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Maple fairy

VIP Member
I watched it and can't believe how ridiculous SJ is, she dressed so trashy, and her weird laughter is enough to frighten a real man away. The flirting with the Gay Lodger was vomit inducing, the pair are both desperate in different degrees, and deserve one another. Lots of shiny bald spots showing up as well. What a Donut.
Oh please a donut! I love donuts! I won’t be able to look at them again without seeing BJJ. Yuck! On a positive note there may be a silver lining I shouldn’t eat doughnuts!
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It looks like the exhibitionist princess had her dress majorly altered to maximize the cleavage on display.

I would be one pissed off Patron if traveled to the dump and was placed in a half emptied garage, seated on cheap wood chairs, paying for a sorry meal on fold out tables with crumpled tablecloths and paper napkins. Especially after the videos of extravagant table settings, etc. in the Dump. Fanny is so disrespectful to the Patrons.
I agree with you, of course she did.
I have a friend who is very small busted, and she always used to tell me to flaunt mine, as in, if you've got it, flaunt it scenario. I personally am not that type, far too conservative and self conscious!
Well, once, when I was wearing a "normal" type camisole with an over blouse in the office, she then said to me, "hey girl, cover up". WTF???
You just can't win sometimes, can you?
Although, my outfit was obviously in no way as low, or as tight, as SJ's. :D
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Well the times that I entertain I take pleasure to have guests to my home and do my best to have a good time. We mostly entertain casually outside up here but I still go a little extra because they are my guests. Fanny just doesn't get manners or decorum, for all her fancy formal education she hasn't been taught the basics. That poo stained garage turnout just about sums up her whole ethos.
I totally agree.
In my personal experience, the majority of girls who have been formally and/or expensively educated, are in no way in touch with the real world. It's simply an "upper crust, keep it in the club scenario" leaning towards marrying others in the same circle, imho! And, why not as such a waste of money otherwise?
There are, of course exceptions, as I have also personally encountered many such delightful, privileged women too, who to this day, are still my friends. But, it is v.v. rare!
In reality, she is simply from a working class family background. End of story!
As we all know, she is just delusional! :rolleyes:
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No idea on the spelling, I thought Birdie would make sense because the dog is soooo small and with all this hair going in all directions, he looks a bit as if he has feathers :)
LOL! Well, we will both be listening more carefully when he is featured in Mo's vlogs as he seems to follow him around constantly. Regardless, both dogs are so cute. :love:
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The Simple Life

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I had an acquaintance with polycystic ovary disease, plump as a child, N mother, five times married. She used to drop this 10-year-old off at OA meetings, which are full of really crazy people, many sexually abused as children. I'm not sure she even gave her bus fare home. My friend is in her 50s now, mother gone, still working this through.
I too was absolutely horrified by Camilla's taunting the children and O. Thanks for making a point of this.
OMG, your poor acquaintance... I know it is very hard to break the evil spell and sometimes never happens. I never went into analysis because I couldn't afford it, so i did it myself. Zen, Buddhism, the Bhaghavad Gita, the writings of the Christian and Eastern mystics, C. G. Jung, Jiddu Krishnamurti (a lot), studies on past lives like the wonderful Brian Weiss' books, reading the enlightning books by the French psychiatrist Marie France Hirigoyen on narcissism and some powerful paranormal experiences I didn't look for and a whole year in Ireland by myself, where I experienced a new spiritual birth and a deep healing. Everything helpd me in a different way.
And eventually I found Richard Grannon who I think is the best to help you with narcs issues.
This is the first of the three videos he devoted to discuss CPTSD (complex post-traumatic stress disorder). His channel has a massive number of highly professional videos about everything narcs. I found him to be the best help on the market.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
I do call Teabag a Spiv ...... and he is but ....... in the beginning of his channel I was very impressed. He is good at photography and he put the right music to his shots too. I loved and still love that old gardener's cottage and it would have been done and finished by now if he did not go the Spiv Spanish way for his grifting holidays and then the crying for money when he came back.
Teabag could have been the tippy top of the Reno's but he could not "keep at it" ..... oh well.
Is Florian Michael's boyfriend? I like Michael a lot not as much as @HalcyonOrganic but a lot he has charisma and he is really talented
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Just Grift Wood

