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VIP Member
Thanks for getting back to me. Your completely right she is a cunt!😂 I left the hospital in tears because of her. She just kept repeating the same stuff over and over again and couldn’t seem to grasp that she was being condescending and really rude.x

She is a hospital midwife.

I am defo putting my foot down that I will not be dealing with her. I have been giving it a lot of thought about putting a complaint in against her. It’s been two days and I’m still furious.

I always thought you got the injection as soon as you found out about being rhesus negative but she kept telling me that my spotting didn’t count. The consultant that she kept talking over and domineering told me that they need to be able justifying giving me the injection before 28 weeks.
No, they won’t give you anti d until after 12 weeks of you bleed. I did question it at my 16 week midwife appointment and EPU confirmed it too. Hopefully you get things sorted with them. Refuse to see her and make sure it goes down on your notes


VIP Member
Absolutely loved our Tula. About the only baby item we kept from our first two. Have you tried any of the Facebook sling pages for a Preloved one? Although they do seem to retain their value so not sure if there's any bargains to be had.
Oh, those look nice too! Will check them out, thanks!
The Artipoppe ones do seem to keep their value, even second hand their pretty expensive.

Thanks for the tips all!


Chatty Member
I woke up sometime in the night with the worst leg cramps ever! Really intense and painful but only lasted a few seconds. Is this a new symptom I have to look forward to now? 😥
I don’t know how far along you are but during my second trimester I had this really bad.
I haven’t had one for months now so hopefully yours dies down soon too.
I was stretching from my heels for a bit opposed to from my toes and that seemed to help. Not sure if I was stretching in my sleep. And I didn’t go on my tip toes! That also set it off x


VIP Member
Exciting delivery just now - bought the my expert midwife spritz and perineal massage oil 😅 one of the ladies in my NCT group said she had her partner help her with the massage but I’m not sure my husband will be overly keen on that!

I was packing my hospital bag yesterday and he picked up the lovely pastel coloured bamboo breast pads with excitement thinking they were baby hats 🤣😂🤣 poor man
Oh let me know how you get on. I was thinking of purchasing too x

I haven't looked into forceps before but this talk is making me nervous! 🙈
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VIP Member
I haven’t even persuaded my line manager to complete a pregnancy risk assessment yet… I’ve even printed it out and put it under her door but nothing! So I’m not holding out any hope that it’ll get any better to be honest

In terms of the Doppler thing, the official guidelines say they shouldn’t be routinely used and instead you should be encouraged to rely on fetal movements to monitor baby’s wellbeing. However you can’t feel any at 16 weeks, and it also says maternal request is an indication for listening in 🤷🏼‍♀️
Same with the risk assessment on my side too!


VIP Member
Whats a reasonable amount of notice to expect for midwife appointments/scans? I need a decent amount of notice for work and the midwives attitude seems to be “well they have to give you time off for antenatal appointments”- that’s all we’ll and good but I want to keep some goodwill at work and not mess anyone around.
I’m so sorry ❤ Just an idea, I was referred through 111 and it only took about 10 minutes from making the call to having an appointment, is that an option for you?
I got about 3 weeks notice for scans/appointments when you book the next with the MW they’ll let you choose what suits you.


VIP Member
My other half has had a bright idea on how to tell people which involves scan pictures so I googled it and saw some trusts charge!

I’ve had my telephone booking appointment! I’m high risk due to an autoimmune disease which I expected x


VIP Member
Not irrational at all! Don’t think there’s a day goes by I don’t worry about something like this, possibly the more you know the worse it is 😅 ignorance is bliss!

I think mild food allergies are relatively common tbh but serious anaphylaxis is quite rare. Everyone in my immediate family is atopic (allergy sensitive) to something so I’m praying my baby gets my husband’s genes!
I know I think it just feels like such a big responsibility making sure a baby is ok I just don’t want to fuck it up!And I’m the kind of person who sets off the fire alarm every time I make toast!

aww hopefully the baby gets the non allergy genes! Do you have a lot of knowledge on what to do if not if it’s in the family?


Chatty Member
When buying a next to me crib. What should I be thinking about and wanting? Sorry for this question but they all look pretty much the same but have huge price differences. Is the snuzepod 4 good? It it worth over £200? Just totally lost by it all. Thanks for any help x
No. Maybe it’s because all babies have been induced and the last one did not want to come out? Maybe I’ll have to brave it and ring them in the morning 😬 my nuchal scan was an ‘emergency’ one because I bled. I thought I was 10 weeks ended up being nearly 12 and it was quite rushed. Nothing was mentioned at my 16 weeks midwife though?
Could be. Hopefully your midwife is more helpful than mine. She told me I was consultant led care and then when I saw her at the 16 week appointment she asked why she put me as that 🤣🤣🤣


Chatty Member
Just received a phone call saying that baby has a 1 in 22 chance of edwards syndrome. Has anyone else been through this?
My heart is busting for you 😢 this is just stress you do not need right now!
Haven't been through this but have they said what the next plan of action is now?
i thought so just wanted to be 100% sure i can’t watch Facebook because I don’t have one but this is what I gathered from reading. I am going to have a look on YouTube x
I just logged out my account and went on the page and I think you can watch even if you don't have Facebook I've copied the link (it might work it might not haha) xx