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Chatty Member
Sometimes I think friends who haven’t been pregnant don’t get how much it means to check in, or appreciate how difficult and emotional pregnancy can be. I was upset a few months back by the radio silence from my friends.
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Strapped up to monitoring due to reduced movements and just been advised that they'll be looking to book induction as this has happened a few times now.
I know I wanted baby here ASAP but this is now feeling much more real 😱
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Induction date given today for 22nd May... can't believe another few weeks and baby will be here! Hope everyone doing OK on their journey 💗
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It's my due date tomorrow and I'm keen to encourage baby out of his own accord soon rather than have to be induced if possible. Yesterday I had sex, went for a walk and had a spicy curry, and part of me was hoping I might get woken up by contractions in the night....nothing 😂 I hope everyone else due around now is doing ok!
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Thank you all so much!! ❤
Home now, no waters thankfully but a clear case of thrush. The doctor was so lovely & said any sign again or worry to come straight back so going to forget the shitty midwife’s behaviour / attitude and focus on the positive of just needing a pessary instead of early labour!
I know so many who maybe would’ve not gone due to the way she spoke on the phone that it’s quite scary. I will happily rock up without phoning now if the same midwife refuses me
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So I’ve just spoken to the consultant and have turned down induction next week. She didn’t sound too happy tbh but it’s my decision. She was really short/tone changed once I explained my decision and she hung up on me really abruptly. Said she couldn’t give me a timeframe or rough date so no idea when or what to expect 🤷🏻‍♀️. Really hope I just go naturally before but guess we just wait and see now.
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I’ve been lurking. I’m due my third. Due date end of this week. I hate the waiting!! Just needed to say that out loud on here!
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Who would’ve thought someone who isn’t carrying my baby could have such an opinion over whether he comes out vaginally or the sunroof!
Wasn’t aware that when induction isn’t working I should ignore doctors advice (and my own gut feeling) & wait to go into labour potentially endangering us both! 🤯
I’d LOVE a beautiful water birth but it isn’t likely to happen. That’s life and I’m glad I’m taking some control back over his birth.
Why are some mother in laws like this??
“the recovery will be horrific” “she won’t be able to do anything” “why don’t you just wait longer”
thank U!! For the support and encouragement dear MIL 🙂🙂👍🏼👍🏼
I quickly learned since having my first baby that MILs are full of talk (especially about how their son did this that and the other) and it's best to just nod and smile and then do whatever you were going to in the first place! Ignore her. Your baby, your birth, YOUR decision 💖
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So far this pregnancy has been the hardest out all 3. Got my 12 week scan today so I’m looking forward to finally seeing the little chimp that is causing all of my new found ailments 🤣.
Had my 12 wee scan this morning, was amazing seeing baba. Have also been suffering with insomnia, not having trouble falling asleep but waking up in the middle of the night and then not being able to get to sleep. My fatigue seems to be generally starting to wear off now so hoping I start sleeping better soon. At least until the third trimester 🤣🤣🤣
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So sorry this is happening to you, I went through a similar thing… it did not end out well for that pregnancy so will put in spoilers what happened ❤
No thank you very much for that. I don’t have a lot of hope. My cycle is very irregular but I don’t have a good feeling. I wish I did. This was our first pregnancy after trying for seven years. I feel heart broken.
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Chatty Member
That’s something I find weird about pregnancy, the midwives and drs just take your world for it 😆. Despite having an awful first trimester, I was still surprised and relieved to see a baby on the screen at 12 weeks
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Chatty Member
Maybe I'm just being a sensitive Sally but does anyone find the further on they get in their pregnancy the more their friends have dropped off the radar? Almost 36 weeks now and whilst I'm not living it up at the weekend it's rare I'd even get a text to ask how I am or just general convo (swear I'm not a baby bore either lol) and there's only so much tryin to keep in contact I can do with them. Maybe I'm just overthinking it but it's just shit x
Yep I feel this. I’m particularly upset as I asked my best friend in January if she wouldn’t mind organising a baby shower for me, I’m terrible at organising things and I’ve got baby to sort and also a wedding to plan too. I didn’t want anything fancy just a nice brunch with all our local friends. I haven’t heard anything and probably too late to organise something now as I know people have lives! Just disappointed that no one has thought of me. Luckily I’ve got another group of friends who have organised something so I am very grateful for that.
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Been in early labour with 10-min apart contractions for 24 hours, how long can this shit last
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It’s so stupid because it’s not even really the section or anything I’m scared of. It’s the thought of my partner leaving at night and having to sleep in the hospital that’s freaking me out. I don’t know why or where this has come from lol, I just want to come home 😭
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My husbands family have been telling loads of people that we’re expecting I’m so annoyed, I haven’t even told most of my family yet only my parents we’re waiting for this weekend to tell my brothers I’m only 8 weeks!!!! We told them not to tell anyone until atleast 12 weeks🙄
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Hi everyone, I’ve been lurking on this thread for about a month now! I’m around 12 weeks and have my scan on the 25th April. This is my first pregnancy at 38 years old!