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Baby Bee Gee would have a wet dream over this woman's tablescapes she does some nice linens but like Fanny and Phi Phi always over gilds thinking more is more--she throws everything and the kitchen sink at stuff
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I look at the pictures and I think “yes, water does seek its own level”.
High quality finds
I must have lived in a cave for the past few weeks! I didn’t know or realise that patreons paid for their lunch!! 🤪 I should have known better! Can’t she afford to offer the lunch.
Amoury can’t even get dressed properly for them, 🤢 he does when he serves the porcelain fondler and guests.
I would have been really annoyed if I was offered a barn lunch with hard chairs and no extras like she shows in her vlogs!! The only thing they saw of the vlog life is a tour with Phiphi. Sad, shame on you château diaries. 😡
I'm stunned that the patrons were so stupid that they paid for lunch!! Well, good luck to SJ and IJ. They read the room right. Anyone who sends them money after this deserves to be rinsed!! Maybe Queen Phillipa out of the Netherlands will get pregnant and drop a litter!! They're future is assured.
Still stunned that the patrons are so stupid.
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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
Fanny arrives at 3 am because she is rude, entitled, and only thinks about herself. She can wake people up, be the center of attention, and do the fake” I am so busy we had to dash in the middle of the night and made it at 3 a.m.” Fanny loves drama and causing people inconvenience. It makes her feel important and powerful to screw with people in any way possible. She gets a rush out of it

I agree. She is incredibly self important and extremely annoying.
Is anyone here a psychiatrist or psychologist?
I am absolutely certain the princess Me me has ADHD, histrionic personality disorder and EDs
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I think the grift will stop in a number of ways: 1) run its course people move on get bored CH4 cancel Chateau DIY 2) Fanny cuts and runs onto something else 3) huge media expose that actually proves she has mis spent the money and been dishonest in some way 4) the whole Chateauverse gets shown to be a major con and is exposed by the media
One new couple featured in the recent CDIY series are so absolutely boring, AND, they haven't even bought their chateau yet. During the past 4 years they have viewed well in excess of 200!
Another couple from London but neither English, did exactly the same. They have actually now bought but you just know that they have bitten off far too much more than they will eventually be able to cope with. :rolleyes:
I really only like 3/4 of the other chateau owners from the past series so, yes I agree with you, I imagine that people are getting a little bored/tired - defo not my priority to watch these days.
There is also another C4 programme called, "We Bought a Village" which can, on occasion, be interesting/entertaining - always watch on catch up so I can FF when necessary. ;)
Although, I sincerely hope that your No. 3 and 4 is the real way forward for the blatant scammers/Patreon abusers!
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Most Liked Posts from the previous thread:

[IMG alt="tat life"][/IMG]
tat life

Today at 11:11 AM
@Jules100 "I do hope the real life installation won’t take too long. I’d actually like it done before Tartlet Days, September 6, 7 & 8 in Key West, Florida."

So so sorry I am a tad late... I've heard real artisans take nearly a year or more to finish a major project like this...
However the installation is almost finally finished.
Please don't lean on the tiles too much as the grout needs time to dry...
Wishing you and the "15" a right 'ole knees up in the Tiki Hut.
Please enjoy a Miller Lite on me (in your new fancy glass of course) and I know your "light lunch" will be absolutely fabulous.
Thank you @Jules100 for the opportunity to volunteer work at your Southernmost Chateau!
As for me, I might just go on a little holiday...


Last edited: Today at 11:21 AM
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Well-known member

Yesterday at 4:23 PM
Forcing ourselves to go to bed after wine and meeting a few new friends.I really wish I had a secret handshake with @Clara Burnett but sure hope to get a wink. Some locals really do talk smack about the farmhouse. It is actually pretty funny and not shocking at all.

One more thing - she did not promote this event because she did not want people to actually come. They made it difficult and did not communicate well at all. She is so conniving but we know that already. For now I will leave it at that.

Last edited: Yesterday at 4:30 PM
You, Ginginger, Shari Holloway and 70 others

[IMG alt="Jules100"][/IMG]
VIP Member

Yesterday at 2:09 PM
Just got home from a quick weekend in Key West. Guess what was waiting for me? Thanks Poshmark.

Reactions:You, Ginginger, Shari Holloway and 65 others


Mod edit, if the thread title is "no thread title" / "too boring for a thread title" we tend to leave it blank. I know these no title titles always get a lot of votes but the joke has been done so many times. Report if there's an actual title to use. Thanks!
Most Liked Posts from the previous thread:

[IMG alt="tat life"][/IMG]
tat life

Today at 11:11 AM
@Jules100 "I do hope the real life installation won’t take too long. I’d actually like it done before Tartlet Days, September 6, 7 & 8 in Key West, Florida."

