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The fact that they keep making almond cake for every single holiday without fail when Marfa doesn't like it is hilarious to me lmao
With all the desserts you could possibly make why would you always choose the one that your sister doesn't like?
Omg, we were joking about it being another almond cake but it is! 😂 It isn't even one of the 'standard' cake flavours, probably because almond's an acquired taste and there's a lot of people with nut allergies. Either way, can't this family just make a plain Victoria sponge? A chocolate cake for Easter? Lemon cake or coffee flavour with buttercream? Literally any other cake.
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So did Ruby get rejected from the PhD program at Oxford? Do you all think she’s gonna shoot for a PhD or give up?
There'll be no time for PhDs, I'm sure she'll be far too busy finally building those Holocaust memorials in underfunded state schools.
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Imagine if she just drops out of Oxfud and chooses to never talk about it, like it never happened 🤪
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Yup, she sprained one ankle doing excessive running. She then ignored all basic common sense and standard medical advice to rest and heal, insisted on continuing to do gymnastics instead and screwed up the other ankle. Naturally all of this was "VARRY INFYORIATING" and none of it was Ruby's fault.

She had a phone consultation with a doctor who told her it was sprained and to rest it. But what do doctors know? A simple sprain wouldn't garner sympathy and views! So Ruby went ahead and Erimenthassessed herself as having a Grade 2-3 sprain/ligament tear despite apparently having seen zero doctors or medical professionals in person.

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(Ruby VARRY TRYOOTHFOLLY explaining her legitimate medical diagnosis. Spot the obvious tell.)

It was also yet another thing she never wanted to work to improve at, so she never bothered going to structured training sessions. She just went to the occasional 'pay for an hour' drop-in free play sessions where she could fling herself about on a trampoline and hope for applause from random bystanders (while framing it as a structured "gymnastics meeting" to make it seem more important).

Probably doesn't help that by the time last year at Exeter rolled around her energy and basic coordination were completely shot in general (malnutrition strikes again!) so she got actively worse at gymnastics (and everything else) with time. Whenever she showed herself trampolining or doing gymnastics she looked like she was ready to break her neck or backflip face-first into the floor at any moment. Since then, she seems to have ditched the acrobatics in favour of just starving herself and doing a 2 minute lap of her back yard while claiming she went on a 5 hour "RON".
I also think Ruby is someone who runs away whenever she meets up with competition of any kind and finds someone else does something better than her. Someone else on YouTube, someone prettier, someone more well read, someone who can do ballet better than her, someone in trampoline, in classes, in anything. They are the bully, they are the nasty person she avoids, while she is the poor little victim. In reality, she is very much a narcissist. She wants to be perfect in everything and isn't good at anything. She spent too much time trying to be a Jack of All Trades and a Mistress of None, that she hasn't anything to show for it. No one cares about a YT channel with a bunch of young kids watching her and praising her idiocy.
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some fav comments so far

"This girl makes studying look so fun anything fun really!"

"I thought you were intelligent but you don't know any History or facts"

"does she have an OF?"
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I could never deface a rare first edition book or any book that I have on my bookshelf as I would feel ashamed that I have destroyed something that clearly meant something to me and if I had any thoughts on a book that I was reading I would either hand write these on a piece of paper or write them down on my computer. The fact that she got the book and then defaced it straight away shows how little she cares about books and that she only buys them to write notes in them.
Yup, there was nothing stopping her from asking them to stamp a postcard or book plate or something to keep with the book to avoid defacing it.

It's not like it's a book that holds any special meaning for her, either, since she said she's never read it. So she dropped at least £200 on a rare book, immediately defaced it and no doubt will never read it and will just skim through a summary online instead. Meanwhile she complains constantly that £20 books that she claims to want desperately are just too expensive.

She seems to have heard about this 'books as objects' idea in a lecture that she was half paying attention to and thought it validated her purely superficial interest in books as props for her fake bookworm persona. She doesn't explain why she couldn't just buy a used mass-market paperback in case she doesn't like the book (or her "FRAND" doesn't like it and she agrees, having not read it herself).

It screams "I buy rare books, that proves I love books (despite never reading them)", or "I'm supposed to read this book alongside someone I know, and since I won't read it and can't form ideas and opinions myself about books to outpace her in conversation, I'll just buy a rare copy to try to beat her at being a BOCKWAHHRM". Then she sullies the thing seconds after buying it.

Hopefully Oxford keep her far away from their manuscript archives so she doesn't go scribbling her name in them or slapping POCKERPODTIFTEEEA stickers all over them to "add herself to the book's story" or whatever.

