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VIP Member
Thinking of you sweetie 💕 were all behind you xxxxx

I've had my sweep, currently 1cm dilated. I did ask the midwife if she was going to buy me dinner at least because dam they don't half go far up 😂
Hopefully it does something!
My midwife refused to do 2 of mine because I was only 1cm 😂


Chatty Member
Uh ohh was it bad? I'm hoping as it's my second it'll be quicker but I've read it's much more intense with a back to back baby 🙈 haha 4 times you crazy lady I think I'm done at 2!! Some days I question why I got pregnant again haha xx
Please don’t be worried and everyone is different, but my first labour was just awful. I was youngish and didn’t know what hit me 😂 I was induced on the Friday, it didn’t work until the Sunday and she didn’t come until the Monday. She was 15 days late. I think I was just unlucky as my others haven’t been that bad. I did end up with episiotomy and forceps, but I was exhausted in the end! Oh, I am definitely crazy having 4. But, what’s one more 😂 honestly, I’ve had the same ‘why did I do it again?’ Through all mine. I think most of us do. Bloody hormones 😂
can you refuse forceps and demand a section? That is just my worst nightmare 😨😨


VIP Member
Loxsley?? Surely the x makes the s sound and it should be loxley? Either way though…. LOXLEY?
Don’t!!!! It’s one of my sons best friends from school. Apparently it’s a nearby village? I’ve never heard of it. His other best friend is a Fabian, never heard of that either!


VIP Member
Direct 4 Baby 🙂 i don't know what covers/colours are on offer but I got the one covered in elephants for £60
The only ones safe for over night sleep from what I can see are over 100. They look super cute though I just want one I can use over night too I think the zebra 🦓 one is nice too xx


VIP Member
Just received a phone call saying that baby has a 1 in 22 chance of edwards syndrome. Has anyone else been through this?
My friend went through similar. Her 20 week scan revealed signs that baby may have had one of the generic trisomy disorders. She was then offered an amnio, which she took but they were unable to complete. They were able to test her blood (iirc) and find out from that that yes, baby did have Edward’s syndrome.


VIP Member
Random question of the day..

do you have to pay for scan pictures on the NHS? X
I’ve never heard you have to but some hospitals may have their own policies on this? I’ve always been given quite a few at my scans, running out of room on the fridge now 😅


Chatty Member
I’ve got two cats; one long haired black cat and a tabby. A few midwives suggested I removed the cats from the home when I was pregnant with my son which I refused to do so obviously! My cats have never ever bothered with anything of my sons, and there is never cat hair on his things. They simply hate him.
What the hell?! There is not a mission she would've said that if you had dogs. What is actually wrong with people?!


VIP Member
When did everyone have their first scan?

We’re trying to work out how much longer we have to keep this a secret for 😂


VIP Member
Ladies I'm having a bit of a freak out!
I'm 14 weeks today with my 4th pregnancy, but I've never got as far as this before. Nausea has kinda stopped, constipation is very real and headaches are the bane of my life atm.
I am OBSESSED with how big my bump is (I'm carrying two) and I'm so worried I haven't grown much in a week.

I know it sounds silly but after 2 missed miscarriages you just know how nothing can determine that everything's ok. Symptoms mean nothing. Been seeing way too many ladies chat of 2nd trimester loss too and ugh, just having a day of it 😭
Fellow twin pregnancy here 👋🏼. My sickness stopped around 14 weeks and was also replaced by awful headaches. I’m still having them now (20 weeks tomorrow). My bump suddenly came out of nowhere around week 16, I don’t really notice it getting bigger but I’m gaining lots of weight 😅. I had a few flutters at week 17 and now getting full on kicks every nighttime! Are you having a 16 week growth scan at your hospital? I know not all hospitals start the regular scans that early on?
I constantly worry too especially soon as you hear twins and “high risk pregnancy”. Sending you a big hug ❤


VIP Member
Yeah it’s fine to use in pregnancy. My midwife just kept brushing it off with “it’s the hormones” but I got so fed up I booked a GP appointment. The doctor recommended it to me and then I checked with again with the pharmacist and he said the same - just said to use it sparingly rather than applying it really thickly.
Oh thank you! What did you use, if anything? I’ve been using lactic acid which is similar and seems to be helping (I need to learn to not over do it!) but would love to have a back up incase ✨


Active member
Hi. No advice on the tops; but I have low pappa and had a consultant appointment a few weeks ago. I was told the same I can’t go over 40 weeks and would probably be induced at 39 weeks (or before if growth slows or problems arise). I’m quite scared about it all tbh 😬
Just jumping in here but that’s interesting to know, I have low Papp A and my consultant appointment is beginning of aug! Counting down the days tbh I just want to know what’s going to happen!


VIP Member
Only the purflo sleep tight models are suitable for overnight sleeping they are new on the market - I watched a Facebook live video with them on pushchair expert (you can rewatch) it was really informative so I would rewatch it ladies if you have any questions about them the lady from purflo is discussing it x
i thought so just wanted to be 100% sure i can’t watch Facebook because I don’t have one but this is what I gathered from reading. I am going to have a look on YouTube x


VIP Member
Noo October sounds great! I know what you mean I’ve already mentally checked out haha I’m aiming to wait until 12th November but hopefully still be working from home until then. Are you moving far?

aww people are so lovely!! I love the tiny clothes everything makes me well up. We don’t know the gender yet hoping to find out Thursday eekkk ❤
Moving from nearish London to Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire so a bit of a change! I love my midwife so scared to leave her but hopefully the new one and the hospital will be good 🤞🏼

Ahhh let us know when you find out, that’s so exciting!! Bring on Thursday! ❤
In response to the Mam bottles and water seeping in of you stand them in a jug of water. I've been using them for 3 months now and not had an issue.
We did have one bottle with a dodgy seal that did leak constantly though
Ooh yeh mam bottles are so good especially for not needing a steriliser! They weren't very good for my son's colic though he got in better with the Avent colic bottles but each bay is different I suppose we tried Dr brown's aswel and they leaked like mad


Chatty Member
Can some of you 2/3/4+ time UK mummys keep me right. I follow probably too many pregnancy/labour accounts on insta and get recommended random people too but they're all from the US. They are always talking about body autonomy and different courses you can pay to do for info on labour and best ways to give birth etc
Am I wrong in thinking the NHS basically give us all of this info for free, like really they tell me everything I need to know. I know America's healthcare system is pretty shocking but it's making me nervous I should be doing more research than reading the purple pregnancy book lol