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VIP Member
Thanks @littlepup and @opintionatedperson that’s reassuring! it seems to be lessening now and I likely wouldn’t even notice it it’s so faint if I wasn’t intensely looking!
Will see how things go until I’m home on wednesday 🤞🏼
Just got a letter saying in RHD negative abd have to go for further blood test on Thursday to see if I need Anti D.. Any one experience with that’s what does it mean in simple terms.,
I was rhesus negative. I had my initial anti D at 30 weeks and then had to have it again a week or so later as I had a bleed. I then had another after labour as baby was rhesus positive. Basically if you’re rhesus negative and baby isn’t you can end up with your body fighting against future pregnancies. It’s less the risks posed to this baby. You have an initial one, and then if you experience any significant knocks or falls or have a bleed during pregnancy you have to go for another each time. I had to have another after birth because my baby is Rhesus Positive


VIP Member
…. I’d come back and trash this hospital 😩 insane I could not imagine being told yes/no constantly I’m so sorry that’s happened to you!!!

Hi all! Hope everything is going well. I'm normally a lurker on here but could do with some advice.

Bit of a long one.. I had a pretty horrific day, have had some light bleeding for a couple of days (17 weeks pegnant) so was told to head into hospital today to get checked. Saw the midwife first who was fab and heard the heartbeat and she said everything was grand.

I was then sent to a Dr for a speculum to check where the bleeding was coming from. After the examination she sat me down and told me my cervix was open and I was definitely having a miscarriage. She ran through the possibilities of how the miscarriage may go and said I may have to stay in hospital and may need surgery. Told me to get my husband to come to the hospital with an overnight bag. Obviously I was devastated and a bit of a mess.

I was then was seen by a registrar who did another examination and she said I could be having a miscarriage but she thinks that there is a polyp at the cervix and that is the more likely cause. I then was sent ultrasound and baby was absolutely fine and the cervix was closed and defo not having a miscarriage. It turns out the first Dr was a GP trainee on rotation.

I'm over the moon baby is doing well but I have been left feeling pretty traumatised, terrified and have been in tears since even though i know baby is ok. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and had any advice. I am debating changing the hospital as I feel like I can't trust them now. The registrar and midwife were fantastic, it was just the experience with the GP trainee that was horrific.


Active member
Does it come with carry cot? £350 with cot at Argos. If you use the car a lot it’s a real pain as you have to detach the cot or seat every time, if you have a small boot, I wouldn’t recommend. Also when you take off the carry cot it has a bar underneath so can’t be sat flat on the floor say if you want to detach it and bring them in sleeping. If you’re going to wheel it into the house though it’s no prob and it’s excellent for rugged terrain, so sturdy. Personal opinion as I know people who love it! It was about £1000 3 years ago so a great buy at that price if it suits you.

Joie car seats are very good but I’d recommend a 360 if you can stretch to it. If you’re on a tight budget every stage are great as they last but in terms of comfort & safety, they say (Which reviews) that no one seat can be the best from new born to 12 years old. Personal choice, again, depends how much you use the car, but it’s handy to have one that tilts back when they’re little and likely to fall asleep if you’re in the car a lot.
The Graco turn to me is the Joie 360 with different fabric and cheaper, I’ve both and there’s nothing in it.
I love Joie strollers and Joie as a brand in general. Watch for high chairs with long sides on the bases however as they as so easy to trip over! The ikea one is cheap and always a winner unless you need to fold it regularly.

These are my personal thoughts, I spent moonnnnttthhhhssss debating what to get, reading reviews, safety reports etc and still didn’t get it right every time. Different needs require different solutions and these are just based on my needs.
I've already got everything from my first. I was just sharing in case anyone was already looking to get any of those things because most of them are cheaper there than most other places.

I've never even researched the bugaboo but I know it's a popular brand which is why it caught my eye at that price and I thought it was worth sharing. I've got a Joie 360 that my 3.5 year old is in so I'll be using that for baby and moving him into something else. We got the Joie stages from Costco at one of their previous baby events for my in laws car and it's been great for when they take him.

We've also got an IKEA highchair in storage ready for the next one.
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VIP Member
I have the bairn sleeping in the Joie travel cot at night and he’s very comfy in it. Added another mattress though as the original is a little hard.


Well-known member
Just got a letter saying in RHD negative abd have to go for further blood test on Thursday to see if I need Anti D.. Any one experience with that’s what does it mean in simple terms.,
I’m the same as this. They’ll take more blood to check your baby’s blood type. If they have a positive blood type you’ll need the anti d injections. The NHS website has good info about it 😊


Well-known member
I have a window to the womb appointment on Thursday for a 4D scan. The one local to me has good reviews, whereas the ultrasound direct place has bad reviews. Can we be kinder with words on here? I feel disappointed before I’ve even been 😔


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Hey ladies hope your all having a restful day, I just wondered if any of you had some early brown spotting? Definitely no red or pink, no cramps, symptoms still very much present at 4 weeks 2 days. I had pink bleeding 10dpo - 12DPO, got my positive which got darker til 14DPO (haven’t tested since), but have had pretty much persistent light brown discharge on wiping - tiny spots in my underwear.
obviously I’m worrying somethings up and Dr Internet gives conflicting information - I’m on holiday away from where I live until Wednesday so can’t call my local EPU…
I don’t know that they will be too concerned given it’s such a tiny amount and I have no pain or fresh blood so I guess I’m just looking for a bit of interim advice?


