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Hi all, when did everyone start buying stuff? Prams, car seat, next to me, bottles, etc? I’m 15 weeks and haven’t even considered it but met someone due the same time as me and they have loads bought so it made me wonder.


Chatty Member
Anyone allergic to going to work Christmas parties? I feel nearly obliged to turn up but the idea of finger food I'm unlikely able to have and a few drinks is not my idea of a good time
Hate going, always have. My team Christmas lunch is at a restaurant without vegan options so I'm not going to that. I'm on holiday for my department one. What a shame! 😂


Chatty Member
I’ve been feeling baby start to move the past couple of nights when in bed for the first time but nothing tonight so far. Is it normal for movements to come and go at the beginning of starting to feel them or should I be feeling them every night now? 21-22 weeks btw but with an anterior placenta 🙄


Chatty Member
Looking for changing bag ideas?? I find them very expensive and I’m thinking a large handbag/tote from pennys/primark would be just as good with a smaller toiletries bag to keep things tidy inside it..


Chatty Member
Anyone have any good hold-all recommendations for my own stuff for taking into hospital? Every one that I have ordered is either too big or too small. Cant find a happy medium. That doesn’t cost a bomb either as not something I’d use often. Just using the babies changing backpack for his things x


VIP Member
I had an episiotomy with my first and I found the pain of that healing worse than labour!
It took about a week or so for it to start to hurt but when I went for a wee I had to bite a towel and scream and cry.
I've never been one to wee in the shower but I made an exception then as it was the only way I could go without feeling like I was going to pass out.

Everyone warned me about the post birth poo but I had no issues with that, nothing prepared me for the wee pain!

I found the first days ice pack maternity pads to be the best thing, my sister in law bought me some before I gave birth and they were amazing!
Sorry you had such a bad experience. I think I was lucky because it was so numb down there from the anesthetic and I'd had to have a catheter so they put numbing gel down there too. I had to have stitches in my rectum so the first poo was scary, plus I was constipated and couldn't go for 3 or 4 days. I was terrified 😂

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Mine said on the phone they prefer just mum so they can ask about domestic abuse, etc. she told me to bring any family history with me.
Ooer not heard that before. When i got my appointment in the post for my first midwife appointment it said I’ll be on my own for first 20 mins then partner can come in. Must be different everywhere. Just excludes the Dad if they can’t be there I think


VIP Member
I agree, if you can afford it go for it. I had a scan at 7w1d and then another at 10w because I was really anxious as I’d been so poorly and it was amazing to see the difference 😊


Chatty Member
Currently 25+4 and I noticed some coning in my stomach, should I be worried? I don't remember experiencing any with my first. Also, bump is a lot higher than my first, literally right up under my boobs. Can anyone recommend a bra that has a nice soft band? I've never had a non-wired bra before as I have big boobs that required some scaffolding 🤣


Chatty Member
I'm 8 weeks now but my 3 year old told everyone when I was about 5 weeks 🙈 We purposefully didn't tell him because we knew he would but he must have heard us talking.
I didn't mind him telling his grandparents because we'd want the support if anything goes wrong but he's told his nursery teachers and all of his friends 🙈

I have to tell work asap because of what I do my role has to change slightly and I need time off for appointments. I've only told my manager and the health and safety person though. I think
I’m finally joining in here cos I’ve made it to 13 weeks! Yeah baaaaby. After 2 miscarriages I am sososososoosooooo happy to be here.
Question - I want to find out gender. Mr. Sidelines does not. do you think it is at all possible for one of Us to find out and keep it a secret from the other for the next 5 months!? He’s happy to do so… but has anyone else managed this!?

My husband and I both wanted to know but even if we hadn't our wee boy wasn't exactly shy, it was kind of obvious 😂 We're not telling anyone else and even though we don't see or speak to family all that often, it's quite heard not to accidentally let it slip 😬 Good luck though 😊


VIP Member
I didn’t buy a peri bottle or anything with my first and I think if I did it would have never been used tbh.

I had second degree tears and everything was so numb down there for the first few days I didn’t feel anything 😅 when I did it was just a bit stingy

Everyone is different though and some people really recommend using them


VIP Member
I personally just wet them as I go, I have a tub I fill with warm water. I like him to have warm cloths instead of a cold one haha but I know people just fill a jar with water and cloths at the beginning of the day and just take one out as they go along through the day but honestly it takes no time to do it each nappy change! I know some people also add oils to it too but I’ve never done it and haven’t had any issues with just plain warm water!
Thank you! What about when you go out and about?
Hi all, when did everyone start buying stuff? Prams, car seat, next to me, bottles, etc? I’m 15 weeks and haven’t even considered it but met someone due the same time as me and they have loads bought so it made me wonder.
After 20 weeks, but depends on your money situation and if you have a place to store it. I just didn't want to clutter the room


Active member
Is there anyone you can ring to get it moved forwards a bit? It’s like everything just stops at Christmas.
My booking appointment was originally in for 11+4 (although my cycles are longer so around 11) so I was getting worried about when my scan would be which they agreed at EPU. I’m now seeing the midwife next week (9+4) so hoping it will be better for my scan. I was a right stress head yesterday trying to sort it !
I actually work in radiology and know the booking team. They can only go based on what the midwife writes on the request because they can't make clinical decisions. They have booked my scan for when I am 12 and 6 by the midwife's dates which is the trusts protocol for 12 weeks scans so it's not delayed by Christmas. They are still scanning over Christmas, just not the bank holidays.

It all just comes down to the midwife not listening to me when I said I ha e a short cycle 🙄

I'm still convinced that they're going to say there no heartbeat when I go, I'm always a worst case scenario type of person, I was the same with my first. So really I'm glad to be going after Christmas because I wouldn't want to ruin Christmas for my 3 year old if that happened.


VIP Member
Has anyone here ever had an emergency caesarean at full dilation?

I kinda feel really annoyed at my body that I didn’t know this was even a risk factor, but apparently it’s quite a “rare” occurrence to have a caesarean at 10cm and it puts you at risk of preterm birth with subsequent pregnancies, due to potential cervical trauma?

Due to this I’ve been referred to the preterm clinic and told I’m currently at intermediate risk for preterm birth with this pregnancy. I’ve since been researching why this is and have kinda freaked myself out with the statistics. I’m so happy to be pregnant with baby number 2 but I had absolutely no idea this would potentially be a problem ☹
I was fully dilated, pushed for 2 hours then had an emergency c section. I had a birth debrief and none of this was mentioned- they said it’s likely I would have to have an emergency section if I tried for a VBAC purely because statistically it’s more likely, but there was no reason (subject to scans if I have another pregnancy) I couldn’t try for a VBAV. Most women are 1/2cm dilated apparently for their seconds early on, my mum was 1cm dilated at 36 weeks with my younger sister.

It’s weird they described it to you as trauma, they actually said to me my body knew what it was doing, it’s just baba wasn’t having any of it. Could you ask for a birth debrief from last time if you’ve not already had one?