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Chatty Member
5 weeks since LMP and trying not to read too much into the fact that I don't FEEL pregnant. I definitely felt pregnant last time. I hate that I am just constantly thinking about pregnancy and can't relax at all.


Chatty Member
my boy and girl arrived at 4am this morning.. he weighed 5”4 and herself 4”7 and both thriving. Mammy was a bit traumatized and still haven’t been introduced but I’ve calmed down now a bit and waiting on an aero mint with a cuppa tea 🥲
Congratulations ❤❤ please god their both ok and you get to see them asap xx


VIP Member
I had second degree tears but honestly didn’t feel anything! The stitches were sore for a few days but that was it
Someone I know had a huge baby and she had to have her V basically reconstructed but she has a designer vagina now!


Chatty Member
My first was the same at my 20 weeks scan. Then I went for an extra growth scan at one point because my fundal height went out of line with the chart and it was very obvious then too, before the sonographer could even hide it.

I'll be having regular planned growth scan with this one because I'm medium risk so it would be very difficult to keep it a secret. My friend had to remember to tell the sonographer before each growth scan that she didn't know and didn't want to know and she said they still had some near misses.
I'm having extra scans because I have Crohn's. Just had our 28 week scan and the sonographer actually asked before the scan, which I don't remember them doing with my first. Will see if they do the same at 32 and 36 weeks

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Hi everyone, new to the thread. Currently 20+1 with our second baby girl who is our rainbow baby, after having a MMC in May at 11 weeks. Feeling very blessed but have struggled with Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) since 5 weeks and I'm only just starting to feel a bit more human so it's been really rough with hospital stays and multiple medications. It's my second HG pregnancy but it's been worse this time around.

We found out we're having our second girl at a 16 week gender scan, hopefully they are going to confirm she's a girl at our 20 week scan on Friday. Our top 3 names are Freya, Maisie and Harper. Which one do you guys like best? Our other daughter is called Phoebe :)
Congratulations! I like Harper the most of the 3 😊


Chatty Member
We've bought the Nuby silicone pump for about £13 to see how I get on with it/catch any leakage from other breast whilst feeding. I'm a tight arse so couldn't justify upwards of £100 without knowing if it'd even work for me 😅 we're going to reassess once she's here. Colostrum harvesting is going well though!
I want to start colostrum harvesting! Have you any recommendations on where you learned to do it 😅


Well-known member
The one thing I wanted to be reduced hasn’t been 😂 it’s the bugaboo donkey duo and at that price I’m really hoping it comes down in price before I have to buy it at the end of the month 😬
Try the outlet section of the bugaboo website they often have them reduced


VIP Member
I requested one but ended up in an “emergency” section though there was nothing urgent about it. Everyone told me that the wound was very different because they have time to do it, and therefore the healing process is different. I did three doses of the heavy painkillers, and then continued on paracetamol and ibruprofen. It still hurts, but I imagine it’s much easier.
Has anyone on here had an opted c section?
My first labour was horrendous and nearly ended up with emergency c section and I'm really considering just an opted c section for this baby but only thing I'm nervous about is the healing when I'll have a baby and a toddler


VIP Member
Another couple of things I invested in were undiluted witch hazel and aloe vera gel - providing I don't have any open wounds, my plan is to water down the witch hazel and spritz on a pad soaked in aloe vera gel and freeze it. Apparently very cooling!


Chatty Member
Agggggh I am having such a fight with myself. We have the maxi cosi pebble 360 car seat & base which is all in immaculate condition from my first born (2 years ago) but I really am regretting not getting a lie flat car seat as I feel like this baby will be in a car seat a lot more than first born was as we will be out and about more with things she has on & her starting nursery. Will cost about £550 to get a lie flat car seat tho as will need a new base as well! Trying to tell myself if isn’t justifiable!
Sorry just needed to vent it all out as my partner won’t listen 🤣


Well-known member
I loved my elective c-section! My husband and I went in the morning at 7am and the surgeon came to see us to go through everything and tell us where we were on the list. There were a few emergencies which meant I was delayed so we had a lovely morning in our room watching daytime TV and playing card games 😂 They came to get us gowned up and my husband could come into theatre with me whilst they administered the spinal and waited for it to take hold. Everyone was lovely and chatty and we were just so excited to meet our baby. It took about 15 minutes for me to be fully numb, then they put the screen up and less than 10 minutes later I felt a weight on my chest (behind the screen) and heard a cry. As it was an elective, I had delayed cord clamping. We wanted to see for ourselves what we had, so we were just sat behind the curtain listening to the cry wondering who we were about to meet! The surgeon lifted baby up Lion King style and we saw his bits. I had skin to skin with baby while they sewed me back up, and then my husband took him into recovery to wait for me to be transferred. We were in recovery for about half an hour with some lovely midwives who helped me get him latched on and have his first feed.

