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Active member
My OH got me a peri bottle, my friend bought me flannels and stuff to soothe down there etc. I was expecting to be in so much pain and my urine to sting etc. I had a 2nd degree tear but in three different areas and had loads of stitches but I didn't have any real pain or stinging at such. The little I did have was bearable so I didn't need all the bottles and things but obviously everyone is different.
I had an episiotomy with my first and I found the pain of that healing worse than labour!
It took about a week or so for it to start to hurt but when I went for a wee I had to bite a towel and scream and cry.
I've never been one to wee in the shower but I made an exception then as it was the only way I could go without feeling like I was going to pass out.

Everyone warned me about the post birth poo but I had no issues with that, nothing prepared me for the wee pain!

I found the first days ice pack maternity pads to be the best thing, my sister in law bought me some before I gave birth and they were amazing!


I didn't get a bump until 28 weeks and still fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans at 38 weeks 😂 I also didn't really have any symptoms other than food aversions. It made the time go a lot quicker in some respects!
Thank you! That is crazy but has definitely made me feel better! Was starting to think i was the only one 😂😂


VIP Member
27+3 and I’ve been really struggling with exhaustion the last few weeks. Like I know it’s normal to be tired but I’m even struggling to just sit on the sofa at times, I also feel lightheaded sometimes. Doesn’t help I have a 15 month old to run after as well!

My iron was borderline at the booking bloods but then was fine at 16 weeks. I wonder if it’s dipped back down to low. I have my midwife appointment on Thursday so I’ll ask her then

The restless legs have started as well and I’m at the stage of wanting to chop them off 😂


VIP Member
Has anyone tripped over and fell whilst pregnant ? Just fell at home (what an idiot). Landed on my knees, bump was cushioned by my thigh and I didn’t hurt it. Called triage for advice and they said no bleeding or pain and if I’m feeling baby move - literally can feel her now, they aren’t concerned. But I know now I’m going to be an anxious wreck all night. Husband is at work tonight too 🥹
Agree with @cmcdb, go for your own peace of mind. They won't turn you away.


VIP Member
Just joining this thread as I’ve just found out I’m pregnant after a very long wait for this baby! Is it normal to feel this overwhelmed and desperate for confirmation/ health checks? I must have done 30-40 tests to make sure I really was pregnant 😂
Completely normal! I must have done about 100 before my first reassurance scan at 7 weeks even though I had hyperemesis and a million other symptoms. I had a holiday at 5 weeks and I was so worried the long haul flight would cause problems that I was testing literally every time I peed while I was away 🙈 Then did a few more before I had another scan at 10 weeks. I’m almost 15 weeks and did another at the weekend even though I’ve got a bump, have felt flutters and still have HG 😂
Bit of a personal/sensitive topic however just wanted some reassurance from anyone that can help please… I had an abortion when I was 18 and in a DV relationship, I am now 32 and long term relationship with my new partner however he does not know about my previous abortion and I am worried it may come up at first midwife appointment? Does the midwife ask you if you have previously had an abortion or if it’s on your medical notes do they bring it up? Just don’t want my partner knowing and worried they have to ask. Thank you x
I think the first appointment is by phone, and you mention it then, you could ask them not to write it in your green book

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I took spatone last time I was pregnant. They said my iron was the very bottom end of normal but not low enough to put me on anything so I bought spatone myself and it did help. I heard the liquid version is less like to make you constipated 🙈

I was on ferrous sulphate last year for low iron and I didn't really notice it make a difference either way. At my last test my iron was low but I've not been on the tablets for a while so I'm expecting that to flag up on my first lot of blood test this week.

If you take it with fresh orange juice it helps it to be absorbed and avoid dairy around the time you take it. Hopefully that might help you but you can get ferrous sulphate in drops so it might be worth asking the midwife about that if you really can't stomach the tablets.
Thank you for this! I’ll mention it to my midwife at my 16 week appointment. And I’ll get some orange juice (i hate orange juice) but needs be 🤣


New member
Has anyone had much luck with colostrum harvesting? I set myself up this afternoon in the nursery, with relaxing music and soft lighting and lots of squishy baby thoughts...and managed 0.1ml before my boobs were like "nah" 🫠

Anyone got any tips or is it a case of just persevering?
other than being like 38 weeks pregnant how do you know your body is ready to do it?
I had a scan today and everything looked perfect. Saw babies heart beat ect. But now I’ve had this. Has anyone else? It’s so hard not to worry all the time
I’m sorry I’ve tried to put that behind a spoiler but it’s not working
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Active member
I've sent them an email so hopefully they will respond next week!
Just confused as to why they didn't mention anything yesterday.
It was a very quick appointment in and out within 15 mins.
All she done was ask if I had any medical conditions, if I've ever been pregnant before, have ever had surgery, any history of diabetes in my family, took blood pressure, done the scan said everything was fine come back in 3 weeks and that was it.


Well-known member
does everybody get a health visitor visit ?? i'm 33w this week and no mention of one yet by my midwife, although i do see her this week so could ask.
nursery is NOT ready i'd be so embarassed if they came now 😔