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"RWOARY GILMWOAR becoss oiy really got intyo GILMWOAR GAHRLS this yahhhr."

She's been claiming she "rilly got intyoo Gilmwoarr Gaaaahrlllls this yeaaahhr" for 3 years running and yet still hasn't watched past the first episode.


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Ruby each time someones noticed something wrong: "That's weird!"+ passive agressive reply or more lies.
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Chatty Member
I agree, I can't see her immediately job-hunting once her Masters is done. She'll 'give herself time' and in a few years still not have a job.
She doesn't need a real job as incredibly privileged with no expenses as living with her parents, being a landlady and producing low effort crappy youtube videos. She can live like a trust fund baby for the rest of her life waiting to 'make it' as an author/poet.
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Their whole vibe is "two people who get along pleasantly enough in 15 minute increments but don't have a lot to talk about beyond that" and Ruby just seems to overcompensate by getting intentionally over-excited over anything they might remotely agree on to try to force the "we're really BASST FRANDS, aren't we?" narrative in her head. She was the same way with Jade in their video together not long ago.

It's tough to gauge what their actual relationship is like and how comfortable they are around each other since Ruby's always so performative, they both seem uncomfortable on camera in general and Ruby usually refuses to allow Blakeney to speak in videos. If she hasn't cut all her words out and reduced Blakeney to a smiling prop, she snips random sections of sentences, rendering the whole conversation an incoherent mess, or talks over and interrupts her constantly.

The try-hard purple prose narration full of awkward, one-sided love-bombing doesn't exactly make things seem their "BASST FRANDS AND SYOUL MATES" status that Ruby keeps screaming about seem any more natural or genuine, nor does Ruby taking another hard stance about something she completely made up: She says she's read online that society believes that if you don't have friends, you don't deserve friends. Ruby bravely overcome this toxic misconception that she imagined and made a friend who tolerates her for a few hours every 6 months on gifted outings. Heart-warming stuff.

Seems like this video should've been saved for Ruby's private holiday home videos, since there's not really much here for anyone else beyond shoddy editing, bad audio, filming more people without consent (and barely, unsuccessfully trying to blur them out), sponsorships and undeclared ads.

Speaking of ads, she also buries the lede massively; in true Ruby fashion, she declares one ad while desperately trying to hide another, bigger one. This video wasn't sponsored by Lord Haldon Hotel and they didn't gift the trip - it was Bird and Blend who set it up and paid for it, which Ruby neglects to properly mention while spending the whole video advertising BARDEN BLAND's company and products and claiming she's only doing so because she spent so much time in their shop while studying at Exeter. Yes, Ruby, you spent a lot of time there because you were advertising them, being gifted their products, being sponsored by them and doing merch collabs. This is the shit you're supposed to be up front about.

To cap it off, Ruby - JANUINELEEEY THEEE MYOST MOSTEST VEEEGAN HYOO AVVER LIVED - has what she thinks is a cheese and "PEANOT BOTTAH" sandwich, but unsurprisingly didn't even bother checking what was in it or if it was vegan cheese, but "likes to think it was". That's her whole approach to veganism: Don't bother being vegan, just keep pretending that you are (and very loudly). And then she tries to overcompensate by shouting about how many wonderful vegan options Exeter has and how she naturally visited AWHL OFF THAM.
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This discussion reminds me of that Derry Girls episode when the girls compete who's gonna get to collect the new Asian student as a friend for diversity cred.
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Thank you @Binx and random yt commenter for the title!

Hilary Tahrm at Awksfud has wrapped up and Ruby is back in her childhood bedroom, cosplaying a primary school child. She went a month and a half without posting, saying she was suddenly anxious about filming and stressed out about essays. As neither stress nor anxiety have ever managed to keep her away from sponsorship money before, speculation is rife. Is she doing badly? Did she apply for a PhD and get rejected? Did she get told by her program that she’d better use all that library time for working, not filming herself and innocent bystanders? Regardless, in the spirit of Easter, Ruby and her receding hairline have made a return!

edit: just to make sure everyone knows, the option to create a new thread comes up when you go to the Influencers forum, so you kind of have to go one step up from “Ruby Granger threads” for it to appear!
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Are you talking about the woman circa 13:14? I didn't think that was her.
It's a bit hard to make out, but I think I might've spotted her in the background...

