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39 weeks tomorrow how ever I woke up around 4am with a contraction pain and been having them since then. Also been getting bloody discharge coming away when wiping. Contractions have been from every 4 mins to back up to 10 😭 seems like I’m in for a long day. Been on a walk around the block and I had five between a short time and now I’m back nothing? 🙄
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Starting to get random messages from people I haven’t seen in years asking me is baby here yet 🤔 if he was and I haven’t announced it on social media yet then why would I be telling you! People are so nosy
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Well my pregnancy pillow worked a dream, I slept right through and didn’t even need to get up for a wee😅
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How are you all getting on with unwanted opinions and advice? 😅 it’s my first pregnancy so don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for some of it, but of all people annoying and upsetting me right now is my own dad, you’d swear it was him having a child. My parents are split up and thankfully my mam isn’t being overbearing at all but how can I kindly tell my dad to eff off 🙈
Tell them to piss off and blame pregnancy hormones if anyone gets upset 🙃 seriously though, just try and ignore it, easier said than done, but I’m a fan of the “smile and nod then ignore” strategy, so I smile, say something slightly pacifying like “ooh yes I’ll think about that” then do what I was planning to do anyway (unless what they said makes sense in which case I’ll do that instead lol). People will have opinions whatever you do - I breastfed mine until she was nearly 2, and had comments about that, had I pumped or ff no doubt I’d have had comments about that. You literally cannot win with some people so no point trying, just learn to ignore the unwanted opinions xx
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Is it bad that I want to stay in the second trimester forever? 🙈 I love feeling baby move and I still just about have plenty of energy, work isn't too challenging considering it's an active job and I feel like I can keep baby safe in there - the thought of looking after the baby outside of the womb scares me a little. Plus I'm starting to get bigger and more uncomfortable so I'm dreading the next few months of feeling huge and like I can't do as much 🙈
No! In my experience the second trimester is the best. Enjoy it!! I’m just into third and it’s already feeling tougher but I think you just have to be kinder to yourself as you just don’t have as much energy etc. Some good advice I got was get things you need/want to get done in the morning as the fatigue will kick in by afternoon and it’s so true.
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I thought I slept well (despite cat screaming at 3 a.m. because he wanted his breakfast) but I got up and my back is in absolute bits. Thank god I booked the week off work to just be pregnant at home with my husband 😅
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It’s worth being prepared. I ended up with an emergency c section and having to stay in a few days. My husband actually had to go home and get us more stuff despite me being quite well prepared already. Baby threw up on everythinggggggg so supplies depleted quickly🤣 I packed into two small cabin sized suitcases, one for me and one for the baby. I figure you won’t regret having too much, it’s not a hardship to wheel it to your bedside (well, it might have been for him, but who cares😆)
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So this may seem like a daft question, I’ve just found out I’m pregnant (4+3 so super early) after two losses, did anyone else get scared to go to the toilet in case there was blood? I only found out yesterday, it was a huge shock, so now I’m worrying about everything!
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Thank you @TheClaw and @Orangesocks182 ❤ hope you're both okay. I'm so grateful for the people on this thread. I don't have any friends who have children so I can't really speak to anyone as they don't understand and I got a bit down yesterday because not one of my friends has asked me how I'm doing in the last three+ months. My partner also struggles to understand why I get so emotional sometimes but I guess men just don't understand how female hormones work 🙈 thank you both for replying 🤗 x
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Hi everyone, my first post on this thread but long time reader :)

I’m 29 weeks today with my first and my boyfriend has been excited throughout but last night he cried and said he was scared he wouldn’t like the baby. He said he’s been so stressed about money and providing when I’m on maternity that he feel flat about it and isn’t excited anymore and it’s making him feel bad. He said that he’s started to realise how much life is going to change and it’s scaring him.

has anyone else’s partner had similar feelings and is there anything I can say/do to make him feel better? :(
I think it’s quite normal for panic to set in. My husband has quiet freak outs, but the more informed you are, the better. We know we’re going to struggle as I earn the main wage, but we’re going to do a mortgage holiday, and precook lots of soups and sauces to make sure we don’t just eat takeaway and more expensive food. If you can make a spreadsheet of your outgoings, that may help him.
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It's really interesting me how many people say "Do you miss alcohol?" - I was never a big drinker, mainly socially and even the only a couple of beers. One woman said she had 3 glasses of wine a week because she couldn't go without it.

