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Ruby while studying:

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I think Ruby has 0 passion for social media/content creation any more but does have passion for £££ hence why we only see sponsored videos and undisclosed adverts. What she wants is to be 15 again back in her childhood bedroom getting to be the no 1 GCSE study gal again but that won't happen. Her audience has aged but she hasn't, she is out of touch with her 'brand' and too rigid and stuck in her ways to change. I think she will keep up half arsed influencer content until sponsors dry up, and can also use it to guarantee at least some sales/positive reviews of any books that do eventually get published
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I doubt she’ll talk about her topic, especially if she’s thinking about a PhD. Ruby reminds me of those people in school who would wrap their arms around their work so no-one could copy them - which is amusing when someone’s nine (or TWALVE) but weird in someone who’s mid-twenties and hoping for an academic career …
It’s just laughable. If you have a genuine interest in what you’re doing and a genuinely original angle, you’re not going to worry about someone copying your topic. Her idea of academia is that it’s just like school, only with higher stakes.
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It makes me so angry that, at a time when ballet and opera are increasingly inaccessible financially to so many people, Ruby has been 'gifted' a ticket to see Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House. The performances are all sold out so it's not like they needed the publicity. She's such a shameless grifter.
She'll grab anything she can with her dirty, stumpy, tote bag wielding little mitts.
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More evidence that she reads here if we needed it… funny that she hasn’t touched her gymnastics stuff in forever. It gets discussed here and then her next video she includes it. Slightly terrifying watching her fling herself around on the trampoline.
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I do wonder what she is going to do content-wise after Oxford. I could see her doing a PhD to stay in academia longer even if she hates it but it will stop her going into the real world for a few years and it will be at least guaranteed content.
It'll just be the same lazy copy-and-paste content she's been crapping out for years.

After graduation there'll likely be a messy 'REFLAKCHON' video where Ruby gets on her soapbox again to blame everyone/everything else for her not having the time of her life at Oxford. There'll be no specifics, it'll be lots of wild generalisation and "AS AYYY SOCIETEAAAA, WEEE TAND TYEUUU..." moaning about things that only Ruby does or thinks, waving her claw hand around, and vague yammering about the RESTRICTIVE, TOXIC AND ONNFAIR NAYCHA OF GRADES, the MISGOYDED DANGERS OF OIYDEALOIYSING MACADAYMIA and the IMPWORETANCE OF NWOT RYOMANTISOYZING AVVERYTHING ABOUT YEENIVARRSITEEEEEEAAAA.

There'll be an air of 'never meet your heroes' sour grapes that Oxford let her in, yet didn't immediately recognise all the natural talent and academic genius that her mummy assures her she VARRY MOCH POSSASSES, THANKYEUUVARRYMOCH. It definitely won't be her fault that she chose to pursue an academic path she had no genuine interest in and was woefully unequipped for, at a uni and only wanted to go to for the superficial trophy appeal.

She'll spin it like she was unfairly treated and harp on again that the educational system is TYEU RESTRICTIVE AND PONNISHES PEEPOL FWORE BEING TYEU ACKSAPSHONAL AND CREATIVE. This is especially likely if Ruby's grades are as bad as it seems. She'll assure everyone from her out-of-touch bubble that IT'S YOKAY TYEU NOT KNYOW WHAT YEU WANT TYEU DYEU NAXT! YEU CAN SIMPLY TAKE AYYY GAP YAHHH OR SAVVEN AND YORE BILLS WILL MAGICALLY PAY THAMSALVES!

Then she'll likely take another year off to "focus on her writing career". Zero progress will be made and no book deal will happen. There'll be a seemingly endless stream of crappy deja-vu vlogs and routine videos, each more sloppily-edited than the last. Every one will be sponsored by a product that Ruby does not use or understand. There'll be no insight or reflection into her writing aspirations or process because she has none beyond wanting a £1million book deal for copying other people's work and doing as little as possible. It'll just be more time-lapse footage of her staring morosely at screens trying to look busy followed by interludes wherein she twirls and grimaces around her yard, pretending to be a child.

She'll shoehorn reminders that she went to Oxford in wherever she can. Titles like 'Morning Routine of an Oxford University Graduate' and 'a day in the life of an Oxford Graduate writer || cosy & productive' will crop up over and over. They'll be the same assembly-line vlogs full of fake, embellished and suspiciously vague activities to make her days seem overwhelmingly busy (SHE'S JANUINELY NWOT JOSST AN ONEMPLOYED LAYABOUT, HOWDAEEERYEUUUUU) - lots of nebulous "WAHHRK"/"ADMIN WAHHHRK," non-existent meetings and HONDREDS OF BOCKS WILL JANUINELY BE RAD. PONKINPOD TIFTEAAAAA will reoccupy a big chunk of her fake schedule after forgetting all about it and that new disastrous scam planner that she never advertised after it launched. Occasionally there'll be a book recap/readathon video in which Ruby claims to have read a lot of books, but can only talk about the cover or a basic plot blurb of any of them.

