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Absolutely hysterical that Ruby includes two separate shots of her talking to the dog and in both the dog turns away and ignores her. Lola wants nothing to do with Ruby at all
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I imagine, if she gave it a go, she would enjoy flower pressing.
She’s given it a go though, she clearly enjoys it much more than the poor flowers do


also semi-ot but since we’ve talked about Roobee’s lip-smacking - I recorded and edited my first podcast today and to my horror, I apparently make a similar noise when I start a sentence 😨😨😨 luckily, they show up as tiny little blips on the track so I was able to edit them out without too much effort.
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She could do some basic skills, but she was anything but graceful. No straight legs, no pointed toes. She just kind of flopped around and I believe sprained her ankle in the process. Maybe even twice, if I remember correctly?
Yup, she sprained one ankle doing excessive running. She then ignored all basic common sense and standard medical advice to rest and heal, insisted on continuing to do gymnastics instead and screwed up the other ankle. Naturally all of this was "VARRY INFYORIATING" and none of it was Ruby's fault.

She had a phone consultation with a doctor who told her it was sprained and to rest it. But what do doctors know? A simple sprain wouldn't garner sympathy and views! So Ruby went ahead and Erimenthassessed herself as having a Grade 2-3 sprain/ligament tear despite apparently having seen zero doctors or medical professionals in person.

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(Ruby VARRY TRYOOTHFOLLY explaining her legitimate medical diagnosis. Spot the obvious tell.)

It was also yet another thing she never wanted to work to improve at, so she never bothered going to structured training sessions. She just went to the occasional 'pay for an hour' drop-in free play sessions where she could fling herself about on a trampoline and hope for applause from random bystanders (while framing it as a structured "gymnastics meeting" to make it seem more important).

Probably doesn't help that by the time last year at Exeter rolled around her energy and basic coordination were completely shot in general (malnutrition strikes again!) so she got actively worse at gymnastics (and everything else) with time. Whenever she showed herself trampolining or doing gymnastics she looked like she was ready to break her neck or backflip face-first into the floor at any moment. Since then, she seems to have ditched the acrobatics in favour of just starving herself and doing a 2 minute lap of her back yard while claiming she went on a 5 hour "RON".
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Totally agree about the Royal Opera House gifted experience. And once again, she films so many people in the building and doesn’t give them the respect of blurring their faces.

Random thought, a few years ago she was really into gymnastics, she had that expensive equipment in her garden and often included in her vlogs that she’d practise often (who knows if she actually did!) but I remember her filming walk overs, flexibility etc. and being good at it? She also attended trampolining and stuff at Exeter. Did she just give all of this up? Feel like Oxford would have lots of great facilities for this!
She was flexible (and still is, witness her contortionist ”yoga” poses lol) but her trampolining consisted of her flopping around without much control. I think the whole gymnastics thing took place around the same time as when she was reading books about eating disorders and generally trying to make those (and later, ballet) into an identity. Most likely, she left all that expensive equipment outside to rot for the winter and if they haven’t been binned yet, they’ll be in the loft, waiting for middle-aged Roobee to dig them out in 20 years’ time.
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I believe Clara = Claire/Mummy Bones. She goes by the name Clara Raven for her blog/writing, too.

The only cleaner they likely employ are for the AirBnB cottages they own in Devon.
I thought they had a cleaner called that simply because in one vlog there was a note saying "we love you Clara, thank you!" With a to do list underneath, and then the "next day" (who knows with Ruby) the list was gone and the chalkboard said "thanks for all you do Clara enjoy your holiday"
Which if it's her mum is absolutely bonkers.
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Does anyone else feel that Ruby's dislike of Jane Austen is rooted in internalised misogyny? She is the mother of romance novels. She literally created the romance novelist blueprint and many of the tropes we romance readers love. Look, I get it, we're all entitled to our opinions of authors and I'd even go so far as to say I think Sense and Sensibility is Austen's weakest book due to the lack of conversational breaks in the narrative but honestly I'd never ever see her as anything less than a genius who was able to give so much with very little waffle or unnecessary expostulation. There is SO much depth in her books too that often gets ignored and Austen lays out the awful choices women had at the time and actually how miraculous that her female characters get to be people with agency, choices and a goddamn happy ending that very few people actually got to have. I can't help but feel that for Ruby, she sees this as weakness. Austen isn't seen as important by men. Men who run institutions and like important books about no man being an island or navel gazing while feeling like shuffling off the mortal coil. Love is weakness. Female desire is weakness. Happy endings are weakness. As long as there are lots of words and a man's need to dominate the academic space is preserved then all is well. I'm just reeling from Ruby's rejection of Austen to be honest. I don't understand why the story of a bookish, waspish, observant and very private genius who wrote the original "we don't fix men, they fix themselves or they can swivel" plot line has completely passed her by. I'm just...........incredulous....
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Oh, goodie, another dull-as-dishwater fake routine.