So so sorry I am a tad late... I've heard real artisans take nearly a year or more to finish a major project like this...
However the installation is almost finally finished.
Please don't lean on the tiles too much as the grout needs time to dry...
Wishing you and the "15" a right 'ole knees up in the Tiki Hut.
Please enjoy a Miller Lite on me (in your new fancy glass of course) and I know your "light lunch" will be absolutely fabulous.
Thank you @Jules100 for the opportunity to volunteer work at your Southernmost Chateau!
As for me, I might just go on a little holiday...


Last edited: Today at 11:21 AM
Reactions:You, Kotare, HouseLebel and 73 others

Well-known member

Yesterday at 4:23 PM
Forcing ourselves to go to bed after wine and meeting a few new friends.I really wish I had a secret handshake with @Clara Burnett but sure hope to get a wink. Some locals really do talk smack about the farmhouse. It is actually pretty funny and not shocking at all.

One more thing - she did not promote this event because she did not want people to actually come. They made it difficult and did not communicate well at all. She is so conniving but we know that already. For now I will leave it at that.

Last edited: Yesterday at 4:30 PM
You, Ginginger, Shari Holloway and 70 others

[IMG alt="Jules100"][/IMG]
VIP Member

Yesterday at 2:09 PM
Just got home from a quick weekend in Key West. Guess what was waiting for me? Thanks Poshmark.

Reactions:You, Ginginger, Shari Holloway and 65 others


Mod edit, if the thread title is "no thread title" / "too boring for a thread title" we tend to leave it blank. I know these no title titles always get a lot of votes but the joke has been done so many times. Report if there's an actual title to use. Thanks!
I suggested this which received 23 likes early in the last thread:

“Compared to Fill-Up and the Wallpaper, Gertrude is Well-Hung”
@Madame de Pompanddoodoo Thank you, for all the patron day photos thus far ❤

So the bride wore white, but no sign of the bride 2 groom… 🤔
The Argentinian bully, also in white, as maid of honour…
FRK, also in white…as, well…the flower girl…
Mummy also wore white…
Uncle Steve walked Fanny down the aisle… Percy declined as he didn’t want to be anywhere near PhiPhi…
Kat, also in white… as best man girl…
Below stairs slaves staff Marie and Dan wore black…
For shame…the “fashionable “ Chatelaine Ardwhore wore white after Labour Day.

Did Fill-Up/Caitlyn wear toile?
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Well I guess we know why all the repeat vlogs lately, it would have been a Herculean effort for that lot to organize an event like this, so surprised that Fanny isn’t monetizing at least with a montage vlog of the highlights maybe that’s to come later.
From what I understood in Sunday's vlog - no Patreon vlog tonight, update tomorrow for the world and it's wife! Why even be a patron?
Defo an upcoming montage situation and of course, SJ/PJ will need to spend hours editing beforehand so they will excuse themselves early from Thursday's Garden Party celebrations - that's if there is even "in reality" a Thursday celebration - who really knows!
TBH, they could edit on a daily basis if they were focused and professional enough. :rolleyes:
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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
Just announced that Harry's wife will not be joining the family at Balmoral today. I don't believe that she'd be welcomed , especially at this time.
Nicholas Witchell the BBC Royal Correspondent is so pants he keeps talking about the Queen in the past tense. I imagine that we are just waiting on Harry now

No worries xxxx
Nicholas is awful. He thinks he is royal. Once he became ‘ royal correspondent’ his voice and annunciation changed!
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Pippin speaks out

Well-known member
I agree 100%. The Jarvis family has profited off the elderly for decades. Fanny and Isabelle treat Patrons like a commodity to be squeezed dry to provide monies and luxuries for themselves.

The Jarvis coat of arms motto should be “Something for nothing.” Fanny is always grabbing, taking, and lying to get money and luxury goods for herself and fulfills virtually nothing that she has promised in return.