I’ve been having thoughts and anxiety that I’m just going to waste everyone’s time because I’m not really pregnant. Did anyone else feel like this before their 12 week scan? Obviously 3 positive pregnancy tests and 2 missed periods hasn’t convinced me otherwise 😆 It sounds crazy when I actually write it down but it’s honestly how I feel. I’ve also had some sad news from a friend who was a few weeks ahead of me so I keep thinking I shouldn’t get my hopes up, while my family and partner celebrate and get excited.

I know intensity of symptoms doesn’t equate to how pregnant you are, but I haven’t had any morning sickness, just aversion to some foods (seafood, eggs and mushrooms- even just the thought of them) and mild nausea every couple of days. I am however very very tired all the time and can burp for England. I guess it all adds up but still convinced it’s all just a hoax!
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I found out three weeks ago that im pregnant and ive put off dealing with it until now. i honestly have no clue about anything to do with pregnancy or babies or children really. im 11 weeks gone so its too late for any other option where im from and other options arent accessible for women in the north of ireland regardless. my situation isnt the best, im much younger than i planned to be to have a baby, my relationship isnt stable, im not financially stable or ready for this in any way and i have little to no support. I hadnt even fully decided whether i was going to have kids some day. I havent even told the babys father as I know he will absolutely freak. I guess im just writing here to ask if anyone was in my situation before? Reading the previous threads it seems most of you planned your pregnancies which is amazing, im just honestly absolutely freaking out and could do with some early on advice.
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Is anyone else not very close to their in laws? I get so anxious at the thought of them visiting after birth, would be a few days later, I only agreed as my OH wants them to see him before the rest of my extended family who I’m very close to.
They’re not nasty people but have done & said questionable things in the past to my OH and I’m not very ‘forgive & forget’ when it comes to grown adults behaviour and morals.
Not sure if it’s just the protective side of me coming out now with only a few weeks to go 😅

She tried to guilt trip us at Christmas explaining it “wasn’t fair” that we’re living with my parents (different city to them)- we’re living here because they offered so we could buy a house this year instead of next/2yrs time.
She said she hopes baby comes early so my parents aren’t in the country when he’s born.
Never bothers to message my OH or check up & see how we’re all doing whereas my partners sister in law has been checking in the whole time.
Her pregnancy was “much worse” than mine, which is weird because she hasn’t been carrying my child so how would she know?
My parents will “interfere” according to her. I know they won’t because we clarified that before moving in.
My parents have gone above & beyond for us during this pregnancy and I find her attitude horrible towards them and they haven’t even met yet.

Sorry this has turned into a MIL rant, but I think it’s 10000% heightened by being pregnant and wanting to protect my baby from her as I didn’t really care before.
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Hi all, still no baba 😬 my waters broke this morning but it’s a slow trickle. Went to the hospital who confirmed it and going back tomorrow morning to be induced if nothing happens overnight. I’m ok if I don’t think about everything too much, if anyone has any positive stories about anything similar with inductions/waters breaking please do share. I’ve done a really good job of thinking of labour as a future me problem and here we are 😂
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It didn’t come out until yesterday and I think she presumed she was going to be there… basically one of my friends was talking about the reps of hospitals and she said she wouldn’t let nurses mess me friend then asked, why are you going to be at the birth .. she said oh I haven’t been asked so not sure. (This was my baby shower btw)

she then messaged me last night and said “who are you having there” I said my partner …. And my friend possibly (if she wasn’t on holiday) next thing it was why not me.. etc etc and being really nasty to me about it.

Thankyou all for making me feel better, I spent the evening after my baby shower crying 😅💗
I think a lot of people don't have their mothers there at the birth! If you don't want her there then please don't feel guilted into it - it's your right to have whoever will support you best and for most women that's their partner! Perhaps in your mum's day it was more common for the grandmother to be at the birth? You could try gently explaining that things have changed, and you'll just be having whoever you've chosen as your birth partner - and if she's still kicking off/guilting you, you can firmly point out that it's your baby and your choice, and that her being like that is unhelpful and insensitive!
She was quite mean to me this morning and said to me “ your friend can be there when she has no idea what she is doing” so I ended up blocking her, we’ve always had a bit of a volatile relationship and I feel like I’ve spent my life stepping on egg shells because If she don’t agree with something then it’s wrong….and then makes me feel crazy 🙃 I guess the more I’m even typing this out the more I’m thinking what the actual hell to myself 😕😅
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