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34 week midwife appointment, midwife sent off for a growth scan because baby girl is measuring above her curve. Don't really know what it would change if anything though, c section is already booked in now


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It's been a complete whirlwind/disaster. My obs are fine, heartrate below 100 and temp normal but they wanted to keep me in an extra night for just temperature checks and oral antibiotics? So I asked to speak to a consultant, who said that was ridiculous and we could go home as my infection markers may be high/rising, but I'm not unwell and will be seeing various healthcare professionals all week. Just waiting on meds! Excited for a shower and my own bed - little bean is doing great, I'm glad I harvested so much colostrum as she's a monster 😂
Aw glad you’re both okay, hope you can go home soon! There’s nothing like your own bed


VIP Member
I had one at 9cm dilated. No one ever mentioned the risk of preterm labour to me for my second and my (current) third pregnancy BUT I have opted for elective sections and they usually do those at 39 weeks so maybe it wasn't deemed an issue.
hmm strange, I’m not sure if it’s got anything to do with because pushed for 2 hours before too?

All I was told is that apparently you’re at higher risk of your cervix having been damaged and it could be weaker for subsequent pregnancies. They don’t officially have my answer but I decided early on I will be opting for an elective section this time. Apparently the preterm clinic will measure my cervix so hopefully they are just being extra cautious and it will all be okay! ❤
Do you think pregnancy hormones heighten all emotions? I’m feeling incredibly low at the moment (nothing to do with the baby, which I’m over the moon about) and I’ve been very sad about some other stuff in my life. I keep wondering whether the hormones are just exaggerating my emotions… I’ve not felt so tearful in years…
It absolutely is normal as your hormones are all over the place, I'm not sure where you are based but I'm sure if you speak to your GP/midwife they might be able to recommend a service you can use just for thr case of having a chat with someone. I know in Ireland you can get on thr list to speak to people and from speaking to a midwife it's very common for depression to start when pregnant and she told me if I start to feel not like myself use the services it's what they're there for. It's an emotional time I find personally as I think your giving up your own life and body for this small person and while it's a wonderful thing and could be wanted it's still a big adjustment to yourself.


VIP Member
28 weeks tomorrow and have my rescheduled midwife appointment today, she just said after lunch but didn’t give a specific time so could be waiting hours 😅 it’s not with my usual midwife and not on my badger app so I hope they haven’t forgot. I also have my whooping cough vaccination at 3:40pm so I hope she comes before then!
So I thought I was feeling huge but they’ve measured the fundal height at 25cm when it should be 28cm and have referred me for a growth scan. I always measured 1cm behind with my daughter but never 3cm
I've ordered my buggy and carseat, the shop said I can collect it whenever id like and I just pay when I want every so often. When would ye bring it in the house and when to fit the car seat? I know not to do it too soon.. But I've the sudden urge to get organised even tho I've plenty of time. 😂
I just bought bundles of clothing from Vinted and resold the naff stuff. Much cheaper given how long they’re in them when they’re little.
If you pick up the Emma’s diary bags, you can get a few £ off Pampers nappies.
Good idea I could do with checking out Vinted more. I have sold on there but never bought.

What are Emma’s diary bags ??


Well-known member
Just persevering! I got about 0.2ml on the first day, then 0.4ml on the second, 0.7ml on the third, now filling two syringes a day - try having a warm compress and alternate it between breasts (put it on the one you're not using at that moment). I also find sitting on the birthing ball helps as baby moves lower down into my pelvis and releases the necessary hormones. Or try it straight after a warm bath or shower? Basically, just make sure you're warm.
That's super helpful thank you. I'll try again tomorrow and use a warm compress and see how I get on.

Hope you're ok, I think we have very similar due dates!


VIP Member
Thanks @CallMeHollywood and @easyliketuesdayafternoon

Scary day. Bleeding this morning that’s continued all day sort of. They checked my cervix as they thought I might be having contractions. Baby has had lots of monitoring and we had a scan this afternoon and all seems well with her. Just unexplained so I’m in here until at least late tomorrow if not Wednesday. Not where I want to be at nearly 32 weeks tbh and it’s very worrying. But I’m in the right place and getting checked regularly
Let us know how you get on today!
Last night’s sleep was hard. I now feel like I’m carrying around an actual bowling ball. Looking forward to my consultants appointment on Monday to find out when he’s being evacuated.


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Ladies who have had babies before: did any of you take a hot water bottle/wheat bag? I get great comfort from my hot water bottle and honestly it's the only method of pain relief I use 😆 I know there's no reason I can't take one, more just will there be facility to fill it up without harassing a midwife or HCA? I'm being induced so presumably will be in my own room.
Hi all, when did everyone start buying stuff? Prams, car seat, next to me, bottles, etc? I’m 15 weeks and haven’t even considered it but met someone due the same time as me and they have loads bought so it made me wonder.
We didn’t start buying anything until after 20 weeks. Mainly so we knew all was ok. I’m now 36 weeks (tomorrow) and we have all the main stuff and more besides.
This morning we’ve actually had the Nuna Leaf seat and a Little Dutch activity play mat delivered. So we’re definitely on the non-essentials now.


VIP Member
I’ll have the whooping cough one. I’ve booked my flu 3 times and had to cancel every time because of my HG. Must book it again asap. I won’t be having a covid booster as the covid jabs made me so unwell.


