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VIP Member
That said, the sheer volume of books is... A lot. Like, I thought our house had loads hanging about before the odd book clear outs we had done over the years, but thats crazy. And that's just the loft? Not anywhere else? I'm surprised they're keeping any of them.
Yep, that was just the loft where she was going through the books with her aunt.
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I dont even know where to begin with the new video.. I think what makes me most aggressive is her obsession with statements like "The best of the world" "it is a rule" "always". It's literally stuff small children (and i mean kindergarden age) are saying.
Also this extreme forced quirkyness.. What can't she just comment her shitty stuff normally. Just say "I thought blue oatmeal would be fun", no, she says "everything is better when its blue, its a rule". Wtf???

This video is a new peak of weird from her, I'm starting to be genuinely concerned (more than usual) that she has completly lost it. Can't believe her mother is filming this stuff all the time without questioning anything. Also can't believe this video was sponsored.

edit: also the way she has pretended to use her typewriter for actualy writing for ages and doesn't even know how to use it. She could have just googled it, im sure there are even tutorials on youtube..
yes this irritates me so much i want to scream
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Chatty Member
Describing Blakeney as her “favourite person” throughout this video is a bit much. If I were Blakeney I would be scared…
The only time I've ever seen that phrase used is in writing about the signs of various personality disorders, so I would be scared too 😬
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Only catching up now and the post it thing is sending me over the edge. She doesn’t have a creative bone in her body. Whyyy did she pick the tiniest post its 😂 it just makes the whole thing feel even more boring.
I feel like she got the smallest post its so she could save money 😂
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Sibyl Vane

VIP Member
I had to go and see how she pronounced Gare du Nord and discovered that apparently the Eurostar goes from King's Cross. I know the Tube considers King's Cross and St Pancras one station but if you go to King's Cross for your train to Paris, you're not going to end up in Paris.
Am I trying to slightly replicate Georges Perec's book aptly called The Void with Ruby's idiosyncratic accent? Probably.

With small datails like that, one knows that Ruby is to parfactionnism what Dan Brown is to litarature: a fraud.
This Parisian vlog was Paris for Dummies (accordion music and Les Deux Magots, RALLY!?!), a Potamkin visit, and avan than, it was so undarparforming I've had to pause it savaral times to make sure I undarstood what she was saying. It was a parformative word salad in a foraign country, no battar than usual. No twirls in Paris though, she'd be the laughing stock of the park.

Honnastly, I'm surprised she didn't bring her barat and bought a baguatte, oh no wait, she did, januinely!
This is by far the most Tory vid about Paris I've avar seen.

Speaking of Europe, didn't she say once in a Q&A that she had a German passport or something similar? Why? Jewish lineage, family from Germany, or both? That would explain how she can pop by in a Eurostar anytime she wishes. What Braxit?
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New member
I had to come back to this thread after watching her last video bc what the ffff is going on there... It's almost a cry for help it's that bad 😭
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Possible explanation: she's tying to cut her pizza and the table wobbled thus her propped up phone started slipping?
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I time block in all my tasks so I have a shitton of alarms for any time of the day. I delete none. I only change the labels so I know which one starts what step.
It helps me keep my working memory free to concentrate on whatever task I'm doing at the moment and I never have to think about time or look at the clock so I'm stressed less.

My wake up alarm is my fitness band vibrating so I don't disturb other people and I'm never accidentally snoozing that one so that's a double win.
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Well-known member
She really has fallen off the YouTube/Social Media train. I wonder what is going on with her. Struggles with her degree, struggles with writing, struggles with growing up, struggles with not having the slightest idea what she is going to do after she gets her degree, if she gets her degree. I think she will be lucky if she barely passes. She definitely is not embracing the academic spirit or all that Oxford has to offer. I think she just wants it over, at this point, and to run back home for good so she can twirl in fields and lay on the wet morning dew in her white nightie, musing on clouds and being more than just productive. A good dose of a full time job, 9-5, with a major variety of co-workers and regular hours, limited vacation, would do her a world of good. Of course, most looking over her resume will be wondering why she went to Oxford for a Masters in that field and why she isn't pursuing a career in it. I don't get the impression she has anything lined up.
What's going on is simple: it's what happen when you base your whole content on your childhood achievements and don't even try to make it evolve.

