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Chatty Member
Getting her boobs done because she's so small minded that she thinks it will attract the men. There is no man on this earth searching for a Jodie with 4 kids, huge boobs on a pencil body, lips the size of his own arse and a chin that will take his eyes out.
She is going to look absolutely fucking ridiculous !!
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nothing shocks me now

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I keep thinking back to when she said she was going to start doing a blog and she said it was also cause she didn’t have time to update the gram all the time. Ok Jodie, the 44 stories and grid post today must just be a figment of our imagination
It was the smug face at the end that really grates!

The whole day should have been about Oakley but all she cared about was playing on things with the older kids because they are more fun than poor Oakley.

I think the carer will soon report her for taking the piss as she will be swanning off all over the place leaving him with the carer all the time as it’s free child care.

The whole cake thing - she made it sound like only the cupcakes were for Oakley as the big cake had dairy in it - bet she didn’t send it back to the hospital for the nursing staff who have actually brought him up all this time to eat!

As for the smug face at the end of her clarification- makes you want to slap her even more!
When she was taking about the cake I actually thought she was going to say the cupcakes were for the nurses but nope the little cupcakes were dairy free so Oakley could have some. Wtf it’s his birthday he should be having the big cake you selfish cunt
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Saying she has to have it done SOON and how it’s not ideal timing,
I’m sure it can wait a bit, hardly a life or death situation!
What does the cc mean? She says she’s going from 325cc to 500cc? Just reminds me of motorcycles lol
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It defo seems Aaron goes to visit or has Oakley a lot more than we all assumed… he wouldn’t be allowed him on his own otherwise.
I wonder if he had him overnight last night or is having him tonight… taking him for a walk across the moors to get him to sleep doesn’t seem like just a few hour trip out the hospital
He might come back on to let us know 👀
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Well-known member
I mean what a fucking turd Aaron is but at the same time…. Is she never going to have all her kids at the same time? Fair enough she probably can’t train the carer etc with toddlers but why can’t Oakley come home for the day anyway? She is going to have to grit her teeth and get used to this!!
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VIP Member
That video of Aaron talking about Oakley did make me melt a little. Surprised they’re getting a carer but maybe they’re paying for it. So sweet he’s sorted a sensory room so it’ll be nice to see Oakley in there. Interesting how he talks about Oakley having a bed and at Jodie’s he’s dumped in with her.
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I think Oakley would be better off with Aaron. Jodie’s behaviour towards Oakley is incredibly concerning.
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Ah stop ✋️ give him a medal 🏅. He brought his son for a walk. Isn't that what fathers do.
Yes it is what fathers are supposed to do…. AND mothers.

But Talia can only be arsed to take him to a friends house or for a spin in his pram to Costa inside the hospital 🙄

so I’m pleased too that Aaron has got him out for some fresh air on a long walk.
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VIP Member
Thread suggestion…

Aaron has got a muzzy, looking like Kiosk Keith
whilst Jodie is still walking around with them manky teeth
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I’ve just realised why she chose to do a Q&A today. Aaron had Oakley out and about and posted in insta and takes the attention away from her and also goes against her narrative so she did the Q&A to pull it back to her her her.

the comment on her blog the other week about when he sister was born with her ‘disability she grew out of 🤔’ she said her mum sent her away so she could go to the hospital and I think she is resentful of that and the attention wasn’t on her anymore. I think she still has issues about not being the centre of attention now, and she probably hates the fact her Oakley posts got more likes than any of the ones of her alone.
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‘The boxes are ikea’ no one asked babes we all know you have Dior shit hun your still a council estate barbie

champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget springs to mind
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The only person Jodie cares about is Jodie. If she genuinely cared for her child, she would focus on him. Sod the stompy tiktoks, SM digs at her ex, the constant botox/fillers etc, Oakley should be no1 priority, having him at home, caring for him & his needs, not someone who she occasionally pops in & sees when she's not doing something for her own personal benefit & expects other people to look after him.
It's been nice to hear from some people on here who've had personal experiences with aperts & the care & love their family members have had shows its not as bad as Jodie makes out.
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Maybe if she got off her phone and stopped recording shit she’d manage the kids easier. Honestly, no brain in that noggin whatsoever
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Chatty Member
The whole thing with him coming home then back to the hospital is just off isn't it? Like lots of you have said, if he's allowed to stay at home overnight then why didn't she choose last night to wake up at home on his birthday? Also the way she took him back the hospital an planned to see him this morning, then all of a sudden she's sleeping over. That shows sleeping over is allowed. If it's allowed why isn't she there every night? I wasn't 100% convinced that social was involved at first but now I definitely think they are. If your child is well enough to be at home overnight, then what is he even in hospital for. None of it makes any sense. The only thing what does make sense is the fact that she's a shit mum. A mum who was planning to leave her poor baby in hospital alone on his birthday. Dying to know what's going on!
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nothing shocks me now

Active member
Aww come on lads let’s leave off her a bit, it’s been so hard on her you know. I mean she didn’t choose to be a nurse and she is trying to help all these other parents who are going through the same thing. Jodie go and get your nails done tomorrow hun, you deserve it
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I don’t believe that the scans picked up nothing. I think they probably weren’t able to confirm aspert but they’re very precise on checking head/neck measures and fingers and toes. I can’t believe his hands would’ve been missed. More likely they said there was an issue but wouldn’t confirm what the issue was until he was born.

100% agree with the poster who said she’s done the Q&A to take attention off the fact Aaron has taken out Oakley on his own.
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I don’t mean this in a bad way so I hope it doesn’t come across that way- please nobody take offense, but she didn’t have to have poor Oakley, she chose to. She buried her head in the sand thinking it would be something minor or was in denial. Now all she does it moan about her life..
I think she wanted to be known as the woman who’s got 4 kids. 3 close in age and juggles everything including the cleaning and cooking for Aaron. Superwoman. When he left she realised exactly what happens when your not careful and get pregnant one after the other and now she can’t be assed.
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