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On Repeat

VIP Member
That's my argument. Surely a fancy private doctor in Cambridge, whether or not he was too fancy ever to have seen a poor peoples' disease, like tuberculosis, would have had bloodwork in hand to eliminate cancer and note in the bloodwork whatever it is a bacterial infection, which TB is, does to your platelets. And, being a fancy doctor, he'd be thinking about South Africa -- if only from Percy's accent, good one @On Repeat -- and what it's full of -- TB. Before he even got his cell phone flash light out.
The American medical lit calls it laryngeal TB (you can also get scrofula in the throat, but the symptoms don't match Percy's ). Lesions may be visible, or not, and can resemble carcinoma. Still, unless -- as is possible -- Stephanie found him a doctor as bad as the first who told him to learn to live with acid reflux -- it would be actionable to diagnose cancer based on the appearance of the lesions, without a biopsy. Doc under bus, correct.
GP regular doctor in SA- missed diagnosis
Specialist Doctor in SA- missed diagnosis
Dr sons - missed diagnosis BEFORE HE LEFT SA
Maybe GP in UK- missed diagnosis
ENT specialist in UK- missed diagnosis
Miracle speedy, confirmed diagnosis on return to SA. Hospital bed free just in case.
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Have I got this right? Percy flew to England and was told he had cancer of the throat and that he would have to wait two to four weeks for chemo to start. So he flew to S Africa, where he could start chemo for throat cancer earlier. Then, when he arrived in SA for tests, his son asked for him to be tested for TB of the throat - and they did and it was. So the question is (are there any medics here?) would Percy have been given chemo for cancer he did not have if he had stayed in the UK? And what would have been the result of that?
In my estimation he would then have no immune system and his TB would have free rein. I can barely believe they didn’t find it. Bloodwork would have revealed the infection. His throat is swollen and probably full of pus.

The elephant in the room: A person with infectious TB flew on airplanes and was resident in a b&b for weeks around other people that probably flew on airplanes. Usually don’t people with infectious TB get quarantined and forced into treatment (in the US)?
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Comment from today’s CD video with no response by Isabelle ( who is all over the comment section of the CD video today).

1 hour ago (edited)
So glad that Percy is recovering, but by being stoic, and thanks to his son, he is no longer walking around with an notable (by law in the UK) infectious disease, get well soon Percy, I hope Isabelle is looking after you in your Isolation.

No response from Isabelle.

4 hours ago (edited)
I am so happy to hear that Percy is on the way to recovery. How in the world was he diagnosed with cancer? What tests confirmed the cancer? It makes me wonder how many times a misdiagnosis of cancer takes place for diseases that are rare.

1 hour ago
By a top ENT consultant supper glottis cancer. But of course he wanted biopsies to confirm

With all due respect to Isabelle, her response above is a bit confusing/ contradictory for several reasons.

1. The top ENT would have violated acceptable applicable standards of medical practice if he told Isabelle that he diagnosed Percy with cancer prior to conducting a biopsy/ having a biopsy performed, the tissues evaluated, and receiving results from a pathologist verifying the presence of cancer in a portion of tissue biopsies.

2. A biopsy of tissues and a pathologist evaluation of the tissue itself confirming the presence of cancer cells establishes the diagnosis of cancer. No biopsy, no cancer diagnosis. A diagnosis of cancer is nearly always made by a pathologist – a doctor with special training, advanced education, and experience to look at samples of cells or tissues under a microscope to detect cancer cells, evaluate anomalies in the tissue sample, etc. They may also do tests on the cells’ proteins, DNA, or RNA to help tell if there’s cancer or to learn more about the cancer. If cancer is found, the results of these tests can also sometimes help determine the best treatment options.

3. In accordance with the standard of care, a physician can tell a patient his professional opinion that Percy exhibited signs and symptoms that could be indicative/suspicious/ consistent with cancer and/or cancer could be included in the differential diagnosis for Percy’s condition through a screening process, but a diagnosis of cancer cannot be made without the tissue biopsy.

If a physician was following the applicable standard of care in medical practice, he would have not have told her that he had a diagnosis of cancer for Percy, but wanted to confirm it with a biopsy. You do not establish a diagnosis of cancer prior to a biopsy performed which establishes the cancer diagnosis.Percy never had a diagnosis of cancer. He had no biopsy to establish a diagnosis of cancer.

Why is this distinction of interest? Stephanie and Mummy want to sidestep and ignore the issues involved with Percy traveling all around England and France for months and mingling with the Dump crew and B and B guests while he had a highly contagious tb infection by claiming that he had an established cancer diagnosis. Percy is now in an insolation unit with various safeguards to insure that other people are not exposed to his tb. Nurses wear respiratory protective equipment and institute environmental controls to minimize the risk for transmission of TB.What about all the people who were exposed to tb through contact with Percy?
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I saw this on insta and decided Stephanie, or one of her minions, must somehow incorporate it into the upcoming Patron Days.
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Whether Percy's illness is a sham or not, at his age and condition, Percy shouldn't be working and traveling too much anymore. It would be best for him to stay in SA close to his family, instead of Lalande where he essentially functions as SJ and Isabelle's unpaid errand boy. Make the paid errand gay work for his money.