New debut novel in the making? ”Stanhope Hall dripped with sweat” 😂 what an opening, future generations will look back in awe 🙃

View attachment 2895945
"The room was cold with sweat."

Someone get this sweaty school some anti-perspirant already!

Untitle7687987987g - Copy.png

Wonderful, another self-insert novel. Young girl at AWKSFWUD. Fancy private school/boarding school. Shrill, shrieking mother. Gender-swapped Martha. Father that Ruby forgot to include again. It's Erimentha Parker in Ye Olden Toiymes again and coffee is outlawed for ladies!

Naturally, this will never get published, so I suppose we'll never find out if Erimentha snitches on any school bullies running any coffee-smuggling rings, if anyone solves the mystery of the school's B.O. problem or what her mother's "way" of squealing is.
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Lately she has been super busy on Pinterest, which is pretty odd for someone who is in their last semester at Oxford, writing their dissertation. And nothing academia related. Young girls, teenagers, in white lingerie, white dresses and white nightgowns. All looking forlorn. Get ready. This could be another summer of her roaming around her yard, laying on the grass in a white nightie, staring up at the sky, musing as she quotes poetry to us. Gag.
lol you weren’t kidding 😂😂😂

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She definitely seems to be stepping away from YouTube at the moment as she hasn't uploaded a video for 2 weeks despite being back at home for the half term and she just seems quieter than usual. I mean I don't know what happened at Oxford during Hilary Term but IMO something has happened for her to stop uploading and I don't think it was just down to a lack of motivation.
Ruby tends to go AWOL when she doesn’t want to share things, and she doesn’t share things when there’s a risk that she might not do particularly well. She never really talked about or shared her Oxford application because she didn’t want to have to share not getting in. She tends not to talk about anything where she isn’t guaranteed success, which is to her detriment and to the detriment of her channel because most people would have sympathy and be interested in struggles.

She‘s so stuck in this desire to be a ‘child genius‘ with endless, effortless academic success that it‘s really stunted her growth into adulthood. She‘s obsessed with wanting truly impossible things - to never grow up, to be a real-life Matilda - that she can‘t see all of the things that she does have that make her so incredibly fortunate, and that actually give her a chance to live a life that is inaccessible to most people. I‘m not suggesting that privileged people don’t have struggles but even the way she deals with those annoys me - she‘s in a position to bypass waiting lists and get the best support but she avoids doing that to live in her fantasy world. It’s sad.
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Something I realized about Ruby's Oxford program recently is that she not only chose it because it was easier to get into, but also because she has always avoided difficult conversations and topics regarding the present. Ruby has never been the kind of person to engage in social justice (which is fine and not everyone has to make that their social media platform), but there is something intentional about the way Ruby weaponizes her place in academia. She can only ever be "intelligent" and an "academic" as long as she's inhabiting a world where whiteness, generational wealth, and access to connections that give her advantages over others.

I mean, we saw this when she somehow got a unique opportunity to "help" the Emily Dickinson Museum with their social media, while this type of volunteer opportunity wasn't available to others on their volunteer website. She refused to explain how she got this opportunity and basically gate kept access to those who might want to do something similar. She was easily able to secure a place at her old school and barely mentioned it at all. And again, at Oxford, she chooses to focus on older material within English literature, which again is not wrong in itself, but she did it to avoid grappling with world literature and what that means in a modern context. Her lack of awareness of current events and inability to form connections to diverse experiences and people is harming her more than she thinks. Plus, I'm sure that her instructors and classmates are pushing her to think outside her limited worldview and it makes her uncomfortable (hence why she has seemed so miserable throughout her time there).

I also enjoyed watching Gilmore Girls, but her suddenly clinging to that "Rory Gilmore aesthetic" makes sense considering that Rory was also so used to getting everything she wanted and praised even when she was wrong. I think she and Rory have always been more focused on inhabiting places of academia and privilege, but lack the awareness and depth necessary to make long-term and successful careers out of it.
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Tbf, isn't it more honest and real for a studytuber to show those moments where they get super tired and have extreme eyebags? If she only ever showed herself happy and pretended she wasn't stressed, it would be a terribly false construction of student life for her younger audience (Ruby is guilty of doing this at times). I'd rather pics of her eyebags and acknowledgement of stress, than her showing herself twirling on her countryside estate and then later quietly admitting to hating her time as a student, like she did with Exeter...

