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VIP Member
At this stage he shouldn’t be having anything to do with MM.
I worry that he’s still controlling/manipulating him.
And I’d love to know why the friendship with Holly ended.
She did not desperately start trying to distance herself from him because she found out he’d lied about an affair.
There’s something more to it.
Something that would kill her career if she was associated with it.
So - either MM was underage when it started, or this is the tip of the iceberg, and there’s other stuff that he’s still hiding or lying about.
Oh - and his wife is a fool 😡
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I should be sleeping ready for work in the morning, instead I'm laid in bed scrolling this thread and doing this message, how sad is my life hahaha.

I wonder why Matthew has stayed friends with Pip. That's what needs to come out but if they are mates we aren't going to get a tell all from Matthew are we.
Did they really stay mates though. I wouldn't believe Philth if he told me the time.
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Chatty Member
Full interview is up on BBC. First reference is to Caroline Flack. Come on, you arch manipulator. Stop trying to ride on someone else’s coat tails and diminish your guilt. What Caroline allegedly did wasn’t good but it’s a million miles from using your power to groom and have sex with an impressionable teenager.

Amol is cocky so I can take or leave him but the gulf between Phil and a proper journo is stark. Phil comes across as seriously lightweight and inarticulate (particularly over the grooming question). As for the pitying looks into the camera 🤮
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Apart from mentioning Caroline Flack he then accuses the story of being homophobic. Saying if it was a straight couple it wouldn't be as bad or talked about.
Philth really doesn't get it does he. It's not OK for a 50 something man to groom a 15 year old boy OR girl, no one gives a flying fuck that Philth is gay.
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“Have a marriage” shows his wedding ring….erm….aren’t you gay? What an odd comment to make
He’s proud of technically being married at the time this went down? So of lying to / cheating on his wife?

He strikes me as the kind of creep who pretends his being married makes him safer to be around, even though it doesn’t stop him hitting on teenagers.
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He's still controlling and abusing his power with MM by arranging (and paying for) a lawyer for him.

How can this lawyer be independent if PS is paying them? How can this lawyer arrange to sue PS or start a criminal case against him for grooming when he is paying them? 🤔
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This has probably already been said but all that “Do you want me to die?” bullshit. That’s aimed at MM isn’t it, speak out, I’ll kill myself and it’ll be your fault.
He’s a despicable, vile, pathetic excuse of a human. Disgusting.
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What would easily solve this is interview tbe drivers? If no cars collected him then job done, but I think we all know that's bollox & the drivers are not going to say anything due to job security ( I would imagine discretion is a must) Eamon isn't a fool he wouldn't lie as he knows the consequences. Also if pip has a lawyer on retainer why not sure these liars??
It's an obvious move to try & be left alone, I was going to kill myself but I didn't... Attention seeking bollox
Threatening suicide is a common manipulation tactic employed by narcissists, as any book on the subject will confirm.
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Update: Ranvir on Lorraine talking about it too now after being silent all week :mad:
On This Morning .. "It's the top story today and we do not want to shy away from it"
It's been the top story all week and you haven't mentioned it!!! Laughable now
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London Hung Guy

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I'm just seeing the interview now. Ugh. He can't fucking help himself can he. Narcissistic PRICK. The affect ... the fucking affect in his answers, just gross. GROSS. Still, on the plus side at least Piers Moron didn't get the interview, although that BBC bloke is a bit of a knob too.
I'm watching too! He has always believed in 'paying it forward' ..... :sick: this is all 'accusations' .... did you have under age sex with him 'no, god no'

as the statement said it was 'consensual sex, full legal, that was approved by both side'

then 'in my dressing room one day something happened'

'happened 4 or 5 times over the next few months' .. 'maybe 5 or 6'

GOD IT'S Prince Andrew all over again :rolleyes: No-one believes you!

Oh here comes the mental health quotes ......
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Do you know why this poor me act is so hard to swallow. Because nobody in the past few days has had a good word to say about him. Everyone has said he was horrible to work with and for.
Nobody liked him, this shows that his TV persona was so so fake.
He's been acting his whole life, why would anyone believe a word that comes out of his mouth now.
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So if he had an affair with an 18 year old, yeah not the most wise thing to do BUT why have ITV and his agent dropped him like a hot brick? :unsure:
I said this too and the Prince’s Trust. Did you note that the PT may have known something in advance as it was only Holly who attended the PR reception with the King a couple of weeks ago. She left PS presenting This Morning. Surely if he was a close ambassador he would have attended 🤔🤔
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Mr Schofield certainly looked quite uncomfortable in the trailer for the BBC interview. Good, let him squirm. Him and so many others.

I think we all know what the most watched show on Iplayer will be tomorrow.
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He’s doing everything we said he would. Playing the mental health card now. His complete lack of shame is astonishing. The only person who’s mental health I’m concerned about is Matthews not yours Philth you utter shit bag.
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