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Had my baby yesterday 🥰 after begging for an epidural, it failed and I only had gas and air. It was so tough after 28 hours but I feel so bloody proud of myself! Baby bobble is amazing and I am utterly obsessed. He has slotted right into our family and is absolutely perfect. 💛 the hormones from giving birth are extreme! - I am literally on cloud nine!
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Had my first scan today, they’re saying 12+3, when I thought 11+6 so not a huge difference really… and it’s twins 😭 in complete shock, it’s like finding out all over again 🙈
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Baby boy finally arrived at 8pm yesterday. Contractions were definitely the worst compared to my first two. Midwife was worried I’d struggle to get him out due to what she was estimating his size on as he got stuck (shoulder just like my first) luckily didn’t need forceps though like I did before, she basically stuck her hand up to help guide him round the ‘bend’ then the rest was down to me. Couple grazes but first baby where I didn’t need stitches and he was my biggest!
Also felt the ring of fire with this baby 🙈

Good luck ladies ❤
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20 week scan is done 🙌🏻 got a big boy growing in there. Got some lovely photos too. Time to start buying the expensive purchases 😄
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So I had my elective last week and baby boy has been an absolute dream so far! Couldn't have asked for a better experience this time round, so relaxed and the team couldnt have made me feel more comfortable. Really feel like its helped to heal some of the trauma from my first. Definitely glad I stuck by my decision to have a c section this time round!
Going to stick around this thread for a bit though I think 😊
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So I’ve graduated from this thread finally, Baby boy has made his arrival 🥰

My birthing experience was mainly positive I’d say for a first baby, had to be induced via waters broken in the end as well over due!

have put my birth story in the spoilers for those who would like a read, just the short version though

I was set on water birth but when I was there in the moment, I got out after an hour as wasn’t working well for me and used my tens machine and the gas and air which was super good. I did end up having an epidural as after a long time nothing had progressed and I needed the hormone drip to help turn him to the correct angle.
The epidural was amazing, not what I expected at all and I sat there watching and feeing the intense tightness on my stomach and felt nothing it was great, rotated every now and then to help baby turn and the epidural work. Slept all the way to 10cm 4 hours later! Push him most the way out over 2 hours but needed Ventouse and episiotomy right at the last moment as his heart rate went up through the roof and wouldn’t normalise so they decided to get him out but I had no other rips or tears which is not bad for a first baby so I’m told so overall I’m happy with how things went on the day, midwife team were amazing. Just feeling like I’ve been ran over multiple times by a bus now lol
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Looks like I’ll be leaving this thread, heavy bleeding this morning and I’m pretty sure I know what they’ll say at EPU later this morning. That’ll be 3 times now I’ve not passed 6 weeks but at least they’ll start investigating now. Really sucks the nhs won’t do anything until you’ve lost 3.
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Popping my head in 👋🏼 been TTC second child for 12 months and finally got my positive today after being up all night feeling unwell🤣
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Hey all,
I’ve been in denial that I’m actually pregnant (4 years TTC) but as we had our 20 week scan yesterday it’s finally started to sink in. Having a little girl due 23rd December!

I read on the Mumsnet thread here that this thread is far more welcoming and less batshit than Mumsnet which so far has me worried about absolutely everything. So hi 👋
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Had my gender scan. We’re having a boy 😆 husband is in shock but i had a gut feeling it was going to be blue. Definitely less boy clothes out there than girl clothes.
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I envy everyone who says it goes quickly. I think it does looking back but MY GOD the last nine months have lasted nine years, I am sure 😂

39 + 5 today; elective section booked for tomorrow afternoon. I’m so nervous! PIL are coming in the morning as they will be collecting toddler from nursery, and I feel pressured to have the house clean and tidy (they are lovely but they will clean if it isn’t done and I don’t want them to 😂)

Going by old wives tales I am definitely having a boy, or a girl 😁😁 I shall update and keep following, this is my last pregnancy as apart from anything else I am 43 and I feel it! But for all the sickness and the exhaustion and the pain and the insomnia and the getting fat and the trumping, there is something a little bit magical about the fact we carry them inside us, isn’t there? 😍😍
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had my 12 week scan today, baby frog did indeed look like a frog flailing it's long legs around!! hope everyone is doing well ❤ 13 weeks tomorrow!
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Had my 20 week scan today, she said everything is looking great! Unbelievable how fast time is going I’m really excited now🥰
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Slightly off topic but I did it. I moved house at 24 weeks with only my Mum (who is a fricking superstar) and 2 removals guys for the big furniture that wouldn't fit in my car (best £100 I've ever spent).

I am knackered but happy sitting in my new living room just taking it all in, and excited to start getting baby's room ready for him 🩵
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Chatty Member
I’ve had to stay away from this thread since giving birth last week (and aware I need to move onto the newborn thread🤣) but just wanted to shoot in regarding birth/birth plans. It’s great to research and have some idea of what you want etc but don’t be too strict on yourself and try to go with the flow- this is coming from a complete control freak!!!!
I don’t want to trigger anyone (I’m sorry I don’t know how to put a spoiler) but having made it to the pushing stage, then needing an emergency c-section, I think I have some birth trauma I probably need to discuss with my midwife. Not a single thing went the way I thought it would, let alone hoped it would. And once I decided/thought I needed some form of strong pain relief I was already too late(until they decided a c section was needed, that spinal changed my life!!).
I know people ‘only tell the scary stories’, and I 100% believe we need to be empowered and educated and positive births do happen and exist. But I had a fairly textbook pregnancy. And my labour initially went very well, straight forward, and I had the pain under control. Then he turned back to back and it all went downhill from there😅
I think we’re sold this lovely idea that you forget the pain once they’re here/it makes it all worth it. Or that you can forget about it once you have your baby here safe and sound and be grateful. And I know I’m lucky and should be grateful that we’re now both okay, but it’s okay to want more than that 💛
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Today is my last day at work before I begin Mat leave. I have cleared out my desk and have about 10 mins left on the clock - it feels bizarre after doing the same thing for 10 years! I hope I don't go into labour tomorrow - it would be nice to have a few days off before she arrives!
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Newly married, got a positive test this morning for our first baby. The excitement/nerves are so real 🥰 feeling so blessed 🥺
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I don’t know what thread to write this on…

I have a 6 month old baby, in the middle of moving house and 3 weeks ago found out I have a few gall stones…

I’ve just found out I am pregnant…

I have no idea how far long I am and no idea what to do…

I just spoke to my husband and first of all he was like wow wtf but now he’s really calm about it and said ‘it’s al fun and games’ and now he’s popped out with the baby to see his poorly grandad and said we can chat about it when he gets back, he was so calm and actually high spirited where as I don’t know what I’m gonna fucking do, I feel so stupid for getting pregnant whilst this is all going on in our life and I also feel so stupid for feeling like this when there are loads of couples desperate to get pregnant.

sorry if this is the wrong thread, I just don’t know what to do about keeping it or not and I don’t wanna tell anyone I know just yet ….
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VIP Member
What are you doing with your nursery? I’d love to paint some stencils onto the walls for a woodland theme, but wow, they’re expensive. I could freehand it but it they may end up looking like cocaine bear.
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Well I am at the hospital, they couldn't get the balloon in at all which felt like the longest 10 mins of my life while they were trying to pop it in! I just did lots of deep breaths.

Pessary went in a couple of hours ago, already starting to get back pain and some cramps so really hope it is starting to work it's magic and we get this baby out of here soon!
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