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on a nicer note (swear i normally write on here because I am worried!) ive definitely started feeling the baby a bit - i'll be 17 weeks thursday - and it feels like there's a butterfly in there when I do feel it, so strange but really loving it as then I know he's OK in there!
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I used to take what people thought to heart but I don’t know what it is about being a mum that changed me but I really don’t give a shit anymore 😂 I’ll forever be grateful for my daughter for somehow turning me into this confident don’t give a shit mum. I hope you all get this confidence too! (Disclaimer: def took a few months for said confidence to kick in, before that it was just hormones and sleep deprivation that made me savage 😂).

As long as you are happy, fed and safe and baby is happy, fed and safe, literally nothing and no one else’s opiinions matter.
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I've had to take the day off work today because I feel so crap 😔 I've slept for like 7 hours so my body obviously needed it. Where is this magical second trimester energy boost that I've heard so much about? 😅
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My baby seems to be most active when I’m trying to get to sleep 🙃 they do sleep most of the time so I guess there’s nothing to worry about as long as you’re feeling him through the day. I’ve shone my iPhone torch on my belly to see if mine reacts once or twice 😅
They loooove the nighttime! Our toddler ended up in our bed last night and my OH this morning was complaining “do you know how difficult it is to sleep when you’re being kicked all night?!” Funnily enough pal, yes, yes I do
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had a bit of a day yesterday, a -sort of- family friend has been TTC w her husband for a year i believe and so far hasn't fallen pregnant unfortunately, so i wanted to be sensitive and not make a huge deal of being preggo while i was around her but actually it was her that ended up overwhelming me!! she had pinterest boards for nursery ideas, themes, cots... started telling me things i already knew.. just waxing lyrical about babies and how she knew it all already just to make it extra clear i didn't - and i just cried in the car on the way home because i ended up feeling really unprepared and unworthy.

baby was a big surprise and conception was always going to be difficult for me due to previous issues so little one is my miracle baby n i know what its like to want something n feel a certain way when others get pregnant but now she wants to go to a baby market with me and meet little one when he's here and i can't think of anything worse right now!! am i being awful or just hormonal AF???
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Chatty Member
I've just been told by my midwives that the first scan isn't until 12-14 weeks. This seems so late! I still haven't had visual confirmation that I'm actually pregnant.

What did others do? Were you OK just waiting or did you get a private scan and do you think it was worth it this early on?
The craziest thing to me is that no one ever like ‘checked’ that I was pregnant. Just took my word for it. Sat through a 1hr+ booking appointment asking my entire life history etc.. with no confirmation of it. Of course from there my bloods would have told them otherwise, I just thought it was wild. I did also book in a scan at around 7 weeks as waiting 12 weeks felt insanely long!!!
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My husband has strict instructions to go to the M&S below the midwife led unit and purchase a packet of salami and a can of full fat coke once I've given birth 😂 can take or leave alcohol
I've told my partner I expect a box of doughnuts and / or cinnamon rolls to be delivered as soon as baby boy is out. Gestational diabetes has got me neeeeeding them so badly 😂
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I've honestly adopted the method of just not thinking about it and shutting people up when they try to tell me their birth stories 😂 I know it seems harsh but I'm such a chronic worrier (currently worried about baby's head being beneath the 5th percentile) I don't need to hear about tears and being put on drips. If I don't think about it, I can't worry about it 🤪
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Creasing 😭 we go to an agricultural show every year with the in laws (great bacon sandwiches - that's literally the only reason husband and I go) and a coworker has just told me to stay away from sheep, point blank. Don't go near the sheep!

I Google it... the advice is don't participate in lambing or be near farm animals when they're giving birth. There goes my plans to assist with lambing at an agricultural show 🥴
I was joking guys - I have no intentions of lambing, I've never lambed! I thought the sarcasm would show 😂
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I’ve just find out I was pregnant on Saturday. This is my first pregnancy. We was trying anyway so we was made up when we found out. Now it’s sunk in I’m starting to feel scared and overwhelmed. Is there any advice people could give me? Or what to expect in the first trimester?
Thank you xxx
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So this may seem like a daft question, I’ve just found out I’m pregnant (4+3 so super early) after two losses, did anyone else get scared to go to the toilet in case there was blood? I only found out yesterday, it was a huge shock, so now I’m worrying about everything!
I was scared all the time! I think that’s fairly normal. Especially after two losses. You just found out so all the emotions come in play.

I’m 16 weeks pregnant and I felt a quite distinct move, my husband could feel it too! It was the first time I was sure that it was the baby and I asked my husband to lay his hand on my belly. When I felt a kick I could see his whole hand come up. It’s our first and now we’re unsure if it really was the baby… it was andouille of times this happened last night. Baby does lie at the front..
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Hormones are wild, we came on a cruise yesterday and I’ve just woke up crying because I miss the dog 🤣
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Had my first scan today with the hospital, was told I was high risk due to my weight 😭 feel like absolute shite being told it but we move! Baby is perfect which is what matters
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Is it bad that I want to stay in the second trimester forever? 🙈 I love feeling baby move and I still just about have plenty of energy, work isn't too challenging considering it's an active job and I feel like I can keep baby safe in there - the thought of looking after the baby outside of the womb scares me a little. Plus I'm starting to get bigger and more uncomfortable so I'm dreading the next few months of feeling huge and like I can't do as much 🙈
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Chatty Member
I’ve got dark hair so it’s all gone quite dark 😆 and my belly button is starting to go flat! I wonder if it will end up an outie
My belly button didn't pop when I was pregnant with my son but whenever I laughed it popped out. It was so funny to see that it made me laugh even more, ended up poking in and out really fast 🤣
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I’m not, but if you’re healthy, it should be fine. I think there are a lot of “ifs” that come with a water birth. If you’re monitored in any way, you can’t get in the water… if you have GD you can’t have one…etc etc.
I had GD and had a water birth. There’s a lot of misinformation about GD and what you’re not “allowed” to do. My consultant wanted to push me into agreeing to an induction at 40+6 despite my growth scan showing baby at 8lbs and my GD being managed well with just duet and exercise. So glad I said no and got her to agree to 40+10, even though she had to call another consultant for their opinion. I went into labour naturally at 40+2 and birthed in the pool and it was a lovely experience.
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20 weeks on Monday (scan on Tuesday - trying not to think about it!) but my husband managed to feel the baby wriggling last night 🥲 post 20 week scan (hopeful) all clear, we're going to buy all the big stuff and it's all going to feel so real 🫣
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I've spent most of the day reading positive birth stories but they've had the opposite effect on me. It's now dawned on me that in a few months I have to get this baby out and I am terrified. I can't stop crying. The thought of having to have a c section is making me so scared but equally the other option also doesn't sound appealing 🙈😂 I want to be empowered by it and practice hypnobirthing but at the moment I can't see the wood for the trees. So overwhelmed today 😭 in other news my OH pulled through for me earlier which did help and I do think it's hard for them to understand the hormonal changes. For some reason it's hitting me hard today.
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