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Just added a full size sponge cake to my food shop arriving tomorrow. Home alone for the next 4 days. That’s where I’m at today 😂
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Thank you all so much for your support ❤ up until this week I've really been enjoying my pregnancy and have had it a lot easier compared to most so I do feel awful for feeling this way now. I think it's because I'm almost at the end of the second trimester so the aches and pains are kicking in more and I'm feeling a bit more uncomfortable every day, plus the mental side of it is getting to me now - the constant worry of when the baby is here will I be a good mum etc. I feel like I have so much to do before baby gets here too so I just feel overwhelmed. I'm such a control freak but at the moment I don't feel in control at all so that may be why I'm having a wobble too. Thank you all so much for your lovely words, this community is the best ❤
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I've been really struggling with my hormones and emotions today. I've had meltdown after meltdown and I just feel so alone. I've just spent twenty minutes trying to find a pair of pj bottoms that don't feel uncomfortable on my bump and now I'm sobbing myself to sleep. So sorry to put a downer on the thread but I feel like I have no one else that understands what I'm going through.
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I took some bump photos today and it's actually made me feel so much better! It did make me emotional but in a good way. I love seeing how my body has changed and it's beautiful what we go through during pregnancy. I had some fresh air today and a fresh perspective and I definitely feel more relaxed and well rested. Long may it last! Hope you're all doing okay ❤ I definitely recommend taking the photos, even if you don't feel like it. We are amazing and our bodies should be celebrated 🤩
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Clicking full term 😵💫 can't believe how fast pregnancy has gone. Although not flippin quick enough now I'm 39+3 😂 please get this baby out of me!!! Don't feel like she's coming anytime soon though. Have been having braxton hicks on and off and my pelvis feels so bruised but fine otherwise. I'll just keep waiting for something to happen!
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I’ve ordered so much baby stuff on Amazon they’ve emailed me to see if I’m buying for business purposes 🙈😂
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I really wanted to breastfeed but I’m finding it overwhelming reading up on it, and I’m going to be doing a couple keeping in touch days in work hopefully about a month or 2 after it’s born(if I’m up to it) so I’m not sure how it’s all going to work with pumping and everything😰 will my supply even be properly established by then?? Shall I just formula feed??? It’s all so confusing😩
Ok I have many thoughts so bare with me haha:

I breastfed mine until she was nearly two. I will not sugarcoat it, those first couple of weeks were hard (but let’s face it theyre going to be tough however you feed!). No one warned me, orany of my friends about cluster feeding. The more your baby feeds, the more your milk supply will increase. We allassumed it meant the baby wasn’t getting enough and our supply was low, but that is not (usually) the case. It is normal for your baby to feed for 20/30 minutes then want more 20 minutes later in those early days, and it is exhausting, but for most people your supply will regulate and it gets easier. For me by 4 weeks it was easier, by 6 weeks I could just whip them out without any faffing and crack on (I’m very lazy though haha). BUT I had supportive midwives and no major issues, if you’re struggling then stop, it’s honestly not worth it and it doesn’t make that much difference. For me the benefit was not having to sterilise etc, and I wouldn’t have jeopardised my mental health for the sake of doing less washing! Like I said, I was lucky to have a level of support not many seem to have.
In relation to pumping - older midwives will tell you to wait until 6 weeks. Whilst it’s true that you may struggle more with building your supply if you use a bottle too often (because you’re not feeding them enough for your body to make enough milk), lots of babies then start to refuse a bottle. My midwives advised me to pump (so still building my supply) and give 1-2 bottles a day from 5 days old, and she took them beautifully. Unfortunately after it got easier I stopped bothering and she started to refuse any bottles until she was gone 12 months 🤦🏼‍♀️ so middle ground definitely! If you do that, you should be able to find you can pop out for a few hours. Regardless of your feeding choice you may find 1-2 months is too soon for a KIT day and you don’t want to leave them, also fine!
Basicaly if you want to bf, I wouldn’t let the KIT days stop you, just pump and give 1-2 bottles a day to prepare her. If you don’t want to bf then don’t feel any pressure, and if you Start and decide it’s not for you, then no harm in moving to ff either. Any decent person won’t judge you, so anyone who does can fuck off.
Just remember - the early days are hard, it’ll likely get better and easier but if it’s not for you then move to what works for you and your baby!
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Hi everyone, my first post on this thread but long time reader :)