My favourite part was her trying desperately to convince people that she's exceedingly busy with VARRY IMPWORETANT YEECHEEB ADMIN WAHHHRK.

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But since that "work" doesn't exist, she just shows herself writing an entirely unnecessary reply email to decline an invite to a 'Furiosa' screening.

"Thank you for thinking of me," she writes, even though the last thing anyone should be thinking when talking about a high-octane, two-and-a-half-hour action movie is "Y'know who'd love this? Ruby Granger."
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You heard it here first, folks: Flowers don't have a use for humans if you can't eat them. Update your textbooks accordingly.

For someone who will never do a day's manual labour in her life, she sure is a big fan of digging herself deeper.
But Ruby flowers do actually have a clear/superficial use for humans as dried flowers and plant parts are used to make various types teas and infusions as some of the most commonly consumed flower teas are Chamomile, Lavender, Rose, Hibiscus, Marigold, Chrysanthemum and Jasmine teas. Some flowers are also edible and can also offer various health benefits so by saying that they don't have a clear use for humans is incorrect and shows that you don't understand what use flowers have to people.
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I can't see Ruby doing a PhD in the near future, as much as she expresses a love of learning, I think this year has been really hard on her and has probably highlighted her inability to think for herself.

I think another 'gap year' at home while she writes her novel in her bedroom is more likely, the regression of returning to the comfort of home in a childlike outfit was really stark.
I agree, I can't see her immediately job-hunting once her Masters is done. She'll 'give herself time' and in a few years still not have a job.
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The title "Pallisades Lost" can't be real. Is it real?? Is it a parody?! John Milton called, it's important...
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YouTubers still film themselves pretending to wake up? its 2014 all over again
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You can't buy birdseed without first getting a croissant. Yeah, I can. This felt more like a sponsor for birdseed than anything else. The way she shoves the heavy bag on top of her books in her knapsack. I can't anymore. Oxford has officially turned her into a complete idiot.
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The English PhD option at Oxford expects a Distinction for her Masters, which ain't happening.

Realistically, given how uncharacteristically quiet she's been about her grades, how much she's vague-posted about bad mental health days around grading time and how much she's struggled to even come up with coherent, acceptable essay thesis questions on her own, I'd be shocked if she graduated with anything above a pass.

And if by some miracle she got in, she'd have to be an unfathomably dumb glutton for punishment to blow another £30-50,000+ on a degree she doesn't need and won't use, for something she has no genuine interest in. Her Masters has been an ego-crushing experience for her and she's been too out of her depth and miserable to exploit the superficial appeal of it for content, which was the only real reason she wanted to go. A PhD would be tougher for longer.

At least if she got a real job, they'd pay her to be hopelessly miserable doing something she dislikes while having to spend time away from her mummy.
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Perhaps I'm nitpicking but in her Paris vlog, but when talking about the Impressionism exhibition, Ruby says many of the great Impressionist artists were first shown in this Salon show, and given acclaim for that style of art, but if you really know anything about the history of Impressionism from an academic sense, you'd know that these artists were famously rejected by the salon. The exhibition wasn't a salon show, it was a rebellion against it organised by the artists, and was famously mocked by critics like Louis Leroy. Of course it's great that people go to exhibitions and enjoy the art, but go for that reason - to enjoy it, not speak on it with the authority of an art history scholar when you've not even read the Wikipedia page about the movement 😬
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It honestly bothers me so much how scruffy Ruby is with her rumbled, stained, filled-with-holes clothing. She is gifted such expensive clothing and she gets it all rumpled or she dresses so poorly with that money. She looked as if she is was trying to emulate a nun with that skirt.

It is the same with her house with how scruffy the family are and I was just shocked with all the books that were in the attic. I don't know if it brought me memories of being at home with my parents who are borderline book hoarders. They have bags of books all around the house and piles everywhere, including one pile in their bedroom that is about six feet high and about eight feet across!

I don't know how Ruby can get away with being so scruffy other than the fact that she is middle /upper class. You just know that people would be looking down their noses if she was working class and there would be comments online about it. Then again, Ruby is given a constant feedback loop with her young followers and her family, I think that other than here, the only place where she would get criticism is on her essay feedback.
"What is something that is acceptable if you're rich and trashy if you're poor?"
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