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yep, and the thought of ripping my hoohah to smithereens.... so many horror stories :oops:
My biggest fear was tearing, I had a 2nd degree tear (so I accept it’s not the worst!) and it was fine tbh, I’m certainly not worried about tearing this time around. The first day or two I just felt incredibly sore and sat on a cushion to pad everything out. Regular baths and just sitting on a towel to let everything air. It got a little itchy as it started to heal but I’d imagine a c section scar also gets itchy as it starts to heal. Felt significantly better within a week and by two weeks was almost completely better. Tbh I was so engrossed with baby I honestly barely noticed it, ditto the postpartum bleeding which I was also really worried about. It’s like you notice it but also are detached from feeling it, that’s how I felt anyway. So there’s a non-horror story for you to counteract all the bad stories (remember people will rarely tell you they had an easy labour etc!)
Hospitals and medical procedures always terrified me as well, I’d had many bad hospital experiences prior to having a baby. But I had my baby in January and made it out okay !

I don’t know if it would work for anyone else, or if it’s really the smartest thing to do lol but I did not look up or watch anything on giving birth, I had no birth plan and I just wanted to go with the flow and do whatever was needed to happen to get my baby here at the time. I did not want any expectations or fears put in my head.

I think once you’re there yes it’s scary but I think for me the excitement of meeting my baby helped me forget a lot of my fears, that and maybe the pain relief 😂, and the staff in the delivery room were amazing!
Best birth plan I saw that I went with - 2 healthy people into hospital, 3 healthy people (4 if twins 🤣) leave the hospital. I honestly think the less expectations and more willing you are to go with the flow the less disappointed you’ll be if it doesn’t go to “plan”
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Just to put another perspective out there, I bloody loved the gas and air - especially after 9 months of not drinking 🤣🤣🤣
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Any of the other first/second trimester ladies get excited and scared about the contraction posts on here? 🫣 I'm excited because it'll be me one day but also terrified because it'll be me one day 😅
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I’m having real problems now with turning over in bed and my bump not coming with me! I literally had to lift my bump over to the other side to get out of bed today and it doesn’t half put pressure on your muscles. 29 weeks with twins and it’s just going to get heavier!
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i have a fiesta too - wondering what pram you have that fits in the boot? i don't want to get one then realise i can't even get it in :ROFLMAO:
WELL, let me tell you… it doesn’t 🤣 my silver cross pioneer chassis fits in the boot, but the top bit rides up front with me. Gets me where I need to go with no fuss though, we just don’t give lifts to anyone!
I don’t know what thread to write this on…

I have a 6 month old baby, in the middle of moving house and 3 weeks ago found out I have a few gall stones…

I’ve just found out I am pregnant…

I have no idea how far long I am and no idea what to do…

I just spoke to my husband and first of all he was like wow wtf but now he’s really calm about it and said ‘it’s al fun and games’ and now he’s popped out with the baby to see his poorly grandad and said we can chat about it when he gets back, he was so calm and actually high spirited where as I don’t know what I’m gonna fucking do, I feel so stupid for getting pregnant whilst this is all going on in our life and I also feel so stupid for feeling like this when there are loads of couples desperate to get pregnant.

sorry if this is the wrong thread, I just don’t know what to do about keeping it or not and I don’t wanna tell anyone I know just yet ….
TinyFun wasn’t a planned pregnancy. We had sex once in six months and didn’t use protection because I was blind drunk. We had just got to the end of paying for private nursery and were looking forward to having a bit more disposable cash, we’d just moved to a smaller house (in a nicer area). I had never wanted a second and my husband the same. I phoned one of the agencies who confirmed that my trust would cover the cost of a termination for me, as it was so early in the pregnancy I could do that via tablets. They sent me a pack in the post along with painkillers. The box is completely unlabelled you’d never know what was inside. They ask if they can let your doctors surgery know or not, you get to make that decision. Obviously for me in the end I didn’t Go along with it and being totally honest with you, I would say for the first 10 weeks or so of the pregnancy I woke up thinking FML and I wasn’t sure if I really was doing the right thing. And yes, the gaulling guilt you feel being pregnant and not over the moon about it - I have two close friends who it isn’t happening for at all. Now she’s here I can’t believe she’s here and she’s the most wonderful little baby and so smiley and she’s wonderful. However, my situation is not your situation as my daughter is 5yo not 6mos! You have to weigh it up for yourself and go from there - see if you need any kind of talking counselling alongside any decision you make. sending you lots of love xxx
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I started a journal but I'm useless at updating it 🙈 I also haven't been taking as many bump photos as I'd like, it's only when I've got dressed up to go out as usually I look like a bag of shit 😂 I wish I'd done weekly photos now but I keep forgetting. I did want a maternity shoot but the prices are through the roof and my partner doesn't think it's worth the money so I may try to do a DIY shoot when I'm further along. As this is my first and likely only pregnancy I wanted to document loads but life has just got in the way and time has been flying so I've not done as much as I'd hoped. I think sometimes with social media it puts too much pressure on us to document everything perfectly.
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Creasing 😭 we go to an agricultural show every year with the in laws (great bacon sandwiches - that's literally the only reason husband and I go) and a coworker has just told me to stay away from sheep, point blank. Don't go near the sheep!

