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VIP Member
I've asked my partner probably once a week if he'll still love me with all my stretch marks, weight gain and if sex feels different after having the baby and cried on night begging him to not cheat on me (back story, my ex husband cheated on me with my brothers wife - pause for you all to absorb that- and called me fat on a daily basis so I thought that was why)
My beloved partner now says I'm being daft and that he loves me and that doesn't change because of a few stretch marks and changes from being his baby into the world.

Sometimes the men are alright
That’s horrific what a horrible man sorry you’ve had to go through that! Glad you’ve got a good kind man that you deserve now ❤

Off to stare at my nipples in the mirror now! 😂


VIP Member
Mine is awful!! There is nothing we can do about it either as it’s hormonal 😪😪
I had awful skin after I had my son - I found zinc w/copper and burdock root (I haven’t taken this since as I don’t know if it’s pregnancy safe) helped me. I’ve upped my zinc a little and it’s helped settle but I do get a new spot most days. A bit of gentle lactic acid and azeliac acid has helped but it doesn’t stop them coming.

The hormones suck! I read having a girl makes it more prominent (its def worse for me this pregnancy!) but I’m not sure that’s true I think it’s just pregnancy being a bitch 😂


VIP Member
Starting to feel like this raspberry leaf tea was all a sham
Hope all you lovely ladies have some nice plans this weekend
Were going to metro centre for me to walk around a bit (and maybe look in the next sale) and then get some lunch, enjoying our last few days as us 2
Currently waiting on an amazon package to arrive with a book that were going to write a message in for the baby as well
39 weeks today woooooooo

Also sorry if this is a really stupid question, but when should we buy a play gym thing for tummy time? Do people buy them quite quickly?
Raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help during labour rather than before 😊


Chatty Member
They are my 2nd & third babies. I could feel pops at around 16 weeks but only on one twin as the other twin has a placenta at the front. I know it's easier said than done, just take it one day at a time. I know exactly how you feel I don't think the worry ever wears off I'm 25 weeks and even though I can feel them I still sit up sick with worry. Fingers crossed the next few weeks fly by! And don't forget EPU&triage are always at the other end of the phone x
I hope I never have to go back to epu ever again 😂 They said when I left that the only reason they want to see me back is if I'm about to pop and just calling in to say hello 😂
At least I have a vague idea what it might feel like then, I'm not the most observant lol

Thank you for all that reassurance, it's made my evening a wee bit comfier lol


VIP Member
The amazing nurse has put the footy on for me while she does her care plans!

That’s what my mum said! 🤣

Cuboid. They missed it yesterday 😭
I’ve never even heard of the cuboid (just googled it to find where it is). How long will you be in a cast for? Just what a pregnant woman needs 😩


Chatty Member
Which one have you got please can you tell me I am desperate my hayfever is horrendous as well I feel so rough tonight all the worst symptoms. Hayfever running eyes itchy headache spd and restless legs I am a right moaner 🤪 does it purify as well? I have been looking at this one called a Mila but it’s not out yet 😭
I have the Dyson Cool Tower - here’s the link to all the info!


VIP Member
The youngest will never know when you got home, can you not just tell them a bit later?! I’d put my foot down on this (and I’m usually very easy going) - this is the most iportant event in your life, not an 8 year olds.

Re: Dysin fans, I don’t find them worth the money personally as they don’t cool the air. You can get little air con units for the same price.
Well that's what I said but he was all like "I know but I promised him" it's causing so much friction 🙄


VIP Member
I had a pessary with my first as my cervix was no where near ready for the balloon it literally would not go inside, it was fine just had cramps and then real contractions when my waters broke didn't take long for me at all! I'm having a balloon this time as it's more natural than the pessary apparently it just falls out when your cervix is 3cm dialated (that's if they can get it in this time - will be an impaitent though due to other issues)I'm having it done on the 17th so will let you know what it's like 😁 x
I never thought about the fact they might not even get it in 😳 oh yes please keep me updated! Hope it all goes smoothly for you!x


Well-known member
I posted a photo on my FB of one of my cats in the crib. I made a joke about it, seeing as I was still pregnant and it was cute. Boy oh boy, the comments. They were disgusting and hurtful.
People have too much to say nowadays, you’re obviously not going to put your baby in harms way!


Chatty Member
I know! Baby wasn’t planned so I would have been more shrewd with dates and not given myself a summer baby 🙊 (sorry Aug adults! I’m just so worried about her emotional development going into reception at basically 3 😩)
I'm a teacher and have given myself a planned summer born baby! It isn't really something to be too worried about in my opinion!