I’m 29 weeks today with my first and my boyfriend has been excited throughout but last night he cried and said he was scared he wouldn’t like the baby. He said he’s been so stressed about money and providing when I’m on maternity that he feel flat about it and isn’t excited anymore and it’s making him feel bad. He said that he’s started to realise how much life is going to change and it’s scaring him.

has anyone else’s partner had similar feelings and is there anything I can say/do to make him feel better? :(
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My husband has strict instructions to go to the M&S below the midwife led unit and purchase a packet of salami and a can of full fat coke once I've given birth 😂 can take or leave alcohol
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So it’s 3:34 am for me and I’m pretty sure I’m in labour… super weird feeling, I was so sure she was going to be late but I’m 38+3.
part of me is thinking is it just in my head but I’ve been having pretty consistent strong period like cramps that woke me up at about 1:30am.
the day before I started to get a few twinges but thought not much of it but I’m pretty sure something is happening!
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Almost 38 weeks pregnant now and I’m getting so frustrated with people who expecting me to still be able to do things.
I’ve always been a people pleaser and I go visit friends rather then then come to my house because it’s easier for them, I find it hard to say no but I’m a currently a whale, can hardly walk because of my hips, living in flip flops because my feet are swollen and struggle to get in the car yet my friend is still like oh do you want to meet up here and go do a nature trail walk or come to my house that’s 30 min drive away and hang out there. NO I DONT 😔 come to me for once.
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I have just had a sudden onset disgustingly desperate craving for rock. Like the sticks of it you get from the beach. Specifically the hard pink ones, spearmint flavour. I fear the woman I'll become if I don't get some. I live at least 3 hours away from a beach. Send good vibes
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I've had such a bad day 😭 it was supposed to be a nice day but it's absolutely ruined now. Without going into too much detail I've had people making comments about me and they've hurt me so much I don't know how to get past it. I've got so upset and stressed out that I ended up over doing it and my bump has become solid hard and so much pressure so now I'm worrying that I've affected the baby. I can't stop crying. I don't even know if I've overreacted because my hormones are completely out of whack and I'm just a mess basically. Had an absolute gutsful of people and wish I could just hibernate until I give birth and for a few months after 🙈
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Yay, I’ve made it to the second trimester 🥳 I’ve also booked my private scan for the gender. I was adamant it’s a boy but I’ve been having some dreams lately that it’s a girl, and a revisit to the less clear scans is making me wonder if that isn’t actually a boy shaped head.
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Sounds controversial and I can say I’m certain I probably won’t use it. But has anyone seen - or even planning to use - the woman / midwife / doula who recommends masturbation during birth to manage pain?! I’ve seen her insta but can’t remember her name. The naked doula insta name reminded me
Oh fucking hell 😩😩😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣 imagine the poor midwife walking in 😩😩😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Sat in front of my work laptop unable to do any work because I'm in wait mode 🫣 need to leave to travel to 20 week scan in 15 minutes. I am absolutely bricking it - there's so many horror stories online. Hoping all is good in there and we can start properly buying 😖 honestly at this point finding out the gender is such an afterthought
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I'm taking 9 months but I still don't fully understand maternity pay 🙈 I'm hoping it will be enough otherwise I may have to go back sooner. I'm trying to save as much as possible now but it's hard when I need to buy bits for the baby and everything costs so much. Feeling super down today about everything and my OH is not being the most supportive at the moment with my raging hormones. Everything I do seems to piss him off. Equally I'm more sensitive than usual so I'm getting so upset over the smallest things. I'm getting in my head about everything lately and it's just all getting too much. Sorry to rant and be pessimistic 🙈
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Have my 12-week scan on Thursday. I'm very nervous that there is going to be something wrong, keep having horrible dreams about it ☹ I know it's probably my anxiety but it's very hard not to listen when I'm having these horrible thoughts day and night 😭
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I have mine on Tuesday. Let us know how you get on! I had some tapping last week but it’s stopped again now. I guess he’s moved.
Scan went well! Took hours as she curled herself up nicely 😩🤣 but have a low lying placenta so having an extra scan at 32w if it doesn’t move up then I’ll have to have a c-section but I really don’t mind this as then she will be here for Xmas and my husband can have his Xmas holidays and then his paternity leave so perfect timing recovery wise! I hope you’re scan goes well tomorrow ❤
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