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VIP Member
My other half has had a bright idea on how to tell people which involves scan pictures so I googled it and saw some trusts charge!

I’ve had my telephone booking appointment! I’m high risk due to an autoimmune disease which I expected x
I have an autoimmune disease, but I didn’t know I was high risk 😂


Chatty Member
Ive had constant nausea with my last 2 pregnancies, which have eased off around 14/15 weeks. Are you taking folic acid still? Nausea is a symptom, so I stopped at 13 weeks, and it eased. Pretty sure it caused constipation too. I have been plagued with headaches the last 3 weeks (I’m 17 weeks) even though I have a high water intake. May be the weather?
Maybe take photos of your bump and compare. I don’t think you would grow much in a week (might be different with twins)
I know what you mean about 2nd trimester loss. It seems to be everywhere on Instagram and as much as I try to avoid, I always look and panic. I’ve never had this in my previous 3 pregnancies
If you are really worried, give your midwife a call and explain what has happened? Or maybe book in for a private scan?
Yeah I'm on higher doses of folic acid, vitamin D and 75mg Aspirin which are to be taken til birth, and 400mg progesterone until I think 16 weeks. So I've everything needed to keep my little ones going but I just can't help but feel it's too good to be true and the other shoe is gonna drop any day now!

I'm taking pics every week which is why I don't feel like much has changed from last week 😕 and unfortunately the twin clinic know but there's really nothing I can do, I've already had 6 scans (2 private) and I just can't afford any more!

Its just a fear that never goes away when you've lost babies and I have no idea how to keep going. Kicks might help but that feels like a million miles away!


Chatty Member
I suffered prior to pregnancy but came off my medication around a year ago. It’s not just pregnancy related but it’s definitely contributing. I’m so worried about PND.
How many weeks along are you?
I would definitely advise speaking to your midwife or gp regardless of what stage you're at because you wanna be as fit and healthy as you can be for everyone, including yourself!

They might recommend CBT or another therapy if you're very against medication, or they could prescribe something a little easier to take the edge off?
I spoke to my midwife about my concerns too and she just said that if at any point I feel like I'm struggling, or those around me notice a change, to give them a shout straight away.


Well-known member
I have an intolerance to spicy food - tends to make me very very sick
So today I have got 2 naan breads and a jar of Madras sauce
Can confirm that my throat is on fire and my eyes are watering
Send help
Be careful otherwise the only thing coming out will be from the wrong end 😆


VIP Member
I’ve started getting sharp pains in my groin off and on this weekend. I’ve googled and it sounds like it might be round ligament pain. Has anyone had this? Made me worried about the baby felt like something was wrong


Chatty Member
Thank you, luckily GP finally called me half an hour ago and I have an appointment first thing tomorrow. I just have this horrid feeling, but trying to stay positive and think it is just a blip. It makes me so angry that you have to have 3 miscarriages in a row, to get help, I don't think I'm strong enough to go through it again. 💔
It’s a horrible feeling I completely empathise, hope you can manage to get some self care in this afternoon

Fully agree about the 3 miscarriages thing- there’s a lot of stuff wrong with obstetric care in the country that I never realised until I was pregnant. Likewise that it’s so hard for anyone to take sickness seriously or get appointments and scans at the time they’re meant to be


VIP Member
Oh it totally wasn’t a criticism of you. It was more a statement saying it was a waste of money for me as my daughter had an allergy to milk that we didn’t manage to get diagnosed til we started weaning her at 6 months, meaning she was an absolutely miserable child for the first 6m of her life and we just couldn’t ever put her down. Most other children are probs far happier to actually be in a pram than mine was 😂 Nothing wrong with splashing out on a lovely purchase for the baby at all
No I know I am actually worried I won’t use it because my fiancé said this to me but I just had to have it and omfg who steals a pram that is so wrong ☹


VIP Member
I am consultant led because I was on medication( Antidepressants) when I found out I was pregnant, not sure if it’s the same in your case, but that was my reason.
No. Maybe it’s because all babies have been induced and the last one did not want to come out? Maybe I’ll have to brave it and ring them in the morning 😬 my nuchal scan was an ‘emergency’ one because I bled. I thought I was 10 weeks ended up being nearly 12 and it was quite rushed. Nothing was mentioned at my 16 weeks midwife though?


VIP Member
I’m going to meet with a midwife and a consultant tomorrow. I honestly feel like my heart is going to break.
I’m so sorry, what an absolute shitter of a week you’re having. I’m not sure how they’ve come to this conclusion but I know there are lots of more advanced testing options available now which will hopefully give you a much better picture. Try to remember that the odds they’ve given means there is a very very good chance that baby potato is absolutely fine. Thinking of you ❤


VIP Member
Had the midwife today, getting offered a sweep in 2 weeks time 😬 also got given leaflets about induction, either an at home one (balloon) or the in patient one (pessary). Has anyone ever had either of them? Is one better than the other? Hopefully it won't come to that but I'd like to be prepared 😬
I've had 2 of mine with pessary 😊
With my 13 week old, I had a 24 hour pessary, they took it out after about 18 hours because my waters started leaking, and then got put on the drip in the afternoon and she was here about 3 hours later

@Borntorun same as you, and Imthankyou. Very apprehensive so I’ve emailed HR.

Also midwife told me yesterday that they don’t listen to heartbeats on Dopplers anymore!
Some do, some don't at all. All trusts are different.
Mine don't do it until 24 weeks. My friend didn't have it at all 😊


VIP Member
Baby is back to back! Hopefully she turns otherwise I'm worried labour is gunna be bloody painful! Anyone had any experience in this? Bring on Friday 💪
Yep! My eldest was back to back 12 years ago. Do the exercises they give. I didn’t, but wish I had! It’s funny, all the things you forget until someone brings it up! I’ve had a right old tough time with my pregnancies and labours 😂 and there’s me doing it a fourth time!
Oh no! That's what I was hoping. I'm trying to drink less sugary drinks and no caffeine but I do really find lots of water helps , coming from a person who before I was pregnant drank irn bru exclusively 😂
I think this is absolutely my problem too! Time to cut down on the shitty drinks 💔😂 my partner actually thinks I’m putting it on but my body actually feels not responsive 😂 hope it eases for you soon lovely!