VIP Member
28 weeks tomorrow and have my rescheduled midwife appointment today, she just said after lunch but didn’t give a specific time so could be waiting hours 😅 it’s not with my usual midwife and not on my badger app so I hope they haven’t forgot. I also have my whooping cough vaccination at 3:40pm so I hope she comes before then!


VIP Member
The donkey rarely drops in price unless a new model comes out. And the 5 has just been released. The 5 is literally the same as the 2&3 and all colour packs fit all versions. Plus Buffalo hoods can also be used with Buffalo rods, same for the seat unit it makes it deeper for the toddler seat. You could also try Barbara’s bugaboos on fb/insta we bought our full donkey 3 twin package from there for £1200. And the donkey was basically brand new. She reconditions them.
I know about Barbara’s bugaboo’s we actually did look on there.
We’re using John Lewis so we can spread the payment over a year, making it more affordable. It’s a shame because they were on sale over Black Friday 🙈 should have just bought it then!


Well-known member
Has anyone asked to work from home due to fatigue / morning sickness ? I am hybrid so I do a couple of days in the office but I think the working days plus the sickness will be too much. The nhs website says I can ask to work from home when sickness is bad but not sure if they have to grant it ? I was hoping to not tell work for a few more weeks due to restructure but think I’m going to have to ask when I go back next week.


Active member
i'm so confused my this! with my first pregnancy i rang up and they sorted out an appointment straight away (for 8 weeks) this time round i've filled in a form and it's now been 2 weeks and i've not heard anything back?!
Same here. This time I filled out a form and they told me the midwife would call me to arrange a booking appointment. No one did but after about 3 weeks I got a letter in the post with my booking appointment.


Chatty Member
Bit of a personal/sensitive topic however just wanted some reassurance from anyone that can help please… I had an abortion when I was 18 and in a DV relationship, I am now 32 and long term relationship with my new partner however he does not know about my previous abortion and I am worried it may come up at first midwife appointment? Does the midwife ask you if you have previously had an abortion or if it’s on your medical notes do they bring it up? Just don’t want my partner knowing and worried they have to ask. Thank you x
They’ll need to know that you have been pregnant before and will ask you at your first appointment. Will be up to you if you have your partner there or not and a lot of trusts will ask you to be for part of it on your own to ask about domestic abuse and if your partner is the biological dad etc. they will need to know all of his family medical history too so quite handy to have him there for that unless you know it all. Could mention to your midwife you don’t want him to know but I would probably jus tbe honest with him incase it comes up again, no point building a relationship on lies if he was to find out. It was a long time ago and nothing to be ashamed about.


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Does anyone have any tips for easing anxiety please? Or positive thinking tips etc!

I have severe anxiety around miscarriage; I am 5 weeks today. It’s never happened to me personally as I could never get pregnant, but lots of my close friends have some really awful, sad stories. I’m not sharing my worries with them as I obviously don’t want to hurt them or make them feel uncomfortable in any way, so I was researching facts online but I think that actually made me feel worse. I find myself hovering around wondering ‘what if it happens’ and being unable to distract myself. I have ADHD and I’ve stopped all meds cold turkey which I don’t think helos

I will feel so much better after the first scan I’m sure, I just have severe endo so I’m getting a lot of random pains still in scar tissue etc
I don’t have any tips as I’m still struggling with anxiety around it all too at 16 weeks, but please talk to your midwife as soon as you’re in contact with her as they can get support for you. Hope your worries ease soon.
Congratulations! If I’m honest I think you’d struggle!!! Even if you’re a great actress, discussing things like names/nursery themes/looking at clothes etc you’d naturally be drawn to the one you know you’re having if that makes sense! And I imagine it’d be difficult not to refer to baby as he or she. But if you think you can then go for it! And report back as we may have this issue next time 🤣
Haha I have honestly got 0 clue what we will end up doing! We are both pretty sure it’s a she anyway. Don’t ask how but we both get the feeling. And I’ve been 12 week nub theorying away and I reckon it’s a gal in there. But we will see! I just don’t think I can wait til June to find out what they are 😂😂


Well-known member
I've got my 12 week scan appointment for in the new year.
The midwife didn't listen when I told her I have a short cycle and has done the dates based on a 28 day cycle.
She said they do the scan at 12 weeks and 6 but by my dates I'll be 13 weeks and 3 when I have my scan.
Same happened last time and I nearly missed out on having the combined screening because my baby measured 14 and 2. After a lot of wiggling, remeasuring and a second sonographer they managed to measure him at 13 and 6 so I could have the screening.
I don't understand why they cut it so close with the cut off date for the combined screening 🤷🏼‍♀️

Originally I wanted my scan before Christmas but I'm actually glad it is after just in case there is any bad news at least it won't ruin Christmas and that's actually helped to calm my anxiety around it a bit...
Is there anyone you can ring to get it moved forwards a bit? It’s like everything just stops at Christmas.
My booking appointment was originally in for 11+4 (although my cycles are longer so around 11) so I was getting worried about when my scan would be which they agreed at EPU. I’m now seeing the midwife next week (9+4) so hoping it will be better for my scan. I was a right stress head yesterday trying to sort it !