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Chatty Member
So at 34 + 5 curiosity got the better of me and I decided to weigh myself this morning.

Yeah, won't be doing that in a hurry again lol 🙃🙈
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Maybe I'm just being a sensitive Sally but does anyone find the further on they get in their pregnancy the more their friends have dropped off the radar? Almost 36 weeks now and whilst I'm not living it up at the weekend it's rare I'd even get a text to ask how I am or just general convo (swear I'm not a baby bore either lol) and there's only so much tryin to keep in contact I can do with them. Maybe I'm just overthinking it but it's just shit x
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Chatty Member
Rude, dismissive, rolling eyes, not allowing you to keep your dignity by making you take your pants off in front of her 🤬 It's outrageous! And you're right, it's dangerous too. It puts me off going back in when they behave like this. I don't get why you'd go into a profession like that then act so superior and unkind. I wanted to complain last time but then I got too scared they would treat me even worse 🙁 It's like they forget they are dealing with human beings. Everything was okay with my babies thankfully but I am not sure what I'll do if I get the same midwife again this time!!! I really really hope she's long gone !!! They ignored/dismissed me and my pain (both times) then afterwards kept saying things like, 'Ahh, you know your own body don't you! You kept saying you were further along than we thought!' No shit sherlock, and you treated me like I was a hysterical person complaining about something and nothing :rolleyes:
With my first I was told I probably needed to go to the toilet when I buzzed them and said I felt like i had to push 🤦‍♀️ literally sat arguing with her for ten minutes about how I knew the difference between needing a number 2 and a baby coming out of me before she even bothered herself to look then sent me straight down to labour ward and baby born 30 minutes later 🙃 the majority of midwives are excellent but there are some that just treat you like a stupid, hysterical inconvenience.
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I had my early scan today and I’m very confused.
They thought I was six weeks but they also said looking at my womb, they can see a sac there but it’s too early to tell if it will become a pregnancy. They did say my womb lining is thickening which is a good sign. My last period was Feb 8th. I got two positives on March 8. One was a clear blue digital. Even though I’m bleeding I’m still testing positive. They can’t explain why I’m bleeding nor can they say it looks like a miscarriage. They did some blood work and they said I’ll know more In 24 hours.
Hi lovely, I know everyone’s different but I wanted to share my story as it was similar! Like you I was bleeding and went for an early scan and they also only found a sac and was told it could potentially be miscarriage or too early, and for me it turned out that it really was too early as when I went back for a repeat scan there was a heartbeat and my bleeding was just a late implantation bleed. I’ll keep my fingers crossed it’s good news for you and sending you so much love as I remember just how scary and upsetting it was 💕💕💕
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Has anyone else not been offered or having growth or any additional scans etc on the NHS now? I’m 35 weeks now and haven’t had one since I was 20 weeks (apart from a 4D one privately at 28 weeks) my midwife doesn’t feel any need for me to have one but I’m feeling anxious not knowing what’s happening. There has also been quite a lot of confusion on whether she is breached or not, the last 3 appointments my midwife couldn’t tell exactly where she was laid but thought she was breached but kept saying it doesn’t matter until I’m 36 weeks. This week she said thought I was head down but wasn’t 100% sure, later that day I ended up at the hospital for reduced movements and they told me I was breached. I explained they can never tell where she is and she agreed and went and got another 2 midwives who were all adamant she was either head down or breached but they couldn’t agree which one. They went and got a little scanner to help decide and still couldn’t decide fully with that due to the ‘angle’ she was at but think she was head down but kept saying she’s in a strange position. I ended up being on the monitor for over 2 hours as they couldn’t decide exactly where she was laid and it kept dropping off. I am going to explain all this to my midwife at the next appointment but I wondered has anyone had any luck with pushing for a scan? Even if your considered ‘normal growth’, I am just anxious I could be breached and they think it’s head down etc
So a lot of people aren’t offered scans after twenty weeks if there is no concerns. When it comes to baby being breach you can ask for a second opinion. My friend was told her baby was engaged and she was adamant she was breach. She asked for a second opinion, got sent for a scan and low and behold baby was breach, so if you’re really worried push for reassurance.

just had a phone call to say I’ll get official call Monday but to expect section next Thursday or Friday if he baby hasn’t shown up before !!Omg! I feel sick now 😂
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I know exactly what you mean about not being listened to, I felt like I was talking into a void today. After calming down a bit and discussing with my other half and doing some reading I think I am going to push for a planned section, but i expect it will be a fight!
I meant to reply to you earlier, not with advice but just to reiterate how frustrating it is that the attitude seems to be not to listen to us silly women at times. I was in hospital overnight on the maternity ward on Monday, came home late yesterday. I'm 33 weeks.

I was feeling very weak and confused. Bloods, baby and heart rate fine so they didn't think anything was wrong with me. I had hit my head on Friday (I did not think this was the problem) so got a CT scan to rule that out and it was fine and they just sent me home.

I have an anxiety disorder, I felt they were not listening to me at all and when I looked at my notes (I take mine home) they had just underlined and highlighted in yellow that I had an anxiety disorder in them. I felt they were just humouring me by keeping me in and were very dismissive of my worries. I'm taking the rest of the week off work because I feel like shit but they don't half make you feel like an idiot when you are in there and then if something went wrong you wouldn't be long being made feel like an idiot for not doing anything.