VIP Member
Hey! I've had a few instances of this and had a reassurance scan (private) which showed everything to be absolutely fine. I spoke to my GP and also the lady who did my scan and both said brown blood is almost always old and nothing to worry about, it's most likely old blood just coming out the system. They said if there's any pain or bright red blood then obviously seek help immediately.
Thank you! May I ask you (or anyone here) what’s the earliest a scan would really show anything? I remember in another pregnancy I needed to have an ectopic ruled out but this was about 4 weeks 3/4 days so of course showed nothing


VIP Member
I left messages to get a GP to call me this week but still waiting. Won’t get hold of them until Wednesday now so I think 111 may be my only option. I’ve never felt as ill and lightheaded in my life.
Please call 111. I suffered for so long before giving them a call and within 2 hours they had me an OOH appt who then referred me on to gynae (bypassing a&e!) who put me on a drip and started me on meds. Those meds didnt work longer than a few days for me but it was the start of actually being listened to about how bad the sickness was and finally getting to the right combination for me. But as soon as they’d given me an injection in hospital and put me on a drip I felt better than I had in weeks. Hope you’re feeling better soon


VIP Member
The sleeping bags I've got are hand me downs from my sister in law which I'm super thankful for!! I'll treat her to love to dream and see if she likes it! Looked at the sizing guide and still isn't registering lol. Anyone else feel like there's too much to think about to concentrate?!
we loved the Love to Dream swaddles! I’d recommend a 1.0 tog as obviously you can layer up or down underneath depending on the temp.


VIP Member
I have my first cervical length scan tomorrow due to my preterm labour risk factors.

Has anyone had one before and knows what to expect? Will I be told the results straight away?

Elle Woods

VIP Member
Baby skinny was born at 1:50 am this morning. After a pretty traumatic birth that resulted in a forceps delivery she’s here and well. although I’m incapacitated for now and husband can’t come back until 9. So happy she’s here and all is well.
Congratulations! xx


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone who replied. Quoting this post with an update.
I’m 36 weeks now. I also have the my expert midwife oil.
Tried it today sat on the loo post warm bath. An article suggested a number of positions. It was difficult to reach, I managed it but it was uncomfortable.
Might try again in a couple of days with the leg up on the bath but think then it’s one side at a time.
I will not be asking my OH to do it so if it’s still challenging I might give up 😂
I have started doing some daily stretches with my birth ball which are supposed to be good for prepping for Labour.
But I think ultimately what will be will be!
I did massage with baby 1 even though I found it really quite sore-ended up with a 2nd degree tear anyway. Didn’t bother with baby 2, still ended up with a 2nd degree tear (though this was due to speed of delivery) so my conclusion on it is that it’s not worth it lol!


VIP Member
Can anyone recommend any smart but comfy maternity trousers? I’ve been wearing over the bump jeans for work as I can just about get away with them but they’ve become so uncomfortable when the band of the jeans meets the over the bump band bit (if that makes sense?), even though the jeans are too big everywhere else and when standing. As soon as I sit down it feels like I’m being cut in half. Had to leave work and buy an emergency pair of leggings last night but can’t keep wearing them as I’m supposed to wear smart clothing and my jeans were pushing it. Anyone seen anything about? Budget not really an issue as long as they’re going to be comfortable 🤞🏼


VIP Member
Have you been going to the loo as normal? Constipation and trapped gas is really common even at the start and can feel like pressure.
The pregnancy hormones can cause all sorts of aches, cramps and stretches from really early on which I found so disconcerting I ended up in EPU from the cramps and pains!
Yeah I’m not constipated, I’ve been more gassy than usual (sorry if tmi) and it sometimes temporarily gets better but just such a weird feeling of fullness, it doesn’t hurt, just don’t know what’s normal and what isn’t


VIP Member
I know I should ring triage but just wanting a bit of advice before I do!
I’ve been having headaches for the past week, on and off. They’re not terrible where I need to take paracetamol but definitely noticeable.
I know headaches can be a sign of pre eclampsia which I had developed in labour with my first so I am worried about that however I have no swelling and my vision seems fine (it’s bad anyway so I wouldn’t notice the difference tbf 😂)

I do have ‘borderline’ anaemia so wondering if the headaches/lightheaded was and dizziness could just be related to that?

After writing this all out I know I definitely need to be ringing up for advice 😅

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I’m 18 weeks with our first and 5 foot 8 with no obvious bump 😅 it pops in the evening but I can still fit into my jeans, etc. I just look like I’ve put on a few pounds 😫🤣 anyone else the same at or around 18 weeks? Does height play a role?
I’m 21 weeks and I have a bump but I think it’s cos it’s my second?! I’m still fitting in all my pre pregnancy clothes though