She has a strong tone of finality when Oxford is mentioned lately, so it's seeming less and less likely that she'll be staying to get her DPhil. I do wonder if potentially not having secured a position on the DPhil at Oxford is making getting through this last stretch harder? All of the hard work might feel kind of futile, from her perspective, if she doesn't have her next dream position lined up. I at least hope that she realises, by virtue of being there, that Oxford isn't the be all and end all.
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finally she blesses us

edit: ”I should make a pouch.” NO YOU SHOULDN’T. What is her obsession with pouches?
edit 2: oh god she’s trying to do ”quirky” and I’m so embarrassed for her 🫣
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"What is something that is acceptable if you're rich and trashy if you're poor?"
Literally. If Ruby and her family lived in a dilapidated flat in a urban area people would be shaming them left and right
But they live in a dilapidated mansion in the countryside so I guess their filth is aesthetically pleasing?
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I'm confused, is that a part of her re-writting old novel or a brand new one?

She mispronounces english words in every video and you expected her to get Gare du Nord right ? That's too much expectations for her ^^

I don't really call "being happy with yourself" making fake foods to cope. Not everyone will be happy with having to eat a whole plate of nutritional supplements everyday, and that's perfectly ok. There's a reason why so many vegans give up and slowly return to vegetarians and omnivorous, or even as flexitarians. Truly happy vegans on the long term who don't feel the need to try to guilt trip people to push them to share their lifestyle aren't common at all as it's a hard time in everyday life. And Ruby is definitely not one of these happy guys as she never get rid of leather or whool stuff for example.
And there's a huge difference between listening to your body and cravings like fast foods or candies everyday which give you a brief satisfaction only.
Can you stop? I'm not trying to be off topic, but there are happy vegans who also try and convert people because they're not doing it for health benefits, they're doing it for ethical reasons. It's like people who advocate against slapping children or mowing down pedestrians in their cars: they're not advocating because they're sad, they're doing it because it's a moral imperative to try and make the world better.

The choice to get rid of animal products is a personal one, I think. I've met vegans who decided to give away their animal products, and ones who didn't, because they decided to use them up (this is all besides the new leather and wool products Ruby seems to acquire).

For a contrast to vegans converting people, take internet "carnivores". They're advocating the lifestyle for some reason. They claim it's for health, but the wide array of anecdotes of people who came away with health issues after months on the diet shows that's a lie. People coming away from veganism with health issues is an issue of good intentions/bad planning. There's no good intentions for carnivore.
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This was her strangest video that she's posted and I've been through the frozen peas and cabbage water porridge days with Ruby.

I keep thinking about it and there's something not right about it. I think that it would perhaps be an acceptable video if she was a teenager than a 24 year old. It gave me the vibes of a school project on nonsense poetry for English or media studies than something a masters student would do.

It just feels like she's going through a big regression since she's gone home, it starting off with the childish outfits and now this. I am expecting to see more odd food combinations coming again.

It's also very telling that she's been so quiet about Oxford the whole time, especially in comparison to Exeter where she was filming about her grades, speaking about her assignments. Ruby has been so quiet about Oxford other than her pretending to study in the library.

I don't think that she is getting the grades that she expected. I think ruby was expecting to get distinctions for all of her work 70% upwards for my MA course, and shes been given a few merits 60%+ or passes 50% +. I've had a mixture of all those during my course and it's upsetting not to get distinctions and merits all the time as to being honest, life happens and you get through the course as best you can and take the 58% .

I think that if ruby had all distinctions , she would be posting about it as it fits her image. I think that she would be very tight lipped about getting a merit compared to distinctions. I am convinced that she changed course in Exeter as she got a 50 something grade for her first theology essay and it ruined her from having straight firsts.

I don't know if she's had some bad news like a book has been rejected and she's on another debut novel or she's not got into a PhD application and the regression has been furthered by this.

I think once Oxford is finished she'll try and become a full time writer again in her parents house as she 'wants to spends lots of time with them,' or what she said in the gap year. I think that she'll continue to make content but I don't think that she'll be mentioning or discussing Oxford much and pretending it never happened.

I think that she's picked the course which wasn't for her. I think that she was mostly wanting the aestheticn and the idea of Oxford compared what she's actually experienced. I'm still convinced that she went for the dark academia aesthetic and that she will use it for a novel idea.
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So she has just revealed in tonight’s video that Blakeney is the wallpaper on her phone. She has it on shuffle and every time she lifts her phone it is a different photo of Blakeney because she misses her when she is at university. 👀
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