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Chatty Member
Did a feeding class tonight and the midwife said she strongly advises against Tommee Tippee prep machine as well as Tommee Tippee bottles. I knew the machine was controversial but thought the bottles were one of the best? Wondering now if I should buy Mam bottles instead?


Well-known member
When did all your bumps start to show in your first pregnancy?? I know I'm probably being silly worrying because everyone is different, but I turn 20 weeks this weekend and my body is literally not showing any signs at all. Whenever I look it up I see people saying their bump is very slight, or that you show less if you're tall, but I have no bump whatsoever and I'm barely 5'2! I still wear all my normal trousers etc. So weird and just not what I expected. It makes me terrified that he's not growing properly. However I do feel him move quite a lot which is a comfort. Has anyone else experienced this?


VIP Member
I’d take the diarrhoea over constipation any day 😅 I’ve noticed since I’ve started drinking rlt and eating dates I’m a lot more regular

Picked up my prescription for heartburn tablets today as id took my last one yesterday and there’s no chance I can do one day without them!
What’s rlt do I need to buy?


Active member
Only 6 weeks, although by NHS they say 8, but I’m so nauseous. It’s my fourth (6,5 and 3) and I have no down time - any tips? Back to work next week and I’m dreading it.


VIP Member
I've started to get really bad acid reflux/heartburn, to the point where it keeps me up at night 😫 Rennies aren't working so well anymore, has anyone got any suggestions for remedies, or foods that you've found help??
I’ve suffered badly with reflux in both pregnancies. Rennies only offer temporary relief for me. The only actual remedy (ie it stops the symptoms completely) is esomeprazole - which you can buy from any chemist or on Amazon.

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Aww that’s the worst! I never want to drink lemon and honey again after having the same just before Christmas!

I had a a horrible headache the other day that I just knew an ibuprofen would sort right out but but obviously couldn’t take. It was so frustrating.
Omg same! My partner always has ibuprofen in because he doesn’t like paracetamol for headaches and i had a banging headache the other day. I was searching everywhere for some paracetamol but there was only ibuprofen 😤

Elle Woods

VIP Member
Wow really 🤣 I get given one soon as I check in at reception and at the hospital next to where you pay for scans is a bowl full of urine sample pots that you can pick up and take
I thought she was joking so I laughed as so did my partner, but then she wrapped the pot in some paper towel, sealed it in a plastic bag and put it in the bag with my maternity notes! I was so shocked :ROFLMAO: I'm sure I saw some spare pots in the loo when I went so I'm just going to use them next time I go!


Chatty Member
Baby skinny was born at 1:50 am this morning. After a pretty traumatic birth that resulted in a forceps delivery she’s here and well. although I’m incapacitated for now and husband can’t come back until 9. So happy she’s here and all is well.
Aww lovely, congratulations! Rest up and let everyone else look after you and do all the work whole you enjoy precious cuddles with your newborn x
Being sick the last few days, fever cold flu symptoms. All the fun stuff and all I'm thinking is how the hell am I going to mind a child the next time im poorly 🤪


New member
I’m nearly 37 weeks and have been so tired throughout I don’t think the burst of energy is ever coming for me haha!


Well-known member
Random questions… I am 12 weeks and have had minimal symptoms, slight nausea, tender breasts… that’s about it! I have been reading that you can get less symptoms with a boy compared to a girl. Any mommas out there who can support this or prove it to be fake? 😂

Elle Woods

VIP Member
Does anyone have any recommendations for a travel system? My partner and I have been looking but it's all a bit of a mine field to be honest! There's so many different ones I feel a bit lost :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I'm sure I even saw a FB ad the other day for a pram which you can connect to an app!?!? I was thinking wtf would I need an app for


VIP Member
My guns bleed like crazy due to the excess blood flow (nose bleeds too) which I know is really common so might be worth asking the dentist if that could have anything to do with it.
If you can find a NHS dentist, which I know is no mean feat, treatment is free when pregnant.

Anyone had dental problems whilst pregnant? Someone I follow had a ton whilst pregnant I thought that was unusual. I had an infection two weeks ago - it was actually my gums swelling up and being painful next to my bottom right wisdom teeth. Came out of no where and left me in excruciating pain for days. Didn’t know I was pregnant at this point so just ended up paying £100 for a dentist to take one look and prescribe me antibiotics. They worked though. Now I’ve woken up and have the EXACT same on the other side?! So thinking it’s not a coincidence anymore


VIP Member
Sickness still hasn't eased, first thing I did in 2024 was vomit... 🙈
Same. And most of NYE. Not sure if it’s down to HG ramping up again or the consistent coughing I have from Covid. Either way, it was miserable.

Please try and see someone though, it sounds like you do need some medication or different medication if you’re already on some.

Hope your scan goes well.

Elle Woods

VIP Member
Thank you! May I ask you (or anyone here) what’s the earliest a scan would really show anything? I remember in another pregnancy I needed to have an ectopic ruled out but this was about 4 weeks 3/4 days so of course showed nothing
Mine was internal at 7 weeks. She tried abdominal first but couldn't see the heartbeat or what she needed to very clearly so said she needed to do internal. She said that's really normal at this far along though.


VIP Member
I’m 18 weeks with our first and 5 foot 8 with no obvious bump 😅 it pops in the evening but I can still fit into my jeans, etc. I just look like I’ve put on a few pounds 😫🤣 anyone else the same at or around 18 weeks? Does height play a role?
I'm 5'10 and was overweight before I got pregnant, and I literally just looked like I'd put on a tiny bit more weight around my tummy until I was about 28 weeks - I went for a blood test around 26 weeks and when I told the nurse how far along I was she whipped round and shouted "ARE YOU SURE?!!!" 😂 my bump stayed fairly small and not bump-like until I was about 35 weeks and then it suddenly got loads bigger, and in photos of my due date I look like I'm smuggling a beach ball under my dress! My midwife said it's probably because I've got a long torso and fairly strong core muscles - I didn't feel baby as much or as strongly as I was expecting throughout the pregnancy and it's because he seemed to be chilling more towards my back!


VIP Member
😂 Tbf we’ll all be having to deal with copious amounts of wee soon 🤣
Exactly, perhaps I’m numb to it after being covered in pee, poop and god knows what else so many times from first baby 😂
Potty training, reflux, leaky nappies, car sick incidents = carting about bags of rinsed wet clothes 🤢 not pleasant but after binning a few outfits you realise it’s too expensive unless they’re unsalvagable.

Fairy liquid is the saviour for poonamis and milk sick on clothes.
Here’s our list. We’ve got pretty much the essentials now. Just extra stuff but it’s my baby lunch thing this weekend so holding off buying stuff recently as we’re already starting to get gifts / vouchers:

Some of the stuff that isn’t ticked off we do have but I want to get a few more of it etc so that we have what we need so don’t want to tick off until I feel I have enough.



Active member
If anyone has a Costco Membership or knows some who does. They have a baby event going on at the moment. I saw the bugaboo chameleon 3 in there for £300 and the pushchair with carry cot is online for £370.

They've got Joie car seat, highchair, travel cot with drop side and stroller.