Easy, that's what happens when you base your whole content on school. Except if you end working as a teacher, yet you'll have to diversify the way you present it.
One day you have to move on, either by slowly introducing new style of content, either by vanishing.
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I think she was at least considering it as an option during her GAP YAHH. She had a spontaneous renewed superficial interest in religion/philosophy (which mainly involved re-reading all her old theology lecture notes) while waiting for an Oxford decision.

A PhD is likely off the table now considering how badly post-grad has gone for her but she'll be desperate to keep a foot in academia because her fake brand/persona is so tied to it. So I think if she goes back to uni, it'll be at a lower level and she knows Exeter will treat her with kid gloves.

She'd no doubt then spin any Oxford failures as the academic system mistreating her along with her heart not being in it because she JANUINELY wanted to study theology all along. "OIY SHUD HAFF TROSSTED MOIY GOT!" Then it'll be 3 years of comparitively low-stakes essays she can cannibalise from online sources while churning out more vlogs of her staring at her screen pretending to be exceedingly busy, with no pressure to get a job or grow up.
That'd actually make sense, I always thought she'd keep 'studying' but in Exeter before the big Oxford announcement, and in a different subject.
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I dont think individuals have a responsibility diversify their personal pinterest. Racism is a bold accusation based on her pinterest
I wasn't basing it just on her Pinterest account! I am talking in general. Have we ever seen her hanging out or making friends, interviewing anyone of another ethnic background? Because I don't recall ever seeing it. I mean, I have always lived in the countryside of the US. From first grade on I always have had friends and neighbours who were Indian, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, the Caribbean, Kenyan, etc.. This was the norm. It still is. Now married and in another town our own neighbourhood and friends are always diverse. Is it not so in the UK? I am genuinely interested.
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I love how she starts the vlog with 'a solo trip to Paris', mentions that she wanted to be alone, but then she constantly says "we" and ofc, Mother Granger can be spotted in a museum.
Are you talking about the woman circa 13:14? I didn't think that was her.
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11. Adman stuff. Lots and lots of adman stuff to do. lol Forget the thesis. Adman is more important.
I noticed that she spent more time doing admin work than working on her dissertation and even when she did go the library to supposedly study for her dissertation it felt like she hardly did any work before she left to go to the book fair where she decided to spend most of the day afternoon there. It's so obvious that she isn't interesting in studying because if she was she would have spent more time in the library working on her dissertation rather than spending as little time as possible in there before heading off to the book fair. Edit she has just replied to someone's comment and said that she is hoping to upload regularly this term yet she said this last term and we all know how that panned out as she hardly uploaded.
16. Why is her dorm wall so filthy? What has she done now??
OMG I have just seen the wall what on earth has she done. To me it looks like she has been using ink, got it on her fingers, didn't notice and ended up touching the wall and getting the wet ink all over it.

I noticed that she spent more time doing admin work than working on her dissertation and even when she did go the library to supposedly study for her dissertation it felt like she hardly did any work before she left to go to the book fair where she decided to spend most of the day afternoon there. It's so obvious that she isn't interesting in studying because if she was she would have spent more time in the library working on her dissertation rather than spending as little time as possible in there before heading off to the book fair. Edit she has just replied to someone's comment and said that she is hoping to upload regularly this term yet she said this last term and we all know how that panned out as she hardly uploaded.

OMG I have just seen the wall what on earth has she done. To me it looks like she has been using ink, got it on her fingers, didn't notice and ended up touching the wall and getting the wet ink all over it. That wall well need repainting as I can't imagine the next person to have that room will be very happy as to have an ink stained wall.
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Well-known member
It's been that way since finishing Exeter. I personally suspect Blakeney is still bitter that Ruby practically abandoned her in that cottage during their final year for no good reason.
Or she was never her friend and was just tolerating to play the friend for possible free stuff in reward. Lot of relationships are interested, that wouldn't be surprising.
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Can't believe her mother is filming this stuff all the time without questioning anything.
I don't think it was her mother filming this stuff it was her mums sister. Another reason why I think it was her mums sister is that the voice was different to her mothers.
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