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VIP Member
Yeah they said they will send it off to the early pregnancy unit and I should hear back tomorrow. (We are getting to be on first name terms)
The midwife said it’s likely that they will want a repeat test of blood work to check that and it could be they want a scan after that or ten days after that. I guess it’s just the waiting game.
Thank you for that. That’s helpful.
Hopefully you will have some answers soon. It's horrible watching and waiting and all the uncertainty - I spent a lot of time in IVF clinics and the EPUs at hospital and it really is hard xxx


VIP Member
I’m almost 31 weeks and my feet and ankles have suddenly really swollen up today, my feet are also a bit patchy - almost blue in places and then white in others. Is this normal? Google isn’t helping!


Yes! At the age of 38. Talk about getting 2 for 1!! Here’s me not believing I’m pregnant for the last 8 weeks 😆 They are non-identical and I was told that’s lower risk so I’m relieved about that. Just waiting for my bloods to come back in a few days to check them both for DS etc. I’m already a big girl as well 🙈 a bit panicky about how large I’ll be in a few months time.
You're so lucky to have not had many symptoms either considering you're having twins! Amazing! I was SO sick with my daughter but no sickness in this pregnancy so far and I'm 8+3 today. Will you be finding out their genders or keeping it a surprise? So happy for you :)


VIP Member
Is it normal for movements to ramp up? I'm 26 weeks and the last couple of days her movements have gone from the odd tap type of kick to feeling like I've got a load of snakes in my tummy 😂 I'm guessing she's just getting bigger so I'm feeling more of her movements?
I think they say that movements will increase until about 32 weeks when they'll stay at a similar level until birth. My midwife said that any change in pattern (not just a reduction in movements) is something worth getting checked out though, so it might be worth contacting your maternity team just to check it's normal 🙂


Chatty Member
Hi guys, looking for a bit of advice/reassurance. I’m about 15 weeks now and have been away on holiday the last week - we are in Cape Verde which was booked months before finding out I was pregnant. I’ve been bitten by mozzies a few times which being over here and I have Googled it just to make sure OK and nothing I should be doing - but this has returned with the risk of a virus called Zika…. I’ve now gone into panic mode and feel so guilty for not checking anything before we came away. 😳 I have an appointment with my midwife the day after I get back so will let her know then but 🥲
Had a go at colostrum harvesting last night and got a full syringe, tried again tonight and not even got 0.1ml. Is there any pattern to it? Anything I can do to help it?


VIP Member
So I'm starting to really worry I won't know if I'm in labour or just having cramps. Been getting cramps now for the past couple of weeks. Went to triage last week for reduced movements and mentioned them and they said my cervix was closed still and no signs of labour.
I'm 37+5 weeks with my first baby so everything is starting to feel massively overwhelming, like how will I know?!
Currently getting lower back cramping and period type cramps but they don't seem to have a pattern. They've been present like this for about 3 days though now 😫
I’m 1 day behind you and have felt the same but mine have been on & off so assuming they’re just braxton hicks considering my stomach also goes SO tight! It doesn’t hurt but feels so uncomfortable with how tight it is. When is your next midwife appointment? Maybe she can check? Although not sure if they do that at a routine appointment


Has anyone here has latent labour. Started contractions 5am Friday morning. Thought we were getting somewhere at 1am yesterday as they were 5 mins apart last over a minute for over an hour. Midwife said try to stay at home till they’re 2-3 mins apart. I found them really painful but managed. They they went to every 10-12 minutes and now stoped.

I got checked over this morning as I hadn’t felt him and I’m not even dilated. Makes me so worried for how I’ll manage pain when it happens.

Any advice on how long this latent phase can go on for? 1st baby and just so tired of it 😂😢


VIP Member
Has anybody got any cheaper alternatives to the babyzen yoyo? I’m looking for a holiday pram when baby will be 12 weeks old but can’t really afford £500+!


Well-known member
Just to add to this… got a phone call this morning, they gave me the wrong appointment it was already filled 🫠. So it’s tomorrow! Currently in a mad rush to get to my pre-op 😩 this time tomorrow baby will be here!
Good luck not long now til it’s all over and you’re with baby ❤


VIP Member
We have cover at the moment for our mortgage and critical illness and such, but now we have children I want the type to have an amount for them if anything happens but I also don't want to talk to a person for this but all seems to be a call back.
Can you just increase the cover with your current provider?


VIP Member
Keep as mobile as you can -lots of walking, climb the stairs like a crab, try cow pose, do some bouncing on your birth ball if you have one. Be prepared to be kept waiting. Check if you can have a bath - have a nice long bath with candles and nice music. Try to stay as relaxed as you can.

when you go in to hospital remember your ear plugs, ear buds and sleep mask, home comforts and snacks.

good luck 😊
Thank you 🙏 I suddenly feel very not cut out for this but I’m sure it’s just nerves!


Active member
Am I being silly not wanting to venture too far away from the hospital I'm due to give birth in at 38 weeks?
My in laws are having an Easter party next week & want us to go, but it's an hour away on a good day from the hospital but half the journey has no phone signal because its over the moors.
Feel bad saying no, but again feel unreasonable because my family are 10 mins from the hospital so I visit them still.
I mean we'd take the bags and car seat with us and make sure my notes are in the car, but to me it still seems quite a distance
I was 28 weeks when we went into lockdown so I didn't have the opportunity to travel, but gave birth at 37 weeks. So absolutely right to be cautious and not want to travel too far later on in pregnancy.

That being said some friends are an hour away from their choosen hospital and some who have been away when they have given birth!

It is totally up to how you feel, you are the one having the baby! If it's your in laws let your partner deal with it if they aren't happy that you don't want to go.


Chatty Member
I am 40 and 30 weeks pregnant. Took me by surprise because I was having peri-menopause symptoms and I know from fertility testing in my 20s/early 30s my egg reserves and quality were low for my age then - goodness knows what they are now!! There is an increased chance of fraternal twins post-35 too as your hormones increase with age it can cause your body to release more than 1 egg each cycle.
Thank you for your message! Congrats! 💕💕we’re you trying for long? I have heard that you can have a surge of fertility before menopause but I can’t see if that has ever been proven scientifically? 🧐


VIP Member
Been in early labour with 10-min apart contractions for 24 hours, how long can this shit last
Thinking of you! I was in your position on Christmas day 😖 it is rough and exhausting, no point in trying to sugar coat it! But try and get some rest if you can, even if it is only 5 min blasts of sleep between contractions. I promise you, it does end ❤


Active member
Just wondering if anyone has any help/suggestions ..
I’ve been off contraception since last December so a year and a few months.. wouldn’t say we were “trying to conceive” but obviously knew it could happen and we would’ve been happy. However now we have decided to properly “try” but I don’t really know what to do differently?! Bit worried now that it hasn't already happened.. What helped you when trying? Thank you!