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Any orher first time pregnant mom's wishing away Christmas 😂 I just want to celebrate with my baby and hubby next year instead I'm wishing this one away. I know a lot of people are like enjoy the last as a twosome etc but I've had 9 Christmas with him I'm OK 🤣
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Please don’t judge. I’ve just found out I’m pregnant, we’ve been trying for four years and was on the wait list for ivf, however a random out of the blue pregnancy test was positive!

I don’t know if it’s the full shock factor but I’ve gone into full meltdown mode. On one hand I’m absolutely thrilled and can’t believe how lucky we’ve been. On the other, it’s completely blindsided me. I’d fully got it into my head that it might never happen and as a distraction been building a life that doesn’t involve children (perhaps trying to prepare myself for that eventually), all of that now needs to stop.

I know it’s not normal to feel like this and I hope it’s just the hormones but has anyone else ever felt this way?
It is completely normal lovely, don't beat yourself up. All through my 20's I didn't know if I wanted children. I wasn't ready mentally or emotionally and I'd basically written myself off as not being maternal. When I got to 29yo my body clock kicked in and I thought maybe actually I do want them. But in all the years I'd been with my partner we never had a pregnancy "scare" so I'd always assumed I was infertile (I had a lot of health issues growing up). Anyway fast forward to two years ago and I decided I definitely wanted to try for children. We tried every month, tracking ovulation etc to no avail so we got in touch with the doctor to check our fertility. The week before our appointment I had a positive test. I was a bit shocked because I was so used to seeing negative tests that I didn't think it is as real. I didn't tell my husband. The next day I tested again expecting it to be negative but it was still positive. My first reaction was disbelief and excitement but then self doubt crept in - will I be a good mother? How will I cope? My life is going to change forever. I have always lived a very selfish lifestyle - travel whenever I wanted to, lazy days, just basically doing whatever I wanted. Now I was freaking out that I'd have to give everything up to look after a little person. Fast forward to last Sunday and I gave birth to the most beautiful little girl I could ever imagine and yes my world is forever changed, yes its hard work but I would never change it for the world. I am so happy I've got her and I couldn't imagine life without her and it's only been 6 days!

It's absolutely normal to doubt everything, you're only human. Congratulations on the pregnancy, enjoy every moment as it goes so quickly ❤
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whopping cough and flu jab..has everyone gotten them? Im just curious my midwife said to me its not mandatory but they recommend just want to know everyones take on it?
I’ve had both. 35 and never had a flu jab before but had this one as I thought I don’t want to be really poorly. Whooping cough is because for the first 8 weeks baby isn’t protected but if you have yours they get some protection. My understanding is there has been some uplift in the amount of whooping cough cases in small babies. I didn’t elect to have another Covid booster though.

Update on baby. I’m still in hospital. Possibly will be another day but all is well with her. Had a growth scan last night - day after our private scan 🙈😂 and she’s looking well. Lots of monitoring too.
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Mini rant but I don't have anyone else to rant to. My husband is the best and I love him to pieces but be keeps telling me about such and such baby who is in hospital and very poorly... I'm like do you need to be telling me this as its causing me aniexty and making me very upset. And I know in reality it probably isn't as bad as it probably is as his source loves to embellish a story and it's never as bad as what she makes it out to be. I'm 29 weeks pregnant and maybe it's selfish of me but I don't want to be hearing about sick babies and all these viruses as it stresses me out.

Then I find out he has discussed with his sister that we probably don't fancy many visitors when baby is young and I'm like why did you fecking say it to her as she will go back to thr rest of them now and they probably will have smart comments about it... And to be honest with this rage that I have I'll probably freak out if anyone says anything to me..i just want him to keep our choices to ourself and don't be sharing with anyone else. Similar to how I choose to feed and everything. I literally don't want to be sharing anything as I know how judgy they can be and I don't want to hear any of it as none of them have bothered to even check in on me. And before you think it's just with his family it's with my own too, I'm sharing very very limited stuff or being vague as I don't need to hear it because everyone has a fucking opinion.