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For real though, I think she did go solo considering she did her Boston holiday thing of fleeing to her hotel as soon as the afternoon hit and spending most of the trip in her room. I think her "we're finally here" is just her being pretentious and using the royal "we".
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Let’s not forget she reported nearly £ 300.000 in earnings on her 2023 tax return which she made through her influencer work. That’s not something you give up just because you are bored. Unless her “first” novel is a breakout bestseller, I don’t see her giving up YouTube just yet. Roobs loves the rubles!
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Lately she has been super busy on Pinterest, which is pretty odd for someone who is in their last semester at Oxford, writing their dissertation. And nothing academia related. Young girls, teenagers, in white lingerie, white dresses and white nightgowns. All looking forlorn. Get ready. This could be another summer of her roaming around her yard, laying on the grass in a white nightie, staring up at the sky, musing as she quotes poetry to us. Gag.
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I had to leave the video after she talked about the various "flavours" of deodorant. You don't eat deodorant. You wear it. It has various "scents" or "fragrances." How on earth did she ever get into Oxford when she can't even use basic terminology? I mean, this is so obvious and so embarrassing for the company to find her describing their product incorrectly. When companies keep sending dimwits like this products to review, I can only think less of the company and not want to buy from them, rather than order from them.
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Why’s she going to Exeter? 🫤 bit of a trek during a intensive masters degree
Ruby would throw her nan down the stairs for a free can of kombucha, so there's no way she'd turn down a free trip somewhere, regardless of how impractical or poorly timed it is. But it's equally likely she wanted a trip to Exeter to drag Blakeney back to the past, so sponsor-begged some hotels for a gifted holiday to sweeten the deal and avoid paying for anything.

She's had her ego stomped on by Oxford and is completely miserable, so a weekend trip so she can REMAMBER THEEE GYUD OWLD DYAYS AT AXATAR UNIVARRSITY WITH HAHHR BASST FRAND BLAKENEEEEEEY probably sounded irresistible. Now she can spend yet another week regressing to a time when she got rewarded and praised for doing no work instead of having to think for herself, getting handed appropriately bad grades and being reminded daily of how she's just an unremarkable student of questionable intelligence.

Wildcard tinfoil hat theory based on nothing at all: She's planning on going back to Exeter to start her theology undergrad degree again to delay the real world for another few years and lower the academic stakes after the ego-crushing experience that Oxford's been for her. She had a meeting/interview, begged a free trip out of a hotel and dragged Blakeney along because her BASST FRAND can't suffer a day of her company without a free holiday/event/gifts to sweeten the deal.
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I doubt she’ll talk about her topic, especially if she’s thinking about a PhD. Ruby reminds me of those people in school who would wrap their arms around their work so no-one could copy them - which is amusing when someone’s nine (or TWALVE) but weird in someone who’s mid-twenties and hoping for an academic career …
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Ruby's back for that sponsor cash!

As a hint of what kind of grade she'll get for her dissertation, Ruby includes this on-screen note:

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She uses the plural noun form of "midst" incorrectly along with redundantly noting that she's "CORRANTLEEE" in the middle of it. Expect many a "BAD MANTLE HALTH" vague-post around grading time - she's not leaving with more than a pass when she struggles so much, so often with basic English.

Ruby starts the day by abandoning her study plans to take up space in a coffee shop and scribble some pointless, performative musings about the weather. She then flees the coffee shop because the notebook she was scrawling gibberish about seagulls and daffodils in wasn't small enough and she had to retrieve a smaller one from her room. Remember all those times Ruby tried shilling her scam planner by assuring everyone that it was JANUINELY designed from the ground up to suit all her needs?