VIP Member
20 week scan went great apart from aside from nearly peeing myself waiting for it. Both babies are measuring the same size and are confirmed girls. Still blows my mind there are 2 in there ….
One of my placentas is very low lying though so have been told I will have to take it easy from now on. No lifting, no exercise and we were also told no sex 😳.
Glad it went well! Apart from low lying placenta- I’ve that too- I have a 28 week scan on Friday to see what’s going on with it.


Chatty Member
This is how I felt but due next week and now I feel a lot less calmer about the labour! 😆 I think it's good to know what to expect, especially if things don't go to plan, but I guess it's personal preference.

I've been watching some old episodes of One Born Every Minute which I've actually found really helpful. I always imagined a woman in labour to turn up to the hospital screaming in pain and there being a mad rush to deliver the baby but the reality is that doesn't happen very often. The series I've been watching was filmed where I'm giving birth so it's been even more of an eye opener for me!
Yes! I had started watching it last year before my 1st Mmc and but had to stop, dunno if I could hack it again! HOWEVER there was one girl on the first season and I was literally so embarrassed for her, the midwives were even telling her to fuck up 😂
Good indicator of what not to do though lol

I didn’t read a thing in my first pregnancy. One thing my husband and I did to “bond” over the pregnancy was I bought him the first time dads handbook. Each night he would read a chapter and then tell me about it, what he learned and any questioned. Really helped me feel comfortable that he was aware of what was happening.
That is the cutest thing ever! Would be tempted to get it but I feel like in my house it would be a dust collector. That or I'd end up reading it myself and telling him all about it haha


VIP Member
Just wondering if anyone else who works for the NHS has heard if the plan to be non-patient facing from 28/40 has changed in view of ‘freedom day’ on the 19th? Im feeling a bit concerned about the huge number of cases we’re seeing lately…


VIP Member
I’m 20+6 with baby number 4, a boy
Is any second/third and so forth mamas finding this pregnancy more difficult than their others? I’m so drained all the time
Me! I’ve had quite good age gaps, but I have a toddler who will be 2 in a couple of months. The smallest age gap. I have worked with all my previous pregnancies, and I honestly cannot work out how I managed to, when with this one I nap everyday And am in bed by 8 every night 🤦🏼‍♀️
Long haired black cat too, he’s my baby and very well behaved. He is a blanket fiend though, even in passing he will make biscuits then leave.

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My MIL said we will have to get rid of him but obviously not a chance!
Whoa I thought that was my boy! 😂 he's been great with my first kiddo,just avoided her during the baby years apart from the occasional sniff and he'd chill nearby, once she was mobile he'd put up with her coming at him and just leave if it was too much, now she's a lot older she'll fuss him and give him treats, he loves it! Never lashed out once, she is very good with him too. He'll still just leave if he's not comfortable.


Chatty Member
When did everyone have their first scan?

We’re trying to work out how much longer we have to keep this a secret for 😂
NHS scan at 12 weeks 4 days.

Ladies, I've woken up really wanting a McDonald's breakfast but the nearest one to me is a good 20-25 mins away (absurd right?! I don't even live anywhere rural, there's a tube station 5 mins walk from my house!) But anyway, I really cba to move! I genuinely could cry, and most probably will tbh.
I think McDonald’s is free delivery on Ubereats


Chatty Member
Wouldn't wish the nausea and headaches on anyone but it's so weird the relief you feel when you know you're not the only one haha

I'm so so excited for the flutters! Just anything to know they're happy and kicking away in there! I already know they are from their activity on the scans so 🤞🤞 they keep it up!
I think I am yes, I'm booked in for something in 3 weeks anyway so I assume it's another scan! So I'll be 17w for that, one at 20w and then I think every 4 weeks until near D-day. I've been spoiled so far so I'm just not used to the 4 week wait lol

Thank you for the hug, hugs all round for us all! 🥰🥰

Omg the spots! I used to have bad acne when I was younger and my mum ALWAYS said it would clear up like a baby's bum when I got pregnant...
When is this meant to happen mother?!

As fuck insta mums who pretend it's class and worry free after 12 weeks!
I hope it is i've only 5 days to go til I feel glowy and amazing!! :ROFLMAO:


VIP Member
I think they do but it might cost an extra £10 or £20 but Def better than 250. And they'll send you out trial pairs too so you are just guessing what might suit you. So so good!
I’ll check them out thank you! It’s annoying because I’m just under the cut off for complex lens vouchers