Anyway sorry for thr long message probably doesn't make sense. Just needed to type it out prob delete later.

Also wk 29 I'm feeling very very tired, heavy and cranky. I want this baby out of me 😂😂😂 but at the same time it can cook for a bit longer as it's safe inside my belly lol
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has anybody got any positive c section birth stories? mine's now booked i just worry about everything 😔 - which was one of my reasons i wanted an elective!! can't win with anxiety
I loved my elective c-section! My husband and I went in the morning at 7am and the surgeon came to see us to go through everything and tell us where we were on the list. There were a few emergencies which meant I was delayed so we had a lovely morning in our room watching daytime TV and playing card games 😂 They came to get us gowned up and my husband could come into theatre with me whilst they administered the spinal and waited for it to take hold. Everyone was lovely and chatty and we were just so excited to meet our baby. It took about 15 minutes for me to be fully numb, then they put the screen up and less than 10 minutes later I felt a weight on my chest (behind the screen) and heard a cry. As it was an elective, I had delayed cord clamping. We wanted to see for ourselves what we had, so we were just sat behind the curtain listening to the cry wondering who we were about to meet! The surgeon lifted baby up Lion King style and we saw his bits. I had skin to skin with baby while they sewed me back up, and then my husband took him into recovery to wait for me to be transferred. We were in recovery for about half an hour with some lovely midwives who helped me get him latched on and have his first feed.

I also had a pretty good recovery afterwards. I’d just say make sure you keep on top of your painkillers and don’t overdo it. Try not to be anxious, you’ll be absolutely fine and your baby will be here before you know it x
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Thanks @CallMeHollywood and @easyliketuesdayafternoon

Scary day. Bleeding this morning that’s continued all day sort of. They checked my cervix as they thought I might be having contractions. Baby has had lots of monitoring and we had a scan this afternoon and all seems well with her. Just unexplained so I’m in here until at least late tomorrow if not Wednesday. Not where I want to be at nearly 32 weeks tbh and it’s very worrying. But I’m in the right place and getting checked regularly
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Hope all works out okay! How scary/exciting 😅 at least you can finish work now if you haven't already 😆
I text my boss at 5am telling him what was going on and I just got a 👍🏻 back…. Totally leaving when I can. Shall give inane updates cause I can and mr Wood has gone home for some sleep.
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37+4 and I've stopped procrastinating and packed mine and baby's hospital bag, car seat is in and maternity leave has started. We're ready when you are little one 🩵
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Just popping in from the new baby thread as I was sorting my freezer out today and came across a random batch cooked meal from months ago and it prompted me to write here 😂
The one thing that saved my ass and I CANNOT RECOMMEND MORE is to batch cook freezer meals before baby gets here! I started just cooking one extra lot of meals a week at about 32 weeks. By the time baby arrived we had about 4 weeks worth of food in the freezer and then when it started getting low I would do a batch cook once a week to top it up. For me, it wasn’t until about 12 weeks pp that I felt like i had the time or energy to start cooking again so it was a life saver to have them! Don’t forget to make sweet slices and cookies for the night feeds either lol.
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Straddle the two threads as I’m now in hospital. Started wetting myself last night around 9.30pm and kept an eye on it until 5am when I woke up husband and told him it was time to go into hospital. Turns out waters are going so instead of the lovely elective I had planned at 39 weeks, he may now be coming tomorrow at 35+3.

