluded. 🙄
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You know, we really can’t blame Stephanie for the accounting. She’s never been great with numbers. Just too much for her little head to handle. Why, just the other day she was riding in the car with PhiPhi when she turned on the radio. An announcement was made saying there was an accident in South America and 2 Brazilian men were killed. She started crying and asks “How many is a Brazilian?” 😢😢😢

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I bet Percy’s family is over having their elderly father being carted through England and France by Mummy Isabelle and her crazy, greedy, useless daughter. I hope Percy can overcome his illness. He has lost so much weight and has become so frail/ marginal, that it may be difficult for him to successfully overcome any additional complications in his health. Percy must be relieved he is back under his son’s care in South Africa instead of wasting away at the damp, dirty Dump. They just need to ban the greedy Shittelaine and her little pink camera from stalking Percy. You know the little orphan princess is going to milk the Percy illness as much as possible for dramatic clickbait footage for CD,. Expect a lot of open mouth photos of Stephanie with her hands on her cheeks and captions like, What are we going to do? Mummy is in shock!
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7 hours ago
Who is this woman? And who's Percy???

Di G
1 day ago
Don't worry about the guests or the party, hop on the plane straight away, tommorrow, leave your great friends to hold the fort and they will do fine. Take ten days off, With best wishes xxx
isabelle jarvis
15 hours ago
She could not do that, people have booked from everywhere to share a few hours with her. She will come when her obligations end.


SJ before vlogging.png
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She could have also said that he has been unwell and is being treated now and looking forward and praying for a full recovery..... but in true Fanny style she has to give a long drawn out story some true....some probably not true... I for one would not want the world to know my private medical problems ...
Yes too much information given when it's not her that's sick. We got no information when she was in hospital, funny that.

In good news, just back from the hospital and can take the sling off! Told to put it back on if/when my arm becomes sore or tired. Can start physio too. Have to wait for (ACC govt accident health) to contact me as they want to put me on a fully funded physio programme, hopefully will be in a few days time. Thats lucky as otherwise each appointment would have a $40 co-pay, still cheap but it all adds up if I have to go a bit.
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I think that because it was Fanny doing the explaining that the true nature of what Percy was told has been lost along the way. I am 100% sure that no medical professional would ever tell anyone that they definitely had cancer before all the relevant tests and biopsies had been completed. It is probable that they would talk to you about the possibility that it was cancer and that if this was confirmed what treatment would be necessary. And given that TB of the throat is such a rare disease it would be more likely to be thought that it was cancer until conclusive tests were carried out. So I don’t believe that he was diagnosed with cancer, he was told that it was a likely possibility and that the treatment would be radiotherapy if the biopsy confirmed it.
Whatever, I wish him well as he looks to be very frail to be facing 9 months of treatment.
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caroline gooder
19 hours ago (edited)
I lost my uncle and mother to throat cancer, so thank you for how you broke the news. ❤
i'll have a little cry and then be happy for Isabelle and Percy! All our family's prayers. ❤
The Chateau Diaries
19 hours ago
I'm so sorry to hear that Caroline, Mummy also lost her father to throat cancer ❤


isabelle jarvis
4 hours ago
I am quite busy enough with the nursing staff !

isabelle jarvis
4 hours ago
I can walk to the hospital from home.

isabelle jarvis
3 hours ago
I am so lucky to have unlimited access to his isolation room!

isabelle jarvis
2 hours ago
He has asthma

13 hours ago
Thank Percy and Isobelle for allowing U to share this news. We know you don't have to share such personal information. Glad there was a full and proper diagnosis. When I briefly met Percy in June on my swift visit from NZ I did think he wasn't himself, tbh He looked Ill. But here's to a speedy recovery and we see him as soon as he can back at La Lande.
isabelle jarvis
3 hours ago
You were right but we couldn’t say anything. Glad you are safely home.

christina beck
17 hours ago
I’m so relieved he’s ok!!!!!!! How long does Percy think he’s had it? Very curious.
isabelle jarvis
1 hour ago
About a year.
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Dear Brenda, please remove your head from Fanny’s ass just long enough to pay attention.

Brenda is playing with words regarding the Association and non profit accounts. She’s saying that Stephanie would be taxed on anything outside the purview of money collected on Patreon for the Association. In other words, for example, money for restoration work would not be taxed (considered the Association), but money for improvements or other things would be taxed (non Association).

But on Patreon, Stephanie very specifically says that when you join at every level you “become a benefactor of the registered non-profit Chateau de Lalande Association, which is dedicated to restoring and renovating the chateau! Your support will be used to bring a beautiful 16th century French chateau back to life.” The Patreon is led to believe that all their money is going to the Association. In reality…per Brenda…that’s not true. According to Brenda, Stephanie could choose to use a portion of the money for the restoration (no taxes on that portion) and another portion for whatever she wants (taxed). For example, 10% of the money could be deemed Association (no tax) and 90% deemed non-Association (taxed) to be used for ANYTHING Stephanie wants…including improvements, travel, clothes, tat, alcohol. Dear Brenda is saying that‘s ok because that part would be taxed, and it’s Stephanie’s money to do as she pleases.

