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I need to pack what I need for feeding in the hospital. Can anyone recommend what I will need to take ? I want to try and do express bottle feeding but also know I need some formula etc. What ones did people pick? And how many bottle did you take with you?


Well-known member
Wow what a difference 🙈 Out of interest had you done anything in preparation for your first labour?
I did absolutely nothing except a lot of ball bouncing from about 37weeks (I did go into labour naturally before my due date though). Who knows if it was the dates or just 2nd baby that made it so quick 2nd time
My first labour was 4 hours active so I’m kinda hoping it’s even quicker this time 😂 I did the tea a few times and the dates even less as I just couldn’t be bothered to keep it up

The Tea is 1 cup a day from 32 weeks then 2 cups at 34 weeks and 3 from 35-37 weeks. Dates aren’t recommended until 36-37 weeks I don’t think but I have started them at 32 weeks (3 a day for now) then I’ll up to 6 when I can be bothered.

it’s worth noting as well that it’s 6 small dates or 3 dates if you get the bigger ones
Yes should’ve said I had 3 small dates throughout (more for digestive purposes than anything!) and then 6 towards the end of pregnancy


VIP Member
Can someone help me please with bottle buying! Planning on breastfeeding so not sure whether to buy bottles incase, worried this will jinx everything haha

I guess I could buy bottles, as I am planning to pump eventually so my husband can help if needed, what size MAM bottles should I buy I'm so confused


I agree with hot water, a squeeze of fresh lemon and spoonful of honey. I'm 27 weeks and had an awful sore throat last week but that really helped. Other than that, paracetemol and sleep!


VIP Member
The sleeping bags I've got are hand me downs from my sister in law which I'm super thankful for!! I'll treat her to love to dream and see if she likes it! Looked at the sizing guide and still isn't registering lol. Anyone else feel like there's too much to think about to concentrate?!
Ah thats great, the one I used was loaned too thankfully. Some kids absolutely love them of course and the videos of waking them up and releasing them to stretch are the cutest!

A room themometer near the crib is handy (ours always says at least 2c colder than the room stat) and remembering better too cold than too hot. We try to keep the room around 19-20c and did vest, baby grow and 1.5-2 tog bag when tiny. We also used the padded baby grows that are about 1.5 tog, a vest and no bag as they got bigger as they preferred to be colder. Even now I’ll be freezing and they’ll be kicking off the covers like their Dad.


Active member
That’s so good to know! I’m sure they’re out there but I’ve not heard many positive experiences of inductions.
Yeah I’d really prepared myself for having to fight for it so was really taken aback when they just said yep okay! I think it will also come down to midwife’s/doctors/consultants on the day but I’m pretty sure most trusts now advocate for allowing you to choose how you want to birth


VIP Member
TMI slightly but I’ve just attempted to shave for the first time in WEEKS (probably like 6+) and I had to use a mirror 😅 decided to check my down below out while I was at it and it was NOT a pretty sight. Between my swollen open ‘flower’ and my piles I don’t think I’ll be letting my partner near me for a while 😂😂

baby’s head is definitely pushing down there, probably come out with a big head like his dad 🙄😂
Didn’t know at the time but based on the stretch marks left behind, my bits from my groin up must’ve swollen up like a balloon 🙈 I had no idea!! Thought I’d escaped them - think I’d have preferred them on my tummy after all 😂😂


VIP Member
hi guys, after saying I would stop testing last week, I ended up buying more tests because I couldn’t help it. I had dye stealers last week and now my test looks lighter this morning and I’m absolutely freaking out about it. Top test was one from last week and bottom is today
I’m in this situation too except I’m 33 weeks and had a placental location scan earlier this week and it’s the head measurement that seems to be too big on the growth chart. The consultant didn’t say anything about it when I was there and I only saw it after in my notes. It’s so frustrating but I’m just trying not to worry on the basis that I’m sure if they were concerned they would have said something!
its not fair is it.. im a ftm as well I have no idea what's normal and what's not your left in the dark I cant belive its so hard to contact someone..hopefully we get answers soon I have too many worries now I want to ask..


