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I always feel very nervous before a scan, just until that heartbeat and visual comes on screen. It’s very natural to feel worried. I bet even those influencers feel it too… don’t believe everything you see online.

Pregnancy is a mad time of emotions, worries, health complaints, flowing hormones and constant anxiety. And that’s just when you have an uncomplicated pregnancy without too much stress!
I’m 8 weeks and have already had two scans as had a little bit of pinkish discharge and obvious panicked. First scan was some emotional just seeing this teeny tiny heart beat. I am 45 and really thought the door had closed on having children but surprisingly it wasn’t. I then had a second scan last week as I have a large fibroid so they just wanted to check that out too. Teeny tiny heartbeat was so much stronger even just a week later - it’s truly amazing. Getting a scan again in two weeks as the position of the fibroid makes it hard to see my teeny tiny so they just want to remeasure when they are a bit less teeny. Then I’ll have my first hospital appointment at the end of Jan. I don’t think I could have waited that long. One scan was private and the rest will be public. The rollercoaster of emotions is wild.. dread and absolute joy each scan would be the feelings but it’s overwhelming trying to stay calm.
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2 days away from my due date, woken up this morning and it feels like baby has gone right up into my ribs, moreso than he's been for ages!

Um, sweetheart, the exit is down, not up 🫠
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Well ladies I’m 31+3 and currently admitted to my hospital for monitoring as of this morning
All seems well and I’m now on a ward and not in triage. But wow what a scary experience.

Came here and enjoyed the name chat so will tell you my faves for our baby girl.
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Honestly all I can report is that she also seems to think the way out is through my ribs 😂 no signs of labour!
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is anyone else not too bothered about pregnancy food and drink rules 😂 I'll have a coffee as normal etc, just obvs not over doing it. I'll still be having prosciutto on my cheese board, might even have a lick of some baileys dessert cream with my yule log lol. There's nothing I've had to change or cut out really!
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Please don’t judge. I’ve just found out I’m pregnant, we’ve been trying for four years and was on the wait list for ivf, however a random out of the blue pregnancy test was positive!

I don’t know if it’s the full shock factor but I’ve gone into full meltdown mode. On one hand I’m absolutely thrilled and can’t believe how lucky we’ve been. On the other, it’s completely blindsided me. I’d fully got it into my head that it might never happen and as a distraction been building a life that doesn’t involve children (perhaps trying to prepare myself for that eventually), all of that now needs to stop.

I know it’s not normal to feel like this and I hope it’s just the hormones but has anyone else ever felt this way?
Congrats on the pregnancy. I don't know how it must have felt to be trying for 4 years but if I'm honest it sounds like you are just shocked! Once that will settle down I'm sure you will be delighted. You probably had it in your head it will never happen but now it has.
I was trying to get pregnant for a short period of time and when I found out u didn't tell my husband fir a week as I needed to settle my brain about how my life was going to change and just get my head around it. I am and still am terrified even though I'm a married women with my own house and career 😂 I'm just incredibly selfish and love my own company 😊
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I'm part of a friend group of 3, they're both single and no kids. I'm married and child on the way but recently they've been planning loads of trips for next year which to be fair they do include me in the conversation but the idea of going abroad with a newborn isn't going to happen. Anyway most recentlg they keep saying oh life is too short to stay at home etc and I'm tempted to tell them fuck off basically 😂😂 is it just my hormones that I'm so annoyed when they say things like that. Just because your life is different to mine don't make it out your happier than me
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God I’ve totally hit a wall today. 25 weeks and the exhaustion just broke me. I’m normally fine getting the tube to work a couple of times a week, but today I just feel like death warmed up, and I wanted to cry and have a tantrum I felt so tired. So annoyed with having to fight for a tube seat, especially with one bloke who was using a seat for his food bag and scarf. So annoyed with pointless meetings. Annoyed with TFL delays. Boobs are huge and killing me. Everything and everybody is annoying. Woe is me!!
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Just returned from my 40 week check in appointment - after having the fear of god put into me about induction by one of the doctors, I saw my community midwife for my sweep. Turns out I'm already 3cm dilated and my cervix is "optimal" so baby could come at any time!

