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VIP Member
Thank you all so much ❤ wouldn’t it be nice to just live in a bubble for the whole 9 months without any risk of catching anything 😅 xx
I had covid when I was 12 weeks pregnant 🙃 def take paracetamol, keeping a fever down is the most important thing. I was told if my fever lasted more than 3/4 days then to let them know but by the third day it had gone and I was just left with really nasty cold symptoms. I can’t remember if you can have lozengers etc for your throat or not but maybe check if you can? Hope you feel better!!!


VIP Member
can anyone recommend a small rocking chair? don't want a huge one to fill our nursery. I know people say they didn't use one, but I have back issues and need to sit down sometimes lol i'm sure it will come in handy for feeding, reading books, and just having a rest for 2 mins haha Thanks.x


VIP Member
Thank you. Did the spotting last long?
I think at 7 weeks it happened 3 times over 2 days, and at 13 weeks it happened once? But it can vary from person to person, and the type of spotting can vary too - mine was mostly pale pink because it was mixed in with discharge. I think the NHS website has information on spotting and when to be concerned - a lot of the NHS pregnancy pages are really helpful. I've checked my notes app and the midwife at the maternity unit told me that if the spotting continued to call back, and if i had any bright red blood to go to A&E.
I’m still having cramps since I posted the other day… everyday. They only last about 10-20 minutes at a time maybe two times a day but I’m driving myself insane. All the hospital said to me is if there’s no bleeding there’s probably nothing to worry about. Google says normal too… but I just find it hard to deal with and accept ‘might’ mean nothing.
Could it be to do with your digestive system maybe? In the early stages I had awful cramps that made me feel hot, sick and shivery, like when you've got a stomach bug - I noticed they came on if I ate fruit, especially apples, so I stuck with plain biscuits for a few weeks! I took Deflatine which are like rennies and are safe in pregnancy - I'd chew one if I felt the tummy ache coming on and it mostly stopped it, and also helped with the awful bloating. I hope the cramps stop soon and/or you can get more reassurance ❤


VIP Member
Aww that’s the worst! I never want to drink lemon and honey again after having the same just before Christmas!

I had a a horrible headache the other day that I just knew an ibuprofen would sort right out but but obviously couldn’t take. It was so frustrating.


Chatty Member
The baby academy free classes on a Saturday morning have been so useful and helpful. I really recommend them.
I really rate them too! Did the full whack one with my first but been doing the free classes this time round. Already done the hypnobirthing, baby care and first 6 weeks class, which were nice refreshers, the perinatal mental health one was good too and has given me some things to talk about with my midwife as hopefully a preventative measure as I had bad post natal depression, anxiety and OCD with my first. Have got the baby safety one booked too 😊 I wasn't eligible for NCT classes (there were none when I was pregnant with my first thanks to Covid and don't get any for second baby) so it's a nice option to have


Chatty Member
Can anyone help?

I'm an avid k beauty user but I'll be damned if I can figure out what is or isn't pregnancy safe.

I know the usual things about retinoids and salicylic acid etc. But for example I saw my toner and essence have Allantoin in. Some websites say unsafe, some say safe. A website has labelled the essence with it in as pregnancy safe but it had this ingredient in.

I'm just going around in circles and driving myself mad. I've already suffered a loss and am so worried that my skincare could be negatively affecting things.

How did you go about finding safe skincare? Is there a list somewhere of actual products rather than ingredients?


