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Chatty Member
Sorry for the crudeness, but has anyone else dealt with severe constipation and stomach pain while pregnant? I’m coming up to 9 weeks but at my wits end and running out of things to try. It’s making my morning sickness worse I think as well :(
Just had my 36 week growth scan, 7lbs 1 already according to the measurements they took. Head and tummy measurements were more like 39 weeks 😂 glad I'm having a c section


VIP Member
Morning everyone, hope your all ok 🥰 I am nearly 7 weeks pregnant and last night I had a really intense burning sensation in my lower back and round the front of my tummy. It lasted for around 5/10 minutes and then went and then half an hour later had the same again for another 5/10 minutes. It's just made me feel worried that there is something wrong, I haven't had any bleeding or anything or any watery discharge just this intense burning sensation last night. I don't know whether it could of been trapped wind which caused the pain? As when I got up this morning I had quite a lot of wind (sorry for the TMI haha) or whether its something to worry about. Has anyone else suffered with this? Or have any ideas what it could be? We have an early scan next Tuesday but tempted to see if I can move it forward just to check everything is OK. xx
Have you had any problem peeing, could it be a UTI?
You could call the doctor and see about a referral to the EPU but without bleeding or it being ongoing, they’re probably unlikely to see you.
OMG! Exactly this! My little terror has also taken it upon himself to decide that he now no longer likes to sleep and my poor husband is having to sit in his room every night to help him sleep. I'd do it but I'm too big to be able to easily, and quietly, get off the floor!
Omg I feel like I wrote this post! My little boy slept through since 9 months and now he wakes 5,6,7 times per night 🤣 exhausted!!

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
What’s the earliest scan people have had to find out what they are having? My place has the gender reveals from 14+ and I’m booked in on Saturday when I’ll be 14+2 and I’ve become really worried it’ll be too early and itll be pointless 😅 although surely they wouldn’t advertise it from 14 weeks if they can’t do it !


Well-known member
ooking appointment was originally in for 11+4 (although my cycles are longer so around 11) so I was getting worried about when my scan would be which they agreed at EPU. I’m now seeing the midwife next week (9+4) so hoping it
i'm so confused my this! with my first pregnancy i rang up and they sorted out an appointment straight away (for 8 weeks) this time round i've filled in a form and it's now been 2 weeks and i've not heard anything back?!


VIP Member
Has anybody found any good remedy for Acid Reflux? I’m eating Rennies like there’s no tomorrow, but they don’t make a huge difference…

The pill I used to pop daily in my first pregnancy (active ingredient: ranitidine) has since been taken off the market…

I find Gavsicon really disgusting, but if somebody tells me it works then I will definitely give it another go!
I'm 31 weeks and the movements keep making me jump, they don't get old 😁
God I still jump so much! It’s lovely though, as it’s like a constant reassurance.
The other week my fella bought some stuff in for lunch and he bought bagels, smoked salmon and cream cheese. I said I’d have a ham & cheese bagel instead but as I was watching him making his first I said no I’ll have a salmon one it won’t hurt 😭 you know when food just tastes so so so so so good when you’re pregnant? It was so delicious, i didn’t want it to end 😂
I would have done the same 😂


VIP Member
When did everyone start to feel movement in their first pregnancy? I’m 18 weeks and haven’t felt them yet, I know they say between 16-24 weeks but I’d like to start feeling them now 🤣 (I’ll probably eat my words soon!)
Has anyone on here had an opted c section?
My first labour was horrendous and nearly ended up with emergency c section and I'm really considering just an opted c section for this baby but only thing I'm nervous about is the healing when I'll have a baby and a toddler
I had an emergency c section with my first because I was really poorly with covid. Even though it was an emergency it seemed really calm and the healing wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I’m currently pregnant with my second and thinking of having a section again


VIP Member
When do/did people start feeling confident and getting excited?
My first I didn't buy anything until well over 26 weeks, and didn't really believe it'd work out, but this time I'm not even 12 weeks yet and can't help getting excited. We had the NIPT test results showing low risk across the board and the sex, and we've seen a heartbeat at the early scan so have told immediate family (I'd want their support not matter what happened). 12 week scan next week. Is that too early to go public?!
Yeah I saw that. I’ve already got a manual one so not adverse to buying pumps early.
Health visitor said as long as mattress protector is breathable it’s fine. If in doubt, check the lullaby trust website. She also said babies that young don’t really need protectors because of their nappies.
I'm tempted to buy a pump myself too! Saving is a saving
In the UK you have the right to the birth you want be it Vaginal, home, c-section unless its medically contradicted.
Being a bit anxious wouldn't really be enough for a c-section but if it was causing you and therefore baby so much anxiety, stress and fear, then it would be medically sound and safer.
Equally you can request a home birth but say last time you had complications, you'd be strongly advised against it.
Vaginal birth is strongly encouraged unless there's a reason against it. I had my breech baby physically turned to avoid a c-section but I had the choice (ended up with one anyway as is often the case).

My hospital posts stats every month. October looked like this.
View attachment 2627878
Thanks for explaining!


VIP Member
I had my first hospital appointment yesterday at just over 5 weeks (had a vaginal scan as it's so early) doctor advised everything looked good and to go back in 3 weeks for another scan once baby is showing more.
On my next appointment letter I notice she has put high risk pregnancy this was not mentioned in my appointment so I have no idea why.
This is my first pregnancy, I've no medical history or ever taken any medication for anything also no diabetes etc in my family.
I'm slightly overweight ( BMI is 27/28) and I noticed when they took my blood pressure lately it was slightly raised.

I live abroad and that's my first time ever using the medical system here so they don't have any info on my past medical history, I did get diagnosed with PCOS around 17 years ago but have never really had any symptoms so I forgot I even have it, I didn't mention this yesterday so it can't be the reason of the high risk as they don't know anything about my PCOS.

Any idea why they would have classed it as high risk?
Congrats! How old are you? Could it be to do with age? I have PCOS and here in the UK that didn’t mean I was high risk. My BMI was also the same as yours, 26/27 and I wasn’t high risk. Unless there’s different thresholds in different countries?


Chatty Member
Morning everyone!

I've just discovered this thread and can tell I'm going to end up spending a lot of time here 😅 I'm currently pregnant with my second baby (10 weeks) and my first born turns 2 next Thursday! I don't have a due date just yet but I estimate it will be some time in July, so my toddler will be bang on 2 1/2. My question is - do I need a double buggy?!
my age gap will be exactly 2.5 as well. 2 year old hardly ever uses the pram anymore tbh but there are some situations where she just has too and especially if I am out and about with 2 on my own I will want toddler strapped in. Luckily my pram can convert to a double so is fairly inexpensive to do so planning just to do that although I think it will make it pretty heavy. Plan to then get a buggy board in future if it feels necessary, shall see how it goes. Everything just costs so much money it’s hard to know what to do!