For anyone considering a sweep, I know everyone is different but I found it no more uncomfortable than a smear - no pain, just breathed through it.
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Anyone allergic to going to work Christmas parties? I feel nearly obliged to turn up but the idea of finger food I'm unlikely able to have and a few drinks is not my idea of a good time
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Hi, hope it’s okay to join - I found out I was pregnant a week ago. By the date of my last period will be 5 weeks tomorrow but likely to be a few days after that as my cycles are normally 31/32 days.
I had a CP in May so have been really anxious about this pregnancy. My lines have been progressing and I got a 2-3 weeks on my digital yesterday (which has now died before I took a pic!) but I’m still worried with being so early on - so it’s going to be a long wait. Definitely thinking about doing an early scan just before Christmas if it all goes well!
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Someone in our NCT group has just announced they're calling their baby the name we're planning on using (and told them we were using before they'd even discussed names!) for their boy. Thankfully I don't like them and have 0 plans on keeping contact and we're using the name for a girl which makes it more unique, for boys it's like the 4th most popular name in the country. Still annoying 😆
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38 + 4 and I have to say it's beginning to feel like this baby wants out. Always lurking about in my pelvis, occasional back pain and an increase in braxton hicks. All my colostrum harvesting and walking must be producing the correct eviction hormones.
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I had flutters from 13 weeks but only in the shower and then from 16 weeks I felt them more frequently then from 24 weeks actual kicks.
Yep flutters from 14 weeks, and then clear kicks from 18 weeks on.
has anybody got any positive c section birth stories? mine's now booked i just worry about everything 😔 - which was one of my reasons i wanted an elective!! can't win with anxiety
Honestly - I am SO happy my first pregnancy ended up in an unplanned section. I tried to push for days but didn’t dilate, and eventually I had a section and he was a whopper so it saved me a lifetime of damage. Scar was tiny (can’t even see it now) and I healed quickly. There’s some pain for the first week, but it heals quickly and you get back to normal quickly as long as you don’t overdo it and follow their advice.

Second baby is due in March, and I’ve opted for a section right away. All my friends do to.
Just to add.. equally I know people who had positive vaginal birth experiences, so it’s honestly a personal thing! At the end of the day - it’s all about getting that bloody baby out and in your arms safely.
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is anyone else not too bothered about pregnancy food and drink rules 😂 I'll have a coffee as normal etc, just obvs not over doing it. I'll still be having prosciutto on my cheese board, might even have a lick of some baileys dessert cream with my yule log lol. There's nothing I've had to change or cut out really!
Honestly it’s so OTT. Most of the advice is based on the higher risk associated with getting food poisoning. Which you obviously don’t want to get when pregnant. But that doesn’t mean the food is inherently bad for you… it just means it carries a higher risk.

So I’ve avoided sushi obviously, and I’m being a bit careful around anything that isn’t fully cooked. But I’m not obsessing about it. For example smoked salmon was OK when I had my first child in 2017 (and I ate it multiple times a week with no issue). Now it’s not ok with the NHS, and my friend (first time baby, has absorbed all the rules verbatim) was telling me I was crazy to eat it. I’m happy to adapt if there is loads of new evidence (which apparently there is with smoked salmon) - but it’s does feel a bit OTT.

I feel slightly differently with things like coffee and alcohol - as they are actually mind and body altering chemicals that could affect the child. But even then, with coffee, it’s like - is having two cups one day really going to make that much of a difference? Or one mulled wine? I really don’t think so. And I’m not counting tea or coffee - the caffeine amounts are so low. However I do worry about women who drink regularly (even in low amounts) - as I’ve heard from two midwife friends how serious Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can be (and it’s less about volumes drunk, and more about regularity). My sister regularly had 2 glasses of white wine (at least twice a week, throughout) and her kids don’t have problems, but my midwife friends tell me this amount is very close to what causes most cases of FAS.
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Hello 👋🏻 new here but I just wanted to give my current thoughts - I am SO DONE 😭

Currently 28+3 with baby number 2. Got a two year old who still thinks sleep is for losers. 3:53am right now, I've barely slept a wink all night and now he's decided it's time to start the day about half an hour ago. Fuck my life 🙃
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Feels like she's using my ribs as a springboard to get deeper into my pelvis. Lots of lower back pain and pressure. So uncomfortable 😆 I'm such a giggler when I'm in pain so I'm just sat on the sofa laughing and the cat is staring at me, probs wondering if he should call the crisis team
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