VIP Member
32 weeks and I’m not doing so good now 😅

My partner walked through the front door after work tonight and said “oh I see you’re waddling now”

erm yeah that’s cause this giant baby is pressing on my bladder/bum and I feel like he’s going to fall out at any given moment 😂😂

he was estimated to be 4lbs10 on my 31 week scan 🫠


VIP Member
The scaniexty is starting, thank god my appointment is early so I don't have long to wait. 37 weeks and at my last scan two weeks ago they were a little concerned about the size of bubs they were only 5 lbs and in 17th percentile... Let's hope it did some growing
Try to worry my youngest was born 4lb 10oz at 37 weeks and on 0.04th centile. He terrorizes me now.


Active member
HI everyone. I'm 14+2 and my midwife called me today to give me the results of my screening tests. I'm low chance for Downs/Edwards/Pataus which is reassuring to hear. However my midwife did mention my PAPP-A hormone is low. Now this wasn't a surprise to me as they told me the same with my first pregnancy too. (I was induced, ended up having a cesarean at 39+4). I didn't really dwell on this first time around, but this 2nd pregnancy I've had such bad anxiety regarding the pregnancy. Has anyone else been diagnosed with the low papp-a/ has it affected your pregnancy at all?
My friend had this when we were both pregnant at the same time with our first. She just had to take daily aspirin and have growth scans other than that it didn't affect her or her baby in any way.


VIP Member
22+5 now and I can't stop eating lol even though I feel uncomfortable and full!! I'm snacking on fruit, yogurt, cereal bars etc though so nothing too calorific (yet haha!)

Nursery getting done soon, can anyone recommened any small furniture/spcae saver pieces? Only have a small room. defo getting a mini cot bed


VIP Member
Ooo good thinking. Just on edge with my boobs not feeling as sore. I've got a full blown bump and big boobs now so really should stop panicking but still and it's another 4 weeks til hospital scan.
Could you see if there’s any private hospitals near you that do scans? When I had my first scan I really didn’t want to go to one of the store front sort of places which was full of balloons and teddy bears, and after ages googling found there were loads of more medical orientated places that did scans near me and didn’t come up with what I was googling.


Chatty Member
New day, new question 😅
When do you get given the date for your first scan? Is this given to you at your antenatal booking appointment, or will I likely have been told before then? I'll be over 9 weeks at my booking appointment.


VIP Member
Anyone had dental problems whilst pregnant? Someone I follow had a ton whilst pregnant I thought that was unusual. I had an infection two weeks ago - it was actually my gums swelling up and being painful next to my bottom right wisdom teeth. Came out of no where and left me in excruciating pain for days. Didn’t know I was pregnant at this point so just ended up paying £100 for a dentist to take one look and prescribe me antibiotics. They worked though. Now I’ve woken up and have the EXACT same on the other side?! So thinking it’s not a coincidence anymore


Chatty Member
Has anyone asked for a c-section, simply because they want one? How did that go?

I think I want one. I genuinely do not see myself being able to push a baby out. I’m weak as anything, small little size 4-6 twig who can’t even lift a 5kg weight for more than like a minute. It’s great visually, but quite frankly pathetic when it comes to any sort of strenuous task. Like I honestly don’t see myself being to push at all when it’s gonna come to it, the thought is terrifying. Don’t know if I should save myself the hassle of trying and more than likely failing and just ask for a c-section
I asked but my gastroenterologist advised against it. My crohn's is located in the same location as where the incision would be made and because of the inflammation I'd be at a greater risk of a twisted bowel during recovery. She did say that if it was an emergency then obviously they'd have to go ahead. My sister in law asked for her second and was allowed, no problem. Worthwhile discussing with your midwife 😊
Any advice from anyone that’s maybe been in the same situation, I had my first child during lockdown and had covid at the time was really poorly, causing me to have an emergency section. I never laboured, so do not know anything😅. Fast forward to now I’m pregnant again and don’t have a clue what to do, I’m terrified of birth full stop and the unknown, I’m one of them people that like to plan everything to the point and know what’s coming. I also know the recovery of a section with a toddler might be hell.🤣 I’ve gone to all the VBAC birth meetings and still anit any wiser. Any advice from anyone that’s gone through something similar?

*sorry I realise this doesn’t make much sense*