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Baby Kaye arrived by emergency section this evening! She had meconium in the waters and my heart rate and temp were off the scale. At one point yesterday I was having 8 contractions in 10 mins post gel 😬 anyway, we're both doing well and she's a perfect little bean. 8 lbs 7 oz 😆


20 weeks pregnant, just this evening im getting cramps mild cramps sorta like i need to go toilet (as in toilet toilet) is this normal? now when i do try to toilet i am able to go (little bits) the cramping is mild not major sorry girls this is first baby and i’m super paranoid over everything i dont even bother go to google anymore cause it always says the worse. But is this normal? do people get cramping? also sorry for TMI but i treat this group as im talking to my closest friend group:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: sorta just want reassurance
Morning everyone, hope your all ok 🥰 I am nearly 7 weeks pregnant and last night I had a really intense burning sensation in my lower back and round the front of my tummy. It lasted for around 5/10 minutes and then went and then half an hour later had the same again for another 5/10 minutes. It's just made me feel worried that there is something wrong, I haven't had any bleeding or anything or any watery discharge just this intense burning sensation last night. I don't know whether it could of been trapped wind which caused the pain? As when I got up this morning I had quite a lot of wind (sorry for the TMI haha) or whether its something to worry about. Has anyone else suffered with this? Or have any ideas what it could be? We have an early scan next Tuesday but tempted to see if I can move it forward just to check everything is OK. xx


VIP Member
I didn't go to the gym during the first trimester either, likewise went 4/5 times a week to high intensity classes. Fortunately I manage 2/3 sessions since wk 13, some weeks better than others but finding I'm getting slower and everything is more effort. Weights are feeling heavier so that mentally is shit as I feel weaker, I go to the gym more to feel strong rather than for aesthetic purposes. I find it helps with my mental health too, are you feeling any better that you could go back even just to move around? I do struggle with clothes not fitting me as I've lost and gained weight and it's a bit shitty but I try not let it bother me. I find that doing a small bit of exercise helps with me mentally even getting out going for a walk but I completely understand it's easier said than done
Yes your right, I don't want to give up, I want to be strong for labour!! I started with going back even 2/3 times a week, then got an awful cold so another week off last week. Hopefully I can start again from Monday, but with no pressure. I did a pregnancy spin class, just on youtube, and it was so motivating!!

It's a strange time but beautiful, so much change going on ,your head is all over!!


Chatty Member
Baby Kaye arrived by emergency section this evening! She had meconium in the waters and my heart rate and temp were off the scale. At one point yesterday I was having 8 contractions in 10 mins post gel 😬 anyway, we're both doing well and she's a perfect little bean. 8 lbs 7 oz 😆
So happy for you!!


VIP Member
If you can afford it and it would reassure you then do it, I say (assuming it a private scan) 😊 I had scans at just under 8 and then 10 weeks for reassurance as a previous loss gave me a lot of anxiety in the first trimester. If everything looked good on the scan at 7 weeks your odds are already so much better but if another scan for confirmation at 9 or 10 weeks would help then go for it. If you wait til 10 weeks you’ll see so much more detail which is really cool too. I know the wait to 12 weeks can feel like forever! Xx


Well-known member
My issue with my first was he was back to back with me and he was measuring quite big length wise, from week like 26 they said right it'll be a c section because it looks like it will be difficult and then at my 36 week growth scan when I was supposed to be given my section date the woman who saw me was different from my past appointments and she just went oh you'll be fine back to back is no different to any other labour
27 hour labout, an epidural and then my sons heart rate dropped so needing to get forceps to get him out ASAP (which was nearly a c section but they used forceps because his heart rate was just high enough) and its now made me terrified it would happen again
you poor thing!!!


Chatty Member
When did everyone start to feel movement in their first pregnancy? I’m 18 weeks and haven’t felt them yet, I know they say between 16-24 weeks but I’d like to start feeling them now 🤣 (I’ll probably eat my words soon!)
I was 24 weeks! 21/22 weeks with my second one now. Do you know yet if your placenta is anterior or posterier?


VIP Member
Is anyone using/planning to use protein shakes? They’re supposed to aid in section recover quite well but most of the articles I’m reading are sponsored 😆


Chatty Member
Anyone got any tips on how to naturally increase iron levels?

My 28 week bloods have came back and I’m borderline anaemic. They’ve prescribed iron tablets for it but I have to pick them up from the hospital and I don’t drive so won’t be able to get them until after Christmas now 🙈

Bit hesitant to take them as well as I don’t want the stomach issue side effects 😅
I had no side effects when I took mine, I was on them my whole pregnancy 😂
To go back to colostrum harvesting - make sure you try to do it similar times every day 😅 I usually do it at this time but did it about 5 hours earlier and just looked down and... well you can guess 😂 so now having to go again
I was at a course at the weekend they said do it after a warm shower?


Chatty Member
The last few days I’m waking up with awful pains in the top of my thighs.. doesn’t matter how long I’ve been lying down, after an hour or two it’s there… anyone had this? I’m lying on my left side as much as I can and not moving much in my sleep as what I was now I’m the size of a whale!
Yea I would ask the question? I’m 35 which is just in the “geriatric” pregnancy range now. Here in the U.K. you get points so that was my 1 point. I was classed as low risk and midwife led


Chatty Member
Only 21 days until my c section, anxiety is kicking in. Not so much about the operation or how to care for a newborn. More about recovery and how I'm going to cope with three kids 🙃😞
Can I ask when you were given your date?? I’m 34 weeks, was told they’ll more than likely bring me in at 37 and that was ages ago. Anytime I’ve asked since they don’t give me a straight answer
I've sent them an email so hopefully they will respond next week!
Just confused as to why they didn't mention anything yesterday.
It was a very quick appointment in and out within 15 mins.
All she done was ask if I had any medical conditions, if I've ever been pregnant before, have ever had surgery, any history of diabetes in my family, took blood pressure, done the scan said everything was fine come back in 3 weeks and that was it.
I do find you've to prompt questions with any appointments as they are a revolving door and see many pregnant people so I ask the questions if I think about it or I usually take notes on my phone and being them in to ask.