VIP Member
Hi guys, another question, I’m still super paranoid and the past couple days I’ve been feeling like just a really uncomfortable pressure feeling. It seems to be focused on the left side but sometimes moves over to the right. Did anybody else have this around 4 weeks? It doesn’t feel like cramps so much but really uncomfortable and isn’t as bad when I’m stood up


VIP Member
I didn't do special tea or dates etc but spent 3 weeks before giving birth bouncing/rotating on a birthing ball and from my first twinge of a contraction to baby being born was 10 hours - although I'd had 3 sweeps and was 41+5 by that point so that may have affected the speed at which he was born! It certainly took us/the medical team by surprise!! 🥴


New member
11 weeks, thank god for weekends so I can nap!!! Not too bad during the week but it really catches up at the weekend!!
I’m 35 weeks and exactly the same. I feel like I use up all my energy at work and then the weekends I’m good for nothing. Felt a bit overwhelmed earlier that I could potentially have another 7 weeks of feeling like this if I go over. Everyone kept saying after Christmas it’ll fly but doesn’t feel like that 🤣 cannot wait to finish work!


VIP Member
Just had a call from the hospital saying the screen test for Down syndrome has come back as a 1/24 chance and I’ve just completely broken down, going for a blood test tomorrow to find out if it’s a high or low chance, anyone been through this?
My friend was told 1 in 11 chance. Had NIPT done and then told very low chance but she's still in every 3 weeks for scans.
TMI but I’ve had a terrible stomach and basically constant borderline diarrhoea for weeks too… I thought it might be linked to the daily tablet I’m taking for the acid reflux. God pregnancy is so glam isn’t it..

Anybody else in third trimester going off their food? No revulsion… just no major appetite for meals. All I want is snacks and small bites.
I'd take the terrible stomach over heartburn though 😂 it's so glamourous but I heard piles is common so I'd rather have my issues than that as that sounds horrific. I guess we're all different
Yes appetite is a bit funny but I was also sick with a head cold the last two weeks so lost my sense of taste! I'm eating much smaller meals and probably too much rubbish
The baby academy free classes on a Saturday morning have been so useful and helpful. I really recommend them.
I agree. I did the baby care one the Saturday before baby skinny arrived (last Wednesday) which reassured me about doing a lot of basics. And then I’ve booked the baby safety one for 3rd feb to get some info about first aid etc which will reassure me too I think.
Finally brought a pram! At 32+3 I feel I was starting to cut it fine but I really wanted to make sure I was getting the right one for us as I want it to last til they’re a toddler. Between that an reserving a place at the nursery it’s starting to feel so real 🥹
How exciting, which one did you go for


Random questions… I am 12 weeks and have had minimal symptoms, slight nausea, tender breasts… that’s about it! I have been reading that you can get less symptoms with a boy compared to a girl. Any mommas out there who can support this or prove it to be fake? 😂
That sounds just like me and I'm 34 weeks with a boy now!


Well-known member
For those that use badger notes, how long does it take for blood tests to update on there ? I’ve had both my booking bloods and downs / Edward’s tests on Monday. The woman said I’d get a letter in 1-2 weeks if low risk for downs etc but wondered if it would be on there first ?


VIP Member
If you do stay over hospitals will have to provide a coeliac menu option. May just be a jacket potato and cheese and beans but it should be offered 😊

I’ve just booked into the free Baby Academy online courses running this month on breastfeeding and baby first aid. Might be worth a look for others too if you aren’t aware. I went to the Baby Care Class before Christmas and found it really helpful as a first time expectant mum!
Sounds lovely, I love a jacket potatoe 😂 Ahh fab thanks so much! Do you book into like a time slotted class? X


Well-known member
Thank you all for sharing that you’re also all very tired! I’ve been starting to feel like I need to just sort myself out or that the second trimester glow will do it for me. I’ll stick to my naps and attempting to be a functioning human knowing I’m in good company 😂


VIP Member
I’m 18 weeks with our first and 5 foot 8 with no obvious bump 😅 it pops in the evening but I can still fit into my jeans, etc. I just look like I’ve put on a few pounds 😫🤣 anyone else the same at or around 18 weeks? Does height play a role?
I’m not really sure if height plays a role or not! I think every woman just carries very differently regardless of size! I’m looking massive already at 17 weeks compared to my first pregnancy. I know someone who was convinced she was mainly carrying in her back as her bump was so neat and diddy. Even when she was full term she never looked “ready to pop!”