I miss German salami more than I miss alcohol, caffeine or anything else 😂
I’ve never been a HUGE drinker, could always take it or leave it. But let me tell you now I’m at 35 weeks all I’m gagging for is a cider or a vodka red bull 🤣🤣🤣
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Hi, I didn’t want to read and not reply but I hope you’re ok.
I can only go by my own experience - I’ve had 3 pregnancies and haven’t experienced implantation bleeding. One pregnancy ended in miscarriage and I had a lot of clots and cramps, mostly in my back.
I hope this isn’t the case for you and have my fingers crossed for you x
Cramps got insane last night it woke me up. I passed something on the loo, that’s for sure. Still bleeding but cramps are non existent now. It honestly has felt like period cramps. I have a 14mo and my husband is at work so nothing I can do currently anyway, but thank you so much for reply ❤
Hope you’re okay lovely ❤ I just wanted to say if you are feeling unable to wait until Monday and it gets heavier/pain gets worse you could always phone 111 for advice and they might be able to refer you in to the early pregnancy unit? I had implantation bleeding when I was around 6 weeks with some clots and cramping lasting a few days and all was okay. I am so hoping it’s the same for you xxxxx
Cramps got insane last night it woke me up. I passed something on the loo, that’s for sure. Still bleeding but cramps are non existent now. It honestly has felt like period cramps. I have a 14mo and my husband is at work so nothing I can do currently anyway, but thank you so much for replying ❤
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Thanks ladies! I’m self employed and work on my own and will be bringing baby with me some days, but a couple days it will be with my mum or my hubby so just trying to think what will be easier in the long run and I don’t want to have to stress! I will see how it goes 🥰
I think, like a lot of parenting, you just sort of have to go with the flow and try not to plan too much before time - sometimes if you have a plan and then it doesn’t go to plan it’s harder to deal with than just going with it (in my opinion anyway haha!) See how it goes, prepare to be flexible and you’ll be just fine whatever you decide!
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Any of the other first/second trimester ladies get excited and scared about the contraction posts on here? 🫣 I'm excited because it'll be me one day but also terrified because it'll be me one day 😅
From literally the time I found out I was pregnant until the time I went into labour I did an outstanding job in not thinking about giving birth 😂 during labour my friend text me and reminded me that it’s literally a day or two of your life and you get something wonderful out of it. And as my husband reminded me when I voiced my fears to him after my waters broke, “she has to come out somehow”.
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Those of you having (or have previously had) a c-section, how long did your partner take off work? My boyfriend is self employed so whatever he takes off will be unpaid time off 😬
I think it really depends, I’ve read some people are fine after like a week but for me it was different, I actually ended up staying with my parents for a week or so because my wound was infected so I literally had to sit and do nothing (which I’m rubbish at at the best of times). I would say about a month after I was relatively self sufficient but I’m probably more of an exception and not the “standard” for recovery.
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I’m hoping for an unmedicated water birth and willing to try gas and air if necessary.

I’m trying to keep an open mind with it being my first and not really knowing what to expect, but the only pain relief I am totally sure I don’t want is the opioid based medication (pethadine, diamorphine etc). My husband is under strict instructions to not let me have these if I’m begging for something to help and they are offered 😂
I wasn’t allowed those anyway - I asked about a million times and they couldn’t let me have it 🙃

note to anyone who DOES want drugs it’s worth asking your midwife/consultant what the cut off times for getting that Pain relief is and what the factors for eligibility are.
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Hi, tentatively joining as I'm 4 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. I'm feeling very guilty- we'd been trying for a while and in this particular month I really thought nothing would happen as we didn't really do it much during ovulation for various reasons.

I'm usually pretty good during the two week wait and rarely drink alcohol anyway, however I had a birthday thing to go to and ended up drinking quite a few cocktails. Imagine my shock when the very next day I decide to do a cheapo test and a very faint line comes up. I was around 8dpo so nearly a week before my period and I just took the test out of habit like I impatiently do every month. Feeling really terrible that I've caused some harm even though I know realistically I probably haven't... Don't really know why I'm posting, think I'm just looking for some reassurance?
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Hello all! Congratulations everyone! Recently found out I am pregnant with my third and thinking wtf have we done 🙈 my boys will be almost 3 and a half and 18 months when this one arrives in February! Help!

@Sickofinstacrap your annual leave should accrue over your mat leave but definitely check with your company

I'm still on leave from baby #2 so have all this past year's leave built up that I'll put to use and I'll probably finish around 36 weeks as both my babies came early at 38 and 37+2 weeks respectively!
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I think it’s a bit unrealistic that they’d just show up and say ‘surprise!!’. So much is drilled into you about how tired pregnant people are, want rest/alone time/quiet time etc that I’d never dream of planning one for someone as a surprise or just showing up when they could be napping or generally not having the best day. Likewise if I was planned a surprise one I’d probably be slightly fuming as you want time to prepare yourself to feel your best, get a nice dress or something, or even just brush your hair (am I the only person that spent too much of pregnancy slobbing around?🤣).
I think certain generations wouldn’t think to even mention one, and perhaps nor would friends without kids. Mention you’d like one, but don’t feel put out if you end up planning it yourself. I planned most of my own ☺
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