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T Rex

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Is that pond the regulation 3 feet deep as measured from the center of the earth? 🤔

View attachment 2357898

View attachment 2357897
I am dying with laughter @KyBourbon, as all when I watched the Patreon video (special thanks to @tuffiti for providing them), all I could focus on was Fanny's pasty, white, lopsided tatas faffing about! Good lord, woman, no one can take anything you say seriously!

Also to Fanny, while a good majority of us do NOT live in France, most of us already have Le Guérandais Fleur de Sel in our pantries (because it is pretty awesome.) How on EARTH did you live in France for 20+ years and have just NOW "discovered" it?!? Cheese on toast, it is available in every supermarket in France!!!
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I had never heard of TB of the throat, but just looked it up, and, yep, Percy has all the symptoms. Hoarseness, weight loss, ....not good news for someone in such a dire physical condition already.
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Many of you have heard, my dad has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. After specialists, PET scan & a biopsy, stage 3a. Perhaps people had concerns that Percy had cancer, but there is no diagnosis before the biopsy. I’m happy Percy doesn’t have cancer, Stephanie should throw him a garden party in his honor and not visit him in SA.❤
Same with my Mum, sadly hers was more advanced. Fanny's twisted the narrative as per usual and managed to still make too many references to herself and dear old Daddy. I just think back to last year or was it earlier this year seeing that poor old bugger Percy out in the garden in overalls dragging a wheelbarrow about. Even Izzy, the pair of them are too old to be traipsing back and forth, they should be enjoying life togethr for however long that may be. Leave Fanny to get on with it, she's not a poor impoverished child, she's nearly 50 and needs to begin to act her age and rely on herself instead of others. The idiot child should get his finger out of his arse and actually do some hard graft instead of arranging tables, he's an absolute waste of space.
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He's been looking ill for some time, hope he recovers soon. What i find astonishing is the people donating money in the live chat! So after the Patreon days and last of the summer guests they'll be off to SA for the foreseeable future?
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He’s been sick since Egypt??? Did he get it from the camel? Why did SJ say “Percy’s son” & not my step-brother?

So Percy & Mummy left the trip to go to the doctor but SJ kept traveling to drink wine & have sex with her true love, Potty?

So OUR chateau should be under a hazmat tent? Bubble girl may we borrow your bubble? Just me, my kaboom girlfriend, our cook, refugee, some chick that puts weeds in jars, visiting patrons, 37 chickens, sheep, peacocks & no cats. Ruby you are on your own, feed yourself.
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why do people go on her crap page it is so highly censored it is beyond belief. She is like some tin pot despot-not a nice woman that is for sure
I wouldn't go there myself! Ever! Happy to miss out on all the cheap thrills.... :LOL: !
Also, spelling seems to not be the group administrator(s) forte...and especially embarassing as it is such an important word!
BUt maybe I am just a jealeous old hag all depends whether you think it is a PATREON'S Day for patrons, or a Patron's day, (but then only one was invited? :LOL:!) or whatever.

But all is well, as one happy PATREON patron reported a minute ago :
I had a fabulous day at Lalande yesterday. Every single member of staff and ‘friend’ are delightful knowledgeable and very helpful plus the work that has gone on in the chateau is amazing, so much clearer to see than on camera. Thank you all for a lovely day. You happy souls x
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Percy seems so very frail and unwell that I think he will find it very difficult to bounce back from this. Perhaps if he'd sought advice earlier but he's never appeared in particularly robust health since first appearing on CD. I somehow doubt that Percy will ever be fit enough to return to France or the UK.
If as suggested he has been struggling for a year, this must have taken its toll on his ability to recover from serious illness. Surely his sons must have seen his deterioration at some time over the past 12 months. What took them so long to step in? It sounds a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. None of them come out of this looking good.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
My dearest Hags, Queens, Gays and members of the chateauverse circle witches,

It is my birthday month and I have been gifted (purchased by myself and gifted to myself)
A 4 bedroom house, with 399m2 of gardens.

I can't believe the over thinking where I should settle is over. I will no more be a nomad, going from country to country 🥳🥳
Congratulations and wishing you all the future happiness in your new home. I can't believe you bought it yourself and didn't want others possibly strangers to buy it for you, can definitely tell you're not cut from the same cloth as Fanny. Enjoy your new pad xxxxxxxx
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On the recent CD, I purposely counted how many times Fanny tucked her hair behind her left ear....16 times in approximately 10 minutes of featured vlog. If I remember (and I could be wrong) it has been noted here that she does this when she is not being truthful.
That is one of her signature moves when she is lying. She also likes to furiously wave her man hands around when lying.
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terese m

My stepdad died of TB back in the 60s. All I knew about it was he was Ill for a few weeks, went into hospital and died, then they came and fumigated the house. I don't remember me or mum having to be tested though
My family lived in Malawi in the late 60s when I was about ten years old. One day at lunch, my older sister looked down at her sandwich and saw a big, long yellow tooth poking out. Turns out, it had fallen out of our cook's mouth and plopped right into her peanut butter sandwich as he was preparing it! I don't know if he was exhibiting any signs of illness, but my father took him to the doctor. From there, I think he was sent to a hospital and he never returned to work. I believe we were told he had TB (the wayward tooth was not a symptom-but it was the catalyst for a trip to the doctor's office). These are memories from my 10 year old self, so details are sketchy...but that big ole tooth will never be forgotten.
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This pateon day fail is very near Stephanies birthday - i wonder if by making it so close she is hoping that the patreons will bring gifts , preferably expensive ones
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