Pros: he’s already chunky, he’s also breech so it would be good to get him out, means I can eat pate and drink at Christmas.
Cons: he’s early and may need help, I miss fake Christmas on Saturday which is going to be amazing, it’s all very dramatic and I don’t like it.
Observations: my bump is deflating like a sad balloon, hospitals are insanely busy at the moment, I desperately need to paint my toenails, I can definitely buy Christmas outfits for the wee bairn now.
Oh wow @CallMeHollywood Hope e you’re ok? I know how scary and frustrated you might be feeling as this has been o sort of my experience this week. You and baby are in the right place to be well looked after but it’s still scary when it’s early.
I’m still in hospital but hoping to go home today. On Monday they were talking about whether I might deliver early at 31+3 due to it showing on the monitor that I might be having contractions. It has shown this consistently this week. It’s been overwhelming and I just hope you have lots of support from you OH and get treated just as well as I have by your midwives.
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Can’t believe I’ve had to click just had my baby🙈 I’m still sticking around!
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The bairn is fine but he is breach (again 🙄) so I have to go back in two weeks. He’s a chunky 6lbs already so puts him in good stead for being a monster at birth. Just me to sort out now 😆
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We’re off for a 4D scan today.
And we’ve ordered our nursery cot this morning. Hopefully the nursery will be generally done in the next couple of weeks as the drawers are coming next Friday. Then I can start storing things.
Still plenty to buy though, all the little necessities don’t half add up 😂
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Hi all, I’m somewhere between 10-11 weeks pregnant. I had a private scan this week which measured a few days ahead of where I thought I was but I’ll wait for my 12 week NHS scan in the new year to confirm, but I’ll be due some time in July. It was such a surreal and emotional feeling seeing our tiny baby on screen and I was amazed by how much it moved!
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Moved up the rung to the next bracket 😆
I’m going to have to have the chat with my mother about sharing photos I send her of baby Wood when he’s here. She’s already talking about creating a round Robin whenever I send her things. I work in social media and am very aware of issues with posting photos, but she just doesnt get it. She also wants to send her friends all the photos, many of whom I don’t know. Has anyone else had to have this talk?
I am extremely strict about this due to previous jobs I've had (safeguarding is top of my list with children - I know way too much about how images can get in the wrong hands) luckily the older generations of my family are not on social media. I've told others under no uncertain terms will I tolerate any images of my baby on the internet. My husband thinks I'm overreacting but I'm really not. Not only the obvious, babies cannot consent to their images being posted and if my parents had done so when I was a child I would have been very upset. It's a violation of privacy in my eyes. I feel very strongly about it, as you can see 😂

Also, I had to select overdue on the poll 😭 but I'll definitely have the baby during this thread 😂
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Re the restrictions... ladies I just had a rare steak for the first time in nine months and just wanted to hold it over you all 🤪 I did have to eat it with a breast pump attached but swings and roundabouts
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Any orher first time pregnant mom's wishing away Christmas 😂 I just want to celebrate with my baby and hubby next year instead I'm wishing this one away. I know a lot of people are like enjoy the last as a twosome etc but I've had 9 Christmas with him I'm OK 🤣
I’m three weeks into parenthood so still raw but honestly, enjoy it. I’ve just written a post on the new baby thread about this but I’m really missing my old life and especially it just being us. I thought we had one more Christmas together but little guy came early.
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Just found out 3 days ago I'm pregnant with baby number 2.
Currently nauseous all the time, want nothing but fries and Yorkshire puddings.
Has anyone used the sneak peek test and how did you get on with it/how accurate was it?
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Just having a nose

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Hey guys, first post here! I’m 21 weeks with my 3rd, had a loss in June so am really so grateful to be pregnant. I’m really struggling however with tiredness and nausea still, I’m absolutely exhausted 24/7 my husband is home for Christmas and I’ve been napping for 2/3 hours daily and sleeping 10 hours every night and even with all this sleep I feel exhausted!! I’m sick at least 2-3 times a week but sometimes everyday at least once! Looking for moral support haha! I hate moaning as I know I’m so lucky to be pregnant but if I’m brutally honest I’m not enjoying it like I’d hoped! Feel like I’ve even such a shit mum with little to no energy to play with my kids! Sorry for the rant haha just needed to get it off my chest!
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