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Anyone else would call this morning a pointless waste of time, but Ruby assures herself and any gullible child watching that she's actually being VARRY PRODOCKTIVE as she rambles incoherently about the importance of commonplace books and "staying grounded". She's pretty preoccupied with staying grounded for someone who can't sit still.

Ruby's apparently been on Tattle again since she finally reveals what her dissertation is about. "Moiy dissertation is aboutttt...CHRAAHLDHUD. The constrockshons of TCHRAWWLDHUD in Aaarly Modern England." Ruby chooses not to learn how to pronounce "childhood" in her fake Emma Watson accent and instead congratulates herself on treading brave new ground with her not-yet-graded work and assures everyone that this is a "faaairly new and DAFFINITELEEEY ACKSOYTING area of the scholarship".

She then seemingly changes directions at the final hurdle and announces that her dissertation it's now about "TRWOYLD WROYTINGS - things that waahr written boiy actual chrirldren?" To the surprise of nobody, Ruby clarifies that she is only really interested in the writings of YONGG FEMALE tCtHRoILDRONS - NO BOYS ALLOWED! As always, Ruby appears to have tossed multiple disconnected thesis topics into one murky, undercooked pot of academic spaghetti.

Ruby goes on a rambling diatribe about how she didn't want to talk about her dissertation because she's aware that she'd be influenced by other people online and would instantly just abandon all the ideas that she's JANUINELY VARRY CONFIDENT ABOUT. Didn't she "ummm" her way through a debate wherein she argued that being influenced online isn't an issue at all and people have no right to blame influencers? The irony is off the charts, especially when Ruby's also never had an original thought in her life and only made it through undergrad by using other people's work, ideas and suggestions.

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She goes on an aimless wander around the campus buildings, filming random rooms.

"That's the common room, where you're allowed to eat and talk," she says, eating nothing and whispering as though she might get bludgeoned to death for talking. I'm getting some mixed messages.

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Ruby goes book shopping with FRANDS and also grabs a book from the library - 'Mental Health, Spirituality, and Religion in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age.' She mentions that she has no idea what it's about, has not read any of it or heard of it before, but she still hopes to use parts of it for her dissertation. She's supposedly in the final stages when this was shot and is still just grabbing anything that has 'Early Modern' in the title and cannibalising it for random filler quotes.

She says that - in her dissertation about things that were written by children - she's including a whole paragraph to talk about Jane Lumley, whose notable writing achievements happened in her twenties. Again, expect Ruby to be moaning about her disappointing grades soon and how she was PONNISHED FWORE TAKING CHAAAAHNCES AGANN; this thing appears to be a complete mess of disjointed ideas and irrelevant padding and she won't have Exeter's extremely generous grade inflation as a parachute.

But Ruby's only making a video because there's sponsor cash on the table. This time it's "Milanote" - yet another pointless app that Ruby never uses, but is suddenly claiming she AWLWHEYS YEEZES it and has YEEZED FWORE YEAHHRS now that she's been given money to advertise it.

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She lie-squints her way through a thoroughly unconvincing testimonial, assuring us that this is a fantastic alternative to "MOIND-MAPPING". Ruby interrupts herself to assure us that she would NAVVER YEEZE A MOIND MAP FWORE WROYTING. This after Ruby has spent the last decade using and recommending mind-mapping for absolutely every writing or academic task, regardless of how ill-suited it is, purely because it's something people learn as children and it reminds her of being TWALVE AGANN.

This is also around the 5,927th app that she's endorsed for money that does the exact same things as all the others. She'll never use this again unless they pay her.

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Beaming with fake enthusiasm, Ruby offers up a tour of the app and her ongoing dissertation work. She's wasted time putting together countless family trees and links to maps to the family homes of dead scholars. None of this seems relevant to her dissertation or to anything else ever. She may as well have tossed together photos of the world's largest poops in history and attached a map and size graphs, it'd be about as useful to her degree as this crap she's assembled.

