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Please can someone advise why you’re not supposed to start collecting colostrum until 36 weeks? I’m 34 weeks and have started leaking and it feels awfully wasteful. Can’t seem to see anywhere why I shouldn’t, just that I shouldn’t


VIP Member
I'm having quite a lot of pain tonight on one side, quite low down and it radiates slightly to the middle. It's not really like cramps or period pain, it's nothing I've ever felt before. Like an odd sensation but if I cough or sneeze it feels like I've ruptured something. Is this normal?


VIP Member
Same realisation here. Finally home but I've got my induction booked now & they did a sweep & I'm 2cm dilated so could be sooner. My weekend will probably include playing call of duty with the hubby & napping - living the high life 🤣
It’s equal parts terrifying and exciting 😂 enjoy!


VIP Member
You shouldn't need to fast for the blood tests. They'll be to check things like whether you're rhesus positive or negative, blood type, iron levels ect
So you should be fine 😊
Thanks for confirming. The midwife seems pretty on top of things so I feel she would’ve told me if I needed to fast.


Hi guys.. sorry brain dump in coming..
I’m 23 weeks today and this is my first pregnancy. I have been told that I have an anterior placenta. My only concern is that I am still not feeling any movements. I saw my midwife a fortnight ago and we have had multiple scans over the last couple of weeks and all looked well (The scans weren’t for any bad reasons they were just offered to us to do with our location). But the lack of feeling any movements is beginning to worry me a wee bit. Does anyone have any advice? I have an appointment to see my midwife on Monday so do I just hang on and speak to her about it then or is it worth phoning?

I don’t feel anything has changed or feels difference between since my scan last Wednesday. I'm just probably overthinking but also it’s beginning to bother me!

I’ve mentioned my worries to my husband, my mum and a couple of friends. All have just said not to worry which never in the history of the world made anyone feel better 😅


VIP Member
Be prepared to be pushed back 😊
Last time, when I was told to call, I was 40 weeks exactly, but didn't end up going in until 40+4 because they didn't have space.
I just had to keep ringing up every morning, sometimes lunch time too to see if they had space yet.
I was told to go in at 7pm on the 2nd day but then they rang me at 6.45 to say I couldn't anymore as the delivery suite was full again 😊
This is what I’ve been thinking all night / morning 😅 They said to come in at 3pm today but still waiting for the call to say they’re suddenly busy & can’t start today 😂


Chatty Member
This is an extremely random question lol but 31 weeks now and starting to think about what's needed for hospital bag - are packing cubes worth purchasing for the hospital and if so has anyone any recommendations? I had a look on amazon earlier but there are thousands and I just couldn't see the wood for the trees tbh!


VIP Member
Does anyone have any experience with severe indigestion in first trimester? (TW miscarriage)

i’m only 6.5 weeks and have been struggling to eat for a few days. Then was really craving a Nando’s (😂) and think I overdid it by eating too much. I feel like my stomach is soooo bloated but I cannot relax, went to bed at 930pm but have been literally writhing around in pain since, can’t concentrate on anything and now it’s nearly midnight.

now in the bath which is making me feel a bit better but of course Google is saying I’m potentially miscarrying and I think I’m a bit too scared to call 111 (haven’t even had a scan yet) especially if it does end up just being indigestion.

no heartburn or acid reflux just a really bloated and sore tummy
Did you take anything for it? Chalk tablets of peppermint tea?


VIP Member
Thank you! I had 4 in my last pregnancy and they did absolutely nothing for me so I was reluctant to have one this time round, however I’m at that point now where I’m so ready for baby to arrive that I’ll take anything! However speaking to my friend who’s currently training to be a midwife has put me off again as she said it can trick your body into false labour and cause complications - now I’m wondering whether this was why I had such an awful birth experience last time! Not sure what to do. Have you felt any pains/progress since having yours?
Why are these last few days/weeks always SO slow!? 🤦🏻‍♀️
I had some period-like pains last night, and then nothing today until about an hour ago when I started getting period-like feelings again. I'm keen to avoid induction if possible so I'm happy to keep having sweeps in the meantime in case they trigger something, as I'm sure an induction will be more uncomfortable and a much more frustrating process!


