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Help please! I'm only 17 weeks but I'm suffering from really bad indigestion and and struggling to keep anything down in the evenings! It's not so bad during the daytime. I'm taking gaviscon double action tablets but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere!


Well-known member
I am being monitored as I have Gestational Diabetes, so having more frequent scans - at the scan 4 weeks ago baby was on the 50th centile, at todays scan baby had dropped to 38th centile. Baby was also breach. Due to the drop I have to go back in 2 weeks for a re-scan.

I have been taking 2 metformin with evening meal since I was about 10 weeks pregnant, I am now 30 weeks and I have just been upped to 3 tablets.

Is it quite common for baby's to drop centiles when on metformin? I seem to read this quite often. I am really hoping that baby being breach is a factor in the drop in centile (in that the couldn't measure accurately) Any advice / reassurance greatly received.


Chatty Member
Any ladies still had light cramping going into their 2nd trimester? I’m 15 weeks and still get some light cramp/ache. I’ve had a scan and everything looks great so far. I’m guessing it’s stretching pain?


VIP Member
Ladies, I’m having a 4D scan today at 27 weeks (only doing it because we had one with our first and I feel guilty if this child doesn’t have one 😂 ridiculous) - do I need a full bladder?! I can’t remember!

xoxo GG

VIP Member
Hi everyone, currently in hospital 41 weeks and being induced. I had the propess just after 6 o'clock and been patiently waiting for something to happen since. Anyone else had this and if so how long did it take to kick in for you?
Honestly, it didn’t. I had it in for 24hrs, it was removed, I had an hours break and then I had the gel. X


VIP Member
Has anyone felt extremely sick before labour started? I’ve been feeling really sick this evening and had a dicky tummy all day. Don’t know if I’m just trying to convince myself the end is near 🤣
My tummy was off from 3-4 days before but I seemed to buck the pregnancy trend and had problems with going to the toilet too much normally throughout pregnancy 😬


Chatty Member
Has anyone had trapped wind? I’m 34 weeks now and continuously had the sharp pain wind feeling in my ribs and back especially when I breathe in all day! Very annoying and uncomfortable!
Peppermint tea really helps if you can put up with the taste!


VIP Member
Just thought I'd add to this that Aptimil and Aldi formula is literally identical. It's made in the same factory and just packaged different 😊
Oh yes I read a blog post on this where someone compared, hopefully he takes to it 😂


Chatty Member
Can anyone recommend any maternity swimwear that will also support bust wise? Everything I’ve found so far just allows for you to be ‘bigger’ but doesn’t offer any actual support for the ever growing melons 🤪🙃


VIP Member
I couldn’t even find any NHS ones! I thought my midwife would point me in the right direction, but my appointments are just basic check ups. All the antenatal classes I found were really expensive.

Does anyone else find their midwife appointments a bit lacking? I always feel like my midwife steers the conversation away from me being able to ask questions. She doesn’t seem very open with sharing her knowledge or experience.
All of my midwife appointments have always been like this tbh.
Especially the earlier ones when they aren't doing the heartbeat ect


VIP Member
Has anyone had problems with high blood pressure in the third trimester? Mine has been fluctuating for the past week now so I’ve been in and out of hospital for BP profiles. I have no other pre-eclampsia symptoms, my urine is clear of protein etc so they are refusing to put me on regular medication and baby is happy and healthy but over the weekend it’s been consistently high and I constantly feel lightheaded. Just feel like I will get nowhere going back into the assessment unit instead of more monitoring and it’s driving me up the wall! Sorry, rant over 😂
I had this with my last pregnancy, exactly the same and it didn’t develop into pre-eclampsia. I was in and out being monitored too. I did get offered an induction at 39 weeks but it was part of a trial in women with high blood pressure and I declined as I didn’t want to be induced and there was no evidence that it helped. Try and take it easy if you can. Sorry not sure much can be done at this stage but for me it didn’t affect baby. It may mean that you are monitored more closely during labour though, I was bouncing on the birth ball hooked up the monitors to begin with when I went into labour. They are more concerned about baby’a heart rate than yours!

Now I’m on my second pregnancy, I’ve been prescribed 150mg aspirin per day to hopefully manage my blood pressure through this one.


Well-known member
I'm 29 weeks on Wednesday and having a strange tingling / numbness type sensation sporadically, just sort under my boob, just off center..... towards the right. I check my urine for proteins and my BP daily, so i'm not at all concerned about it being anything pre-eclampsia related....however does anyone know what the cause might be?

Is it just maybe a trapped nerve from everything moving up as baby is getting bigger?
Its not painful at all, its just 'there' and annoying, if that makes sense.


VIP Member
My feeling of hiccups was quite late probably only around 35/36 weeks!
Was that when they started? Mine is similar probably 34wks but they seem nearly daily now (36+2). Obviously I googled & saw 1 out of about 10 things that said it’s bad 😂 everything else said normal. I’ll ask the midwife on Thursday


VIP Member
I worry about this also. My friends don't know I'm pregnant yet and not many of them have children (I only have one or two friends who have children) and they are super busy with their own lives as it is so a lot of them may very well fall of the face of the earth once I have the baby, although I hope that's not going to be the case. At the moment my husband is trying to sort out a meal out so that we can tell them and none of them are free this month 🙈😂


Well-known member
Has anyone suffered from being anaemic whilst pregnant and any tips on dealing with symptoms and getting levels back up? I am 12 weeks and am completely debilitated by dizziness. GP and midwife said very likely low iron (waiting blood results).


VIP Member
When it happens to me I literally have to clasp my crotch!
Yes!! I keep thinking how the hell will I manage in labour when this is so painful, it’s how I imagine it to feel when they start to crown but could be completely wrong 😂