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just signed up on my pregnancy notes. they said i need to do this on the phone to doctors receptionist and that they don’t see you there. how long did it take you to get an appointment


Chatty Member
36 weeks this week and I’ve just done my birth plan. Although all of our notes are online so the midwife went through it with me and filled it out so the hospital can access it on their system.


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I think I just used a comparison site, put in our details and went with the quote that offered the most cover for the least money! We took out a fixed amount enough to cover our mortgage, any debts, and would let us take a couple of years off work if needed/go part time around childcare etc. think it’s about £25 a month for both of us, includes terminal illnesses but not critical illness cover (need to sort this tbh). If you have a mortgage and used a broker, they usually have insurance experts who can advise you too, or you can find an insurance broker to help although it might be more expensive!
We have cover at the moment for our mortgage and critical illness and such, but now we have children I want the type to have an amount for them if anything happens but I also don't want to talk to a person for this but all seems to be a call back.


VIP Member
Thats normal aswell, baby blues can kick in around day 5ish or when your milk comes in if i remember correctly. I was the same, think once you get home it just hits you aswell. Best advice i can give is take it easy and ask/accept help if you need it.
I just kind of got on with it after my daughter was born, that's the way I cope with things and thought I'd just forget but in the longer term I look back and I really should have spoke up about how I was feeling more
thanks, my mum is coming every day to help us which has been amazing. I’m quite physical so find not moving around etc very frustrating. Something else that’s annoyed me is that our care has been transferred to a different hospital. It’s more local to us but I deliberately did not pick to give birth there because it’s not the best, so I feel a bit cast aside.


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I'm sick of catching colds now. This is my third since March and I'm struggling so much with it. I can taste and smell smokiness all the time despite never being around anyone who smokes. Driving me up the wall.

Also to add I haven't had any blood tests yet and my 12 week scan is next week. Can I expect to have them done then? I haven't heard from my midwife since my booking appointment at the end of March 😂


Just looking for reassurance really. I'm almost 7weeks and this is the 2nd occasion in about 2 weeks there has been brown/discharge on tissue. I've googled it obviously, it's kind of reassured me but any person experience is always better than Google! First timer here😩🙋🏻‍♀️


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Ah it’s such a long process isn’t it, I will keep you all updated! Was hoping he would be here by the end of the weekend at the latest but I’m not so sure now 🤣🤣
Good luck! It’s ultra boring being in hospital waiting around, I totally feel for you!
Holy moly are shooting pains going up the vagina normal at 38wks? 🤣 feels a bit like lightening crotch but way more intense! I notice when he moves it happens & if I’m sat fully upright creating more pressure. Takes my breath away when it happens.
Yep - I mentioned it to my MW and she said “yep, shooting pains up through your noony? Very normal”



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Anyone else who had a planned section feel like it’s never going to happen? I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever & he’s just going to chill in there for the rest of time 😂
I feel so nervous!


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Maybe a question for the second time mums and so on…
Where I live, it’s almost winter and my house is freezing :( I just checked where the babies room is and it’s 13.9 degrees in there. We don’t have central heating cos NZ is backwards and no houses have it, and the house is single glazed too. How did/do you make sure baby is at the right temperature?! We have a heat pump but that’s downstairs and doesn’t tend to reach into the bedrooms so they often stay cold. Any advice welcomed!!


Chatty Member
Has anyone had bad back ache in upper back and their sides? I've been struggling to sleep on my sides for any lengthy period of time because of it for almost a week now. I'm sure it's just aches and pains from growing but it's driving me nuts. Is it worth even bothering contacting a GP about it?


Chatty Member
Honestly it’s so bizarre with the doctors isn’t it, I think I needed the early scan to reassure myself that it was all real!

Im 39 so just a little bit younger than you with a 2 week old baby - based on what you said about your ovulation tests etc I would have thought it was possible? My midwife conceived naturally at 46 and gave birth at 47.
Thank you so much! Congrats on baby! Xx


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I’m 36 weeks tomorrow. I just feel like she decides how the appointment goes and doesn’t ask if I have any questions or if there’s anything I want to discuss. I have to rush it in at the end. I asked to do my birth plan at my last appointment and she said we won’t do it until I’m 38 weeks. I dunno I’m just not that impressed with it.
Mines always been exactly the same.
They've never asked any questions or asked if I had any questions. I always ended up asking questions as she was getting her diary out to write in the next appointment.

Same as the birth plan. Only time one has been done is with my first where I asked about it like you, and was told to find a template online and fill it in myself and put it in my folder.

It was never mentioned with my other 2 and I didn't bother mentioning it either


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37+2 and I have pain under my ribs but more in my back. Has anyone had this.
I’m almost 34 weeks and my left side of my ribs have been painful for about 12 weeks but have really ramped up over the last week. I can feel them crunching when he moves around and I think I’ve pulled a rib from the way I twist getting out of bed! Feels like it’s burning/on fire!!


What is people's opinions on working night shift when pregnant? I've done some research online and well, you can probably imagine some of the horrors I've read. I'm going to speak to my boss and ask for least amount of night shifts as possible for the next rota. I'm currently working night shift now and I just feel so unwell.


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How many times am I gonna pack and unpack and repack my hospital bag!!!!
My best advice re hospital bag is pack it much earlier than you think! I planned to do mine the weekend after 36 weeks, thinking I had 4 more weeks….nope!! Was kicking myself when I went 4 weeks early and had to frantically pack my bag.


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Can anyone recommend any big black pants for me to buy? I’m trying to stock up on all my post birth bits. There was nothing in stock in my local primark or Asda. Happy to purchase from anywhere but find it so hard to judge online if they’re big enough🤣 so looking for any good recommendations 🙂


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Thank you for your reply, she does! I don’t have any contact with my ex at all, my dad or my husband drop my son off to him. Anything I know about my ex now is because my son tells me.
She implied it’s because they have to do it because of previous involvement. I think being honest don’t help. Honestly it’s frustrating as a mother you get investigated etc but as a father you can get away with so much.
I’m hoping they will just close the referral my relationship now is completely different and my son is being brought up in a loving home the same will be for this baby.
I think a lot of referrals/consultations are made due to arse-covering just to make sure that everything that could conceivably be picked up on has been followed through, but it's definitely exhausting to be on the receiving end of that! Hopefully social services will just call you for a chat and then be satisfied that you/your unborn baby aren't at any risk and then close you. I'm glad your situation now is so much better than what you went through when your last baby was born ❤


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Hi I'm hoping someone can offer me some comfort I'm 11 weeks and 2 days and my pregnancy symptoms have disappeared the only thing I've still got is a strong gag reflex. I've booked a private scan today I'm beside myself thinking I've had a missed miscarriage. I took a pregnancy test and it's fainter than the ones I was getting at 6/7 weeks x