VIP Member
Good luck! I was exactly the same as you except 40 weeks, midwife couldn’t reach my cervix then the next morning my waters broke!

My mum came with me to the appointments, or when she couldn’t my other half came and he went to the early scans.

I used to see people waiting alone, with mums and partners there so it’s just whatever you feel comfortable with. I regularly faint when having blood taken so was always supervised 😂
Thank you! That'd be ideal, but I'm bracing myself for several more days of waiting just in case!


Well-known member
Those with more than 1 child - how did you prepare the first for the new baby? I've just realised we've got under 2 months until this baby gets here and I have no idea how my daughter is going to take it. She's only 1 so clearly unpredictable. Any suggestions on how to best introduce them?


VIP Member
What cots / bedside cribs would people recommend once they grow out of / don’t take to a moses basket? Baby will be in with us until 8/9 months until we can buy a house so something to last until then or beyond
We had a snuz pod with our first and I really liked it - planning to use it with this one too. It connects directly to your bed so easy for night wake ups etc. I think the next to me is very similar.
I’m almost 26 weeks now and suddenly this week my bump has really popped and got huge and I’m really struggling with walking, I just feel like the baby’s going to fall out of me or I’m going to pee myself even though I’ve just been! I’m not even in the third trimester yet! Does it get better or worse from here?! It’s the one thing really getting to me this week 🥴
It will probably get a little easier as your joints and ligaments catch up and loosen up, but mostly you’ll just get used to it / learn to move differently. Sending love cos it’s hard


VIP Member
It’s so stupid because it’s not even really the section or anything I’m scared of. It’s the thought of my partner leaving at night and having to sleep in the hospital that’s freaking me out. I don’t know why or where this has come from lol, I just want to come home 😭
Does your partner definitely have to leave? My local hospital trust tells partners to bring a pillow so they can try to make themselves comfy in a chair at night, although maybe that's just during labour itself? It'd be worth asking in case he's allowed to stay over 🙂


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anyone experience discomfort/bubbling feeling / bit of pain when using a thrush pessary? It’s not up very high because it hurt putting it in without the applicator & brings back horrible memories


VIP Member
Due date and sweep is Friday, concerned I won’t know if I’m in labour 😂 tmi but the last day my stomach has not liked any food I’ve been eating, even something as plain as an omelette, nope! Which I think is a sign of labour? Also, and I don’t know if this is a sign or what, but I’ve had mild cramps on on side. I had them last night in and off for half an hour and got them again. Hard to explain but it’s a bit of a throbbing but just on my right?


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We have our consultant appointment next week and I’m leaning more and more about trying to push for an elective section. The only thing that’s weighing on my mind is that the recovery will obviously be much worse and I don’t want to put extra pressure on my partner unnecessarily. Has anyone else had a section that can reassure me a bit that I won’t be completely bedbound for months afterwards? The only person I actually know that’s had a section is my mum, but hers was emergency after complex labour and failed instrumental delivery, and she had pre-eclampsia that developed into eclampsia after birth so hers is a bit more of a horror story and I think that’s what’s putting me off!


VIP Member
Still no baby 😭 was feeling quite frustrated and stressed last night, very much regretting my decision to be induced! Had the pessary Thursday around 5pm, removed yesterday and was still only 1cm dilated, had the first dose of the gel at 6pm but was unable to progress to the next gel when due at midnight due to baby’s heart rate dropping with contractions. After further monitoring all fine and had the second gel at about 10am this morning, still only 1cm dilated but cervix has come forward more apparently. Waiting until this evening for next examination 🙃🫠
Did they offer you the choice of induction or to wait/c section? I hope things pick up soon for you & you can meet baby! 🤞🏼