Naturally, she'll go on at least a dozen holidays. In the vlogs that follow, she'll complain about the price of something inconsequential, like she's destitute and not trotting the globe every week or blowing £30,000 on degrees to try to boost her ego.

Then it's back to uni, no doubt for another undergrad degree (my money's on a redo of theology at AXATAR) to hit the reset button on adulthood again, lower the stakes and make sure she's challenged substantially less. Three more years of the exact same 'staring at screens looking despondent, then holding an undeclared gifted product up to camera' study vlogs will follow as her views slowly die off as she fades further into irrelevance.

If she gets onto a PhD course, it'll all be exactly the same, there'll just be less content and she'll look even more miserable.
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Ruby was briefly featured in the latest Mina Le video, where she mentioned her as an example of making a spectacle of herself writing a book rather than writing itself (which is deemed boring).

It is interesing to see that even in brief passing Ruby is valued by her surface level aesthetics, rather than what she actually might have to say (not much of substance, really).

Like it is mentioned in the quote, she is just a product to consume.


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Elaborate? Ruby just stopped hanging out with her? :)
Online classes became a thing and Ruby did what she always does and ran straight home to bone manor only weeks after signing a two person lease with Blakeney, rarely returning the entire year, but still laying claim to the better room.
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I can't believe she's attended a black tie ball in that awful green dress...

View attachment 3011181
I'm embarrassed by how much this irritates me. She can't shut her pumpkin hole about dark academia, old world charm, vintage and antiques and everything that screams old money. There is no way she can't learn what to wear to a white tie event. Let's say that she is shit skint, she hasn't two pennies to rub together and this is the one dress she can utilize for the evening - fine. Let's say she can't wear heels or a proper formal shoe due to medical reasons - fine. What she can do for a grand total of zero quid is to fix her fucking hair. She can't even run a brush through that shapeless blanket, never mind style it or put it in an updo of some sort. It looks like someone's deranged relative has escaped her locked room and wandered into the garden party.
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I think it depends on what research is being done.
Some texts are not kept on site and have to be obtained from offsite storage.
A text from C17 may require supervision. White gloves and book cushion etc
I have visions of the archivist carefully setting the book up on a cushion and then looking on aghast as Ruby whips out the paint box and washi tape …
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"This is the THARD TOYME oiy've filmed this BECOSS...this mini-moykrophone KAPPED ON not WAHRKING...Bot the sound quality is ACKSHUALLY amazing."

(The sound proceeds to sound like a whistling nightmare any time Ruby makes an "s" sound.)

Note to Ruby: Lavalier mics are supposed to be clipped to your collar or lapel, not held against ypur mouth. That way they don't sound like utter shit any time your voice peaks.

Not surprising that she cheaped out on the one tiny equipment upgrade she made in years and manages to screw it up. She undoubtedly only bought it because she's seen other TikTokkers holding tiny mics like they're regular mics.
I know this is such a first world problem but seeing influencers hold those little mics to their chins as they talk really really annoys me! Just clip them on to your top!
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I'm gonna be speechless if she actually ends up doing a PhD. She doesn't seem to be enjoying her Master's at all so it would be a true shock.
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I haven’t caught up with her since she set me free from my windowsill grave but why is she on my FYP whispering at me on a train:/ leave me alone
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She’s supposed to be doing a live study with me rn for charity but can’t get the stream to work…
edit: she started another live stream but now the charity link isn’t connected to that one 🙄 how is she so goddamn inept
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I guess she’s busy panicking over her diss, and it’s going to be a disappointment anyway, but I’m still going to ask - when are we getting a new video?

Also, is she ever going to actually talk about her dissertation topic? You’d think she’d be on fire for her topic and wanting to talk about it, like most grad students are who share their academic journey online. Blurring for semi-OT I attended a doctoral dissertation defense this week. It was in the field of ethnomusicology/musical composition, and the now-doctor had been doing field research on some very obscure indigenous music for twenty years. It was surprisingly emotional, because there was just so much passion and humanity and dedication involved, and they were clearly not doing it just to have an academic degree. Roobee doesn’t have even 5% of the spark I saw.
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