Because she just can't help herself, she sneaks a gifted (and naturally undeclared) RAMADEEEE KYOMBYOOOOOCHAAAAAA on-screen for most of this sponsor section.

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Ruby "accidentally" dumps a load of pumpkin puree all over her carpet. She assures us that she cleaned it off-screen but refuses to show it (translation: that pumpkin part of the carpet now and Ruby's waved goodbye to her deposit).

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She blurs out most of her work, but shows part of a presentation she has to give on her dissertation.

'"Youth is donne"
Transience of spring and childhood....'

"chronophobia and chronophilia"

Ruby appears to have centred some or all of her degree on her obsession with young girls and her crippling fear of growing up and not being TWALVE FORAVVER. This seems like something she should just talk to a therapist about rather than waste £40,000 on a degree just to write a bad dissertation about it, but hey.

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It wouldn't be a Ruby video if she weren't fleeing uni at every opportunity, so naturally she runs home during peak essay season. Along the way, she stops with Martha to get a (non-vegan) Five Guys. She hilariously mentions that it feels like forever since she's seen Martha, what with Ruby being away from home and all. Reminder: Ruby has run home every week and Martha lives in said home.

Martha can drive now, though, so this means Ruby will remember that she has a sister a lot more often, since she can act as chauffeur whenever mummy's too plastered on Waitrose vino.

After moaning earlier that she can't tell people her ideas because the whole world only (accurately) points out that her ideas are bad, she announces that she's told her mummy all about her dissertation. Presumably Clare just nodded along in an absent-minded, day-drunk haze and offered some slurred words of encouragement to her favourite daughter before reaching for another bottle of wine.

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Meanwhile, Ruby's waving more undeclared gifted products around on-screen. She's also wearning her PETA t-shirt even though she would NAVVER AVVER ENDORSE OR PROMYOTE THAM, HOW DAEEHR YEUUU.

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Ruby spends a performative section rejoicing that she can finally walk outside again, as though she's just escaped from Shawshank rather than having simply fled home from her supposed dream university. She gorps and grimaces at the sky, then goes back inside, where she reveals that she's researching marigolds and "botany in the SAVANTEENTH SANCHURY". For funzies? Nope. For her dissertation. She apparently included "an entire section" in her dissertation about marigolds.

So it's a dissertation for her Early Modern Lit degree and she's written about child writers, being terrified of growing up, springtime, "constructs of childhood", twenty-something female translators and backyard foliage. She was right not to tell anyone about this. What a disaster.

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With triumphant music playing, Ruby sits hunched over her desk, sneering at the screen. She's JANUINELY confident in her dissertation and AWHLWHEYS LOVES STODDYING.

To overcompensate for her clearly being well aware that she's floundering, she resorts to her usual tricks. ACKSUALLY, she wasn't JOSST writing her dissertation, but also doing vague, nonexistent ADMIN WAHHHRK and also doing group work for the presentation that she earlier claimed was a solo exercise. Anything to give the illusion of being a highly organised, always-multitasking, super-productive child prodigy.

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The family go "fyeed shopping" in Martha's car. Mummy Bones complains that the hanging dice make her carsick. Martha keeps them up.

Ruby says she made "tomato syeep" but the oven was broken so she had to air-fry it somehow. She offers no further explanation.

And then Ruby can't summon the energy to even bullshit about being productive any more so the video ends unceremoniously.
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this is so off topic but Marylebone does have an underground station but it's only the bakerloo line!! Paddington has a direct train to kings cross via the circle and Hammersmith & city lines which would explain the change in service too
Lol, brain is not braining. But when I read "underground knowledge" I was thinking of secret, subcultural, arcane knowledge. Not public transport. 🤣 Possibly because I've just been to a seminar on the British Rock Invasion of the 1960s. Definitely time to go home and have a quiet, relaxing weekend🤣
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Sibyl Vane

VIP Member
I love berets and wear them as my headcover of choice in winter (knitted hats simply don´t suit me), but it´s all about how you wear them! I honestly don´t know how she managed to make hers look like that :censored:
You are what you eat:
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