Fanny and Isabelle look down on the pesky Patron extravaganza as a nuisance that is interfering with their travel plans, shopping, and collecting monies. Recall that Fanny thought she could avoid having the Patronfest and was dismayed that she was required to actually have a yearly gathering. They used Davy’s parents china, donated luxury fabrics as tablecloths, wrinkled tablecloths, and basic grocery store food that Patrons had to pay for to eat in a hastily half cleaned garage. Do you really think they cleaned peacock poo off the wooden beams looming over the tables? And in the 17 years Fanny has been at the Dump and all the parties she has thrown at the Dump, isn’t it curious they never used the crap filled garage as a party location?
You made me think of a Dire Straits song... I'm nominating it for the next thread title: "Money for nothing (and your chicks for free)"
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Can you imagine the bollocks she’s had to put up with in her lifetime?!? From Churchill to Truss!
This is the second day news story, the big one, I'm waiting to hear about, along with the straight skinny on what ability if any the Commonwealth might have to becoming an economic/trade entity of value to bypass deep shit caused by Brexit and Pootie's gas cutoffs. (India and Oz have signed new Commonwealth trade agreements to take up slack in Oz for lost trade with China.) I know aboutthis much about the Commonwealth, but it seems to me it could play a real role in resisting the Chinese belt and road imperialism in east Africa -- now extending to offers to computerize governments throughout Africa with builtin democracy suppression programs.
In other words, what real power did she have? (Charles, I'm afraid, has already proven himself corrupt with his honors/citizenship for cash deal. He's also said to have avoided Commonwealth building because he wants only to hang with the $audis, not shithole Commonwealth countries.)
Read only half the WaPo obit, and as usual, American take on British monarchy is derisive, shallow, and deeply stupid.
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Solicitors Regulatory Authority code of conduct - yes you would as a shareholder be able to - but - would be required to give notice to the board of an association of counsel attendance - we have to act with full transparency and be able to declare our purpose if attending professionally
If you don’t mind my asking, in which country are you a solicitor?
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C'est moi

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View attachment 1562118

So what's with this bath? Why is it not flush to the floor? It looks like it's braced with wooden feet and has some kind of metal tray underneath, possibly for drips? Floor grout needs redoing. No tiles round the edge of the bath, yikes! Wallpaper would get soaked and moldy. But there's fresh (or at least questionable) towels laid out, so someone is staying in this room, otherwise why bother? Is this bathroom still to be renovated and which room is it attached to?

Can anyone zoom in close enough to read the woman's name tag?
Guessing the second name is Brooks...
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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
I confess I had stopped watching after the disgusting Ollie's public pillory, so I didn't see that. Later I forced myself to finish the video and... OMG, that was even worse! Poor children... that's children abuse. Eating disorder, fitness freak, control freak, that's all very well, just keep it for yourself woman, but what leaves me speechless is how her daaarling husband is letting her doing this to their children. Can you imagine how they will grow up in that context?
There is nothing spontaneous or natural about that woman; the way she speaks, her movements, her stiffness. She's a manipulator of the worst kind. How is it that her daarling companion didn't teach her emotional intelligence? Or is it that he doesn't know anything about it either?
For a very short while I even liked their videos, although I never liked her. I could see right through her. But now... no thank you.
He has no dignity and self-respect and she is a narc. Puppet training? Treating him like a dog??? And he accepting it? No thank you.

I want to explain why all this sadistic Grand Guignol touched me so much and hit me so deeply. My case study narc mother used to do this to me when I was a child. I was not fat, just a chubby child, but she pestered me by saying I was so fat that I would die young, that when I grew up no man would have want me, that she should take me to a famous doctor who treated obesity and she even took me to a place where they had a weightbridge (yes!) and weighted me in public... I felt so ashamed I wanted to die.
Well, as a matter of fact I married (and divorced) but then had several men who pursued me and with some of them I had some wonderful relationships. I was considered a very beautiful woman, although I never saw me as such. Only now, looking at my old photos, I realize I was indeed beautiful.
She did the same to my son. After my divorce at 33 and with 3 little children and my work, I was in a mess and she offered to take my older son, then 8, with her for some months. At the time I still haden't realized who she really was. She gave my poor angel that same treatment and he developed bulimia thanks to her. I took him back after 4 months but the damage was done.
He was as handsome as a prince, with the soul of a poet. Yet his eating disorder and his depression got worst and worst and 30 years ago these issues were not addressed as they shoulkd have been. I sent him to a good psychologist, but it only helped him for a short while. In the end he was so devastated and his bulimia was so bad, that he took his own life.
And he was only 17.
Food and love are the same and Camilla, instead of worrying for her weak husband and children to train them to starve and endure her maddness, should seek help for herself and fix her psychological issues.
Cami knickers has always been searching. Her conversion to Islam in her 20s ….
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