I also had a pretty good recovery afterwards. I’d just say make sure you keep on top of your painkillers and don’t overdo it. Try not to be anxious, you’ll be absolutely fine and your baby will be here before you know it x
this was so lovely to read thank you! i'm hoping mine goes as smoothly as yours did. ❤ ❤

the recovery does worry me as i know it's major surgery.. but ill have help for the first 4/6 weeks which is a godsend.

hoping he stays in til my section date now as its booked for 39+6!!


Chatty Member
Bit of a personal/sensitive topic however just wanted some reassurance from anyone that can help please… I had an abortion when I was 18 and in a DV relationship, I am now 32 and long term relationship with my new partner however he does not know about my previous abortion and I am worried it may come up at first midwife appointment? Does the midwife ask you if you have previously had an abortion or if it’s on your medical notes do they bring it up? Just don’t want my partner knowing and worried they have to ask. Thank you x
With my first, I was asked a bunch of questions on my own without my husband and they asked about previous pregnancies then. After that my husband was called in to run through health questions for his family.


VIP Member
The one thing I wanted to be reduced hasn’t been 😂 it’s the bugaboo donkey duo and at that price I’m really hoping it comes down in price before I have to buy it at the end of the month 😬
The donkey rarely drops in price unless a new model comes out. And the 5 has just been released. The 5 is literally the same as the 2&3 and all colour packs fit all versions. Plus Buffalo hoods can also be used with Buffalo rods, same for the seat unit it makes it deeper for the toddler seat. You could also try Barbara’s bugaboos on fb/insta we bought our full donkey 3 twin package from there for £1200. And the donkey was basically brand new. She reconditions them.
My wipeable changing mats got delivered yesterday from Mabel & Fox. They are so pretty and match the wallpaper for baby girls nursery perfectly!

Came to ask about nappy and sleep suit recommendations. I’ve started to buy nappies to stock up. I’ve bought some Aldi Mamia newborns so far as I’ve had good feedback from people re Mamia ones. But I’m interested in trying a few different brands to work out which suit me best. Anyone heard any or used any before they like?

Also starting to buy clothes. Obviously the odd pretty but non-essential is creeping in but I want to focus on sleepsuits and basics as I know we’ll get loads of clothes bought too. I’ve got some Next vests and also some Tesco F&F sleepsuits. Any recs? I do like Zara and we’ve bought what I think she’ll come home from hospital in from there.


VIP Member
Quoting myself but had another blood test for iron after seeing midwife - we’ll see what comes back! All looking good. Can’t believe the next appointment will be 31 weeks 😭 I’ve set myself the task of sorting the hospital bag for me and the baby this week. Good thing I’ve been so antisocial since the positive pregnancy test that I can afford all the extra bits and pieces as nothing is cheap is it - even if you go second hand it adds up! Oh well, welcome to the next 18+ years I suppose 😁
The cost of a peri bottle 🫣 I wasn't prepared. Pink tax!


VIP Member
We didn’t find out with our first and it was the best ever! 😭 there aren’t many real surprises in life and I think it’s so special!

We planned to not find out this time either, but now we’re expecting twins we’ve been advised that it’s best to know genders so it’s easier to identify them with growth scans or something?! I’m really not sure, my preference would still be to leave it a surprise but I really don’t know if they’ll let me as it sounds like it’s not the done thing with multiples!
You can absolutely not find out the sexes with twins.
we weren’t going to find out the sex with our twins but when we found out they were none identical I changed my mind. Had they of been confirmed identical I’d of left it as a surprise 😂

eta, the genders make no difference on locating them on growth scans unless they are boy/girl. You’ll always have presenting twin as twin 1 and the twin furthest away from the birth canal as twin 2. This can change many times so odds are if they were both say boys they’d never know as they can switch positions right up until d-day


Chatty Member
Had my gestational diabetes test number one. The orange flavour of the goo isn't so bad but why does the after taste have to be between a wet paper bag and a postage stamp? 🤢