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VIP Member
Has anyone had to do the 3 day at home testing for gestational diabetes?
Had my growth scan today and baby is measuring in the 97th percentile 😳 and I’ve missed the cut off for the blood test with the drink so they’ve sent me away with the at home kit.
don’t really want to poke myself 3 times a day 🥲
I’ve got to do a week of testing from 23 weeks 😩 not looking forward to that!


VIP Member
Exercise during pregnancy. How are you motivated to? This is probs more aimed at those that didn’t exercise before. My boyfriend has bought me a pink walking treadmill so need to start on that really but it’s so easy for me to stay in bed at the min. I just feel lack of energy / motivation.


VIP Member
Baby skinny was born at 1:50 am this morning. After a pretty traumatic birth that resulted in a forceps delivery she’s here and well. although I’m incapacitated for now and husband can’t come back until 9. So happy she’s here and all is well.
Yay congrats!! Let them help you as much as you need.


VIP Member
The best away around this is to ‘hot shot’ the formula🙂 so mix the formula with a little of the boiled water first. Then only cool the rest of the boiled water and add it in, if that makes sense 😁
Yes this is what I’ve seen on every video. Hot shot with the formula with around 1oz-2oz depending on how big of a bottle you’re making, and Nuby the rest. I guess it doesn’t help if you’re wanting to use the flask though
Have you seen a GP for medication to help the sickness? Also if you’re struggling to keep any food or fluids down call 111 as you may need admitting for fluids/help with medication. You don’t have to suffer. There are lots of different medicines to try to get it under control.
I left messages to get a GP to call me this week but still waiting. Won’t get hold of them until Wednesday now so I think 111 may be my only option. I’ve never felt as ill and lightheaded in my life.
You are right-after a 37 hour labour with my first I was willing to try anything for this baby so I started the dates at 16 weeks (just 3 a day). Labour this time was 2hrs with active labour being 3 minutes so who knows if it worked lol
Wow what a difference 🙈 Out of interest had you done anything in preparation for your first labour?
I’m due end of July/beginning of august. I told myself after my November baby I never wanted to be pregnant in the summer again, somehow I’ve x10 it 😂🤣


Active member
What vitamins are you taking past 12 weeks?
I was only advised to take folic acid but im going tonstop taking it now I'm past 12 weeks


VIP Member
Yep but you don't show your face and you can message in via chat. I've done two and thought they we're informative enough for a free service. They do try to upsell the paid classes but that's understandable
Thankyou! I had followed the insta and was thinking of signing up.
I have decided against paying for the NCT ones.
Feeling very emotional today. Found out yesterday we're going to have to pull out of purchasing our dream home and feel really disappointed in myself for not being able to secure a better paid job (was offered one and they retracted it, current job said I'm not worth the same money as others doing the same job) and I feel like it's all my fault for letting down my boys. Had one of the Baby Academy classes this morning and was having a nightmare with toddler potty training so was only half listening but ended up feeling very overwhelmed and having a panic attack. Tried to hide in the loo to calm down and my toddler just followed me. OH has zero patience with him especially with the potty training struggles and then had a go at me because I didn't want to take a free twin pram when we don't need one. On top of that I'm not sleeping because I've had chronic rib pain for months. Don't know what to do 😔
Are you feeling any better?


Active member
And I can't justify psying €100 for an ergo one 😂
My SIL said the other day she has her old carrier somewhere that I can have and I'm hoping it's her old Ergo 😆 She had a baby Bjorn on too so it could be that one.
She had the ergo for my niece and my first is the same age and I was dead jealous of it at the time 😆


VIP Member
It’s my “baby shower” today. My best friend and sister wanted to organise something so I agreed to a lunch with selective family and friends.
i am looking forward to it today.
just need the energy to get up and get ready 😂
Enjoy! 😁 what are you doing for it? My friends have started pestering me about having one but I don’t have a clue what to do for it 😅


Chatty Member
my biggest pet peeve with pregnancy is not being able to drink red bull or eat medium rare steak 😂
The first time I questioned if I was pregnant when I went to eat my lovely medium rare steak and nearly puked on my dinner. I powered through and ate it all. Thank god it didn’t go to waste coz little did I know it would be my last one until after I give birth 😂


Chatty Member
Just got a letter saying in RHD negative abd have to go for further blood test on Thursday to see if I need Anti D.. Any one experience with that’s what does it mean in simple terms.,