I Google it... the advice is don't participate in lambing or be near farm animals when they're giving birth. There goes my plans to assist with lambing at an agricultural show 🥴
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It's really interesting me how many people say "Do you miss alcohol?" - I was never a big drinker, mainly socially and even the only a couple of beers. One woman said she had 3 glasses of wine a week because she couldn't go without it.

I miss German salami more than I miss alcohol, caffeine or anything else 😂
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Hi I’m new here 🥰 but I’m early early and already spewing Wooop… hope it doesn’t last the whole pregnancy!
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I have my 20 week scan in 90 mins and I'm sat at work absolutely shitting myself, counting down the minutes til I can leave. The excitement and anxiety is unreal!
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My husband and I work for the same authority and are sharing an office today and usually I have afternoon reprieve from the baby moving but because we've been chatting and he's been talking she's not stopped all afternoon 😂 I've done nothing differently, except have him in the room. We're sharing an office for the foreseeable as mine is up many stairs and not doable while pregnant. She's going to love it 😂
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Tbh the main reason I say no drugs is because I’m terrified of needles 😂 (I’m fine getting blood tests done as long as I don’t look) the thought of getting an epidural to me is just awful 🤢 however I have absolutely no judgement to anyone who does get them obviously.

I was that out of it in pain during labour I was fine getting pethidine but refused an epidural as I didn’t want to be stuck on the bed either 😅
Honestly I was so beside myself with pain by the time I got the epidural I couldn’t even tell you who was in the room never mind if there was a needle involved! Best thing I did for myself, totally changed my labour experience!
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Had an obstetrics appointment today - very random at 21 weeks. Baby's small head is nothing to be concerned about and the fetal medicine unit aren't worried at all and I've been discharged to midwife led care 😁 so pleased, I'd never even met my "consultant"! Even heard her little heart again and all her movements with the doppler (popping sounds). Time to properly relax and enjoy pregnancy 😅
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I’ve just find out I was pregnant on Saturday. This is my first pregnancy. We was trying anyway so we was made up when we found out. Now it’s sunk in I’m starting to feel scared and overwhelmed. Is there any advice people could give me? Or what to expect in the first trimester?
Thank you xxx
Congrats! You might feel fine, you might feel awful. I had no symptoms at all but there are ladies on here who still have morning sickness. Call your doctors to get a booking in appointment scheduled. Try and relax, cramping is normal, brown blood isn’t necessarily something to worry about, and in some cases neither is fresh blood. Download some baby apps and speak to some women on those. BabyCentre has forums for women you’re due the same time as you, which is helpful.
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Has anyone started photo documenting their pregnancies, I’m 16weeks and everyone is telling me to do it because I’ll regret not and that I should go for a maternity shoot with himself 🫣 I know that’s personal preference but it’s so much easier to get advice from someone pregnant at the same time 😂
I’ve been using the baby centre app and doing a weekly ‘bumpie’ on there 😆 we also last week had an anniversary photoshoot that we won in a competition with our wedding photographer so turned that into a bit of a maternity one


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Chatty Member
How are you all getting on with unwanted opinions and advice? 😅 it’s my first pregnancy so don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for some of it, but of all people annoying and upsetting me right now is my own dad, you’d swear it was him having a child. My parents are split up and thankfully my mam isn’t being overbearing at all but how can I kindly tell my dad to eff off 🙈
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Can't believe I'm pressing the 19-26 weeks already 😱

Also I'm having some really painful swelling in my knee recently 😔 Google tells me it's normal but can't help but worry about blood clots.
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It's really interesting me how many people say "Do you miss alcohol?" - I was never a big drinker, mainly socially and even the only a couple of beers. One woman said she had 3 glasses of wine a week because she couldn't go without it.

I miss German salami more than I miss alcohol, caffeine or anything else 😂
I haven’t really missed alcohol either but I’ve had visions of demolishing a soft cheese and continental meats board with a sensible glass of red wine while sitting in the hospital bed after delivering
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Today is nursery furniture buying day. Very excited! Hopefully ikea has everything we want 🤞 have any of you bought anything and thought, “yep, that was a good/bad idea”? I’m not getting a changing table, I decided that early on.
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