Sorry, not a helpful post at all and very much a rant.
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I was induced today with the propess, had it around 5:15pm. Nothing happening yet, had begun losing my mucus plug yesterday and today and was already 1cm dilated so really hoping this gets things moving along 😬
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Just had my appointment, my midwife is so nice and she actually lives just down the road from me😅 and the bloods weren’t bad at all! Made me feel more confident now about everything
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My second was also 11lb. And was way less pushing time than my other 2.
They do say they're" easier" in that sense because I guess they've got gravity on their side 😂
No idea how true that is though.

My 3rd was estimated to be over 10lb based on growth scans. 3 days after my growth scan, she was born at 6lb 14.
First was as I mentioned 11lb. 2nd baby was born sleeping at 1lb 5 at 24wks but if he had been okay he would of been bigger than my first. Got another growth scan at 38+3 so can see him being a good 8lb at least when he's born but now 11lb thankfully
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My husband managed to feel baby kicking on the outside last night! I’m almost 19 weeks so didn’t think he would for a while yet. I think the baby had just got himself into a good position and was kicking in one place, and I practically did the crab to push it out but he felt a tiny tap 🥰
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Pessary induction failed as the midwife couldn’t get it in 😭 absolutely distraught. Tried it with gas & air and got absolutely hysterical as it made me SO unbelievably dizzy, and considering I’ve spent most of my 2nd & all of 3rd trimester signed off with chronic dizziness it made me panic.
Feels like another thing I’ve failed at in this pregnancy.
Thankfully on all the monitoring he’s fine which is most important. Think we’re going home and will keep a really close eye on his movements going forward, seeing my midwife Thursday so can hopefully rebook the C-section date as those induction examinations are no joke!!
I found all my smears & even a 45min investigation & biopsy without pain relief a breeze compared to this 😔😢
Sorry it didn't work out for you and that you've been left feeling so upset 🙁 you haven't failed at anything - pregnancy and labour isn't skill-based and isn't something that women should be excelling at or judged on. Everyone has different experiences and it's all dictated by what your baby gets up to, not what you are/aren't doing ❤ I hope you can get some rest tonight and that your midwife appointment goes well - if you're feeling anxious you could contact her ahead of time to discuss what's been happening and what you'll be requesting?
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I’m just going to quietly squeeze in over here 😊. I’ve got my first antenatal appointment next week but have been given little information and thought about questions after.
Do I need to completely fast for it? I understand she’ll be taking bloods. Also, has anyone used HeyBaby for early scans? They’re the nearest to me and I can’t wait around for 12 weeks to see this dumpling.
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I tried pereneal massage once or twice and absolutely hated it so haven’t tried again 😂.

Had my last growth scan today and the consultant wants me to be induced at 39 weeks. I’m not against him coming early at all but I have said from the start I don’t want an induction.Everything surrounding an induction freaks me out and I know they often lead To further intervention and emergency sections. I said I’d rather a planned section of anything and she was very dismissive and sent me home with an information booklet about inductions. She also told me to go away do an hour of continuous walking everyday to get encourage him to engage despite the fact I had just explained I’m struggling to walk for long periods of time due to sciatica and Spd. I have EDS which is the whole reason I’m consultant lead and she just doesn’t seem to understand I’m not being lazy I’m in pain! I was a very active person pre pregnant it’s not like I can’t be fucked. I’m really upset and frustrated, I just don’t feel listened to. I’m seeing the midwife next week so will be stressing to her how much I don’t want an induction.
Sorry for the long post, I’ve been alone all day and had a lot to unpack 🥲😅
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VIP Member
Pessary induction failed as the midwife couldn’t get it in 😭 absolutely distraught. Tried it with gas & air and got absolutely hysterical as it made me SO unbelievably dizzy, and considering I’ve spent most of my 2nd & all of 3rd trimester signed off with chronic dizziness it made me panic.
Feels like another thing I’ve failed at in this pregnancy.
Thankfully on all the monitoring he’s fine which is most important. Think we’re going home and will keep a really close eye on his movements going forward, seeing my midwife Thursday so can hopefully rebook the C-section date as those induction examinations are no joke!!
I found all my smears & even a 45min investigation & biopsy without pain relief a breeze compared to this 😔😢
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Feeling so sorry for myself today! Hardly slept because I’ve got horrendous toothache - think it’s just increased sensitivity because of the amount of acid reflux I’ve had but it’s so sore. And I’m really suffering with congestion so can hardly breathe out of my nose. Then baby was doing a full Irish jig in my tummy every time I got comfy and settled.

Was already feeling a bit fragile because my partner’s parents had been round earlier and his Dad was just constantly slagging off our house/where we live. It wasn’t anything major and my OH won’t have even picked up on it, but I bought the house on my own at 25 and I’m really proud of it.
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My consultant shut down the idea of me having a c-section because of birth trauma last week, today my midwife said she’d be my advocate and she’d talk to the consultant and come to my next appointment with me. So relieved!
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How’s everyone doing? After a pretty non-emotional 9 months I’ve spent the entire day today on the verge of tears for literally no reason other than I just feel miserable. Hoping it’s because of a surge of hormones that will kickstart Labour 🤞🏼
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40+6 today and still no sign of labour starting 🥲 I've got a midwife appointment tomorrow afternoon and she's planning to attempt a sweep again so fingers crossed she can properly reach my cervix this time, and that her examination shows that all the bouncing/curries/sex have made my cervix soften and move down more!!🤞 I hope everyone else due around now is doing ok!
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I’m bowing out ladies. My blood test results are indicating it’s a loss. My heart is broken. Good luck to each and every one of you. I hope you have healthy pregnancies and babies.❤
I'm so sorry, we were all really hoping it'd be good news 😢 look after yourself and make sure you've got people you can talk to while you process everything ❤
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