My issue is that it’s very deceiving on Stephanie’s Patreon membership level pages. What Brenda is saying may be true, but it’s NOT clear…it’s very misleading. For all anyone knows, Stephanie might be using nearly all the money for non restoration activities. No one has any idea because accounts aren’t shared. And Brenda defends this by basically saying it’s no one’s business. But if you are led to believe your money is being used for restoration, it IS your business.

Stephanie Jarvis…you are a nasty, disgusting, deceptive bitch. And the president of your fan club, Brenda, isn’t doing you any favors. 😡

Screen shot of Stephanie’s Patreon membership screen…

View attachment 2367128
I wonder what bucket o' money Brenda is paid from?
Taxable or non-taxable?
Association or non-Association?
Maybe Stephanie's personal fund?
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Hedda Hopper

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First, well wishes for Percy's recovery. Poor old fool going downhill at the dump for so long.

Second, I think the reason why there are so many hangerons invited to Patreon Days is to make the place look full of people since not many patrons will probably be able to attend due to such short notice. The "crowd" will look better on the vlog then just a few folks here and there.

Third, Fanny does indeed have the habit of bailing just before events that she has planned. She may need to take to her boudoir being overcome with worry for Percy. She always has an ace up her sleeve to get out of work.
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Exactly this! Just when I thought she was done going on and on, she just kept going! Pulling out all the books by authors who recovered from having TB was bizarre. I guess she was just trying to prove to her adoring and concerned fans that it is curable, but I feel she wanted to appear manic also. Loosing both her father and dear Percy would be too unbearable. When it comes to her followers, it’s important to keep the level of concern for her heartbreak at the same level of her grifting outcomes.
She said that Percy wanted her viewers to know what was going on but it just seemed like she over shared. When people over share, I often think it’s because they feel guilty about something or need attention because they are uncomfortable with their feelings/thoughts or just trying to suck attention.
I am sad to hear about Percy and glad that he’s getting help- overseen by his family (surgeon sons).

- oversharing private info and delving into details and timeline nobody asked for or wanted
- clickbait title and thumbnail
- overly dramatic and exploiting Percy for ad revenue and Patreon sympathies
- working hard to prove that everyone at the chateau is in a state of panic and worry. Mean girl Fanny policing everyones emotions
- content walked dangerously close to looking like an obituary video, not a get well soon one
- tasteless, inappropriate and shameful!

no doubt his family and wife are very concerned for him. He‘s an older person who probably shouldn't be traveling internationally as much. Certainly staying at Lalande was a terrible idea. Second floor apartment, bathroom probably not fitted with extra handrails, etc. It’s a lot for Isabelle to care for and not like Fanny pitches in…she‘s too busy traveling with her married friend and paid employee slash millennial bf.

Why anyone thought it was a good idea to bring two elderly people to Egypt…in the blazing hot sun, boats, steps, tourist sites, flights, etc. was clearly out of their mind.

Get well soon Percy.
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Just Grift Wood

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I just hope Percy is restored to health and that Fanny leaves them in peace without all her histrionics. Percy and Isabelle have tough months ahead and they need the space to do so without the camera and Fanny turning up at their home and re arranging all their belongings. They don't need Cube the Pube and Fanny wafting in and out being untidy and creating drama and filming. I am sure Fanny is worried about her Mum and Percy she can't be devoid of all feeling? It is quite apparent that Percy shouldn't have been travelling all over the place hopefully now he will rest and get well.
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Again, gory deets, but apparently the similarities in the ulcers of scrofula, skin TB, and lung TB ulcers, were evident to the naked eye by the 17th century. I am not saying throat TB or osteo TB looks the same or can be seen, but if I were a betting man, I'd wager you could look in somebody's throat and tell what was up. Throat tissue isn't so different from skin or lung tissue. If you had a clue. WTF.
Again, TB is thought to be (and was/is) a disease of the refugee camps, ghettoes and tenements. A fancy doctor might never have seen a case, and throat TB is reportedly rare.
But would not bloodwork have worked this out right off the bat? And knowing your patient was South African? Something is not right with this story. And again, cancer has its own scent, with which many are sadly familiar -- dogs can apparently pick it up before doctors do. I have to think a bacterial infection has a different scent as the disease process is very different. And, speculating, would have a very different and easily apprehensible visual difference.
Poor guy.
I think they are legally covering their asses for exposing so many people to TB at the shitto.
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Actually likening her to a tin pot despot is pretty accurate . . . of her own little internet fiefdom.
It probably makes her feel quite powerful and self important, two qualities she most likely lacks in her day to day life.
I have a feeling Tattle feeds Stephanie’s ego and is a source of narc supply. I suspect it makes her feel important… there’s a site dedicated to talking about her, even if it’s not a glowing review. It’s attention.

Although the word “gossip” has a negative connotation, there’s actually benefits to gossip in society. Gossip can be constructive and help maintain social order, especially in the case where something questionable is happening and the intent is to correct, or right, a wrong. Unfortunately, in the case of Stephanie, she’s not getting the message….or she just doesn’t care.
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asked earlier if the Sunday woe flog regarding Percy's ill health could be saved into Wiki
I have it archived, and I suspect other might have as well...
Now let us wait and see what will happen to the vlog - if any edits and disprepancies appear, I'll gladly put the "original" in our little wiki.
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